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In the winter of 1993/1994, the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) Libraries began a project to test several of the emerging commercial document suppliers. The purpose was to evaluate their responses in terms of speed, efficiency, quality, and cost effectiveness. The testing was done in four science branch libraries at University Park. In each of the branches (Earth & Mineral Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences) requests that were submitted for Interlibrary Loan (ILL) were reviewed. Those that qualified under the pilot project guidelines were sent to commercial suppliers of documents, instead of through the normal ILL work flow. Compiled data indicated that the cost of each item and the time taken to supply items were less than that required for ILL. The pilot project suggests that when integrated into ILL work flows, acquiring items through commercial document delivery suppliers would assist in making the process less costly and more efficient.  相似文献   

物流技术在图书馆的应用前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物流技术作为现代企业中一项比较成熟的管理技术,它具有技术先进、传递速度快、信息透明度高、服务规范等特点。本研究了图书馆引入物流技术管理的可行性和必要性,并具体指出其在图书馆的采编部门、流通部门、参考咨询部门以及数字化图书馆中的发展前景。  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the features and development trends of China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library's (CASHL) internet-based document delivery service, examine the journal usage patterns of CASHL member libraries and determine the time range trends of documents requested by users. Ten years of the CASHL's document delivery service transaction data (about 860,000 items) were extracted, cleaned, integrated, and analysed. Journal use pattern is more decentralised and individualised. Request rates for older papers are continuing to increase. The different types of member libraries have large differences in terms of research requests and use.  相似文献   

通过对Internet上文献传递资源的收集整理,本文归纳了Internet上四种类型的文献传递资源,并详细介绍了其网址及其内容,以方便读者使用。  相似文献   

网络环境下,图书馆应充分有效地开发利用纸质期刊资源,创新传统纸质期刊文献传递服务。文章指出管理和开发利用过刊文献的重要意义,简单介绍了中国科技大学图书馆过刊文献传递服务现状,在此基础上总结经验,提出期刊文献传递创新服务模式,旨在优化馆藏结构,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

文献传递服务,是把用户需要的文献从文献源提供给用户的一种服务。文章对我国两个大型文献中心CASHL与NSTL的文献传递服务,根据华东师范大学图书馆多年的实践经验,从用户体验的角度,从文献传递服务所依托的资源、获取步骤、检索方式、服务承诺等方面人手,进行全方位的比较分析与探讨,并提出相应的发展建议。  相似文献   

馆际互借和文献传递中的知识产权问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了图书馆馆际互借和文献传递中涉及的侵权风险:复制权、网络信息传播权、发表权等方面。在阐述国外关于馆际互借合理使用的立法现状的基础上,讨论利用合理使用制度解决侵权纠纷的可行性,并提出最根本的解决办法是和数据库商进行协商,取得数字资源的利用权。  相似文献   

TPI 4.0在高校图书馆网上原文传递工作中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了传统原文传递工作模式存在的问题,提出了利用TPI4.0系统实现原文传递服务与原文传递专题文献数据库建设相结合的新思路,并介绍了实践过程中的关键环节。  相似文献   

高校文献传递工作在文献资源组织、宣传、服务规范及用户行为规范等方面存在诸多问题。文章在分析这些问题的基础上,提出加强文献信息资源组织、加强宣传、加大优惠力度、规范服务、加强培训等措施,以期有助于提高文献传递工作质量。  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论三流派及在中国的"适用"之争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一 什么是文件生命周期呢?美国档案学者詹姆斯·B·罗兹认为:"是指从文件的产生,经过作为履行组织职能的工具进行活动和工作的阶段,一直到其现实效用的消失,或者当其全部使用目的已经达到时,对其进行销毁,或者因其具有永久保存的价值,而把它们作为档案,赋予新的使命的整个周期."他还把该周期划分为四个阶段:A.文件的形成.B.文件的利用和维护.C.文件的处置.D.档案管理.前三个阶段又同隶属于文件管理阶段,与档案管理阶段并列为两大阶段.(1)中国档案学者陈兆祦先生认为:"文件从其产生到成为档案以至消亡是有一个过程的,这个过程就是文件的运动周期,也可以称它为‘生命'周期."(2)换言之,文件从其形成、使用到(因丧失保存价值而)被销毁,或作为档案永久保存并继续实现其社会价值的完整运动过程,就叫做文件生命周期.这个生命周期应该把文件保存在机关档案室(或文件中心、联合档案室、中间档案馆)和国家档案馆(或其他终极性档案馆)这两个阶段都包括在内.  相似文献   

本文对哈尔滨师范大学图书馆馆际互借与文献传递服务进行统计与分析,从人员、领导、模式、补贴政策和费用五个方面探讨目前馆际互借与文献传递服务发展中普遍存在的问题及应采取的相关策略。并在此基础上,从“了解”、“认可”、“使用”、“再认可”、“再使用”和“使成为必需”六个方面研究分析用户对此项服务认识与实践的发展规律。  相似文献   

General theoretical ideas about the essence of the academic document concept are presented in this paper. It is stated that a document can rightfully be considered as a particular case of information with the essential function of serving as evidence, proof, or as a means of teaching.  相似文献   

集中—分布式文献传递与馆际互借服务管理模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文首先论述了文献传递与馆际互借服务的集中式和分布式两大服务模式及其主要特点;明确地指出并系统介绍了中国科学院文献传递与馆际互借系统集中控制.和服务分散管理服务模式的实践.并通过对中国科学院文献传递与馆际互借服务管理团队建设、管理团队的职责、任务以及联合服务管理体系的建设等实践的分析,提出了集中与分布相结合模式的文献传递与馆际互借服务的联合管理模式.通过中国科学院文献传递与馆际互借服务联合管理的初步经验总结和发展思考,对集中与分布相结合的文献传递与馆际互借服务管理模式作了进一步的探讨.  相似文献   



How can library staff develop and promote a document delivery service and then expand the service to a wide audience?


The setting is the library at the Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD), Indianapolis.


A faculty survey and a citation analysis were conducted to determine potential use of the service. Volume of interlibrary loan transactions and staff and equipment capacity were also studied.

Main results:

IUSD Library staff created a desktop delivery service (DDSXpress) for faculty and then expanded the service to practicing dental professionals and graduate students. The number of faculty using DDSXpress remains consistent. The number of practicing dental professionals using the service is low. Graduate students have been quick to adopt the service.


Through careful analysis of capacity and need for the service, staff successfully expanded document delivery service without incurring additional costs. Use of DDSXpress is continually monitored, and opportunities to market the service to practicing dental professionals are being investigated.  相似文献   

When DOCLINE was implemented in 1985, community hospital librarians were beginning to feel the economic pressures of the changing health care arena. However, staff and resources were often sufficient or plentiful. Now, fifteen years after the creation of DOCLINE, many existing small hospitals either no longer have a librarian, an assistant is managing the library, the librarian is managing one or more libraries of an integrated system, or the number of librarians has been reduced. A system that is heavily staff dependent is no longer feasible. In addition, as the role of the community hospital librarian evolves into one of instructor and patient education liaison, a system that does not permit the librarian to expand such services will be detrimental to the entire library program. Following is a discussion of one small community hospital's decision to outsource document delivery services as a result of staffing changes and the expansion of additional library programs.  相似文献   

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