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隐喻的使用反映了人类的概念体系,人们借助对另一类事物的隐喻来理解和体验某一类事物。战争因其在人类社会文化中的特殊地位和作用,已成为日常语言中隐喻的重要来源。运用认知理论对英汉新闻报道中的战争隐喻进行分析对比,可以发现英汉战争概念隐喻的源领域特征,并通过阐释其向目标域映射的认知构建过程,以体现隐喻是认知现象,是人类抽象思维的重要特征。  相似文献   

认知语言学将隐喻视为语言的本质现象,是一种认知手段,反映语言与现实及人类认知的相互关系。隐喻的实质是用一事物理解另一事物,用具体、生动的形象理解复杂、抽象的概念。隐喻对理解复杂、抽象的金融市场语言有重要意义,但当前利用汉语语料对金融市场语言的隐喻研究较少。本文拟从认知语言学理论出发,从语言、认知、语用三个视角分析期货和债券市场汉语新闻报道中的隐喻用法及其文化内涵。  相似文献   

隐喻本质上是通过一种事物来理解和体验另一种事物。本文从认知语言学角度,结合实例分析体育用语中的隐喻现象,分类论证体育作为目标域或源域的隐喻词汇及其应用特征,并对英语中的体育隐喻做了启示性的总结。  相似文献   

隐喻认知理论认为,隐喻在本质上是认知的,是通过一类事物来理解和体验另一类事物;隐喻由始源域和目标域构成,两个领域之间的互动称为“映射”.隐喻就是在已有经验的基础上,把较为熟悉的、具体的概念域映射到不太熟悉的、抽象的概念域上,从而对一个新的概念的理解和表达.这种认知模式很符合高职院校学生的思维特点,因此,将隐喻认知规律应用于高职院校英语词汇教学是有深远意义的尝试.  相似文献   

主要运用认知语言学的原型范畴理论及隐喻认知模式,对通感形容词的一词多义现象进行了阐释,并从中探讨通感形容词词义引申的规律。结果表明:通感形容词的词义以原型义项为中心,以意象图式为基础,一方面通过通感隐喻映射到其它感官领域;另一方面,通过隐喻从感官领域投射到其它领域。同时还探讨了通感的规律和原理以及通感与隐喻的关系。  相似文献   

一、引言 隐喻不仅仅是语言中的一种修辞现象,它存在于日常生活的方方面面,在本质上是人类理解周围世界的一种感知和形成概念的工具.隐喻的这种认知功能在当代已被大家普遍认同,成为认知语言学探讨的热点.作为一种认知手段,隐喻帮助我们利用已知的事物来理解未知的事物,用具体的实物来理解抽象的概念,使人类不断认识新事物新概念,成为一种给万事万物命名的主要手段(李国南,2001).  相似文献   

认知隐喻聚焦于隐喻生成机制和隐喻意义的推导机制,解释二者之间的取向性,可助力学生对抽象理论的学习。教师要遵循抽象理论教学的程序,理解隐喻的作用机制和认知隐喻的思维建构方式,引导学生从具体的事物或现象中提取出一般的概念、原理或规律,从而提升认知水平。具体教学中,教师要通过认知隐喻形成概念、建构模型、设计活动,帮助学生开启新知、发展理论、应用理论,培养分析、解决问题的能力,发展模型认知素养,完善结构决定性质的学科观念。  相似文献   

王丹丹 《考试周刊》2011,(36):22-23
空间隐喻对人类的概念形成具有特别重要的意义。文章从认知的角度,通过大量的语料,主要从权势关系、亲疏关系两个方面来探讨英汉语中社会关系的空间化隐喻现象。我们发现,空间隐喻其实直接来源于人们的身体体验和共同的物质经验。人们将自己亲身体验的表示空间的意象图式投射到表示社会关系的抽象事物中去,进行抽象化认知,从而达到认识事物的目的。  相似文献   

朱麟 《德州学院学报》2011,(Z1):104-105
在人类的语言思维中,人们往往通过身边熟悉的事物来理解认知另一些事物,用一些熟悉的思维方式及经验来理解抽象的思维概念,这样产生了隐喻。隐喻是一种普遍的语言现象,也是人类的重要认知方式。隐喻是人类语言的普遍特征,也会在文学语言中表现出来,不同的风俗习惯,生活经验会对隐喻表达产生不同的影响。通过对电影阿甘正传中隐喻的分析,对中英文化差异所产生的不同的隐喻表达做一点探讨。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种修辞现象,更是一种认知现象。本文运用认知语言学的理论对英语隐喻及其抽象思维的运作机制进行分析,探讨隐喻认知基础、认知机制,并试图说明隐喻的理解是通过抽象思维、自身经验和相似性,是一种自动加工,无需更多的认知资源与认知努力。  相似文献   

Why are spatial metaphors, like the use of “high” to describe a musical pitch, so common? This study tested one hundred and fifty-four 3- to 5-year-old English-learning children on their ability to learn a novel adjective in the domain of space or pitch and to extend this adjective to the untrained dimension. Children were more proficient at learning the word when it described a spatial attribute compared to pitch. However, once children learned the word, they extended it to the untrained dimension without feedback. Thus, children leveraged preexisting associations between space and pitch to spontaneously understand new metaphors. These results suggest that spatial metaphors may be common across languages in part because they scaffold children’s acquisition of word meanings that are otherwise difficult to learn.  相似文献   

叶航  冷园 《海外英语》2012,(3):170-175
Metaphors have been described as a central role of our cognitive apparatus. It is central to our understanding of how language, thought and discourse are structured. Animal metaphors as an important part of metaphors take advantage of the animals’ characteristics to describe a person or a thing vividly and chiefly. Sometimes animal metaphors will give people a humorous and novel picture. In linguistics, it can fill in the vacancy in languages, and make the expression exact and visually. Metaphor is kind of figure of speech. The thesis analyzes the function and style of metaphor and discusses the metaphors’ structure in grammar. How we understand the animal’s meaning is the key to translate the animal metaphors. All the animal words have both denotative meanings and connotative meanings. In most cases, the animals connotative meanings are the same or similar. People usually have the same idea about the animals; therefore, even the people who do not know English can understand some animal metaphors However, due to his tory, religion, phonetics, geography, life style, aesthetics and social psychology, the animals’ connotative meanings are different or even con trary. Facing these problems, how we translate the animal metaphors. I find four methods: adaptation, simile with explanation, paraphrase, and annotation. Adaptation is very efficient for the animal metaphors, which have counterpart in Chinese. Simile-with-explanation is the commonest method to translate animal metaphors, which are similar across the cultures easy to comprehend. Paraphrase is the last method to translate animal metaphors, and especially it can deal with any case that the animal metaphors are profound. Annotation is used to trans late animal metaphors in context, particularly in written English. Using the four methods, we can translate animal metaphors successfully. And while we are doing translation, we should understand English animals’ name very well, and pay attention to the Chinese animals’ meaning to make sure our readers understand the author’s in tended meanings. The thesis consists of five parts. The first part of the thesis states the significance and necessity of topic, problems to be solved in the thesis, and the framework of the thesis. The second part is literature review. The third part analyzes the animal vocabulary’s meanings. The fourth part gives four methods to do the animal metaphors translation. The conclusion part reviews the whole thesis and points out the weakness to be improved.  相似文献   

Abstract Pictures for children commonly contain pictorial metaphor. This non‐mimetic information supplements, clarifies or renders unambiguous properties or actions represented in the mimetic parts of a picture. Children's perception of some pictorial metaphors may not be wholly by processing them as metaphors or implied analogies but as word‐like figures. Some evidence is presented which may support this view.  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,而且是一种思维方式,是一种重要的、帮助人类更好、更清晰地了解外部世界和内心世界的认知工具.在英、汉语言中,采用隐喻、特别是概念隐喻表达“爱情”的语言形式比比皆是.英、汉“爱情”概念隐喻的异同是由人类相同的身体、相似的物质经验以及英、汉文化差异所决定的.  相似文献   

在很大程度上,人的情感是通过建立在感知基础上的隐喻表达的。习语是语言和文化的重要组成部分,所以人类普遍的隐喻思维不可避免地反映在习语中。文章着重从认知角度分析了英语习语中“愤怒”这一人类基本情感的隐喻表达,以便更好地帮助英语学习者了解情感隐喻的实质,同时也为习语学习提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

"火"是人类早期理解世界、理解宇宙的最为重要的基本概念之一。人们借助"火"这一具体的认知工具来理解抽象的事物,衍生出一系列与"火"有关的隐喻。拟以莱考夫等人的当代隐喻理论为基础,从认知和文化角度对汉语和英语中与"火"相关的隐喻进行比较,并探讨其共性和个性及其原因,丰富了隐喻的普遍性和差异性微观层面的对比分析。  相似文献   

隐喻起源于对世界感知信息的共鸣。本文以美国《商业周刊》商务时文精选中一则报道"IAC:TheUnracelling of an Empire"为语料,将隐喻阐释的研究置于源域事物的部分特征向目的域映射的过程中,分析其间的对应关系,论证源域不同的隐喻通过概念整合与跨域映射在语义网络建构中对意义解读的影响。  相似文献   

This inquiry explored 68 pre-service perceptions and aspirations of Teaching Chinese as an International Language (TCIL) teachers by analysing the metaphors they used to describe themselves as teachers. The inquiry revealed that the participants used a variety of metaphors to project the images of themselves as pre-service TCIL teachers. The results also confirm that the participants’ use of metaphors, as powerful tools to understand the complexity of teaching, reflects the mediation of cultural, historical and sociopolitical conditions. These findings help teacher educators to support TCIL teachers’ professional development by engaging them in critical dialogues about the metaphors they use to perceive themselves as TCIL teachers. They also help teacher educators to adopt tailor-made pedagogical content to address their development needs.  相似文献   

量词为名量的“A1一量A2一量”格式中,A与“一+名量”结构之间是一种语序超常的主谓关系,这种语序的变换移位为的是突出形容词,强调事物的不同性状。整个格式的语法意义是概括描述某事物或某类事物在性状上具有的不同情况。格式具有多种不同的语用功能。  相似文献   

在探讨隐喻的运行机制的基础上,文章将英汉房地产广告中的常见喻体分类整理并探讨其中所蕴含的文化价值。研究结果发现:生活、景色、家园、身份、地段、设计、价值是房地产广告中的常见喻体;广告中的隐喻与不同文化传统有着紧密的联系,折射出中西方相似和相异的文化价值观。  相似文献   

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