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现代遗传学是生命科学的基础学科,也是农、林、牧、医、师范、综合类等生物类专业的必修课,现代遗传学实验是现代遗传学教学中不可缺少的重要组成部分.该文介绍了对现代遗传学实验教学采用的"模块化超市"教学模式的内容及方法.以该模式教学进行了3年,结果表明,新教学模式的使用,使学生从被动型学习转变为主动型学习,调动了学生的学习积极性,提高了遗传学实验教学的效率与效果,有利于更好地培养学生的动手能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力,启迪学生的创新思维和自主创新的能力.  相似文献   

遗传学是高中生物必不可少的教学内容,常在高考考点中出现,但相较于其他内容,学生对遗传学的学习有一定难度,而在很大程度上学生遗传学水平直接关系到生物考试成绩。因此,实施生物教学时,高中生物教师应不断对遗传学有效教学方法进行探寻,在引导学生加强理论知识理解的基础上,对典型例题进行分析,帮助学生学习总结遗传学有效学习方法,进而提升学生的遗传学学习效果。  相似文献   

遗传学是高职教育生物专业的一门重要课程,根据教学现状和学生特点,探讨遗传学课程教学设计的有益尝试。教学中通过理论课程与实验课程教学内容的改革与调整,提高了学生对遗传学基本原理的理解和掌握,提高了学生分析、解决问题的能力,增强了学生实验能力和学习积极性,提高了遗传学教学质量和教学效率。  相似文献   

遗传学是生命科学专业本科阶段的一门重要课程。目前遗传学课程的教学理念日益完善,但仍有一些方法有待提高。根据遗传学课堂教学中出现的问题,我们从遗传学的教学内容、教学理念和教学方法等方面的改革提出见解。此外,理论联系实际,经典研究案例融入遗传学教学等理念的应用可以激发学生的学习兴趣,开拓学生的思路,提高学生的学习效果,从而达到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

在医学遗传学实验教学中,通过具体的案例让学生发现问题并主动学习未知领域的知识,根据教学目标和教学大纲要求编写案例,汇总问题后分给各组学生,让他们以此为主线,自己收集资料,启发学生提出问题讨论,解决问题。PBL讨论式教学模式激发并提高学生自主学习、独立思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力。问卷调查显示结果,绝大部分学生对该教学模式较为满意。以学生为中心的PBL讨论教学模式可以在医学遗传学实验教学中施行,并有效地提高学生医学遗传学实验课程的学习兴趣和学习质量。  相似文献   

为提高动物遗传学实验课教学质量,增强学生的创新能力,培养创新型人才,作者在传统《动物遗传学》实验课教学方法的基础上,采取精选实验教学内容、开放动物遗传学实验室、开展教学与科研项目相结合、实施教学与大学生科技创新活动相结合和量化实验考核标准等措施。实践证明,"基于创新能力培养的《动物遗传学》实验教学改革与实践"有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生的创新意识和科学研究能力,提高实验教学质量,满足动物科学专业对创新型人才培养的需求。  相似文献   

通过学习医学遗传学和参与医学遗传学教学改革,从学生的角度总结了此次教学改革的收获;概述了目前我国大学医学遗传学的教学状况和新形式下学生的思想状况;从加强学生的专业思想教育、培养学生的学习兴趣、改进和完善实验课和提高学生的科研能力等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

宋玉蓉 《中学生物学》2012,28(10):47-48
在2对相对性状遗传规律的教学中,利用排列组合的方法引导学生对遗传定律进行扩展,并帮助学生通过掌握一种方法学会解决一类遗传学应用问题,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

作者以广东省精品课程"动物遗传学"实验教学为平台,通过对实验教学内容、教学方式、开放实验室、学研结合等进行改革尝试,旨在提高学生实验兴趣、增强学生学习主动性、发挥学生实验主导作用和培养学生初步科研能力,建立以"学生为主体"的学研结合动物遗传学实验教学模式,以期为学生今后从事动物遗传学专业的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

采用本教学法的目的:讨论、探索病案教学法在医学遗传学教学实践中的应用,以提高医学遗传学的教学质量。方法:在本院部分专业三年级本科学生尝试使用。结果:接受病案教学法教学的学生中90%认为该教学方法有效调动学习主动性,学习效果明显优于较传统方式。结论:病案教学能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生分析能力和思考能力,更有利于基础知识与临床医学的联系。  相似文献   

While genetics has remained as one key topic in school science, it continues to be conceptually and linguistically difficult for students with the concomitant debates as to what should be taught in the age of biotechnology. This article documents the development and implementation of a two‐tier multiple‐choice instrument for diagnosing grades 10 and 12 students’ understanding of genetics in terms of reasoning. The pretest and posttest forms of the diagnostic instrument were used alongside other methods in evaluating students’ understanding of genetics in a case‐based qualitative study on teaching and learning with multiple representations in three Western Australian secondary schools. Previous studies have shown that a two‐tier diagnostic instrument is useful in probing students’ understanding or misunderstanding of scientific concepts and ideas. The diagnostic instrument in this study was designed and then progressively refined, improved, and implemented to evaluate student understanding of genetics in three case schools. The final version of the instrument had Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.75 and 0.64, respectively, for its pretest and the posttest forms when it was administered to a group of grade 12 students (n = 17). This two‐tier diagnostic instrument complemented other qualitative data collection methods in this research in generating a more holistic picture of student conceptual learning of genetics in terms of scientific reasoning. Implications of the findings of this study using the diagnostic instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

遗传学是高等院校生物技术专业本科生的专业基础课,传统的遗传学教学方法已经很难满足教学的需要,也不能很好地完成培养高素质人才的需求。为提高遗传学的教学质量,增强学生的综合素质,在传统教学方法的基础上,进行了以优化教学内容、改革教学方式、运用现代教育技术手段、探讨启发式和互动式等教学方法为内容的教学改革,旨在提高遗传学教学质量。经过实践证明,改革效果非常明显。  相似文献   

Lebanese educators claim that middle and secondary school students exhibit poor understanding of genetics due to misconceptions and difficulties that hinder progression in conceptual understanding of major genetics concepts and phenomena across different grade levels. They attributed these problems to Lebanon’s ill-structured genetics curriculum which needs a thorough revision in light of curricular reform models that take into account student misconceptions, cognitive abilities, and past experiences. Despite these claims, no empirical tests were done. Consequently, this study aimed to investigate G7-12 Lebanese students’ misconceptions and difficulties in genetics in an attempt to design a curriculum that would enhance student understanding of genetics. Using quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, we obtained an in-depth understanding of the nature of the misconceptions and difficulties encountered by students in grades 7–12, determined the level of students’ genetics literacy, and explored the progression of their level of conceptual understanding of major genetics concepts across grade levels. A questionnaire was administered to 729 students (G7-12) in 6 schools and was followed by semi-structured interviews with 62 students to validate the questionnaire results, gain further understanding of students’ misconceptions, and assess their level of genetics literacy. Findings showed that patterns of inheritance, the deterministic nature of genes, and the nature of genetic information were found to be among the most difficult concepts learned. Students also showed inadequate understanding of many basic genetics concepts which persist across grade levels. Furthermore, results indicated that students across all grade levels exhibited a low level of genetics literacy. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了以往遗传学实验教学中存在的不足,总结了近年来从师资队伍建设、精选实验内容、改变实验教学方法、增强学生动手能力等方面进行遗传学实验教学改革的经验及所取得的效果,并提出了遗传学实验教学进一步改革的方向。  相似文献   

微生物遗传学与分子生物学是北京林业大学微生物学科研究生培养的重要核心课程之一,该课程采用双语教学,着重介绍微生物遗传学的发展前沿及分子生物学技术在其中的应用。为了获得最佳的教学效果、激发学生兴趣,从教学内容、教材选择、双语教学、实验教学和考核方式等方面进行了探讨。旨在培养出具备国际交流合作能力、专业知识全面坚实的优秀研究生。  相似文献   

This article explores the conceptual change of students in Grades 10 and 12 in three Australian senior high schools when the teachers included computer multimedia to a greater or lesser extent in their teaching of a genetics course. The study, underpinned by a multidimensional conceptual‐change framework, used an interpretive approach and a case‐based design with multiple data collection methods. Over 4–8 weeks, the students learned genetics in classroom lessons that included BioLogica activities, which feature multiple representations. Results of the online tests and interview tasks revealed that most students improved their understanding of genetics as evidenced in the development of genetics reasoning. However, using Thorley's (1990) status analysis categories, a cross‐case analysis of the gene conceptions of 9 of the 26 students interviewed indicated that only 4 students' postinstructional conceptions were intelligible–plausible–fruitful. Students' conceptual change was consistent with classroom teaching and learning. Findings suggested that multiple representations supported conceptual understanding of genetics but not in all students. It was also shown that status can be a viable hallmark enabling researchers to identify students' conceptual change that would otherwise be less accessible. Thorley's method for analyzing conceptual status is discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 205–235, 2007  相似文献   

聂玉霞 《天津教育》2021,(7):166-167
随着时代的发展,人们的生活和学习已经离不开电子产品。因为不良的学习和生活习惯及用眼知识的缺乏,孩子的行为家长很难管控,近视人数不断增加,低龄化近视的人群也日趋呈现上升趋势。小学生出现近视的问题已日益突出,环境、行为和遗传是中小学生视力面临的三大“杀手”,因此,帮助小学生从小养成良好的学习和生活习惯,能有效预防近视。  相似文献   

病例讨论法在医学遗传学教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王燕  章波  许雪青  白云 《现代教育技术》2007,17(9):31-34,23
近年在第三军医大学不同专业的本科大专的医学遗传学教学中进行了病例讨论法赏试。689名学生的问卷调查表明:病例讨论法是最受欢迎的教学方法,该方法用于医学遗传学教学的中,绝大多数学生赞成病例讨论法可激发学生学习兴趣。可教学相长,既可提高教师的综合素质,又可提高学生的记忆能力、分析和解决问题的综合能力,还可开发学生的自学、思考和归纳能力,也锻炼他们的表达能力。  相似文献   

《遗传学》课程建设的实践与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《遗传学》是生命科学领域中一门十分重要的基础理论学科,是当今生命科学中发展最迅速的学科和本科教学的主干课程之一。本文对《遗传学》课程的特点和教学中存在的问题进行了初步探讨,并就《遗传学》教学内容和教学方法的更新、计算机辅助教学课件的创制、电子教案的编写、教学效果的检测与评价、实验项目的创新等方面提出了一些思考。  相似文献   

Interest in including ideas about the nature of science in instruction and research has led to the realization that, in addition to developing courses which offer students experience with science practice, it is important to understand the ways in which students learn and use science knowledge within such courses. The study reported here is based on a particular view of the nature of scientific practice: Science is collaborative; scientists use knowledge in the construction of new knowledge; and scientists' understanding of problems and problem-solving strategies change during knowledge construction. Given this perspective, the study examines the ways in which students in an innovative high school genetics class collaborate to construct knowledge as they develop genetics models. In this classroom, students use three kinds of knowledge: knowledge of genetics, permitting them to recognize anomalous aspects of new data and providing a template from which to develop new models; knowledge of the process of model revision, helping them make decisions about how to develop new models; and knowledge of their own problem-solving strategies, allowing them to “keep track” of what they have done, as well as make connections between the development of new models and their knowledge of genetics. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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