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澳大利亚合作研究中心博士培养模式强调:根据终端用户的需求,通过政产学研的合作,为企业输送高级应用型人才。历经多年的发展,其培养模式逐渐完善。通过对其博士培养目标、培养路径、专业发展措施、质量保障以及培养成效的总结,发现其培养模式具有政府在博士培养中发挥引领和保障作用,重视相关部门的协同合作,关注博士生职业技能培训,培养为企业工作做好准备的毕业生等特点。该培养模式对我国博士培养具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

博士生教育作为学历教育中最顶端的层次,其培养的质量一直受到社会的广泛关注。博士生培养质量是通过终端的统计指标来体现的,而影响这些指标高低的关键因素贯穿在博士生培养的过程之中,只有回溯博士生的培养过程,才能发现培养高质量博士生的实践逻辑。通过对10位全国优秀博士学位论文获得者的质性访谈,‘再现了高质量博士生的培养全过程,所在学科领域的成熟程度、个人教育背景与研究方向的契合度、师生相处过程中的匹配度三个因素直接影响博士生培养质量,“正视起点、注重过程、因材施教”的培养路径是高质量博士生培养过程中需要共同遵循的实践逻辑。  相似文献   

Socialization of Doctoral Students to Academic Norms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the framework for graduate and professional student socialization developed by Weidman, Twale, and Stein (2001), this study addresses socialization of doctoral students to the academic norms of research and scholarship. Data are presented about the perceptions doctoral students in a social science discipline (sociology) and in educational foundations at a major research university have of the scholarly and collegial climates of their departments. Data on students' social relationships with faculty and peers as well as their reported participation in scholarly activities are also reported. A multivariate analysis provides support for the framework, affirming the importance of social interaction among both students and faculty as well as collegiality among faculty for creating a supportive climate for doctoral study that also has the potential to provide a strong foundation for subsequent academic and/or research careers by stimulating students' research and scholarly productivity.  相似文献   

Faculty in 38 doctoral counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs identified the quantitative and qualitative designs and other research topics that were covered in required and elective course work, discipline of course instructors, and opportunities for doctoral students’ hands‐on research experience. Results indicated a wide range of research training offerings and modest faculty satisfaction.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of literature exploring the benefits and challenges of co-teaching in higher education. However, there has been little focus on co-teaching from a doctoral student perspective. Drawing on our experiences co-teaching at a large, research-intensive university in Canada, this paper discusses the steps taken to co-design, co-facilitate, and co-assess a graduate level course. We recommend that co-teaching be further explored and implemented in higher education, particularly in doctoral programs, as it provides opportunities to expand personal teaching styles, develop diversified curriculum, build confidence, and take greater risks in the classroom—all of which benefit educators and students alike.  相似文献   

以全国博士质量调查结果为基础,借鉴国外师生互动关系研究、导师人际行为模型的思想,利用西安高校博士生调查数据,分析了博士生怎样看待导师对其的指导,并从学生的视角分析了体验到的不同师生互动关系对其科研创新能力的影响。结果显示:导师与博士生互动关系处于"高度合作+一定程度强势指导"和"高度合作+一定程度尊重学生观点和意见"时,更有利于博士生科研能力、创新能力的培养,有利于推进博士生的科研和学位论文进展。  相似文献   

我国博士生教育的生师比调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博士生教育的生师比是影响博士培养质量的重要因素。通过对五所研究型大学调查发现,我国博士生教育的生师比存在过高与过低并存、"两头偏大",以及生师比偏高使部分博士生接受导师指导频率偏低等问题。  相似文献   

以M大学为个案,对工科直博生的培养现状进行调查,分析目前工科直博生培养体系存在的主要问题,提出要基于创新人才的培养理念,建立以科研实践为主线的工科直博生创新能力培养体系,具体措施包括:注重选拔具有科研潜质的学生并提前培养,构建以科研学习为中心的课程体系,开展学科间交叉和渗透的科研实践,推行跨学科的导师组指导模式,强化德育教育、营造创新氛围等。  相似文献   

近30年来,美国博士生教育经常被视为"金标准",成为世界各国仿效的对象,人们把它的成功归因于对博士生的科研训练。美国博士生的科研训练以研讨班为主,通过实验室轮转实现博士生、导师、学术兴趣的互动,以科研项目研究为训练平台,积极开展学术交流与合作。相应地,我国的博士生教育应当充分发挥研讨班在博士生培养过程中的作用,积极为博士生提供科研实践机会,鼓励和资助博士生参加学术交流。  相似文献   

为了配合教学改革的实际需要,更好的确定外语专业人才培养目标,特对外语系在校学生进行问卷调查。了解学生的需求,发现目前教学中存在的问题是本次调查的主要目的,并根据调查结果分析,实现对学生的正确引导。真正做到教与学、管理与被管理中的互动。  相似文献   

博士生教育作为人才培养的最高层次,是获取科技创新人才的重要来源。因此,博士生教育与创新人才的培养具有高度密切的关系。本研究首先探讨博士生创新能力培养的意义,然后分析国内现有博士生培养环节存在的问题,最后针对这些问题,提出一种依托国际合作的博士生创新能力培养模式。  相似文献   

We used content analysis to analyze 42 counseling doctoral students' reports of supports and barriers influencing their researcher development across 3 years. In line with social cognitive career theory, the students named cognitive-person, environmental, and social-context influences. Analyses indicated no differences in frequencies of supports and barriers across time but significant differences by cohort.  相似文献   

工学博士培养模式是影响工学博士培养质量的重要因素。工学博士培养模式经历了由学术型人才培养为主向多主体参与的应用型人才培养的动态变迁过程。从历史制度主义视角分析,宏观教育管理、经济和科技等体制变革从制度环境层面影响工学博士培养模式变迁;工学博士培养模式变迁中存在两个关键节点,分别形成了学术型和应用型两种人才培养模式。但由于理念先在性、体制锁定和自我强化机制等因素影响使应用型人才培养模式实现受阻。基于此,工学博士培养模式的未来改革应从优化外部体制环境,突破理念桎梏、探索建立工学博士分类培养体系及建立分类学位授予标准体系等方面入手,同时要完善相关配套保障体系。  相似文献   

This article investigates how doctoral students perceive their research education in different disciplines in two higher education systems, the UK and France. It explores what underlies the diversity of doctoral students' experiences. Three theoretical positions are identified: the epistemological position, conceptualisation of research objects and organisational structures of research training. A questionnaire on the experiences of research training was distributed to doctoral students in Economics & Management (representative of social sciences) and Chemistry (representative of natural sciences) in France and was compared to a survey carried out earlier in Education (representative of social sciences) and Chemistry (representative of natural sciences) in the UK. Strikingly, similar disciplinary patterns were found in the doctoral research experiences in the two countries. The findings were used to review the three theoretical positions on the experiences of doctoral studies.  相似文献   

博士生的生源质量决定其未来培养的潜力与后劲,是提高博士生培养质量的前提保障。如何创新研究生招考机制,突出拔尖创新人才选拔,提高博士生生源质量成为摆在研究型大学面前的重要课题。文章论述了研究型大学博士生创新人才选拔机制改革的必要性与可行性,介绍了上海交通大学在博士生选拔机制上的实践与探索,最后提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

近三十年来,我国博士生培养走过了一条快速扩张的发展道路。在满足社会对高层次人才迫切需要的同时,其规模与质量之间的矛盾已日益凸显。在生源质量短期内难以有效改善,导师素质短期内难以有效提高,而整个社会学风浮躁、功利趋向难以迅速扭转的现实约束下,要尽快提高博士研究生的培养质量,着力点应该是加强博士生培养过程与关键环节的控制。  相似文献   

自主学习应成为高校学生的一种主要的学习方式。信息技术对高校学生自主学习的支持作用主要体现在自主学习环境的创设上。教师应进行精心的信息化学习设计,以引导自主学习活动的顺利展开。  相似文献   

We explored the mothering experiences of 11 counselor education doctoral student mothers who have at least one young child under the age of 5. Six themes emerged from the study, including ambivalence, increased use of coping mechanisms, striving for balance, “superwoman syndrome,” indistinguishable roles, and leading by example.  相似文献   

教师的教育科研素质是实现由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转变的先决条件。加强对师范生的教育科研素质的培养,具有教育可持续发展的战略意义。师范院校应采取切实可行的措施,着手培养师范生的教育科研素质。  相似文献   

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