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教育是弥补残疾人缺陷的最重要的途径。大力发展残疾人高等教育,提升高等教育阶段残疾人入学率,是全面提高残疾人综合素质、促进残疾人就业和改善残疾人生存状况的根本途径。我们应正视残疾人高等教育中存在的问题,采取把握时机、用法律法规作支撑和加大投入等对策,积极推进我国残疾人高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

心理委员制度在全国反响颇大,已从高校扩展到中小学,但心理委员存在一定问题,如工作难开展,认同感较低.本文认为心理委员(心理信息员)的定位不准确是导致这一现象产生的最主要原因,同时心理委员制度作为新生事物,制度仍不完善,心理健康宣传不到位.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,高校大学生心理辅导工作取得了可喜的成绩,但仍然存在着诸多问题。表现为大学生对心理辅导的认识误区仍然存在,高校心理辅导人员需要专业化,高校心理辅导机构设置需要完善,高校心理辅导方法需要多祥化和本土化,高校心理辅导需要商业化等。这些问题的解决需要国家、学校、高校心理辅导人员等各方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

“心理危机干预”可能是许多人自“5·12”地震之后听的比较多的一个心理学词汇。  相似文献   

翟瑞谦  赵正 《成人教育》2012,32(7):68-70
与国外较成熟的心理咨询师培训相比,我国心理咨询师培训课程在内容、形式、实施和评价方面均出现较多问题。结合国外先进经验和我国国情,可以对接受心理咨询师培训的学员素质进行更为严格的控制,建立长期、专业和大众相结合的心理咨询师培训课程评价体系。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务是城市卫生工作的重要组成部分,是实现人人享有初级卫生保健目标的基础环节,是公共卫生体系和医疗服务体系的基础。但目前邢台市社区卫生服务存在宣传不够,投入不足,服务能力不强,社区卫生服务患者资源短缺等问题。因此,为了完善邢台社区卫生服务,应加大宣传力度,提高对社区卫生服务重要意义的认识,加大经费投入和政策保障,提高社区卫生服务水平,进一步落实公共卫生职能。  相似文献   

残疾人高等职业教育:成就、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
残疾人高等职业教育是"普九"后残疾人教育的重要形式和指导方向。与残疾人普通高等教育相比其办学定位、培养目标和模式等方面都存在显著的特殊性,有必要对其进行专门化、系统化的研究。残疾人高等职业教育发展取得一定成就的同时还存在一些问题和困难,为解决这些问题应该完善相关法律法规,加强理论研究,并根据中国国情建立中国特色的残疾人高等职业教育体系。  相似文献   

在大学教育中,如何对大学生心理进行更为有效的管理和教育,使其具有过硬的心理素质,顺利完成大学学业,以适应竞争激烈的知识经济时代对人才的要求,这已成为一个十分重要的课题。本文拟就当前大学生心理管理中存在的问题作简要分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,社会主义市场经济发展迅速,这也在很大程度上促进了我国城市公共交通事业的发展,为人们的生活提供了很大的便利。然而,我国城市公交在服务质量方面还是存在一些问题的。本文在对我国城市公交服务质量现状以及存在问题进行分析的基础上,探讨了提高我国城市公交服务质量的相关对策,并希望能够对国内城市公交事业的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国残疾人口众多,解决残疾人的就业问题是维护社会公平正义,促进社会健康发展的主要内容,然而当前我国残疾人就业形式并不乐观,如果解决好残疾人就业问题是我国社会发展中遇到的重要问题。本文以残疾人就业问题为入口,分析了我国残疾人就业面临的主要问题,并提出解决残疾人就业的对策,为我国残疾人就业指点方向。  相似文献   

从顶岗实习与就业关系入手,说明以就业为导向的顶岗实习是高职教育深化教育教学改革的创新办学模式,这种模式充分利用学校和合作企业的教育资源,凸显实践教学,全面提高高职学生的职业技能,继而提高学生的就业能力。在顶岗实习与就业紧密联系的基础上梳理和分析学生存在的心理问题,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

我国经济发展呈现新常态,随着大规模的产业结构调整,产业模式的转变以及产业创新等因素对劳动力的素质提出了新的要求。农民工在就业的过程中存在很大的盲目性,在就业过程中存在认知偏差、情绪消极、盲目攀比、依赖心理和自卑心理,需要政府、企业、农民工自身三个方面共同努力解决农民工就业心理问题,以适应经济新常态的要求,提高农民工就业质量。  相似文献   

This study examined young people's decision making on issues that affect their lives: bullying in different contexts (e.g., family, peer groups, school) and their involvement in evaluating the availability and effectiveness of support services (e.g., disability, care). Key aims of this study were to offer young people a platform to evaluate existing services and make recommendations towards their improvement, and to discuss ways of tackling bullying at school. Focus groups were formed with 54 young people who had experienced challenges due to bullying, learning difficulties/disabilities, and caring responsibilities for family members with disabling conditions, and discussions about services and decision making on issues that affect their lives were facilitated. The findings point to a sense of agency in young people's lives with regard to evaluating and negotiating services and offering suggestions for their improvement within their family and peers. However, in their view, their decisions regarding bullying exerted limited influence within the school context. These results raised interesting issues about young people's capacity to evaluate services and the contextual influences on their involvement in decision making.  相似文献   

略论我国司法解释的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司法解释对于弥补法律规范本身存在的缺漏 ,保证法律的正确实施 ,具有重要的作用。目前我国法律实践中的司法解释还存在不少问题 ;对法律的实施产生了消极影响 ,只有采取针对性的措施解决这些问题 ,才能提高司法解释的质量 ,保证法律实施的准确和公正  相似文献   

目前,社会正走向经济心理化阶段。它要求营销更注重为消费提供温馨的心理服务,这有利于激发消费新的、高层次的需要。心理服务的内容包括微笑服务、礼仪服务、善解人意的服务、针对性服务及“承认顾客总是对的”等。消费在享受心理服务的过程中将产生满意感、没有不满意、不满意和憎恶等四种典型的心理体验。使顾客没有不满意是心理服务的最低要求,使顾客产生满意感是营销努力追求的最佳工作目标。  相似文献   

The findings of this study tend to confirm the hypothesis that abused children are found to be significantly different from nonabused children in academic achievement, placement in classes for the emotionally disturbed and for the educable mentally retarded. The data also confirm the hypothesis that abused and neglected children are placed in special facilities more frequently than children who have not been adjudged as abused. Further, abused and neglected children were reported to exhibit behaviors indicative of psychological problems. Within each of the dimensions investigated, abused and neglected children were found to have significant problems.In light of the significant differences found in this study, we find substantial support for the projects being supported by the National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect designed to involve the schools in the United States in the battle against children abuse and neglect. Especially important is the project of the Education Commission of the States designed to create an awareness among school systems, professional teacher organizations, and state and local legislative governing bodies of their potential in the battle against child abuse and neglect.In light of the loss of human potential as well as the increased costs involved in providing special classes for the abused and neglected child, allocation of resources to involve schools and school personnel as a part of the multidisciplinary team concerned with child abuse and neglect seems well justified. Additionally, the allocation of fiscal resources for research designed to secure data regarding the sequelae of child abuse is also amply justified.  相似文献   

The federal requirement to develop an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for all infants and toddlers with special needs has a major conceptual difficulty that has, to date, been inadequately addressed in the literature. That problem stems from the linkage of family service to family assessment. Many authorities, attracted to parental “empowerment” theory, advocate that parents should be the authors rather than (or as well as) the objects of assessment, and that professionals and parents should be partners in assessing needs and planning services. When there is disagreement, professionals should defer to parents, who are in the best position to assess their own needs. We question the wisdom of conducting assessments with, or on, families of targeted children. But, if there are to be assessments, we argue that families are better served, and mutual respect better preserved, by a traditional complementary relationship: The professional controls the evaluation process, determines the problems (with the input of the family), and makes recommendations, which parents are then free to reject.  相似文献   

The Japanese higher education sector has seen increases in tuition with stagnant household incomes in a society where family support for university students has been the norm. Student loans from the government have grown rapidly to sustain the gradual increase in university enrolments. These time-based repayment loans (TBRLs) have created financial hardship for increasing numbers of loan recipients and their families. There is some evidence that prospective students from low-income households are forgoing a university education to avoid student loan debt. The Japanese government has introduced some measures including grants and a partial income-contingent loan (ICL) scheme to help alleviate these problems.While the ICL scheme is a positive development, this paper shows that it requires further refinement and broader coverage if it is to adequately address the challenges facing higher education financing in Japan. We show that an affordable and universal ICL system could be introduced in Japan that avoids problems with the current partial income-contingent loan scheme and would help alleviate access issues for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Importantly, the unique features of the Japanese labor market have to be carefully considered, especially the large gender wage gap for married women. By introducing dynamics into modeling graduate earnings and using carefully selected parameters, we show that it is possible to have a universal ICL which achieves a balance between access and affordable repayment with minimal long-run costs to taxpayers.  相似文献   

文化民生建设是我国在新时期开展的文化建设举措,是新时期需要我们积极探索的新课题,也是图书馆提升自身,扩大社会影响,充分发挥公共服务作用的良好机遇。本文就图书馆服务在文化民生建设中的作用进行分析论述,并提出相应的几点建议。  相似文献   

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