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在马克思主义新闻观中国化的早期进程中,列宁主义中所关涉的党报学说影响甚大,中共党报理论事实上也主要建基于列宁党报学说。但对相关议题,目前学界讨论较少,即便有所涉及,也大多以延安时期为起点或重点,忽略了中央苏区时期党的"新闻干部"所进行的列宁主义式党报实践,也忽视了延安新闻事业与中央苏区党报列宁主义式实践的内在关联及演变关系。本文尝试以中央苏区"新闻干部"及其对列宁党报学说的理解与执行为线索,对列宁主义对苏区党报理论与实践所产生的影响进行初步梳理和分析。  相似文献   

"人民共和国党报论坛"第十六届(2019)年会,于2019年12月15日在中国传媒大学举行,主题是"共产党·新中国·党报"。论坛自2004年举办首届年会至今,已成功举办16届,作为研究党报的专业平台,被业界、学界誉为"观察党报的窗口,宣传党报的讲台"。本届年会上,学界业界百余人共聚一堂,梳理新时代党报主题报道的创新策略,总结媒介技术变革语境下党报传播理念和传播方式的转变,对媒体融合纵深发展的走向进行探索和思考。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在2018年全国宣传思想工作会议上强调,宣传思想干部要不断掌握新知识、熟悉新领域、开拓新视野,增强本领能力,加强调查研究,不断增强脚力、眼力、脑力、笔力。党报开展增强"四力"教育实践工作,必须准确把握"四力"的丰富内涵,以明确的方向、清晰的目标、实在的举措践行"四力"。  相似文献   

"人民共和国党报论坛"第八届(2011)年会12月17日在天津举行。年会主题为"党与党报",来自《人民日报》《广西日报》《天津日报》《中国记者》等业界和中国传媒大学、天津师范大学、中国人民大学等学界的近百名新闻采编工作者、新闻  相似文献   

脱贫攻坚报道是新闻传媒的重要任务,"四力"是新时代新闻工作队伍综合素质、能力水平、精神风貌的集中体现,在脱贫攻坚报道中更要践行"四力"。作为州市党报新闻工作者,深入基层,转变作风,改变文风,不断增强"四力",用双脚丈量大地,用双眼观察时势,用头脑萃取精华,用手中之笔记录时代,是提升新闻队伍素质的重要途径。  相似文献   

融媒体时代,对于新闻记者的职业素养提出了更高要求。本文以作者两次蹲点乡镇农村开展新闻采访为例,从寻找“新线索”、发掘“新题材”、发现“新价值”、书写“新文章”四个方面阐释新时代党报新闻工作者如何守正创新,践行“四力”挖掘新闻,创作出有思想、有温度、有深度、有品质、有价值的新闻作品。  相似文献   

四力"是践行马克思主义新闻观,创作有思想、有温度、有品质新闻作品的有效方法和实践路径。在融媒体不断发展的当下,如何增强"四力",提高新闻宣传的质量和水平,值得媒体人深入思考。  相似文献   

"人民共和国党报论坛"第九届(2012)年会于2012年12月29日在上海华东师范大学举行.来自《人民日报》、《解放日报》、《中国环境报》、《新疆经济报》、《桂林日报》等业界和来自中国传媒大学、华东师范大学、天津师范大学、复旦大学、中国新闻出版研究院等学界的近百名新闻采编、新闻教育、新闻研究工作者围绕年会主题"党报与党和国家构建和发展现代传播体系"进行研讨.  相似文献   

马克思主义的方法论主张,要在学习和工作实践中理解、运用和检验马克思主义的原理原则。毛泽东最早提出马克思主义中国化主张。延安整风和党报改版是中国化的初步探索,内容大致有党报的性质和功能,党报的特征,全党办报方针,党报文风,处理政治与技术关系的原则。新时代践行马克思主义新闻观中国化的新努力,主要在依据中国独特的文化传统、历史命运、基本国情的基础上展开,突出"四个自信",重点构建中国新闻舆论的传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力。强调坚持马克思主义新闻观中国化过程中要保持正确的政治方向。  相似文献   

主题宣传是党报担负的重要任务。本文以黄冈日报开展《壮丽70年奋斗新时代——红色故地行》大型主题采访活动为例,对党报传承红色基因,深入践行"四力",推进媒体融合发展,极大地提升了宣传的传播力、影响力进行了探析。  相似文献   

李静 《图书馆学研究》2007,(6):99-100,F0003
本文将知识的二重性与粒子的波粒二象性进行了跨学科的联系,在粒子二重性的基础上分析了知识的“波粒二象性”,并推广到与知识密切联系的知识管理领域。  相似文献   

由中宣部、文化部等九部委发起的以促进图书馆事业发展、倡导读书、传播知识、推动社会文明与进步为宗旨的社会文化系统工程--"知识工程",是促进和加强社会主义精神文明建设的一项伟大工程,为图书馆事业的改革与发展指明了方向.  相似文献   

陈启裕 《图书馆界》1999,(3):26-27,35
大型文化下乡活动,由文化局组织文化系统的各单位联合参加,并联合县、乡镇对口单位参加,组成下乡一条街,形成一定的规模,产生较大的影响.下乡活动内容有:专业及业余文艺团体的文艺演出、博物馆的图片展览、电影公司的电影放映、新华书店的书市、书画院的书画即席挥毫.电视台、电台、报社等新闻单位的随队采访.文化下乡的内容都贴近当地群众.所到之处,农民们敲锣打鼓,燃放鞭炮,列队热烈欢迎.各个服务网点人山人海,热闹非凡.其场面在农村少见.很多村镇有史以来还是第一次有这么大规模的文化团体到来.图书馆抓住这个有利时机,把实施"知识工程"结合于整个文化下乡活动中,能收到较好的效果.  相似文献   

《Knowledge Acquisition》1994,6(3):243-270
Knowledge modelling is undoubtedly a major problem in knowledge acquisition. Drawing from industrial case studies that have been carried out, the paper lists some key problems which still dog knowledge modelling. Next, it critically reviews current knowledge modelling techniques and tools and concludes that these real knowledge acquisition issues are not tackled by them. We consider the spelling out of these problems and the fact that they are not addressed by current tools and techniques to be a major contribution of this paper. The paper strongly argues for knowledge modelling to be domain-driven, i.e. driven by the nature of the domain being modelled. The key argument in this paper is that ignoring the nature or characterization of the domain inevitably results in knowledge imposition rather than knowledge acquisition as domains get shoe-horned into some (current) set of models, representations and tools. After examining the nature of domains, the paper proceeds to outline an emerging hypothesis for knowledge modelling. It concludes with a specification of a tool suite for addressing the issues identified in this paper.  相似文献   

本文采用模块式与分层次的方法,将知识分割为由模块和知识元组成的知识体系,通过按相关层次的直接点击查询或按知识元名称进行所需知识的检索,实现以知识元为基础的知识组织与知识服务的目的。  相似文献   

This paper studies the frameworks used to understand the commons, the knowledge commons, and indigenous knowledge. Discussion of enclosure, participation, rivalrous and non-rivalrous commons reveals that information and knowledge are resources that increase in value through use. The author examines current IK practices, focusing on documentation strategies and the role of the librarian. Studying IK practices in relation to the commons allows shared language to emerge. Challenging the frameworks, discourse and practices of both IK and the commons exposes and strengthens their connections to one another. This provides a platform for stronger advocacy for IK projects and the commons in general.  相似文献   

This paper studies the frameworks used to understand the commons, the knowledge commons, and indigenous knowledge. Discussion of enclosure, participation, rivalrous and non-rivalrous commons reveals that information and knowledge are resources that increase in value through use. The author examines current IK practices, focusing on documentation strategies and the role of the librarian. Studying IK practices in relation to the commons allows shared language to emerge. Challenging the frameworks, discourse and practices of both IK and the commons exposes and strengthens their connections to one another. This provides a platform for stronger advocacy for IK projects and the commons in general.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to identify trends in academic health sciences libraries (AHSLs) as they adapt to the shift from a print knowledgebase to an increasingly digital knowledgebase. This research was funded by the 2003 David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship. METHODS: The author spent a day and a half interviewing professional staff at each library. The questionnaire used was sent to the directors of each library in advance of the visit, and the directors picked the staff to be interviewed and set up the schedule. RESULTS: Seven significant trends were identified. These trends are part of the shift of AHSLs from being facility and print oriented with a primary focus on their role as repositories of a print-based knowledgebase to a new focus on their role as the center or "nexus" for the organization, access, and use of an increasingly digital-based knowledgebase. CONCLUSION: This paper calls for a national effort to develop a new model or structure for health sciences libraries to more effectively respond to the challenges of access and use of a digital knowledgebase, much the same way the National Library of Medicine did in the 1960s and 1970s in developing and implementing the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. The paper then concludes with some examples or ideas for research to assist in this process.  相似文献   

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