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In the chill of the early spring in April, Wuyutai, a century-old tea shop served local customers of Beijing with fresh green tea picked and processed before the Pure Bright Festival. The well-picked and finely-processed green tea sold so well that it ran out of supply. Like what happened in previous years, the tea variety of Dragon Well from the West Lake is the most popular early spring tea among local customers. This tea variety is famous not for its super quality but also for its cultural richness.  相似文献   

Ihave been to many places but am most impressed by the Qionghai Lake in Xichang, Sichuan Province. Xichang is more cited as a key satellite launch site of China. However, it is a place with stunning scenery. The Qionghai Lake is the second largest freshwater lake of Sichuan which was formed as the result of stratum collapse, only five kilometers away from the city of Xichang.  相似文献   

Used to he the only imperial waterway and important water source for farmland irrigation during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Long River stretches across west Beijing and finally joins the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace. On its north bank stands Wanshou Temple (temple of longevity) where Beijing Art Museum is located. With a short history as it is, the museum houses numerous art treasures of past dynasties.  相似文献   

The Slim West Lake is a national-level scenic resort in the historical city of Yangzhou.The garden in the lake area was built during the reign of Qing-Dynasty emperors Kangxi and Qianlong.It integrates the delicate beauty of south China with the vigorous grandeur of north China,featuring willow trees and towers and terraces along the lake dyke.Major scenic sports around the Slim West Lake include rockeries  相似文献   

Matsu, or the Goddess of Sea is widely worshipped in coastal areas of China and temples are built in these areas to enshrine statues of Matsu or Heavenly Queen. But it is quite interesting that there are quite a few Matsu temples in the inland province of Guizhou. Among these temples, the Heavenly Queen temple in Zhenyuan County is the largest, best-preserved and finest-built one and proclaimed as a site under the province-level protection.  相似文献   

Every adventurer may have a wish to travel to the end of the sky. In their minds, the end of the sky not only means a long journey and being away from urban hurly-burly, but also symbolizes the most beautiful place. The Flower Lake is such a place in the end of the sky.  相似文献   

The Republic of Costa Rica is a country. situated in the southern part of Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east-southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica means a rich and fertile coast in the Spanish language. In fact, it is one of the leading economies in Central America.  相似文献   

The old town of Zhenyuan, standing among high mountains with a long river winding through it, is a strategically important town in southwest China. In ancient times, it was located on a road linking Southeast Asian nations and the capital of the Chinese Empire. As an old town and gateway in eastern Guizhou Province which is dwelled by Miao people, Zhenyuan enjoyed many historical remains and the most famous is Black Dragon Cave. In fact, it is not merely a single cave, but refers to a lar…  相似文献   

The pailou, also known as paifang, is an archway of a memorial or decorative nature. It is a classical architectural style of ancient China which is supported by a single row of columns and designed to separate and coordinate architectural space. With a simplistic and exquisite appearance, the pailou has both decorative and practical functions. When erected at thoroughfare crossroads, it can serve as a direction guide and add to aesthetic and cultural richness of a town; when installed in classical gardens, it helps to screen or separate sceneries while contributing to the beauty of the landscape.  相似文献   

He is tall, gentle, modest, friendly and calm. There is a hint of undemonstrative passion and confidence in his dignified manner.Probably it is the unique charm of his personalities that bestows the irresistible authority upon him in the present painting circle of Chengdu.[第一段]  相似文献   

REPOSING as itdoes on thebank of theWest Lake in Hang-zhou,the ZhejiangAcademy of Fine Artsstill manages to be un-pretentious.Ask for di-rections and you will betold that the school is at218 Nanshan Road,besides LiulangwenyingPark.Originally,it wassimply known as theArt Academy,the titlebestowed by Cai Yuan-pei,the great Chinese  相似文献   

Humble Cave, a dilapidated cave shelter located in Wujiapo near the Big Goose Pagoda in the southern part of Xi'an, is a historic ruin which has been now turned into a Iove-themed park within the Qujiang Lake Site Park, Three Chinese calligraphic characters, meaning "ancient humble cave", are inscribed at the cave's entrance, it is said that Wang Baochuan, a faithful lover, waited in this cave for the return of her husband Xue Pinggui for 18 years, In front of the cave's window is an ancestral temple in which the couple's statues are enshrined. A pair of calligraphic couplets is inscribed on the temple's pillars, praising the faithful love between the couple.  相似文献   

In China there are small matriarchal societies which survived for thousands of years and whose culture is unknown by the majority of our modern world.One of them is the ancient cuiture of the Mosuo, an ethnic minority group living in the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, areas referred to in old Chinese historical records as "the empire of women". After reading about this culture, Mathilde Heijne, a Berlin-based artist, started thinking about an art proiect that would locus on their social structures and began planning a trip to Lake Lugu - the home of the Mosuo.  相似文献   

Popular Culture in Contemporary China (English version) With China's reform and opening up in 1978 as a starting point, this book records the development and evolution of contemporary Chinese popular culture. In the form of story-telling, it introduces wave upon wave of the popular culture in contemporary China and shows how Chinese people are open-minded toward international popular culture. A very important feature of the book is that it explores social and psychological changes of the Chinese people during more than 30 years. This books is published by New World Press.  相似文献   

Kashgar means "a jade-like place" in the Uyghur language, because it is known for its vast reserve of beautiful jade stone. Human activities such as hunting and fishing existed here as early as 4000 years ago. About 2000 years ago, one of the 36 kingdoms in the West Region is located here. Shule Kingdom built its capital city in Kashgar during the West Han Dynasty of ancient China and it became one of the four most important towns in the West Region during the Tang Dynasty. Kashgar is no…  相似文献   

Hetian, also known as "Yutian" in ancient times, means "a place producing jadestone". It is located in the southernmost tip of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region,neighboring Taklimakan Desert in the north and Mt. Kunlun in the south. For hundreds of years in history, it was a strategically important town along the southern route of the Silk Roads.In Chinese culture, jade is a symbol of virtue, dignityand goodness. Jade produced in Hetian is generally  相似文献   

All problems of art are prob- lems of rhythm. Hence, in trying to understand Chineseart, we must begin with Chinese rhythm and the source of artistic inspiration. Allowing that rhythm is universal and that the Chinese do not own a monopoly of nature's rhythms, it is still possible to trace a differ- ence of emphasis. It has already been pointed out, in the discussion on the ideal of womanhood in China,  相似文献   

Suzhou-style embroidery is originated and developed in the southeast city of Suzhou, a historical town abundant in silk and rich in cultural traditions. Inscribed in the national intangible cultural heritage list, it is well known for its long history artistic richness, superb skills and delicate workmanship.  相似文献   

Hangu District is located at the lower streams of nine rivers which stretch through the city of Tianjin,an industrial city neighboring Beijing.It faces Bohai Bay in the south,salt marshes in the east,vineyards in the west and vegetable fields in the north.Hangu is a beautiful town,with an ancient canal winding through it.Endowed with gorgeous sceneries and rich cultural traditions, Hangu has enjoyed a vibrant and unique art form of print painting.In the 1980s,a group of young print painters stood out in Hangu,enjoying nationwide reputation.In 1986,more than 300 pieces of Hangu print painting were on display at the  相似文献   

Our journey to Lugu Lake, a beautiful resort in the northwest tip of Yunnan Province, was full of steep mountains and bumpy roads. But the landscape on the way was extraordinary: yellow rape blossoms flourished along roads; the plateau grassland was dotted with many anonymous flowers -- red, purple or yellow; high mountains were permeated by clouds and mists, springs and streams ran down from top of mountains; and goats and yaks grazed leisurelv on mountain slopes in the distance. All those testified to the truth of a popular proverb -- "Beautiful landscape is always on the way".  相似文献   

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