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韦庆远先生《正德风云——荡子皇帝朱厚照别传》一书,以历史研究为基础,通过文学小说的合理加工和变化多端的故事情节,充分描绘了以正德皇帝为中心的大明王朝各类人物形象。这部小说和王曾瑜先生的“宋代历史纪实小说”一样,代表了当代学术研究模式的一种新变化——历史研究向历史小说、历史普及转化。  相似文献   

The last chapter of Vygotsky’s last book, Thinking and Speech, is a compressed argument about the construction of consciousness through the internalisation of language. This article comments on Vygotsky’s analysis of the ‘voyage into the interior’ undertaken by oral speech as it is internalised and abbreviated into ‘inner speech’, and then further concentrated as non-verbal thought. The article focuses on the part that literature and especially poetry play in Vygotsky’s argument in this chapter, and suggests that in exploring the condensed semantics of inner speech Vygotsky is implicitly describing how poets turn private thoughts into ‘symbols for others’. It concludes with a commentary on Vygotsky’s use of Mandelshtam’s poem ‘The Swallow’, from which he draws his epigraph.  相似文献   


This is a review essay of Joseph North’s Literary Criticism: A Concise Political History. I interrogate many of North’s claims, most notably his argument about the way a shift from literary criticism to literary scholarship has blunted the capacity of people working in literary studies to engage in a socially critical praxis. I use his book as an occasion to explore the relationship between literary studies (as ‘knowledge’) and the meaning-making that occurs within English classrooms when students engage with the texts chosen for study. I argue that North’s failure to make connections between English teaching and the literary critical projects of people like I.A. Richards, F.R. Leavis and Raymond Williams ultimately limits the reach of his book. For each of these critics, literary criticism was deeply embedded in an educational project that extended far beyond the confines of the academy, and their literary criticism might usefully be reread in these terms.  相似文献   

《文人结社与明代文学的演进》是何宗美先生近期的一部颇具影响的学术巨著。全书共108万字,获2010年国家社科基金项目优秀成果奖。该书视野宏阔、构架精当、论证审慎、材料厚博,为近一段时间以来不可多得的学术典范之作。  相似文献   

黄振南先生的《中法战争诸役考》在对诸多史料进行充分研究的基础上 ,对中法战争中似乎已成定论的“基隆大捷”提出大胆质疑 ,对法军在淡水的伤亡人数进行认真考证 ,并对刘铭传从基隆撤军的功过是非作了重新评价。这些观点证据确凿、见解独到 ,是刘铭传抗法斗争研究的新突破  相似文献   


In 2014, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century rocked the economic and political world, with its argument that inequality is destined to increase; in the field of education, however, this book has been almost entirely ignored. I argue that Piketty’s treatise is relevant to educational theories for three reasons: his rejection of meritocracy contributes to theories of social mobility; his critique of human capital theory provides fodder for debates about educational purpose; and his interdisciplinary analysis supports the political economy tradition in education. However, I also argue that it is necessary to move beyond the economic determinism in Piketty’s arguments, to explore the transformative potential of education as a consciousness-raising process, the agency of communities, the production process, and alternative solutions to inequality. I argue that education scholars should use the renewed interest in inequality generated by Piketty’s book to shift the dominant discourses about education, schools, and social justice.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a recently published book, Educating Against Extremism (Davies, Educating Against Extremism, 2008), which explores the potential role of schools in averting the more negative and violent forms of extremism in a country. It examines the nature of extremism; identity formation and radicalisation; religious belief, faith schools and the myth of equal value; justice, revenge and honour; and free speech, humour and satire. The paper argues that religious fundamentalism, as well as state terrorism, needs to be addressed in schools. The argument in the book is for a greater politicisation of young people through the forging of critical (dis)respect and the use of a secular basis of human rights. Specific forms of citizenship education are needed, which provide skills to analyse the media and political or religious messages, but also enable critical idealism to be fostered.  相似文献   

《海虞二冯研究》是学术界第一部对明末清初常熟二冯进行综合研究的专著。它深入考察了二冯的生平、交游、诗文创作、诗文批评及其著述流传等方方面面的情况。此书理论色彩较浓,资料扎实可信,其研究方法带有鲜明的个性色彩。它的出版对二冯研究本身乃至虞山诗派的整体研究有一定的推进作用。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了《中国当代传记文学概观》的三个特点,即结构新颖,建构了一套新的理论体系;内容全面,富有理论创新;论述有力,深蕴哲学的辩证性,并指出这是当代一部填补空白的重要传记文学理论著述。  相似文献   

梁景和先生新著《中国近代史基本线索的论辩》一书,史料丰富,结构严谨,叙述清晰,第一次廓清了20世纪后半期中国近代史基本线索论辩的体系与脉络。书中的整体分析与个案点评以及研究思路的建议,具有重要的启发性与创新性,也显示出作者治史的公正立场、敏锐眼光与卓越见识。虽在近代史基本线索的“现代化”论等问题上似着力不足,但瑕不掩瑜,该书仍是继续探讨中国近代史基本线索及其论辩不可回避的重要学术著作。  相似文献   

网络"晒书"的出现,使得汉语词汇中有了两个"晒书",二者虽然同音同形同构,但在来源、语义抽象程度、论元角色、语用目的、语用条件、所处语义场及所蕴含的社会文化心理等方面却存在着较大差异。考察新老"晒书"的关联与差异,既能为汉语词汇中同形同音词语增多现象提供了一些合理解释,验证词汇"承中有变"的发展规律,也揭示出了汉语新词语"族群化"孳生演变的社会文化心理原因。  相似文献   

笔者《春秋考论》一书提出“孔子所作《春秋》,非《春秋经》,而是《左传》蓝本,即左丘明编纂《左氏传》时所依据的“孔子史记”。有人却将笔者的观点称为“前人的陈词滥调”,并彻底否定孔子作《春秋》的论点,本文略作申辩。  相似文献   

对《金瓶梅》的五种主旨说笔者不敢苟同,特提出主旨新说:《金瓶梅》表现的是“理”和“欲”的对峙与两难。《金瓶梅》虽然在叙述层面表现出以“理”制“欲”的倾向,而在内的思想层面却是扬“欲”抗“理”,并形成“理”和“欲”的坚韧对峙,这体现了作者思想深处无法调和的矛盾。  相似文献   


This article deconstructs some of the underlying assumptions that inform projects in Paynter and Aston’s 1970 book, Sound and Silence. Foucauldian and Deleuzian technologies of power and technologies of desire are used to frame an argument that Paynter and Aston’s projects play into the fabrication of sonorous bodies and sonic selves but also provide potentialities for the creativity of the subject. Sound and silence as material-in-flux is analysed through notions of temporality and affect to argue for a context of hope in acoustic topographies and auditory histories of schooling.  相似文献   

Using three constructs taken from Latour's 2005 book, Reassembling the Social, we consider our work in 2 contexts that were part of a project to support science teachers working with English learners: an 8th-grade physical science class in a summer science enrichment academy, and a 6th-grade Earth science class in a public middle school. We utilize Latour's constructs of (a) group formation, (b) mediators and intermediaries, and (c) traces of intentionality to interpret the interactions that occur in these spaces. We analyze these interactions to make a broader argument about the limitations of improvement science perspectives that are increasingly influential in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education research in the U.S. context.  相似文献   

中国正处于现代化时期,本将中国的现代性置于全球化语境加以考察,提出了自己的看法。现代性是一个非常重要的课题,现代性总是以西方的现代性为参照,中国如何实现现代化?是否可以选择自己的现代性?詹姆逊的新作《单一的现代性》从后现代的角度对现代性进行了理论阐述,本对中国的现代性的阐述体现了该书的某些特点。  相似文献   

“浊世剩儒真”——岭南大儒简朝亮笃实沉潜、经明行修、著述等身,是清末民初著名的经学家、教育家。对其入、其著、其术的研究,有利于我们深入探讨传统学术在中西、新旧彼此交织的中国近代文化递嬗中所面临的尴尬局面和艰难处境。张纹华的《简朝亮研究》在前人研究成果基础上,又提出了自己新的见解与研究角度。作为首本系统探讨简氏生平与学术思想的专著.它对学界深入研究简朝亮、朱次琦、“九江学术”甚至清末民初的岭南学术都有重要的启引作用。然而美中不足的是。该书中存在很多失误,对其发挥更大的学术价值颇有影响。  相似文献   

This essay makes the case that Barbara Park’s picture book MA! There’s Nothing to Do Here!: A Word from Your Baby-in-Waiting (2008) adds another equal-parts absurdist and alarming item to the ever-growing responsibilities of expecting mothers: ensuring that their fetus is entertained. The messages that Park’s narrative sends about fetal needs, however, have implications that extend beyond individual mothers; they also encompass larger societal issues concerning the origins of human life, the embryonic capacity for discomfort, and the existence of “fetal children.” Given the way in which MA! There’s Nothing to Do Here! ascribes thoughts and emotions to an unborn baby, the narrative engages with current highly-politicized questions about the rights of the unborn and the debate over personhood. The fetus in Park’s text may be ostensibly complaining about being bored in the womb, but he is making a far more powerful, if tacit, argument for life beginning before birth.  相似文献   

马勒伯朗士是17世纪西方著名的哲学家.他的著作《有关神的存在与性质的对话》研究了中西方哲学的矛盾与冲突,并对中国哲学与斯宾诺莎主义进行了批判.从介绍马勒伯朗士的生平与哲学思想入手,解析他在《有关神的存在与性质的对话》一书中体现出的对“中国哲学家”的认识、关于神的存在与性质的论证及其认识论思想.  相似文献   

丁晓原的报告文学理论专著《文化生态视镜中的中国报告文学》。理论体系缜密、完整,史料坚实,资料丰富,论述精准深刻。该书构建了全新的、独立的报善文学理论体系。  相似文献   

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