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职业足球联赛新闻报道在职业足球商业化运作和体育新闻传播大环境的助推作用下呈现出新闻报道主体受众化、新闻报道媒介融合化、新闻报道方式多样化的发展趋势,即职业足球联赛新闻报道主体更加以受众为中心,报道媒介更加趋于跨媒体联动,报道方式更加注重故事性和趣味性。  相似文献   

电视新闻报道发展到今天,报道形式已发生了重大变化,简要地说体现在由过去单一的一分钟新闻发展到系列报道、连续报道、深度报道、电视新闻直播报道、组合报道……报道形式更加丰富,电视的优势较之其它传媒更加充分地得到了发挥。这其中组合报道就是近几年兴起的一种更能发挥电视优势的全新报道方式。一、电视新闻组合报道概述电视新闻组合报道是:围绕一个新闻主题或新闻事件进行多角度、多层面报道的组合。它既可以是单条新闻的放大、扩展(消息+背景),又可以是多条相互关联的新闻的有机集合,从而做到对这一新闻主题或新闻事件全景…  相似文献   

中国调查性报道的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段勃 《当代传播》2006,(1):98-100
在中国,调查性报道是一种方兴未艾的新闻报道方式,而且正受到越来越多大众传媒的青睐,本文从中国社会加速转型和新闻改革的社会背景出发,研究调查性报道的发展趋势,认为调查性报道将会成为一种越来越重要的新闻报道方式,将会出现一种个性回归的趋势,调查记者将会成为一支更加成熟的队伍。  相似文献   

刘姝岚 《新闻界》2004,(1):56-57
(一)深度报道,一种新闻竞争中应读者对新闻信息深度需求而产生的独特报道方式。今天,只要我们翻开任何一种报纸,占据相当比例的深度报道,总会以它独特的魅力,吸引着我们的注意力。深度报道是报纸为适应电子新闻时代的竞争需要而产生的独特的报道方式,也是读者对新闻信息的深度需求的产物。以更加  相似文献   

时政新闻报道,是党报权威性、指导性的重要体现,也是党报的一大传统优势。新形势新任务,迫切要求转变时政报道方式,以时政报道方式转变加快党报宣传方式转变,让时政新闻更加可亲、可读  相似文献   

随着新闻竞争越来越激烈,对报道新闻的方式要求也越来越高.近年来,一些媒体为了使报道更加全面、更具深度和厚度,在获悉新闻事件后迅速对报道方式进行策划,力求在报道上出奇制胜、高人一筹.  相似文献   

形成系列报道增强监督力度——办好读者来信版的一种探索文/郑州·陈亚洲在市场经济体制下,读者来信版怎样适应新形势,增强监督力度,提高批评报道效果?近几年来,我们从转变思想观念和报道方式入手,使批评报道更加贴近生活,贴近读者,从而树立了党报的威信,提高了...  相似文献   

面对愈来愈激烈的报业市场竞争,各级党报千方百计地推进自身改革,提升市场竞争力,所取得的改革成果是显而易见的:报道内容更加贴近实际,报道方式更加生动活泼,版面形式更加美观  相似文献   

由于多种原因,会议报道经常会给人留下严肃呆板、晦涩难懂的印象.在融媒体时代,会议报道正融合各种媒体的优势,创新报道模式,探索多元化的新闻呈现方式,为用户带来新的体验.从整体上看,会议报道呈现出形式更加新颖、独特,利于用户接收;内容更加准确、精练,有吸引力;渠道更加多元、联动,利于信息分发.  相似文献   

吴献举 《青年记者》2006,(14):45-46
思维方式的变化可以使新闻报道的表现形式更加多样,从而增强报道的可读性和吸引力。发散思维是一种多角度、多方向,寻求多种答案的思维方式,其在新闻写作中的运用,可以拓宽记者的思维空间,发掘更多更新更有价值的报道题材,采取更加灵活的写作方式,从而给读者耳目一新的感觉。发  相似文献   

论数字图书馆信息报导的知识产权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析数字图书馆信息报导所面临的知识产权风险,分别提出书目、索引和文摘的知识产权策略,并在此基础上对数字 图书馆今后的信息报导提出具体建议。  相似文献   

近年来,在图书馆价值评估活动的影响下,越来越多的美国高校图书馆开始参与到学习分析项目中来。《图书馆机构学习分析整合》是美国博物馆和图书馆服务研究所基于三次全国图书馆学习分析整合信息论坛讨论结果发布的报告,内容涉及图书馆机构学习分析整合形式,支持图书馆参与学习分析的策略方法,图书馆机构学习分析整合障碍及未来努力方向等。该报告对于指导图书馆员如何参与学习分析及应对学习分析带来的挑战具有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

调查表明,年度报告工作已经受到越来越多高校图书馆的关注,但还没有在高校图书馆普遍开展。文章收集我国26所高校图书馆共118份图书馆年度报告,选择其中10所高校图书馆年度报告作为样本,对其年度报告体例、内容要点、编写的具体事项等进行整理、统计和分析研究,研究结果可对各高校图书馆编制年度报告时应注意的事项提供借鉴和参考,有关年度报告工作改进与发展的建议将有利于年度报告工作向更高一个层面发展。  相似文献   

Due to the increased importance of transnational governance, individual states become increasingly interdependent. This is also reflected in the news media coverage and media attention to foreign affairs. The European Union (EU) represents a case of advanced globalization. This study investigates news media attention to fellow EU member states. The main objective of this study is to explain what factors determine whether EU member states report about each other. The analysis is based on large-scale content analysis data of TV news and newspaper articles of 27 EU member states gathered during the 2009 European Parliament election campaign (N = 19,106) and employs network analysis to explain differences in media attention. The findings show that there are indicators at the national level that are independent of EU governance, as well as factors related to the European integration that determine whether two states report about each other. As such, countries that are neighbors, and where the same language is spoken, are more likely to report about each other. Furthermore, smaller, older, and EU member states that are more supportive of the European integration report more on fellow states.  相似文献   

The preliminary building program suggested in this paper makes use of outlines, graphs, charts, and lists, rather than long-winded paragraphs, to describe the needs, objectives, and philosophy of the library. It is hoped that a short, concise, but detailed, report using these methods will save time and make the report more attractive to read, thereby encouraging the many people who will need to assist in the building planning to use the report.  相似文献   

万希岭 《编辑学报》2004,16(5):334-335
科技期刊的生存和发展离不开国家政治体制的稳定和经济建设的繁荣.科技期刊应该回报社会,要与时俱进,紧跟时代前进的步伐,及时报道社会关注的焦点热点问题,发挥自身优势,报道、追踪、引导科技攻关,争取获得重大成果,为社会进步多做贡献.  相似文献   

2011年秋季美国爆发的"占领华尔街"运动,由社交媒体组织发起并积极跟踪报道,相比之下,美国传统主流媒体表现颇为被动,在运动初起时并不重视。总的来看,传统媒体对这一事件的报道呈现由弱变强的趋势,这是美国传统媒体运作模式的特点与缺陷使然。从"阿拉伯之春"到"美国之秋",网络媒体(社交媒体、视频网站)上位,以快捷的传播成为人们的首选信息源,并成为社会集体行动的组织者。面对这一现实,传统媒体需要加强议题设置、强调理性化表达、深挖报道深度,方能在现代传播中继续担当"船桥上的瞭望者"。  相似文献   

近年来,愈来愈多的北美高校图书馆参与学习分析项目或计划。《SPEC Kit 360:学习分析》是美国研究图书馆协会在对其成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划调查的基础上发布的报告,内容涉及成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划涵盖的数据收集、数据存储、数据共享、数据保护、隐私政策、日常程序及培训、参与学习分析合作等方面,分析此报告,能够深入了解北美高校图书馆参与学习分析的现状,对我国高校图书馆参与学习分析实践具有研究价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):360-366
Over the past decade, communication scholars have increasingly considered biological contributions to the ways in which we communicate. One approach to exploring the links between biology and communication involves analysis of relationships between communication variables and variables containing strong biological underpinnings. The present study was designed to provide an examination of the relationship between Eysenck's personality dimensions and communication variables. This essay reports the results of three separate studies that encompass more than a dozen communication variables. The results seem to indicate that non-neurotic extraverts are not shy or apprehensive about touch, tend to perceive themselves as more competent, view themselves as assertive and responsive, and express greater degrees of self-acceptance. Neurotic introverts report apprehension about communication, perceive themselves as less immediate, rate themselves as having a lower affect orientation, and somewhat higher levels of verbal aggressiveness. Neurotic participants report less self-acceptance. Neurotic non-psychotics report a greater degree of affect orientation, more apprehension about communication, and lower verbal aggression. Neurotic psychotic extraverts tend to be compulsive communicators and report greater tolerance for disagreement. Psychotics are non-responsive, and tend to report higher levels of verbal aggressiveness, argumentativeness and assertiveness. Finally, psychotic non-neurotics tend to have a greater tolerance for disagreement and are less likely to identify themselves as compulsive communicators. Possible directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):226-244
Two hundred ninety‐nine subjects completed the Revised Family Communication Patterns instrument (Ritchie & Fitzpatrick, ) and the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ; Buhrmester, Furman, Wittenberg, & Reis, ). Results indicate that both family communication patterns and sex of subject influence the ability to enact certain communication skills in both same‐sex friendships and romantic partnerships. Those growing up in a strong conversation‐oriented family are more likely to report the ability to enact a greater number of interpersonal skills in both types of relationships. Women were more likely to report the ability to self‐disclose in a same‐sex friendship; however, a family communication environment that stresses a lower conversation orientation (consensual) diminishes the likelihood of acquiring that skill for women. Women were also more likely to report being able to offer emotional support in both same‐sex friendships and romantic partnerships. Men were more likely to report being able to assert themselves negatively in a same‐sex friendship, and to self‐disclose and manage conflict in a romantic partnership. Additionally, this study found that men and women employ different communication skills depending on the sex of their relational partner. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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