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研究一类分形结构上的随机游动,得到了它的进位不变性,进位时间的生成函数表达式并得到一个极限定理。  相似文献   

罗碎海 《中学数学研究》2011,(11):48-48,F0003
杨辉三角形如数表1,如果将其按数表2的规律排布,并且竖列相加(不进位),则得到斐波那契数列:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,….如果进位是什么呢?它们背后的本质是什么?  相似文献   

这是一堂“两位数加两位数(进位)”算法的教学课,我首先从帮助学生复习不进位的加法算理引入,学生们都能根据不进位的算理理解进位加法的算理,我发现学生们完成得很好,便进入了巩固练习的环节。  相似文献   

研究了FPGA中超前进位链和快速进位链的设计与实现,利用仿真结果比较了两者性能,介绍了FPGA快速进位链的设计思想并给出了具体设计。  相似文献   

“两位数加一位数(进位)”是六年制小学数学第二册第五单元的教学内容。本节课的教学是在学生掌握了两位数加整十数、两位数加一位数(不进位)和20以内进位加法的基础上进行的。为了使学生理解进位加法的算理,较好地掌握口算步骤,打好口算基础,形成口算技能,我确定本课的教学目标为:1会摆学具说两位数加一位数进位的道理;2会说口算步骤;3能正确口算;4培养学生的操作、语言表达和计算能力。本节课的重点是能正确口算两位数加一位数(进位),难点是会说口算步骤。一、以旧引新加强联系两位数加一位数进位加法的基础是20以内进位加…  相似文献   

教学内容:苏教版数学第二册《两位数加一位数的进位加法》 教材简析: 在学习本课内容前,学生已经学习过两位数与一位数相加(不进位)的内容,有了这个基础,学生探索进位加法的计算方法时,就可以调动原有的知识经验,将探索不进位加法的思路和方法迁移到新知识中来。  相似文献   

一、加法 1.教材分析本节主要教学笔算三位数的连续进位加法。学生在二年级已经学习了两位数加两位数的进位加法(个位满10向十位进1)以及几百几十加几百几十的进位加法(十位满10向百位进1)。这些都是学习本节的基础。虽然进位加法不是新知识,但连续进位加法计算过程比过去复杂,学生容易发生错误,所以这既是笔算加法的重点又是难点。  相似文献   

教学内容:苏教版数学第二册<两位数加一位数的进位加法> 教材简析 在学习本课内容前,学生已经学习过两位数与一位数相加(不进位)的内容,有了这个基础,学生探索进位加法的计算方法时,就可以调动原有的知识经验,将探索不进位加法的思路和方法迁移到新知识中来.  相似文献   

一、学生在多位数乘法竖式计算当中出现的进位错误类型一般来说,通过适当训练,运用竖式来计算乘法,绝大多数小学生都能掌握。但是,在教学中我们还是发现有一部分学生的计算难以过关。以下是我们通过调研分别属于不同城市的三所小学当中的9名即将进入四年级下学期的学生的平时作业即测试卷等作品,梳理出来的他们在多位数乘法竖式计算中出现的进位错误,主要有以下错误类型:(1)进位错算或使用时机(运算顺序)错误。如,在625×58的竖式当中,有学生是这样计算第一部分乘积的:5×8得40,向前进位4、写下0;然后是,向前面进位1,再将6与之前进上来的4相加、接着在乘积中写0;然后是6×8得到64(口诀不过关),在乘积里写下65。  相似文献   

数学第五册“一位数乘二、三、四位数”例4是一位数乘两位数的进位乘法。之前,学生已掌握了一位数乘两位数的口算、不进位的笔算方法。这节课除继续巩固乘法竖式、乘的顺序、乘积的写法外,重点应帮助学生理解进位的含义。教学时,教师宜根据进位法  相似文献   

数据抽取是数字下变频器的核心技术之一,抽取滤波器链设计的优劣将直接影响整机的工作性能。文章介绍了总抽取因子为256的抽取滤波器链设计,并用Matlab软件对其性能进行了仿真,最后,在专用数字下变频器HSP50216上构建了该抽取滤波器链。  相似文献   

介绍了一种多采样率CIC抽取滤波器.研究了滤波器的原理,重点分析了设计过程中滤波器的误差.在此基础上,用一个滤波器的设计实例验证了滤波器的误差理论,并验证了CIC抽取滤波器通过采样速率变换因子R可降低滤波器的工作频率.结果表明,利用软件控制R可实现多采样率.  相似文献   

在小波分析中,Mallat算法是一种重要的小波变换方法。但该方法由于存在抽取和插值运算,其结果有一定的失真。A’trous算法既具有Mallat算法的快速性,又有效保留了数据信息。提出把A’trous算法应用到多传感器数据融合中,经过仿真计算,其结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   

基于多级数字滤波器抽取的设计原理,通过研究和分析多种数字滤波器特点,设计了一种多级数字抽取滤波器的实行方案,并采用MATLAB进行仿真实现。  相似文献   

在坐标空间重正化群中,以二维三角形晶格Ising模型为例,用抽取法则而不是多数法则求临界指数。  相似文献   

在实空间用重整化群方法研究了科赫曲线上的S4模型相变,通过研究发现:自旋重标的部分格点消约变换是解决分形晶格上的S4模型相变问题的一种可行办法.同时我们也发现在科赫曲线的结果与欧氏空间的结果满足相同的关系K*=b/d,由此我们推测得出了S4模型的临界点与晶格配位数有关.  相似文献   

This article argues that the current social settlement underpinning vocational education and training (VET) in Australia is fractured. The current settlement is low trust and consists of qualifications based on competency-based training models of curriculum and competitive markets. The result is narrow qualifications that do not prepare people for jobs associated with the qualifications, and the decimation of technical and further education (TAFE) institutes which are the public providers of VET. The article develops a conceptual framework by integrating various literatures that are broadly consistent with institutionalist theories, including the Varieties of Capitalism literature, Raffe’s and colleagues model of intrinsic and institutional logics, and literatures on skills ecosystems and educational and labour market transitions. This analysis shows why VET has such a low status in Anglophone liberal market economies. A new social settlement is needed that recognises the diverse purposes played by VET qualifications, underpinned by a differentiated model of VET qualifications that does not tie the outcomes of learning so tightly to particular occupations. Such a model would recognise that some qualifications will have tighter links to occupations than others.  相似文献   

Language learning has long been seen as an important tool for achieving European Union (EU) targets for social inclusion. However, “mainstream” policy instruments like the Action Plan on Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity and the European Charter for Minority Languages have been undermined in recent years by the effects of the global financial crisis, which has contributed to the widespread decimation of welfare budgets in many EU member states. This has been accompanied by the increasing influence of a “neo-liberal” discourse in welfare and social service policies and practices, leading to the delegation of responsibility for service provision from central, regional and local government to commercial enterprises, civil society and, ultimately, to citizens themselves. At the same time, the gaps in service provision that have resulted from this “financial crisis” have opened up new opportunities for social innovators. New kinds of organisations are beginning to develop and apply new approaches using language learning to deliver innovative services aimed, for example, at supporting the integration of immigrants in society. Using case study analysis, this paper explores how these new approaches have developed, what kinds of innovation are being delivered and the contribution these social innovations are making to broader EU social inclusion objectives.  相似文献   

This article considers the ways in which educators and learning societies in Zambia and Zimbabwe have had to struggle to create independent, democratic and critical curricula in difficult circumstances over the last 50 years in the context of historical shifts in power, a declining British Empire and the re‐emergence of reactionary forces at a time when democracy is in retreat. It is argued that democratic learning societies depend on relationships with progressive social movements which most non‐governmental organizations (NGOs), and their allies in lifelong education, claiming to constitute civil society do not represent. In Zambia the labour movement and its educational programmes have had to contend with the brutal application of neo‐liberalism and imposed structural adjustment programmes. These latter were also imposed in Zimbabwe and in both countries resulted in the decimation of public education and health programmes, appalling human suffering and unemployment, all exacerbated the by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The issues of land reform in Zimbabwe, its suspension from and quitting the Commonwealth, the demonization of President Mugabe, and the recent March 2005 election victory for Zanu‐PF are analysed. The courage and dedication of so many educators in both countries are overwhelming but the article concludes that the learning society, rich culture, knowledge base and intellectual potential may be in danger from poverty, unemployment, exploitation and disease.  相似文献   

用公式的方法构造了一种新的奇阶幻方,并且给出了构造2n 1阶幻方(n>1)的严密证明最后给出了9阶幻方的实例。  相似文献   

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