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张舜徽先生治学气象弘阔,力倡会通之学,慨然将推广郑樵会通之志,继承《通志》之业引以为己任.本文浅析其于郑樵会通思想之推崇,借见此于先生治学之影响.  相似文献   

原日本陆军军医汤浅谦在侵华战争中被派遣到中国战场,亲身参与对中国人进行的活体解剖实验。汤浅谦的经历从另一角度深刻揭露了日本军国主义发动侵略战争的残暴性,由此也管窥出他对侵略战争的理性认识和深刻反省。  相似文献   

1.Mr. Peter always takes a 9:53 train to leave the city where he works on Friday morning and two hours later,he will get to his villa(['vil(e)]别墅)in the suburb ( [' sΛb(e):b ] 郊区 ).But one Friday,he took a night train to his villa.  相似文献   

Mr Lane, Eddie Lane's Dad, came out the door of the betting shop at the end of Davis Road. With long, slow steps he walked across Davis Road, across the car  相似文献   

全面抗战爆发,冯先生随着清华大学流亡到昆明西南联合大学。民族兴亡"启示和激发"了冯先生的爱国情愫。为了复兴中华,他奋笔创造哲学体系,同时还直接投入联大的爱国活动。他出任校歌校训编制委员会主席,与同仁们殚精竭虑地一起进行创作,其中著名的校歌、进行曲的歌词以及纪念碑的碑文,均出自冯先生之手。冯先生的美文极大地张扬和鼓舞了联大师生的爱国主义精神和对抗战胜利的信心,促使了师生们的思想得到净化和升华,为联大培养爱国志士和世界一流人才作出了杰出的贡献。冯先生的爱国主义精神永垂青史。  相似文献   

冯友兰先生学贯中西,道通古今,立足于整个人类化,放眼全世界人类精神的发展,具有宽广的眼界。他的治学方法主要是:一、从事实出发,独立思考,具体问题具体分析;二、逻辑分析的方法;三、唯物史观的辩证方法。冯先生在长期艰苦的哲学探索中,攀上了中国哲学发展的时代高峰,也达到了他所追求的为学与为人的最高境界——天地境界。  相似文献   

宗白华先生是一位学术研究的开拓者。他以西方美学为参照,以中国古典美学为根基,成功地开拓出中国古典美学转换发展的新空间。本文意在结合宗先生美学研究的实践,浅析他以中华文化为根基的学术思想及其当代意义。  相似文献   

蒲松龄最大的与众不同之处在于他一辈子坚持参加科举考试而又不因此失望痛苦或精神变态,这从根本上讲是由于他并非将某种特定的目的付于科举考试和把儒家经世济民的理想寄望其中,他只是将之当作生活本身来经历。  相似文献   

In 1969, the federal government enacted the Official Languages Act, the intent of which was to secure for the French minority their language rights within federal government administrations throughout Canada. Keith Spicer was appointed Official Languages Commissioner in 1970. As Commissioner, his task was to interpret and implement the Act within federal departments and agencies.Prior to his appointment, Mr. Spicer had taught political science at l'Université d'Ottawa, the University of Toronto, and York University. He has also been active in radio, television, and newspaper journalism, as a commentator and interview host on CBC's French network and editorial writer for the TorontoGlobe and Mail.In the following interview, which took place in July 1977, shortly before he resigned as Official Languages Commissioner, Mr. Spicer reflects upon strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the Official Languages Act and expresses his views on the current status of French language rights in the spheres of government administration and education.Since leaving his Ottawa post, Mr. Spicer has returned to university teaching and journalism in British Columbia.  相似文献   

戴季陶作为南京国民政府考试院院长,执行并发展了孙中山提出的考试思想,是国民政府文官考试制度的创建者和奠基者,其创建的考试制度不但融合了中西考试制度之优长,更是结合了当时国内的现实及需要。戴季陶的考试思想既是对孙中山考试思想的继承,也独具特色。他强调考试的严格公正、考试与教育的关系、因需设考、考试制度必须创新与发展等,至今仍具有重要的参考价值及现实意义。  相似文献   

长期以来,北宋诗人郭祥正和他的作品一直没有受到学界重视。自20世纪80年代,孔凡礼先生首发其端,考证郭氏的生平行实、校勘整理其文集之后,郭氏及其诗歌研究渐渐深入,涉及到郭诗的主题思想、艺术风格等诸多方面。对这砦研究成果进行总结分析,有助于郭祥正研究的进一步深化。  相似文献   

1939年6月,留苏13年的蒋经国先生在江西省第4区专员公署大礼堂宣誓就任行政督察专员兼保安司令,主政赣南一方。蒋经国先生为何到偏僻落后的赣南来主政,海内外众说纷纭,作者经过查阅大量鲜为人知的档案和文献资料,并对赣南当时的客观状况进行考察,结合蒋经国先生主观理念进行深入分析,得出蒋经国先生主政赣南是历史的巧合之新观点。  相似文献   

冯友兰在吸取西方哲学来改造中国哲学、建立自己哲学体系的时候,注意到了西方哲学中的逻辑主义和“逻各斯”传统,而对西方哲学中的个体能动性思想和“奴斯”精神没有予以应有的重视。这样,在冯友兰《贞元六书》的体系中,不仅“新理学”和“境界说”之间、“共相世界”和“天地境界”之间缺乏合理的过渡.而且经过冯友兰改造后的“新理学”也缺乏中国哲学原有的那种契悟、冥会和亲证、体验。冯友兰后来在运用“正的方法”的同时,又求助于“负的方法”,在重视与引进西方的理性主义的同时,又推崇和提倡中国的神秘主义.就是为了解决这一难题。  相似文献   

"天下文章,其出于桐城乎!"这是姚鼐在《刘海峰先生八十寿序》中转引程晋芳、周永年二人的一句话,程、周二人或为戏言,姚鼐却借来为自己创建桐城派张目。后来曾国藩在《欧阳生文集序》中接着这句话后,更是宣称"由是学者多归向桐城,号'桐城派',犹前世所称江西诗派者也。"姚、曾二人的序文作为为桐城派树旗和扬旗的宣言,充分体现了桐城派在创立和发展过程中的自觉意识,对桐城派的形成和流播发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

王闿运三部经学新著之考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《三家诗异文表》、《〈小戎篇〉车制器饰考》稿本、《湘绮先生校补许氏〈说文〉古籀释》底本三部经学著述是笔者在湖南图书馆查阅王闿运有关资料时发现的。王氏年谱与日记皆未作交代,亦不见其他资料记载。此三部经学著作确为王闿运所作,并与王氏其他已刊的经学著述有明显不同,反映了他今古不分、汉宋兼采的治经风格。  相似文献   

郑和下西洋是否到达我国的台湾岛,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。本从郑和船队出洋的目的和使命、郑和下西洋时遗留下的《郑和航海图》以及记载郑和下西洋诸多史料中的疑点进行比较分析,认为郑和及其主船队没有到达台湾岛。  相似文献   

苏文纨与方鸿渐曾有的关系对方鸿渐的人生产生了深远影响.苏在方的人生转折的关键处多次起到了巨大作用.苏使方观注"围城"并产生围城观,进而促使他的整个围城人生观念进一步深化、完成.  相似文献   

"Looking for Mr.Green"is a famous short story written by the renowned Nobel Prize winner Saul Bellow.Grebe,the main character in"Looking for Mr.Green",confronts many difficulties in delivering relief checks to the residents who were in need in the South Side of Chicago.With the analysis of Mr.Grebe and his finding Mr.Green,this paper will take Grebe’s looking for hope in his life as the main reason for his chase.What Grebe does represents the predicament of Americans and their attitudes towards life during the depression time.  相似文献   

In this study we explored how the science department shaped the relationship between a science department head, Mr Greg, and a teacher, Ms Horton, as they grappled with their expectations of, and responsibilities for, teaching and leadership in the daily life in the department. We found that, from their life histories and their positions in the department, Mr Greg and Ms Horton have developed different values and visions that shape the ways they construct their work, particularly in relation to the place of subject matter, goals for students, teamwork, roles and responsibilities and accountability. Although both shared a commitment to their students and to their subject, Mr Greg saw his contribution in subject organizational terms and Ms Horton saw hers in personal student terms. Orderliness and stability were important to the department head whereas Ms Horton valued spontaneity and innovation. Collaboration was Mr Greg's method of achieving the business of the department; working alone allowed Ms Horton the freedom and flexibility she needed. Accountability for Mr Greg was framed in organizational terms; Ms Horton was more concerned with the learning that took place in her classroom. Our case study looks at the range and intensity of the forces shaping the work of teachers and the way they organize themselves at work. We argue that, if we wish to continue to improve teaching and learning, particularly in secondary schools, we need to know a great deal more about the forces that operate in subject departments.  相似文献   

英国作家伊夫林.沃的经典故事《勒弗戴先生的短暂外出》中描绘了一个外善内恶的精神病患者—勒弗戴的神秘形象。勒弗戴一次次地沉浸在释放本能欲望的愉快之中,又一次次地陷入来自道德与良心的严厉谴责的情绪之中。本我与超我的斗争在勒弗戴身上不断的循环,愈演愈烈,导致了他人格分裂。试以弗洛伊德的人格系统理论为基础,分析勒弗戴的心理冲突,探讨他人格分裂的心理原因。  相似文献   

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