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汉字具有系统性是学界公认的,但是传统的汉字学研究,多以定性的、说解式的方式描述系统,对系统性没有刻画的指标,无法衡量,更无法比较。运用数学的方法从一个侧面定量地刻画汉字的系统性,就会使汉字的系统性在形体关联度上得以计算、各断代汉字系统的形体关联程度可以比较,其系统性通过形体关联度的计算得以量化。汉字个体之间通过构件在形体上产生联系,汉字形体关联度描写的是形体联系的紧密程度,反映的是汉字在形体上的内聚性、系统性。汉字形体关联度对汉字规范、汉字系统优化具有重要的参考价值。中国大陆推广使用简化字以来,简繁之争持续了几十年,通过对形体关联度的计算可以看到:虽然简化字系统对造字理据有所削弱,但从整体上看,简化字系统并没有降低汉字系统的形体关联度。  相似文献   

严梅 《时代教育》2010,(2):32-32
汉字是一种古老的文字,随着历史的推进和时代的发展,汉字字体和字形都在发展。新中国汉字在“约定俗成,稳步前进”的方针下,公布了一批简化字,使汉字变得相对地好学、好记、好写、好认一些。继续使用简化字还是重新使用繁体字,成为近年来人们争论的焦点。笔者认为,应继续坚持使用简化字,将来文字工作的重点是加强对文字使用的管理,实现社会用字的规范化。  相似文献   

在全球汉语热背景下,争论汉字繁简问题需从保护母语出发。繁体字和简化字都是汉字发展的必经阶段,废繁是否定历史,废简是历史的倒退。推广使用简化字有其心理可行性,是顺应历史和现实的需要。而繁体字的形成与发展也是汉字构建自我繁殖机制的需要。汉字省简的本质是以简驭繁。幼儿识繁有利于振兴国学,宜从书法学习和字义理解等方面入手培养。总之,繁简共赢、两岸共赢才是汉语和中华文化发展的理想局面。  相似文献   

文章主要从汉字的起源、发展、特点、汉字简化的方法和使用简化汉字的重要性等方面简述了在对外汉语教学工作中简化字优于繁体字,告知人们学汉语时使用简化字在学习和应用中的优越性。  相似文献   

简化汉字具有权威性、合法性、群众性,已成为全球使用汉字的人的通用汉字。简化字不能废除,必须坚持使用简化汉字。  相似文献   

当前有人提出简化字弊大于利,有损"六书"体制,违背文字发展规律,应该废弃,并全面恢复使用繁体字的观点.其实简化字有利无弊,符合汉字发展规律,应该坚持推行使用.目前多数人不识繁体字,是各级学校识字教学单轨制所致.对此提出相应的解决办法,希望引起国家有关部门的注意.  相似文献   

日语原本没有文字,公元3世纪开始引入、借用中国汉字,即便后来发明了"假名",汉字仍然与假名一起混合使用至今。日语汉字在经历了一系列改革之后,现在保留了2136个常用汉字。从日语汉字与汉语汉字对比的角度看,可将日语常用汉字分为同形同义字、同形异义字、日语简化字、汉日简化字、未简化的繁体字以及和制汉字6大类。  相似文献   

1956年1月28日,国务院正式公布《关于公布〈汉字简化字方案〉的决议》,第一批简化字在全国范围(我国台湾省除外)内被迅速推广开来,至今已整整50年了。笔者作为汉字简化全过程的亲历者,深感简化  相似文献   

现行简化字中的一个来源是历代的简体字或俗体字,这样一种来源势必会带来古今汉字、繁简汉字的同形.本文以具体十组例子作为研究对象,探讨现行简化字中的"同形"问题,指出现行简化字的"同形"有"历史上传承中的偶然同形"和"现代群众'创造'"两种.  相似文献   

简化字就字形而言不少是古已有之的,其中有一部分本有其字,后来由于其存在结构或理据上的优势被用作正字的俗体,而且被简化字所沿用,从而造成了汉字同形的现象。这部分汉字由于使用频率低、缺少文献用例,且在字书中的解释语焉不详,相关研究以及大型字书的编写只是照录古代字书而疏于甄别,因此有不少值得商榷的地方。今以简化字的同形现象为出发点,从形音义三方面分析此类汉字的源头和演变过程,以期对全面认识简化字和完善大型字书有所裨益。  相似文献   

随着21世纪的来临,新加坡在基础教育领域进行了彻底的改革,一系列改革措施体现了其特有的民族、文化特征,对我国有很大的启示。  相似文献   

黄孟文的微型小说塑造了一些典型的人物形象,这些人物在新加坡商业社会的现实中迷失了自我,他们是被异化和市场化了的。对黄孟文代表性的小说进行人物心理分析,发现现代人在商业社会中失去自我、被异化以及市场化而不自知的生存状态。黄孟文的小说不仅深刻揭露了新加坡社会某种类型人物的无根的生活,并且内含着对人类生存问题的批判和探讨。  相似文献   

"教学工厂"是新加坡南洋理工学院的办学特色,也是其职业教育取得成功的关键;"无界化"是"教学工厂"实施的条件;"双轨系统"教学模式则是"教学工厂"理念的具体体现。借鉴其经验,在我们的职教实践中应创新课堂教学模式,加大师资培训力度,改革课堂实践的模式与方法。  相似文献   

Character and citizenship education are part of the vision of many countries, including Singapore. Ensuring they are implemented in academic environments, service learning has been shown to be a natural bridge between the two. Research has shown that service learning, when done well, produces outcomes related to character development and citizenship education. As a modern educational movement, its early founders described it as a pedagogy to engage individuals in service activities dictated by the community, whereby the learning applies academic subject matter to the service. It is also a philosophy where the service is developed in collaboration with the community, where the goal is empowering those most affected by social and economic challenges. It is often delivered through academic course connections, but is effectively developed through constructivist approaches to curriculum, where the community prescribed needs define the subjects required for study and service. Service learning and character education are mutually connected constructs where service learning becomes the vehicle for delivery of character development. Individuals learn good character by applying those character traits in social settings through service. Good learning is assured when the nature of the service and character are intertwined, and the knowledge and skills gained connect directly to the actions of the people involved.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a comparative study of the content in selected teacher education programmes for primary and lower secondary teachers in Canada, Denmark, Finland and Singapore. First and foremost, the study is a comparison between teacher education programmes in, on the one hand, Canada, Finland and Singapore, all of which score highly in international comparisons such as PISA and TIMMS, and on the other hand Denmark, which receives average scores, but it also functions as a comparison between all four countries. The study covers the following subjects: pedagogy and mathematics. The study does not offer proof of any clear difference between the Danish teacher education programmes and those found in the top-performing countries. Two main findings are: (1) philosophically based professional knowledge, much of which is normative in character, forms an extensive part of the body of professional knowledge within the Danish teacher education programmes, which is not true of the programmes in the Top-3 countries and (2) the programmes in Canada and Singapore more frequently employ literature combining research-based knowledge with practical guidance and experiences, while the programmes in Denmark and Finland keep these knowledge forms separate.  相似文献   

方北方的童年和青年时期都在中国度过,特别是1937—1947的十年岁月,在这十年的求学生涯里,已经进入成熟期的中国现代文学对方北方的影响是巨大的,他的长篇代表作“风云三部曲”彰显着他文脉中的中国(文学)经验。而另一部长篇代表作“马来亚三部曲”是方北方反映新马华人由移民心态转向本土认同的重要代表作,他以个人影射历史,为马华现实主义文学打下了重要基础。在近七十的文学生涯中,执守于马来西亚认同的方北方,关心着马华社会成长过程中的种种问题,以自己蓬勃的创作力、饱满的激情,倾诉着他对新马社会的关心,这种人道主义情怀是他留给马华文坛的重要文学精神。  相似文献   

Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization and the evolution of the knowledge‐based economy have caused dramatic changes to the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalization on universities are not uniform though business‐like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In recent years, widespread concerns over widened access, funding, accountability, quality, and managerial efficiency are perceived as the prominent global trends related to university education. Because of the divergent political, social, economic, cultural and historical backgrounds, national/local governments may adopt similar strategies in response to pressures generated from globalization. Nonetheless, through a close scrutiny of the ways that national policies are made, we may find that governments around the globe, particularly in East Asia, have tried to make use of the globalization discourse to address/justify the local policy/political agendas. This paper aims to examine the latest higher education reform initiatives proposed by the Singapore Government, with particular reference to reflect upon how the Singapore Government reforms its university systems in the context of globalization. It is argued that the latest comprehensive review of public university governance and funding brings about a changing role of the government in the regulation, finance and provision of higher education in Singapore and eventually alters the state‐university relationship.  相似文献   

智利和新加坡养老个人账户的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智利和新加坡建立了两种不同类型的个人账户制度。在缴费方面,新加坡由职工和雇主共同负担,而智利则完全由职工个人负担。在发放方面,智利个人账户的养老金领取形式更为多样化。管理方面,智利由国家监管,私营投资管理,而新加坡则由政府管理,政府经营,但个人有一定的投资选择权,两国政府都有最低回报率和最低的养老津贴的担保。在运行效果上,智利的私营养老个人账户要优于新加坡的个人账户制度。  相似文献   

为了将其国家建设成为亚太地区乃至全球的知识产权枢纽,新加坡政府非常重视知识产权的教育与人才培养工作,许多做法经验值得中国借鉴。新加坡政府制定了知识产权人才的标准和培养框架,针对普通公众和专业人士开展丰富多样的知识产权教育和培训。新加坡国立大学开办了知识产权管理的硕士研究生专业,其培养模式与课程设置颇有特点。新加坡其他理工院校也将知识产权作为专业选修课程,为知识产权专业人才的培养提供后备力量。新加坡知识产权学院更是对知识产权人才的培养不遗余力,其独特的培养模式和课程设置,使其成为"新加坡知识产权智慧聚集地"。  相似文献   

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