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一切景语皆情语,无论什么样的诗词,都饱含作者的感情,可以说,感情和诗词是不可分割的整体。王国维《人间词话》中的无我之境所体现的情感美与有我之境的诗所体现的情感美又有所不同,是独特的一种美。它不仅承载了中国传统文化中天人感应的境界美,同时,又体现了作者情感中不落于俗,超然于物的高超美。  相似文献   

古诗词是我国传统文化的精髓。学生在古诗词学习中,不仅能感受到传统文化的魅力,更能提升综合素养。教学中,教师通过教学创新和多样化设计,引领学生去感受古诗词的文字美、意境美、情感美,就能够提高学生的鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

柳宗元的<永州八记>突破了前人对景物客观摹写的传统旧习,倾注了自己强烈的主观情感,体现出意境美、人格美,将山水游记的创作推向了一个新的高峰.  相似文献   

创造环境感觉美,激发情感欣赏美,声情并茂抒发美,积极参与创造美。教师应利用一切教学手段使学生获取音乐中的美感和个人情感的体验。通过对音乐真善美的追求与认识,教育他们热爱生活、热爱大自然、热爱祖国。  相似文献   

语文课堂应该注重音乐美、图画美、情感美和精神美。要做到这一点,应注意以下四点:一.反复品读,体会音乐美;二.发挥想象,感受图画美;三.理解内容,体验情感美;四.玩味升华,感受精神美。  相似文献   

课堂别具匠心的建构,更能助推课堂的生成,更能内化学生的情感.不同的教学内容,课堂建构也不尽相同,让学生徜徉在语文课堂摇曳多姿、充满智性之美的花海中,便可尽情感受语文的魅力.本文以《传统文化与文化传统》的课堂教学为例,来谈谈语文课堂的智性之美.  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初是西方思想家解构传统美学和建构新美学二者并举的重要时代.桑塔耶纳解构经典美学的“非功利性”和“普遍性”;建构“对象化”思维范式.桑塔耶纳认为美是情感的对象化.桑塔耶纳的“情感对象化”不是以外在客体对象表现主体内心情感,而是情感和感觉印象一起构建对象性事物.  相似文献   

爱美之心人皆有之,教师要在数学教学中以美为契机,把教学结构的外在美与知识结构的内在美有机联系.使学生在美的环境下接受数学中美的知识.让学生亲自体验美的存在,从而激发学生的学习情感,使学习数学成为一种有趣的活动.并增强学生在日常生活中的审美观点.  相似文献   

在素描教学中,引导学生在画面中表现其独有的情感美,引导学生将美的情感可以升华为美德,给人以深沉的美感,培育他们的思想品质,加强道德修养,提高审美能力,以形成健康、高尚的情感美.  相似文献   

《白苍鹭》是美国乡土文学作家萨拉.奥恩.朱厄特的短篇小说代表作,本文从其美学意境的角度出发,分析文中所展现的情感美与形象美,探讨人类对真、善、美的永恒追求。  相似文献   

As teachers make daily decisions regarding how to address behaviors in their classrooms, they are walking a fine line of behavior management. In order to be successful in modifying student behaviors, teachers need to analyze the purpose of their strategies and predict the outcome of their actions. This article reports the results of a survey given to secondary teachers working with students with disabilities. Participants were asked to identify the frequency with which they intervened with certain problematic behaviors, which strategies they used, and to what extent they found these strategies useful for modifying student behavior. The implications of their responses are discussed in relation to how they make decisions about improving students' behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

北朝诗歌有自己的源流和生成系统。北朝诗人在传统诗观的导引下,经过长期的创作实践,已确立了自己地域的诗歌创作观念和文学思想,对南北不同地域诗歌风气之差异具有明确的认识。他们站在自己的立场客观地认知南诗,对南诗在技术上的优势比较认同,而对南诗绮丽、细腻的风格并不认同。这样,他们虽学南诗,但仍保留了自己固有的发展道路和品格。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine which study habits distinguish successful from unsuccessful foreign language learners. Participants were 219 college students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, enrolled in either Spanish, French, German or Japanese classes. A canonical discriminant analysis (F [6, 117], p < 0.0001; canonical R = 0.92) revealed that, compared to their high-performing counterparts, students with the lowest levels of foreign language performance tended to report that: (a) they frequently include a lot of irrelevant or unimportant information in their notes; (b) when they have difficulty with their assignments, they do not seek help from their instructor; (c) they put their lecture notes away after taking the test and never consult them again; (d) they have to be in the mood before attempting to study; (e) they have a tendency to doodle or to daydream when they are trying to study; and (f) they do not look up in a dictionary the meanings of words that they do not understand. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the analytical educational experiences of 25 deaf adults are explored in relation to their identity. The qualitative analysis indicated that the most critical educational experiences for the participants' identity concerned their interactions with hearing or deaf peers and their language of communication with their peers at school. The participants with a hearing identity attended general schools, where they interacted with hearing peers in Greek, whereas the participants with a Deaf identity attended schools for the deaf, where they interacted with deaf peers in Greek Sign Language. The participants with a bicultural identity attended general schools, where they interacted with hearing peers in Greek, but they also had the chance to meet Deaf role models outside school, which played a critical role in the development of their identity.  相似文献   

This article analyses the university experiences of 44 students with disabilities. The voices of Spanish students describe the reasons that lead them to choose a given university degree, their transition in the university, the perception they have of themselves as students and how they evaluate their academic results. This study was done with the biographical-narrative methodology using several different data collection techniques, such as narrative interviews, lifelines and photographs. Data analysis was based on an inductive coding system. The results of this study have enabled us to conclude that most of the students chose their degree course because they had a vocation for it, although their disability also influenced their decision. Some students had such a hard time during their first year that they had to change their course of studies. They thought they had to make a stronger effort than the rest of their fellow students, defined themselves as fighters and survivors, and valued this willpower as their main personal asset, above the outcome achieved.  相似文献   

Jillian and Mia, African-American preservice teachers, experienced culture shock when they student taught in an inner-city school. This was revealed by a qualitative analysis of 4 interviews, 12 written reflections, and 7 transcribed group discussions. Their self-efficacy grew stronger as they interacted with mentoring teachers and students and learned to cope with doubts about their abilities. As they worked through their conflicts, they changed the way they thought about teaching in the inner city and improved their personal and practical knowledge.  相似文献   

This comparative small‐scale (Swedish and Polish sample) longitudinal qualitative study investigates political science students' conceptions of their studies, their future profession and their workplace learning. The students (10 in Sweden and 11 in Poland) were interviewed twice, first when they were at the end of their studies and a second time when they had worked for approximately one year. The questions asked were designed to try to understand the transition from higher education to work life. The results indicate that they bring with them a set of academic generic skills from their education when they enter working life. Furthermore, the students in the two countries have very different perceptions of the subject Political Science, and the expectations they have regarding their studies and future working life also differ considerably.  相似文献   

Through a narrative informed study, using concept drawing, ten newly appointed primary school Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) drawn from across three Local Authority areas at the start of their compulsory training, reflect upon and share their experiences at this early point in their SENCO career. Their experiences reveal that they like being SENCOs due to the support they provide for their pupils and professional colleagues together with the positive differences they perceive they make in terms of improved outcomes for children with special educational needs (expressed as their ‘Psychological Contract’). However, this is set against a climate which impacts negatively on their ability to meet the requirements of current legislation and statutory guidance (expressed as their Legal Contract). This climate is created through the Contextual Variety which exists between schools as they have their own culture/ethos which can result, as reported in this study, by SENCOs facing an excessive (and increasing) administrative workload, a general lack of resources, limited protected time, limited understanding about the role and special educational needs in general held by their colleagues and limited opportunities to develop as school leaders.  相似文献   

This small‐scale study explores a group of English parents' perceptions of their relationships with their child's nursery school and, after the transition to Reception class, their primary school. It references current research and literature on the issues of transition and the role of parents in their children's education. Findings from semi‐structured interviews with parents, and with the children's key workers, were analysed for emergent themes. Parents felt very positively about their relationship with their child's nursery, and that they were fully involved in, and informed about, their child's learning. However, the transition to school heralded a change in their relationships. Most parents felt that they had a more distant and less reciprocal relationship with their child's teacher than they had had with their key worker at nursery. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

This study appraises the particular challenges that minor asylum-seeking migrants who are in the 16–18 age category confront when pursuing their studies in a vocational college in Malta, a central Mediterranean island which is the smallest EU member state. The study explores how they exercise resilience in their desire to forge a future for themselves and traces their passage from Africa to Malta and their prospective aspirations to eventually settle elsewhere. It also explores how they integrate their lives as college students with these aspirations and how they see this as contributing to their lifelong education and ongoing processes of personal growth.  相似文献   

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