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The current transformation of communication policies, as governments turn to the marketplace as the driver of network evolution, requires a redefinition of universal service. The debate so far has focused primarily on the elaboration of new funding mechanisms and the definition of which services should be covered. We argue that a more fundamental, third area demands attention: the articulation of a new rationale for universal service itself. Without articulating a clear justification for universal service, designing its scope and funding mechanisms is problematic at best. Past justifications rested on welfare (make telephony affordable to all) and network externalities (increase the network?s value by widening its reach). Increasingly, these need to be complemented by a new rationale based on the innovative potential of universal service. This article explores how universal service can fuel innovation-driven economic growth.  相似文献   

Universal Service Expansion: Two Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is now widely accepted that universal service will have to be redefined time and again as the technological environment evolves. Accordingly, policymakers have sought to institute a process for a periodic review of the universal service package. In order to "automate" the initiation of the review process, they have devised market-indicators-based trigger mechanisms to flag new technologies that should be considered for inclusion in an expanded universal service package. This article interrogates the majoritarian assumptions behind the design of the trigger mechanisms. It shows how the pressures generated by systems to induce adoption of a new technology by citizens/consumers play as important a role as their uncoerced choices in the emergence of new consumption norms. The article calls for balanced thinking that also considers the system perspective.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that universal service will have to be redefined time and again as the technological environment evolves. Accordingly, policymakers have sought to institute a process for a periodic review of the universal service package. In order to "automate" the initiation of the review process, they have devised market-indicators-based trigger mechanisms to flag new technologies that should be considered for inclusion in an expanded universal service package. This article interrogates the majoritarian assumptions behind the design of the trigger mechanisms. It shows how the pressures generated by systems to induce adoption of a new technology by citizens/consumers play as important a role as their uncoerced choices in the emergence of new consumption norms. The article calls for balanced thinking that also considers the system perspective.  相似文献   

The First Mile     
This article argues that the current universal service policies fail to appreciate first-mile issues, that is, how connectivity looks, feels, and behaves from the subscriber's perspective. For individuals and households, connectivity is not just merely a stretch of wire but an important connection that takes them out to a broader world, encapsulating network interface devices, the software, and training, as well as incentives to create content and contribute to the community. Universal service should represent the sum total of the capabilities that extend users into the networked nation, rather than just a "last-mile" collection of vendor-related concerns and constraints.  相似文献   

Ethnographic methods and geographic information systems were used to investigate the extent, causes and consequences of telephone disconnection in Camden, NJ. The results have significant implications for public policies intended to promote universal telephone penetration. Universal service is usually perceived as an issue for rural areas and the elderly, but the most extensive pockets of low telephone penetration are found in inner cities, where the problem is associated with the young, the transient, and ethnic minorities. The basic monthly rate paid by subscribers is usually thought to be the most important factor affecting affordability, but the data suggest that most marginal users are driven off the network by usage-related costs, and more generally by the problem of credit-worthiness. Given prevailing consumption patterns in low-income urban areas, 'electronic redlining' seems less of a threat than that poor Americans will, upon exposure to the advanced features of the national information infrastructure (NII), buy services that they cannot afford. Intellectuals and policy analysts value telephone service more than cable television service, but residents of inner cities frequently do not agree with this evaluation. In reformulating universal service policy, we must take account of the growing heterogeneity of telecommunications services, and keep in mind the importance of credit risk as a factor affecting the public's ability to access and use telecommunication networks.  相似文献   

Ethnographic methods and geographic information systems were used to investigate the extent, causes and consequences of telephone disconnection in Camden, NJ. The results have significant implications for public policies intended to promote universal telephone penetration. Universal service is usually perceived as an issue for rural areas and the elderly, but the most extensive pockets of low telephone penetration are found in inner cities, where the problem is associated with the young, the transient, and ethnic minorities. The basic monthly rate paid by subscribers is usually thought to be the most important factor affecting affordability, but the data suggest that most marginal users are driven off the network by usage-related costs, and more generally by the problem of credit-worthiness. Given prevailing consumption patterns in low-income urban areas, ''electronic redlining'' seems less of a threat than that poor Americans will, upon exposure to the advanced features of the national information infrastructure (NII), buy services that they cannot afford. Intellectuals and policy analysts value telephone service more than cable television service, but residents of inner cities frequently do not agree with this evaluation. In reformulating universal service policy, we must take account of the growing heterogeneity of telecommunications services, and keep in mind the importance of credit risk as a factor affecting the public's ability to access and use telecommunication networks.  相似文献   

闫森  杜纲 《未来与发展》2007,(2):58-61,F0003
电信普遍服务是指一个社会中的所有公民都有权享受到支付得起的电信业务。目前我国的电信普遍服务面临许多困境。本文在对电信普遍服务进行经济学分析的基础上,讨论了不同竞争条件下普遍服务基金的技术有效性。针对目前电信普遍服务存在的问题,提出了推进电信普遍服务的政策建议。  相似文献   

The core in the current "Global Warming" debate is how to discriminate the anthropogenic from natural warming. To answer this question, we have to know the natural trend of climate changes, an issue on which scientists' opinions diverge incredibly. Some scientists tell us that the next ice age will not come in some 50 thousands years (Berger & Loutre, 2002), but others believe that new glaciation would have been upon us several thousands years ago, should it be not postponed by early human impact (Ruddiman, 2003).  相似文献   

Caller ID service continues to be a controversial issue in the U.S. because of its privacy implications. State and federal regulators, legislators, scholars, and the courts have examined and responded to the privacy issue from a policy perspective, but perhaps without a complete understanding of the meaning of privacy in the context of the debate. What types of privacy are involved, how significant are these interests, and how might privacy needs compare and be balanced? This article explores privacy in the context of the Caller ID debate from a social science perspective. It examines motives for seeking and preserving privacy and explores the dynamic relationship between the caller and called party positions. It then provides an analysis of current and proposed Caller ID features and policies with a view toward understanding how these proposals balance competing privacy needs. This article establishes an analytic framework and a foundation for further study of caller and called party privacy that should lead to a better understanding of the privacy debate and the privacy implications of Caller ID.  相似文献   

在国内外经济下行压力下,“减税降费”已成为增强企业活力,促进高质量发展的重要手段。不同于其他税费政策改革,社会保险降费政策会通过财务资本和人力资本两个方面影响企业发展。然而,该政策对企业高质量发展的影响及作用机制尚不明晰。基于此,本文以各地级市政府实施的社会保险降费政策作为外生事件,运用双重差分模型,从企业技术创新的微观视角,考察社会保险降费政策对企业高质量发展的影响。研究结果显示,社会保险降费政策有利于提高企业技术创新水平。进一步分析发现,社会保险降费政策主要通过增加研发投入和优化人员结构推动企业技术创新,但两条路径的影响存在差异:其通过研发投入可以同时促进企业实质性创新和策略性创新,其通过人员结构仅促进企业实质性创新。最后,异质性分析发现,相较而言,上述影响在国有企业及所处监管环境较好的企业中更为显著。本文的研究结论既为“劳动经济学与微观企业行为”领域的研究提供了增量证据,也为“减税降费”等营商环境优化措施提供理论支持。  相似文献   

在评估我国环境治理政策效率时,主要是运用DEA-BCC模型研究我国2000—2012年的环境污染治理投资效率。结果表明,我国的环境治理投资效率并不高,绝大多数年份都非DEA有效,且随着实际的推移呈现明显下降趋势,决策单元中投入冗余与产出不足的情况较为普遍。运用AHP与模糊评价相结合的方法对我国环境治理政策的实施效果进行综合评价,结果表明我国的环境治理政策总体评价较差,4类主要的环境治理政策的评价等级也不理性,分值转化后分数均在60-65分数段内。由此可见,为了提高环境政策效率与效果,我国的环境治理政策必须进行改革与完善,而最关键的是构建科学化与系统化环境政策体系。  相似文献   

基于2012年在天津农民工的问卷调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型,在代际差异的视角下,考察了相关因素对农民工宅基地退出意愿的影响.研究发现:是否持有农村宅基地证对于新生代农民工宅基地退出意愿具有显著影响,但对于第一代农民工而言,该变量系数并不显著.但从系数符号来看,宅基地确权对于农民工宅基地权益的保障具有积极作用;此外,还得出年龄、性别、教育程度、非农就业率和宅基地距离城镇距离对两代农民工宅基地退出意愿影响显著不同.在此基础上,得出相应的政策启示.  相似文献   

社会心理服务体系建设的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
进入21世纪以来,心理健康和社会心理越来越受到广泛重视。党和国家相关政策要求从心理疏导拓展到心理健康教育和服务,并进一步拓展到内涵更丰富、目标更明确的社会心理服务,十九大报告明确提出"加强社会心理服务体系建设"。发达国家在关注心理健康降低医疗成本、发挥智库作用影响公共政策、运用新兴技术促进产业发展等方面的经验可供借鉴。我国心理健康和社会心理的研究者和实践者已经在人才队伍、工作机制、体系建设等方面进行了有益探索。当前我国社会心理服务体系建设的核心内容是通过心理健康服务来提升人民心理健康水平,促进社会和谐稳定发展;未来应向更全面的、支撑五位一体总体布局的心理建设发展。心理学工作者要切实把握人民对美好生活的需要,加强对人的心理和行为规律的科学认识,完善社会心理服务体系建设的系统理论,服务于推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

In Europe, universal service developed within a public-service-oriented institutional framework. The historical conflicts that produced these institutional arrangements are still important for national policymaking. Furthermore, the level of technological development and integration in the European Union forms the context in which decisions concerning universal service are made. Our analysis of telecommunications policies in three small European countries - Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway - shows that business actors are well networked and press for a minimal definition of universal services, whereas those actors promoting an extended definition seem to be less coordinated and therefore less successful. Hence it is unlikely that universal services will be defined more extensively in the future.  相似文献   

程郁  崔静静 《科研管理》2016,37(3):101-109
本文认为孵化器的政策绩效需要从政策对创新孵化服务的激励效益和孵化服务对在孵化企业的扶持效益两个方面来评价,提出多层传导的孵化器政策绩效评估框架,并采用2008-2012年孵化器税收优惠政策执行情况调研数据,通过三阶段联立方程组模型,实证考察孵化器税收优惠政策的传导效应。结果显示,孵化器所能享受到的税收优惠力度存在地区差异,税收优惠政策有效激励了孵化器所提供的场地及技术人员等基础服务,但对投融资服务和社会网络服务的激励效应不显著。而后者是影响在孵企业创新绩效的更重要因素,因此未来政策导向需要从基础服务转向对孵化器投融资服务、社会网络服务和创业辅导的激励。  相似文献   

卓乘风  邓峰 《科研管理》2021,42(7):68-76
本文以生产性服务业集聚为切入点,运用双重差分法考察了设立国家高新区的技术进步效应。研究发现:(1)国家高新区的设立并未显著带动地区技术进步;(2)出现上述现象的原因在于设立国家高新区显著吸引了低端生产性服务业集聚,但并未吸引对技术进步具有积极影响的高端生产性服务业在区域内形成集聚;(3)进一步分析发现,发挥“成本效应”和“生产率效应”是吸引高端生产性服务业入区、促进地区技术进步的有效途径,且“成本效应”中制造业发展、“生产率效应”中创新人才积累是最为有效的两种途径。  相似文献   

推动广东科技服务业发展政策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在总结国内外政府推动科技服务业发展政策研究的基础上,结合四维普适政策体系分析框架,对广东科技服务业发展政策现状进行调查分析,提出当前推动广东科技服务业发展需采取的政策措施.  相似文献   

对"科玄论战"胜负的主要因素并非双方基本立场或主要论点的正确性探因,就为用SSK视角研究论战提供了可行性;在SSK的视角下,社会对科学的普遍推崇、论战中策略的运用都是决定论战胜负的重要因素;这些因素的相互作用和渗透,使论战中存在着浓厚的社会因素。SSK视角下的"科玄论战",所给予的一个直接启示或许是:社会因素对文化的影响虽然是直接的,但各学科有不同的研究领域,不可因推崇一方而压制另一方;作为历史积淀的文化需要在特定的社会条件下创新发展;对科学的认识应有客观的态度,不可因社会发展处于特殊时期就夸大科学的积极作用而忽视其消极影响。  相似文献   

The economic justification for government support for science and technology has been commonly based on the concept of market failure. The general theoretical argument is that governments should intervene in cases where the free market fails to achieve an efficient allocation of resources. In this paper, the inadequacies of the concepts of market failure as they apply to policy are outlined. Its use in the political process, given these restrictive shortcomings, is also considered. Examples are drawn from Australian experience in science and technology policy over the past few years to support the claim that the concept is neither a sufficient basis nor an adequate guide for government intervention. Rather it has been used to justify politically determined decisions. Special reference is made to the Australian Industrial Research and Development Incentives Scheme.  相似文献   

基于可持续转型的我国新能源汽车政策文本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用基于可持续转型的分析框架对近年来我国出台的新能源汽车政策文件进行了政策文本分析。研究表明,政策工具多着眼于对转型的直接支持,需进一步使用破坏性政策倒逼转型;要通过政策不断调整地方政府、国有车企等体制主体,使其与新能源汽车发展相适应;应放宽在生产、营销和售后等互补性资产上对新入企业的高门槛,政策应能突出拥有核心技术企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

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