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The study used the data from the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study data set to observe the characteristics of international students in their first-year in college and examine the factors that influenced their persistence in U.S. postsecondary institutions. Results from logistic regression analysis revealed that GPA, degree plans, and academic integration were positively related to persistence of international students, while remediation in English and social integration had the negative effects on their persistence outcome. The results of the study signal the importance of encouraging collaboration between offices of international student services and other academic departments or support services on campus. The retention of international students should not be viewed as the responsibility of only international student advisors. Instead, it should become a joint responsibility of faculty, academic advisors, English language program staff, and student affairs professionals on campus.  相似文献   

The longitudinal study described in this report investigated the effects of postsecondary public and proprietary school vocational training on students' subsequent job success in the United States. The study surveyed dropouts and graduates from public and proprietary schools in six vocational programs in four major cities, and compared their personal characteristics, job placement and earnings. Results showed that, compared with graduates, dropouts were more frequently males who were black, older, of lower socioeconomic status, and more likely from public programs. Also, few students who studied for upper status jobs (accountant, computer programmer, and electronic technician) got those jobs, regardless of whether they had graduated from or dropped out of their vocational programs. On the other hand, the majority of students who studied for lower-status jobs, in which women typically predominate, (secretary, dental assistant and cosmetologist) successfully found those jobs. Further, graduates fared significantly better in job placement than dropouts. Finally, persistence in, and graduation from a program (persistence and graduation) were unrelated to students' first earnings. However, students in lower-status occupations had higher later earnings if they completed their programs. These results suggest that vocational training, which may be done more efficiently in proprietary than public schools, enhances placement and later earnings only in lower-status jobs.  相似文献   

批判教育学是当代西方重要的教育思潮.国内对此已有不少的介绍,但是对于批判教育学的道德教育思想却根本没有谈及.批判教育学的道德教育话语具有特殊性.他们批评现行学校道德教育是一种培养服从与维系社会现状的道德教育.据此,批判教育学者强调培养学生的转化美德观,这是通过学校隐蔽课程批判来实现的.我国学校道德教育的研究与实践应该关注道德教育的批判性.  相似文献   

Funding policies for higher education differ greatly from nation to nation and one of the major debates concerns the private-public mix. Five principal patterns emerge from the following variables: whether the system is comprised of just one sector or dual private-public sectors, the size of each sector (if there are dual sectors), the contribution of private funds to each sector, and the contribution of public funds to each sector. Beyond their defining empirical characteristics, each pattern is based on distinctive historical and normative rationales. Each therefore faces different policy choices within the more general private-public debate, although certain basic value questions commonly arise. Seen in comparative perspective, the United States continues to stand out for its significant dependence on private finance. This is because, compared to other developed nations, the United States still has an exceptionally large private sector with relatively great private finance and because, compared to almost all countries, the U.S. public sector also attracts substantial private income. There is great variation, however, and individual U.S. state systems may find useful counterparts to their empirical realities and policy dilemmas in certain foreign (national) systems.  相似文献   

人格教育在美国的回潮   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人格教育回潮是美国道德教育领域一个非常值得注意的现象,这一现象暗示了美国道德教育领域的一些发展变化.本文从人格教育在美国回潮的标志、回潮原因、人格教育的主要思想等几个方面对这一现象进行了较详细的描述与分析,并对人格教育本身进行了简评.  相似文献   

美国的学券制述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学券制是二十世纪九十年代以来美国公共教育改革实现私有化与市场化过程中流行起来的一种新的教育资助方式。本对学券制的发展背景与内容做了一定的描述,并对政府及私人两种类型学券的实施情况及其现实意义进行了描述和分析。  相似文献   

2005年4-10月,山东省第四批中青年干部赴美国康州、马兰里和澳大利亚南澳洲出国培训团进行了为斯近半年的学习,参加出国培训的学员珍惜这一难得的学习机会,克服困难,刻苦学习,拓宽了知识面,部分学员考察了美国、澳大利亚的职业教育现状,在认真阅读分析相关材料后,精心撰写了有关考察报告,为了方便广大读学习的借鉴,现予以要发表。[编按]  相似文献   

以美国陆军军官学校、海军军官学校、空军军官学校三所大学的本科学术教育计划为案例,着重从通识教育的“共性”与通识教育的“学校特色”两个维度,对通识教育的教育目标、核心课程在整个学术教育计划中的比重、核心课程的知识分布特点三个方面进行了分析和归纳。旨在为我军院校本科学历教育发展提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

On September 7, 1983, the U.S. Department of Education announced a nationwide adult literacy initiative designed “... to promote functional literacy for the entire adult populations.” The department is committed to conducting several activities to attack and solve the problem of adult literacy. Two of the activities pertain specifically to postsecondary education. They are:
  • ? working with postsecondary education institutions to develop demonstration programs utilizing college work-study students in adult literacy programs;
  • ? promoting college student involvement through literacy tutoring experiences in college courses and through student volunteerism.
  • The authors believe that there should be much greater participation in the initiative by postsecondary education institutions, and they propose that more extensive participation can be attained through the institutions' performance of their usual functions of teaching, service, and research.  相似文献   

    当前美国高等教育面临的挑战   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
    当前美国社会经济的发展要求高等教育必须做出迅速反应,而高校的学生构成以及学生接受高等教育的目的也日益多样化。高等学校必须开发更具有弹性、灵巧、敏感和切合实际的学位课程,设计出能满足学生需要的学习策略和学习项目;要深化改革,使高等学校的教师、职员和学生能与商业、政府和民众团体结成伙伴,从而为社会的发展做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

    本文试图通过对中美两国家庭教育风格进行比较,分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因,进而提出对我国家庭教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

    美国创业教育的经验及启示   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
    本文介绍了美国对创业教育的理解、课程问题和创业教育的终身性三方面的经验,并结合我国创业教育的开展情况提出了三点启示.  相似文献   

    20世纪的美国教师教育改革轰轰烈烈,影响其改革的传统有学术性传统,社会效能传统,发展主义传统,社会重构主义传统。介绍这些传统,对今天我国的教师教育改革具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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