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残疾人是我国社会弱势群体,根据对我国8300万残疾人康复服务需求的情况研究发现,仅有20%的残疾人康复需求得到满足。文章采取访谈法和问卷调查法等研究方法,通过对新疆吐鲁番地区残疾人康复服务情况进行调研后发现,残疾人的康复需求与提供的康复服务之间存在较大差距。在今后的发展中还需进一步加强残疾人康复服务机构建设、康复人才队伍的培养,促进社会各界的参与支持,加大财政投入力度,进一步促进新疆残疾人康复服务事业更加顺利有效的发展。  相似文献   

<正>2022年的8月25日将是我国的第六个“残疾预防日”。早在2016年8月,习近平总书记就在全国卫生与健康大会上强调“要增强全社会残疾预防意识,重视残疾人健康,努力实现残疾人‘人人享有康复服务’的目标”。为此,中国残疾人联合会提出了《关于设立“全国残疾预防日”的请示》,2017年6月,国务院同意设立“残疾预防日”。前五年的残疾预防日的主题,分别为“推进残疾预防,建设健康中国”“残疾预防,从我做起” “残疾预防,从生命源头做起”“残疾预防,  相似文献   

美国高校残疾人服务历经一百多年的发展,渗透到残疾大学生生活、教育、康复和就业等方面,形成了一个完善的体系。文章选取美国若干所具有一定代表性的大学和社区学院,综合分析其高校残疾人服务,总结出了美国高校残疾人服务具有制度化、个性化、系统化和多样化的特点。文章最后从服务保障、服务理念、服务体系以及服务内容等四个方面提出对我国高校的启示。  相似文献   

基于我国2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据,分析社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站情况对残疾人数量的影响。研究结果表明:社区无障碍设施、康复协调员和康复站的设置对残疾人数量产生了反向影响,这种影响表现为对非永久性残疾的残疾康复和对永久性残疾的残疾预防,这两方面的影响都能够有效地减少残疾人数量,因而应该将社区康复模式加以推广。我国残疾人联合会在各地均设有基层组织,因而应当发挥这一组织结构优势,使残联在社区康复和残疾预防工作的开展中发挥作用。  相似文献   

近现代西方残疾人社会福利保障的价值理念及实践启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
残疾人的社会福利保障建设是一个国家整个社会保障制度中的重要组成部分,也是残疾人得到社会关怀、实现社会发展的重要制度安排。近现代西方国家在推进残疾人的社会福利保障中,不仅以社会公平、公民权利、社会模式的残疾观等进步的价值理念替代了传统的慈善与供养思想,还在实践中不断加以调整和完善,特别是美国、英国和日本三国,在残疾人的医疗康复、劳动就业、特殊教育以及配套措施等方面不断探索,建立了较为完备的残疾人社会福利体系,其经验对我国残疾人社会福利保障事业的发展也会带来一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

美国《残疾人教育法案》:法理、实践及其公平意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据20世纪晚期美国国会通过的《残疾人教育法案》,结合美国特殊教育实践,尤其是特殊教育实践中发生的具体的法律争议和相关措施,评介美国社会追求残疾学生教育公平的实践过程,这一过程包含残疾学生鉴定、残疾学生教育、残疾学生服务和残疾学生治疗。美国残疾人教育公平的理念与实践,有助于启发我们进一步关注残疾人教育,对促进我国特殊教育事业的进步,具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

廖娟 《教育学报》2015,(1):103-114
国内外对非残疾人的教育收益率研究已经全面而深入,但对残疾人教育收益率的研究还非常缺乏。以世界卫生组织的ICF模型为基础,从身体机能与结构损伤、活动受限和社会经济生活参与限制三个方面对残疾进行了新的定义和测量,并利用1989—2011年的中国营养与健康调查(CHNS)数据,使用明瑟工资方程和Heckman两阶段法对残疾人教育收益率进行研究,结果表明:随着时间的推移残疾人教育收益率呈现明显的上升趋势且高于非残疾人;用Heckman两阶段法纠正了样本选择偏差后,残疾人教育收益率有所降低;残疾人的教育收益率并未像非残疾人那样呈现出显著的性别差异。建议政府从扩大人力资本投资和消除劳动力市场进入障碍两方面来促进残疾人就业及其融入社会经济生活。  相似文献   

ICF提倡"生物—心理—社会医学"的整合模式,强调的是将残疾人个体融入到社会之中,追求残疾人功能的全面发展。这种新的理论和应用模式,正是现代聋校教育所倡导的目标,同时也是聋生个体发展的要求。在ICF理论模式的指导下,现代聋校的康复教育将从身体、个体和社会层面出发,以集体康复、个别康复等的方式,对聋生进行知识、心理、语言康复、技能操作等方面的教育和培训,发展聋生的替代性功能,从而使他们适应社会,融入社会。  相似文献   

为在使用康复量表时给康复师提供国际标准化功能残疾和健康分类(ICF)推荐的编码,利用文本相似度实现康复量表的ICF映射.使用ICF以及6个脑卒中康复量表的中文文本数据,采用非监督的文档间文本相似度算法WMD,将康复量表条目映射为ICF类目.以ICF核心分类组合中的脑卒中综合版作为评价标准,分别进行top-1和top-5...  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求的状况,为政府部门建构残疾儿童康复服务支持体系提供参考建议,对133名北京市智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现残疾儿童家长对咨讯支持、经济支持和专业支持需求强烈,对服务支持和精神支持也有较强需求。残疾孩子的母亲对咨讯支持需求显著高于残疾孩子的父亲,40岁以上的被试对精神支持需求显著高于40岁以下的被试,残疾程度为重度(一级)的家庭对精神支持需求显著高于其他残疾程度儿童家庭。研究者认为北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求强烈,相关部门和机构应适时给予残疾儿童及其家庭适当的支持服务。  相似文献   

Despite increasing demand for wellness approaches from disability advocates and consumer groups, they are not implemented routinely in childhood disability services. Interviews were conducted with 23 allied health therapists and managers working within four Australian childhood disability services. They described attempts to embed wellness approaches into their policies and practices. The participants were challenged by professional and pragmatic issues arising from moving towards wellness approaches. The professional challenges concerned changing professional identity and working collaboratively with therapists from different disciplines. In addition, they were challenged by pragmatic issues of balancing quality of care with economic imperatives and the speed of change expected to adopt a new model of care. The findings have implications for the quality and delivery of services and support for children with disabilities and their families, for future research, and for the training of allied health professionals.  相似文献   

通过对辽宁养老机构中养员体育生活方式的研究发现,缺乏专业养老护理和体育健身指导与康复服务是影响养老机构中养员的体质健康、心理健康、生活自理期的延长等问题的重要因素,也是影响养老机构服务质量,制约养老事业健康发展的关键性问题。分析出养老机构是社会体育指导与管理专业和体育康复专业大学生未来就业的新方向。  相似文献   

This study examined whether: (1) the non-academic constructs of psychological well-being, motivation to learn and quality of life (QOL) explained the variance in the academic achievement of students with disability; and (2) students with a mental health disability (MHD) differed from students with other disability on academic achievement and on the aforementioned non-academic constructs. Eighty-three students with disability were administered the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, the World Health Organisation QOL questionnaire, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. Grade-point average was used as the measure of academic achievement. The results showed that measures of social relationships and self-efficacy were significant explanatory variables that could clarify the variance in academic achievement. Secondly, students with MHD differed from students with other disabilities on measures of psychological health, physical health, and social relationships. The findings have consequences for learning services provided to students with disability. It highlights the importance of examining the influence of disability type on student’s cognitive and behavioural dimensions such as their motivation to learn, engagement, persistence and academic attainment.  相似文献   

Project InSights is a community vision education and outreach program designed to utilize trained older adult volunteers to educate their peers about age-related vision loss and the benefits of vision rehabilitation for people who are visually impaired. Volunteers conduct programs that motivate attendees to maintain their vision health and provide information about available services and resources in the community. The overall goal is to prevent unnecessary functional disability among older adults with vision impairment. Peer education is based on the assumption that people are more likely to listen to their contemporaries, and Project InSights uses this approach. A nine-month evaluation of Project InSights was conducted to determine program effectiveness, volunteer and attendee satisfaction, and suggestions for program modification. Data were gathered from two perspectives--program attendees and volunteers--via telephone interviews and evaluation forms completed by program attendees. Program attendees (90 % ) stated that they learned something new that could help them or someone they know who has a vision problem. Volunteers (98 % ) would recommend others to become an InSights volunteer because they are providing an important service. Results indicate that Project InSights was viewed as a valuable community resource by all involved.  相似文献   

目的对岳阳市社区卫生服务的现状进行回顾性的调查和研究,对其护理操作项目的现状进行分析和总结。方法采取问卷调查及询问的形式,对望岳路社区服务中心护理操作项目的现状进行分析。结果在45项社区护理服务项目中社区护士认为已开展的项目有39项,其中,社区健康教育服务方面开展较好,而社区康复服务方面开展较差,还没有开展的护理项目有6项。结论岳阳市社区护理服务项目的开展情况较好,服务范围已涉及社区卫生服务的12个模块任务中的所有内容,但社区护理服务的利用程度不高。  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigates perceived levels of family stress for military families who have a young child with a disability. Two primary areas of study were the sources and levels of stress, and the benefits of resources designed to help families cope. Results of the study indicate an increased level of stress for families when the demands of military life were coupled with the demands of caring for a young child with a disability. Events such as separation from family members, relocation, deployment, and personal safety and health issues emerged as concerns of the military personnel. The importance of coordinating services for these families is discussed.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities have received services in special education programs for many years. Unfortunately, many of these students continue to need services after they exit high schools. Vocational rehabilitation has begun to provide services for young adults with learning disabilities; however, there continues to be a discrepancy between the number of adults with learning disabilities who need vocational rehabilitation services and those who are receiving them. This article describes the definitions and eligibility criteria used by vocational rehabilitation agencies to serve adults with learning disabilities. By understanding the vocational rehabilitation system, teachers, it is hoped, will be better able to access these services for their students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the knowledge and perceptions of vocational rehabilitation (VR) of adults with learning disabilities (LD), as well as control variables which describe adults with LD and may have a bearing on access to VR services. This was accomplished by (1) determining the knowledge adults with LD had of their rights under federal rehabilitation regulations; (2) examining demographic control variables (e.g., sex, age, education level, hometown population, employment history, and income), which may have a bearing on the need for or access to VR services by adults with LD; and (3) examining experiences/perceptions of adults with LD regarding the VR application/eligibility process. A pretested questionnaire appeared in the January 1989 ACLD Newsbriefs. Findings indicate that while there was a group of respondents who were satisfied with the rehabilitation services they had received, there was also a large group of respondents who were either ineligible for rehabilitation services or dissatisfied with services they received. Generally, respondents' knowledge of VR was limited.  相似文献   

运用信息技术为残疾人提供教育、康复等服务是康复工作的重要环 节,它将为残疾人的康复提供一个新的途径。本文阐述了在信息时代,信息 对残疾人康复的重要性,进一步阐明了以信息为基础的康复的主要途径,并 提出了目前存在的问题和对未来期望。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine Internet-based disability services information within the City University of New York (CUNY). The evaluation included exploring the CUNY university system disability services websites for information availability, language and nomenclature presence, ease of access, range of services, types of assistive technologies, and other resources. The study revealed great variability of Internet-based disability services information among the CUNY system, especially between undergraduate and graduate schools. Some institutions provided a variety of in-depth disability services information, while several provided only very basic, minimalistic bits of information. Names regarding the disability services offices also varied significantly throughout CUNY.  相似文献   

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