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近几年来,世界的经济形势发生了重大的变化,经济全球化愈演愈烈,高科技不断创新,各企业间的竞争已经不单纯的只局限在技术层面,更重要的是要科学管理,公司工作的流程,已经越来越受到各大企业的重视,各企业在它身上花费了大量的精力和财力进行研究,力争做好科学管理,并且随着这个过程的不断深入,已经形成了一门专门的学科-企业工作流程,国内各大高校、科研院所、专业的企业管理研究公司等都在深入的对它进行研究和探讨。在这种背景下,强大的数据库系统的设计这个工作必须要做好,以适应形势的发展。数据库管理系统是一个静态对象,如何将它应用到实际的生产中的是非常重要的,目前,普遍都是从用于建模的实体关系图中导出的。本文将围绕这些问题进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that socially critical work has, thus far, articulated a theoretical base for curriculum development and theorizing that is too narrow. First, a brief, selective overview of the history of socially critical work in physical education provides an outline of its achievements. Second, in addition to an ethic of justice and emancipation, which currently serves as the underlying moral basis for much socially critical theorizing, this paper proposes that an ethic of care and responsibility be included and given equal weight. In addition, socially critical work must pay more attention to how children learn, develop, and experience physical education. Finally, three programs are described to stimulate thinking about theory. These programs illustrate and provide precedents for aspects of the broader agenda proposed here.  相似文献   

在英国政府的教育新政指导下,高等教育研究部门、博士研究生本人、学校和管理团队作为一个整体结构,共同为博士研究生的职业生涯负责,着重培养博士研究生的学力能力,并将这种能力与雇主所需要的可转移技能和可雇佣性紧密地结合在一起.本文系统阐述了英国博士研究生培养模式的最新变化及特点,旨在对我国的博士人才开发与培养予以某些启示,从而激发更多学者和社会各界对这一问题的深度思考和关注.  相似文献   

Inclusion does not yet exist in Flanders, and the realisation of its idea is advancing with difficulty. Three years ago a new curriculum for educational sciences was set up at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, aimed at forming experts in inclusive education at university level. It is expected that students, having undergone this kind of training, will have an open mind and a positive attitude towards inclusive education. Attitudes and beliefs concerning inclusive education play an important part in its implementation. This study intends to assess the attitude of VUB students to inclusion and inclusive education. First-year students (150) were asked to fill in a questionnaire. They all took two introductory courses on inclusive education. The questionnaire appears useful, but needs fine tuning. The belief that attitudes towards inclusion consist of three separate dimensions, as shown by previous research, can no longer be upheld. Students do not really opt for inclusion. They do not oppose inclusion and inclusive education, but they do not advocate it either. This study suggests that inclusive education in Flanders faces an insecure future.  相似文献   

科学发展观下高校学生思想政治教育刍议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贯彻科学发展观,高校学生思想政治教育必须树立以人为本的工作理念;加强学生的基础文明教育、心理健康教育及职业发展导向教育;运用制度化、信息化、开放化的方式和手段,拓展新形势下大学生思想政治教育的新途径。  相似文献   

新时期高职教育科学发展的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育在经历较长时间的规模扩张之后,初步形成了自己的发展体系。要实现稳定、持续和科学发展,必须以科学的发展观为指导,把发展的着力点转到优化环境和提升内涵上来。本文根据高职教育发展的质态和规律,对新时期高职教育的科学发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

编辑人员要强化编辑的政治意识,加强职业道德教育和纪律教育,制定有效、科学的管理制度,以便合理运用情感对编辑工作的影响,生产出健康而高质量的出版物。  相似文献   

远程开放教育要在教育大系统中取得立足之地,必须准确把握质量观,制订更具科学性、针对性和操作性的质量保证措施,这样才能融入多样化的高等教育系统之中.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育的重要学习方式之一是协作学习.协作学习理论主要建立在人本主义学习理论和建构主义学习理论基础之上.远程开放教育下协作学习有其自身的特点,创设出一个好的协作学习情境需要系统分析影响协作学习质量的各种因素.创设协作学习情境时需要从宏观和微观两方面综合考虑.  相似文献   

在开放教育中全面推进素质教育--江苏电大的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放教育是基于网络环境和开放条件的一种新型教育模式.在开放教育中全面推进素质教育,是一种必然趋势.开放教育中的素质教育,有其自身的特点和规律,要以创新的理念和思维,积极探索新的工作思路:以人的全面发展为指导思想,以教学改革为主要依托,以网络环境为基本载体,以校园文化为重要手段,以实践教育为有机环节,以自我教育为内在动力,以有效机制为制度保障,第一课堂与第二课堂互补,网络教育与常规教育并举,学校教育与社会教育共进,全面提升开放学员综合素质,为构建终身教育体系和学习型社会作出积极的贡献.  相似文献   

Agnotology has been defined in a variety of ways including “the study of ignorance and its cultural production” and “the study of how and why ignorance or misunderstanding exists.” More recently, however, it has been posited that agnotology should be used in the teaching of climate change science. But rather than use agnotology to enhance an understanding of the complicated nature of the complex Earth’s climate, the particular aim is to dispel alternative viewpoints to the so-called consensus science. One-sided presentations of controversial topics have little place in the classroom as they serve only to stifle debate and do not further knowledge and enhance critical thinking. Students must understand not just what is known and why it is known to be true but also what remains unknown and where the limitations on scientific understanding lie. Fact recitation coupled with demonizing any position or person who disagrees with a singularly-derived conclusion has no place in education. Instead, all sides must be covered in highly debatable and important topics such as climate change, because authoritarian science never will have all the answers to such complex problems.  相似文献   

A common feature of contemporary science education curricula is the expectation that as well as learning science content, students will learn something about science—its nature, its history, how it differs from non-scientific endeavours, and its interactions with culture and society. These curricular pronouncements provide an ‘open cheque’ for the inclusion of history and philosophy of science in science teacher education programmes, and for their utilisation in classrooms. Unfortunately this open cheque is too often not cashed. This paper will discuss an important aspect of the contribution of science to culture, namely its role in the development of worldviews in society. A case study of the adjustments to a central Roman Catholic doctrine occasioned by the metaphysics of Atomism which was embraced at the Scientific Revolution will be presented. Options for the reconciliation of seemingly conflicting scientific and religious worldviews are laid out, and it is claimed that as far as liberal education is concerned, the important thing is to have students first recognise what are the options, and then carefully examine them to come to their own conclusions about reconciliation or otherwise.  相似文献   

开放大学建设已经不再是狭义的教育发展任务或高等教育结构的调整,而是广义的社会发展范畴,或者说是改善民生、促进人本发展的社会工程,这就决定了开放大学的建设必然是政府的责任,必须依靠政府的责任履行和有效作为。开放大学应按照“大学+平台+体系”的总体构架,鉴于广播电视大学的以系统办学模式取得过巨大的成功,开放大学的建设需要依托广播电视大学。但开放大学体系建设只应当对广播电视大学的系统进行借鉴,而不能直接“翻牌”。拥有办学自主权,包括本科颁证权和学位授予权是区域性开放大学的集体诉求,如果区域性开放大学没有办学自主权,那就失去了追求教育开放性和实现终身教育理念的可能。  相似文献   

高校辅导员队伍建设要把握提升思政教育的科学化水平,应对思政教育发展新形势;辅导员职能可定位为:系统性教育、规范化管理、个性化服务、综合性协调;要制定队伍建设的整体规划,构建工作体系、优化队伍结构;建设的基本路径为:致力于辅导员队伍的专业化提升、职业化发展和科学化评价  相似文献   

关于开发外来务工人员开放教育市场的调研报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国在农民工继续教育上有着根本的利益,农民工聚居社区的政府、企业、农民工,甚至学校,他们在农民工教育方面也都有着共同利益.外来务工人员是一个非常好学的群体,在很大程度上是愿意为自己的继续教育买单的,平均每人年继续教育开支的意愿达700元.必须把教育基础设施建到农民工的身旁,在每个拥有1~1.5万元左右农民工的聚居区建立一个学习中心,一辆短程的公共汽车就能把一个学习中心和周围的学习中心联结起来,形成一个社区/开放大学.农民工需要职业技术培训和学历文凭相结合的教育项目,成人补习教育、娱乐休闲教育等需要创造性地运用网络和面对面授课相结合.我们需要一个真正的开放大学:即是没有门槛;教育超市;开放教育市场.我们建议“政府自上而下推动“ “有创意的红娘“ “社区利益相关者共建“的模式.中央政府和工业区密集的地方政府可以分别设立“工业区社区大学专项资金“,鼓励“有创意的红娘“来申请“赠款“,举办工业区的社区大学.工业区建立之前就存在的成人学校挂上一块社区大学的牌子来面对今天农民工这批新产业工人的多样性教育需求,弄得不好就是“刻舟求剑“、“削足适履“.因此,鼓励大学教育家举办社区大学,这不是传统意义上的国家所有制的大学,也不是民办大学,而是既有国家“赠款“,又有社区(镇/村)公共投入,还有企业和其他社会团体和民众投入的真正意义上的社区大学.这种社区大学是真正非盈利的,可定性为新兴的“事业单位“,产权完全归社会所有.当中国在五到十年内进入下一轮高等教育扩张时,可能这种“全工半读“的“开放大学“将成为高等教育的主力,一种提供“只要愿意,肯劳动,人人都可上大学“的新通道.  相似文献   

虽然当今科学已渗透到我们社会生活的各个领域和层面,科学的价值已为更多的人所承认,但是相对应的科学教育却大多仍停留在对科学现成知识的传授上,而忽略了科学教育的核心理念——那种深沉的人文情怀。因此我们应当提倡一种新人文主义视野下的科学教育理念,这种新的教育理念是在传统的人文主义基础上发展起来的。通过传统的人文主义的演变发展及其与新人文主义教育观的辨析得出,新人文主义教育观更多的强调把价值教育放在整个教育的首要地位。所以新人文主义视野下的科学教育不仅是对传统人文主义科学教育的全面超越,而且是对自然科学、社会科学等的内在统一,并由此开辟了人类理性的新天地。  相似文献   

This article analyses the changing links between higher education and the labour market in terms of changing conceptions as to the capacity of higher education to reduce social inequalities, on the one hand, and to channel its graduates into the more prestigious forms of employment, on the other hand. It turns out that for the most part higher education does not reduce social inequality and may in fact reinforce it. At the same time, given the increased numbers of graduates and changes in the demand for graduates having certain specializations, it is clear that higher education no longer offers the same guarantee of prestigious employment to all its graduates as in the past. But higher education remains a form of employment insurance policy for them in that it will help them minimize their risks in terms of future employment and possible downward social mobility. It is the key that along with other forms of cultural and social capital, which are not equally distributed, will help open the door to employment, admittedly wider for some than for others.  相似文献   

基层电大教师职业倦怠的成因及对策的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放教育背景下,基层电大的教师职业倦怠现象十分严重。其主要成因源于角色诉求、工作特征、动力资源等因素。如不加以有效的化解,将会严重干扰和影响现代远程开放教育的健康发展。因此,必须从教师的个性修养,社会、教育行政主管部门及学校的人文关怀和支持,建立起符合开放教育特点的教师评价机制等方面进行消解。  相似文献   

大数据方兴未艾,它正在开启并推动着人类生活、工作及思维方式的大变革,其影响已经深入到社会的各个领域、各个层面。大数据现象其实是科技革命转向的结果,如何充分挖掘科技革命带来的各种衍生价值与潜在价值、实现突变式创新,既是当今社会的重大课题,也是高等教育必须面对的重大问题。要应对大数据的挑战,高校素质教育体系必须进行全面的反思与改革,建立全新而有效的创新模式,这就需要重新审视及确立高校素质教育的理念原则,更新高校素质教育的内容与方式方法,建立新的评价体系。  相似文献   

教育考试机构作为一种社会服务机构,其基本职责就是要为消费者提供方便、快捷、周到的优质服务,满足他们的需要,使他们感到满意。这是对教育考试机构的业务要求。教育考试机构提供的服务还应该是无偏见、无歧视的普遍服务,也就是说,这种服务应该是平等开放的。这是对教育考试机构的道德要求。无论是提供方便、快捷、周到的优质服务,还是提供开放、平等的普遍服务,所提供服务都必须对社会负责。这是对教育考试机构的政治要求。  相似文献   

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