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爱尔兰作为一个多民族的国家,一直备受国内多元文化的冲击、种族冲突与宗教矛盾问题的困扰。而爱尔兰国内的跨文化教育历史悠久,经历早期发展、演变、深化发展等阶段,直至今日仍颇受社会各界重视。爱尔兰小学开展的跨文化教育实践主要有:以课程为导向的跨文化教育内容、注重打造包容性与跨文化性的学校规划、在课堂准备中落实跨文化教育理念等形式。  相似文献   

伴随着上海国际化大都市发展进程,越来越多的外籍中小学生选择随班就读于上海市中小学校。文中通过对国家、上海市及各区县、相关学校制订的招收外籍中小学生的政策、规定,申请入读程序和就读方式的整理,选取其中三所学校做个案研究,希望对处于摸索阶段的基础教育场域中的跨文化教育与管理有所启示。  相似文献   

杨文良 《海外英语》2012,(9):235-237
This paper attempts to examine the role of cultural relativism in intercultural communication for the purpose of eliminating or at least reducing the conception of ethnocentrism and strengthening mutual understanding so as to promote intercultural communication.Only acknowledging and accepting cultural differences and seeking understanding and harmony,not going extreme can the world be a place of peace to live.  相似文献   

On the assumption that the successful implementation of any inclusive policy is largely dependent on educators being positive about it, a great deal of research has sought to examine teachers' attitudes towards the integration and, more recently, the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the mainstream school. This paper reviews this large body of research and, in so doing, explores a host of factors that might impact upon teacher acceptance of the inclusion principle. The analyses showed evidence of positive attitudes, but no evidence of acceptance of a total inclusion or ‘zero reject’ approach to special educational provision. Teachers' attitudes were found to be strongly influenced by the nature and severity of the disabling condition presented to them (child-related variables) and less by teacher-related variables. Further, educational environment-related variables, such as the availability of physical and human support, were consistently found to be associated with attitudes to inclusion. After a brief discussion of critical methodological issues germane to the research findings, the paper provides directions for future research based on alternative methodologies.  相似文献   

影视欣赏与跨文化交际教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大部分人对于跨文化交际教学中的电影教学存在一个共同误区,认为电影是一个传授手段,利用影片教学就是放放电影,其效果十分有限。而实际上,如果我们把影片视为一个实践手段,一个自我评估手段,影片教学这个方法的效果也许不是那么有限。在教学进行到一定程度的时候播放了《刮痧》这部影片,学生运用所学知识对此进行跨文化差异分析,把影片教学当作一个实践手段和评估手段,不仅解答了学生对与该课程实际意义的困惑,而且进一步激发了学生学习跨文化交际学的兴趣。  相似文献   

影视欣赏与跨文化交际教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大部分人对于跨文化交际教学中的电影教学存在一个共同误区,认为电影是一个传授手段,利用影片教学就是放放电影,其效果十分有限。而实际上,如果我们把影片视为一个实践手段,一个自我评估手段,影片教学这个方法的效果也许不是那么有限。在教学进行到一定程度的时候播放了《刮痧》这部影片,学生运用所学知识对此进行跨文化差异分析,把影片教学当作一个实践手段和评估手段,不仅解答了学生对与该课程实际意义的困惑,而且进一步激发了学生学习跨文化交际学的兴趣。  相似文献   


Background: In order to offer all students the opportunity to progress and grow to their full potential, teachers must positively recognise and value the different expressions of diversity of all the class members. One of the biggest educational challenges that teachers face today is how to address classroom practices from a truly inclusive and democratic perspective.

Purpose: The main aim of this study was to explore, in a Spanish context, how primary school teachers articulate and implement inclusive and democratic practices in their classrooms.

Design, sample and methods: The methodological design of this study was situated within a qualitative research approach. A multiple case study structure, comprising three case studies, was utilised. Data collection was carried out via interviews, classroom practices inventories, scientific observation and analysis of documentation. The study was carried out over three academic years and had three phases. Data were analysed thematically.

Findings: In the three cases analysed, the analysis identified different possibilities in terms of the implementation and articulation of pedagogical differentiation (the structures, content, process and product) and democratic classroom management (collaborative culture, a shared leadership, democratic participation and school linked to environs).

Conclusions: The analysis highlights the need to support the formation of a critical citizenship within inclusive contexts, as well as the need to develop a sense of belonging to the educational community.  相似文献   

内地新疆班与内地西藏班(校)作为新时代的边疆少数民族内地办学项目丰富了内地学校场景中的文化多样性,为多民族师生的文化互动搭建了平台。借鉴人类学田野民族志的方法,笔者以英语实习教师的身份进入田野,进行了一年的参与式田野调查,通过一个个案折射内地新疆班维汉文化互动的全貌。维汉之间的文化差异是客观存在的,生活差异、语言差异、学业差异等被维汉师生认为在文化互动的初期带来挑战。个案学校“以宽代严”、“眼高手低”、“共享校园”、“弹性编班”等管理制度和理念对促进维汉师生的文化互动取得了成效。这些经验体现出一个总的理念,即在尊重差异的基础上强调文化深层次的普世性,体现了“尊重差异,包容多样”的和谐社会基本理念。在个案情境下,维吾尔族学生和当地师生互动的过程成为了超越文化差异的过程,双方建立了“背着馕去做客”的跨文化友谊,这种文化互动还进一步延伸到了学校所在的小镇和学生的家庭中。这一个案的启示在于,文化差异对参与互动的双方都会形成挑战,但在积极的文化环境中,不同文化群体间的接触越多,他们彼此的尊重和态度就会越积极。边疆少数民族内地办学增加了不同民族师生的接触与交往,为增进了解、超越差异提供了潜在的机会。  相似文献   

做好易地扶贫搬迁后续帮扶工作是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果的重要举措。社区教育作为有效帮扶途径之一,不但有助于乡村振兴战略的落实、脱贫长效机制的建立、搬迁地区终身教育体系的构建,更有助于搬迁移民尽快适应新社区的生产生活方式,实现在搬迁后"稳得住、能致富"。国家与地方出台的相关文件、我国历史上的社区教育经验以及移民自身的学习需求,为开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育提供了政策基础、实践基础和动力基础。易地扶贫搬迁移民社区兼具城镇与农村特征,故需从城乡融合视角制定其社区教育发展路径:一是以"稳秩序升内涵"为宗旨,确立社区教育的发展定位与目标;二是以"广服务融生活"为目标,构建社区教育的内容与载体;三是以"多形式活方法"为理念,组织与实施社区教育活动;四是以"成合力升效率"为指向,保障社区教育的运行与效率。总之,开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育应当基于城乡融合发展理念,注重将其与产业发展和社区治理相结合。  相似文献   

This article reveals the intrinsic connection between the constructs normality, identity, meaning, cultural tracking, and school achievement. In particular, it illuminates the indirect connection between cultural tracking and a reduction in the meaningful engagement of school tasks. As documented elsewhere, learning proceeds in a meaningful environment with meaningful goals embedded within the broader framework and context of human life, with identity anchored in a stable cultural and communicative framework. What my study shows is how Ethiopian students are in a state of identity crisis as they grapple with two cultural systems and structures of meaning which confuse their sense of direction. In the process, meaningfully propelled learning dispositions and an affectively driven urge to achieve scholastic excellence deteriorate. Thus, the lagging academic performance of these children is partly caused by the school system which has little knowledge of the way these children and their parents feel and think in terms of identity, belongingness and negotiation of meaning. It is not that Ethiopian students are unmotivated, they work hard to achieve excellence. It is more that the process of learning a new code of behaviour, values and school culture is taking place rapidly without the original culture's active participation as a basic link and a vehicle for further learning. The article also points out the extent of the economic and otherwise power‐related differences between black and white Jews in Israel.  相似文献   

跨文化教育的核心思想是接受并欣赏文化差异,文章通过分析实施跨文化教育的具体要求以及在我国香港和广东的重要意义,重点探悉粤港配对小学生网上研习中对于跨文化教育的支持,从而总结跨文化教育实施的成功经验和不足之处,旨在为今后的跨文化教育实施给出建议。  相似文献   

Thirteen Ecuadorian indigenous nationalities follow the Intercultural Bilingual Education Model in Ecuador (MOSEIB). This paper analyses the present situation of MOSEIB, the challenges to it and future prospects. First, in order to understand how MOSEIB today has relieved the intercultural tensions of the past it is necessary to look at the history of Ecuadorian education. Second, in order to explore the particular characteristics of the MOSEIB model and the challenges of implementing intercultural education in non‐intercultural societies we ask how and to what extent the intercultural education policies and practices in Ecuador differ from those developed in other Latin‐American countries. Third, we consider curricular diversity, seeking to clarify how the MOSEIB curricula relate to the reality of the Kichwa indigenous nationality and its communal environment, rituals and agricultural schedules. We conclude with comments on future prospects and remaining challenges to the establishment of a truly intercultural society inside a multicultural country.  相似文献   

Access to higher education in Portugal is governed by a quota system (numerus clausus). The purpose of this article is to answer two questions: First, how does the numerus clausus system shape the demand for medical studies? Second, how do non-enrolled medical candidates influence the global allocation system and generate waves of dissatisfaction? The results show that students who do not succeed in entering medicine register in other programmes, such as pharmacy, veterinary medicine and dental studies, generating a first wave of dissatisfaction. Because students who are not placed in medicine occupy a large share of the places available in those other programmes, the wave of dissatisfaction propagates, with students being pushed to other programmes, especially biology and biochemistry. This process has also been analysed from a spatial perspective. Apparently, when students are competing to obtain a study place in a programme with prestige and good professional career perspectives such as medicine moving to a more peripheral region becomes more frequent.  相似文献   

文章分析研究了西班牙教育部为各教育阶段提供的助学金、奖学金以及其他形式教育资助的发放、用途和管理,并提出建议以完善我国助学制度,发展教育事业。  相似文献   

Wim Hoppers 《Prospects》2008,38(3):377-391
This article explores the extent to which and how non-formal education (NFE) contributes to the development of a more diversified basic education system and thus to the achievement of EFA. It outlines the current nature of NFE, the frameworks provided by the EFA movement, and the evolution of reflection, policies and practices in NFE in relation to basic education as a whole. Based on significant developments in various countries across the South, the article also discusses some key challenges that ministries of education and their partners need to face in moving towards relevant and equitable diversity in education. The article posits that, despite the many problems faced by NFE, there is justification for building on its experiences and integrating these within a larger policy and systems framework that responds more effectively to needs and circumstances of children and young people.
Wim HoppersEmail:

Wim Hoppers (Netherlands)   is currently a consultant to ADEA and Visiting Professor at the Institute of International Education (IIE) at Stockholm University. He also holds an Honorary Professorship at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He obtained his PhD from the Institute of Education, University of London. He is a policy analyst and researcher in education and development, interested in education policy and planning, and comparative education, with a particular focus on the political economy of educational alternatives and issues of institutional development. Over time he has served as an academic and education adviser in East and Southern Africa and South-Asia. Between 1993 and 2003 he worked as a regional education adviser for the Netherlands Government Development Cooperation in Southern Africa, based in Harare and Pretoria. He has published widely on vocational education and work, and on policy issues in basic education development.  相似文献   

In a pluricultural and multi-religious world, with high levels of social secularisation, the role of religious education in schools (especially in state-funded schools) has inundated political and academic debate throughout Europe, which is becoming increasingly more committed to integrating, non-confessional models. In this context, it is essential to analyse how religious education is managed in countries whose relationship between state and religion is still firmly rooted (as is the case of Spain), and what the action of schools and families is in contexts where confessional religion is maintained in schools. Based on a quantitative study of 380 representatives of primary school management teams, it is seen that one in four schools does not teach any type of religion, either due to a lack of demand from families or because the school chooses not to do so. In addition, the study shows the practical limitations of the confessional model to provide a response to the religious and secular diversity of our time, as the implementation of minority confessions is very scant while there is a primacy of the catholic confession in the religion subject.  相似文献   

One of the first achievements of post-conflict Afghanistan was to bring almost 4 million children back to school. Issues remain daunting, however, with low primary enrollment especially for girls and in rural areas and very weak learning achievements. We review some key features of the education system in Afghanistan. By matching household and school data, we assess the impact of various factors on enrollment. Overall, the analysis indicates that further increasing supply alone is unlikely to lead to higher enrollment. The analysis confirms the importance of demand factors such as the education of parents, the family language, and other community and ethnic factors.  相似文献   

文章分析了20世纪90年代以来,澳大利亚普通高中教育所处的时代背景,介绍了澳大利亚高中教育改革所采取的主要举措,并对其高中教育改革所取得的成绩及面临的挑战进行了分析。  相似文献   

屈巧 《宜宾学院学报》2007,7(3):108-111
目前,我国基础教育课程已经经历了八次改革。在推行新课程改革的过程中,教师的地位和作用不能忽视。本文根据基础教育课程改革和高中英语新课程标准的要求,对宜宾市高中英语教师关注的热点以及其所在中学改革的现状和难点进行了抽样调查,分析得出目前教师们急需培训的几个方面,以帮助师范院校对高中教师进行更有针对性的师资培训,推进基础教育课程改革更顺利地进行。  相似文献   

Many children involved with the child welfare system witness parental domestic violence. The association between children's domestic violence exposure and child welfare involvement may be influenced by certain socio-cultural factors; however, minimal research has examined this relationship. The current study compares domestic violence experiences and case outcomes among Latinas who are legal immigrants (n = 39), unauthorized immigrants (n = 77), naturalized citizens (n = 30), and US-born citizen mothers (n = 383) reported for child maltreatment. This analysis used data from the second round of the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being. Mothers were asked about whether they experienced domestic violence during the past year. In addition, data were collected to assess if (a) domestic violence was the primary abuse type reported and, if so, (b) the maltreatment allegation was substantiated. Results show that naturalized citizens, legal residents, and unauthorized immigrants did not differ from US-born citizens in self-reports of domestic violence; approximately 33% of mothers reported experiences of domestic violence within the past year. Yet, unauthorized immigrants were 3.76 times more likely than US-born citizens to have cases with allegations of domestic violence as the primary abuse type. Despite higher rates of alleged domestic violence, unauthorized citizens were not more likely than US-born citizens to have these cases substantiated for domestic violence (F(2.26, 153.99) = 0.709, p = .510). Findings highlight that domestic violence is not accurately accounted for in families with unauthorized immigrant mothers. We recommend child welfare workers are trained to properly assess and fulfill the needs of immigrant families, particularly as it relates to domestic violence.  相似文献   

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