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Kevin McCarthy sees a slight irony in the idea of inspecting the spiritual dimension of education. Nevertheless, he argues strongly that schools' response to this should be creative. The resulting policy must be a whole-school one that involves both horizontal and vertical curriculum development. In the second part of his paper he describes how, in his own school, a programme is being developed which goes beyond the mechanistic approach to science typically found in examination syllabi. Starting from the students' own perceptions, this programme considers the big issue which underlies science: that of ‘the spiritual dimension’.  相似文献   

面向残疾人的远程教学模式的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着"中央电大人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"工作的深度推进,电大系统在远程开放教育上已经取得了非常明显的阶段性成果.面向基层、面向教育欠发达地区和对那些接受教育机会不平等人群的开放,是这项试点工作的重要内容之一.深圳电大是中央电大残疾人教育学院的主要合作单位之一,承担了残疾人教育学院教学模式探索和办学等许多具体的实践工作.本文就肢体残疾、聋哑学生和健全学生混合在一起的教学模式和教学资源开发的探索工作做-介绍,供大家商榷.  相似文献   

Classroom teachers are aware that during everyday classroom teaching name‐calling can be a wide‐scale problem. Verbal bullying is often covert and pupils are reluctant to report it. In this paper the author outlines a strategy to reduce the frequency of name‐calling and verbal taunting. An adaptive approach to the problem of repeated name‐calling is illustrated through a case study. The approach utilizes 'reframing' and 'image‐replacement' techniques to reduce confrontation and the perpetuation of verbal taunting for those who are identified as 'provocative victims'.  相似文献   

该文通过对刘庆邦的柔美小说文本的分析,揭示出刘庆邦的柔美小说在对中国田园牧歌型抒情小说风俗民情的描绘,田园牧歌情调的营造,人性美的讴歌的承续上,又表现出追求情趣美、趣味化等新特点。并结合作家个性和时代潮流对这种新变作出了分析,指出刘庆邦的情爱小说是中国田园牧歌型抒情小说在商品化大潮冲击下继承传统的同时而主动作出的调适:由雅向俗,从高品位的审美趣味的追求转向世俗化、大众化趣味的迎合。  相似文献   

However good a school's home–school relations may be, there may still be incidents when difficult or distraught parents act in aggressive and threatening ways towards staff, particularly staff acting in a pastoral role. How likely this is to happen will in part depend on circumstances beyond the school's control. However, there are ways that the likelihood of such incidents can be decreased and where they do occur, they can be more effectively handled. David Kibble suggests a number of ways that schools can decrease the likelihood of such situations developing and also the best way to handle interviews where there is a possibility of a parent becoming aggressive. He explains how his school has developed a policy to support and protect staff where they may potentially or actually be involved in such confrontations.  相似文献   

牧区教育是阿坝州民族教育的重要组成部分。通过对阿坝州牧区教育现状、存在的问题进行深入分析,对如何推进阿坝州牧区“普九”进程、改革双语教育模式、加强师资培训等提出了切实可行的措施,为推进牧区教育的改革提供了依据。  相似文献   

元稹在悼亡诗的创作上取得的成就是巨大的,他在三十三首悼亡诗中寄托了对亡妻深深的怀念。文章通过研究认为,虽然元稹生性风流并在韦丛去世后两年又纳妾娶妻,然而从他的家世及社会因素、当时的经济状况和悼亡诗中所蕴含的感情这三方面来说,认为元稹悼亡诗中的感情是"夸张矫饰"的说法是站不住脚的。  相似文献   

在《美国牧歌》中罗斯解析了父子冲突这一犹太文化母题。与以往作品不同的是,冲突的焦点从对犹太传统的反叛转向了对美国价值观的背离。母题的内核超越了种族和身份,由狭隘走向普遍。  相似文献   

唐代涌现出大量优秀的田园诗人和田园诗歌作品,他们在创作方式、创作风格和题材内容较前代都有很大的超越。唐代田园诗歌作品之所以繁荣的原因也一直为人们所探讨。另外,唐代田园诗的产生方式表现出多样化的特征,唐代田园诗使田园、行旅和赠别以及故园之思相结合,从而使田园诗的表现内容越发地丰富。  相似文献   

Drawing on findings from a recent study of pastoral care within a primary school, this article highlights the role of fathers as a key factor in a range of successful interventions. While gains can be made in work with vulnerable children, the home–school dimension of pastoral care deserves far greater attention by schools, educationalists and researchers than it has so far received. The English government has a strategy to promote a closer relationship between parents and primary schools: much depends upon the resources available to schools and the commitment of staff.  相似文献   

社会化养老服务作为一种老年福利制度,是国家为了满足老年人的经济支持、起居照料和日常护理、医疗保健、精神文化、社会参与等特殊的生活需求,保障并提高老年人生活水平而采取的养老政策措施和提供的养老设施服务。本文解析了当前牧区养老服务体系建设中存在的问题,并在此基础上从个人层面、政府层面、社会层面的三个维度探讨如何创新牧区社会化养老服务体系的问题。  相似文献   

社会救助制度在扶贫开发中发挥着重要兜底保障的功能,是实施乡村振兴战略的基础。最低生活保障制度是社会救助制度的核心组成部分,制度的实施直接作用于脱贫的成效和乡村振兴目标的实现。西藏自治区农牧区最低生活保障制度的发展是中国到2050年乡村全面振兴,农业强、农村美、农民富全面实现的关键。文章通过对2010年以来西藏自治区低保制度的发展、保障人数和保障标准的纵向变化、低保标准占居民人均收入的比例等进行现状分析,从低保标准、家庭收入和财产核查、低保资格认定、城乡发展等方面对目前西藏自治区的低保制度进行了评价。从前瞻性视角看,应当从制度设计层面、财政支持视角等方面,促进社会救助制度从兜底性向发展性转变。  相似文献   

本文对新兴钢铁企业纵横钢铁烧结厂使用刚投产的90m2烧结机生产酸性烧结矿(R≤0.6)的生产实践进行了总结,阐述了使用烧结机生产酸性烧结矿应注意的问题及矿相所发生的变化.  相似文献   

陶渊明园田诗饱含着诗人诸多的积郁与苦痛,特别是义熙四年的火灾使陶渊明完全走进了郁闷、苦痛的心理体验。《饮酒》组诗是他田园生活复杂、多重感受的记录。就火灾始至义熙十四年刘裕幽安帝而立恭帝前这一时段来说,诗人始终未能忘却"先师遗训",更未"常常达到物我一体、与道冥一的人生境界"。恰是这"未能达到",彰显出了陶渊明作为一个社会个体的真实及其人格的崇高与伟大。  相似文献   

乌兰夫领导牧区工作的宏观思路是:充分认识和掌握牧区客观实际是在牧区开展各项工作的前提和基础;牧区一切工作要以经济建设为中心,经济建设的核心是发展畜牧业;牧区要“以牧为主”的同时,发展其它行业,各行各业要相互支援;围绕经济建设,必须同时开展各项社会事业的建设;加强民族团结,为牧区发展提供稳定的社会环境;牧区建设要靠自力更生,同时需要国家和其他地区的大力支援和帮助.  相似文献   

作为盛唐的三大诗人之一的王维与佛教禅宗有着不解之缘。由于母亲的影响、仕途坎坷及亲人的离世,王维不可避免的受到佛教禅宗愈来愈深的影响。作为唐代山水田园诗派的代表诗人,王维素有"诗佛"之称,他的诗歌创作中的佛光禅影就是受到佛教禅宗影响的表现。这些渗透着佛光禅影的诗歌阐述了佛教禅理和王维的禅居生活并营造出了禅境,而王维的山水田园诗之所以受到佛教禅宗的影响,主要是因为王维的艺术思维与佛教禅宗有千丝万缕的联系。  相似文献   


This article considers the involvement of schools and teachers in schemes which develop work with young offenders as an alternative to prosecution. Data from one such experimental scheme are presented and discussed. Issues are raised about the consequences of schools’ involvement in this kind of policy initiative which begins outside the educational system and entails co‐operation with professional workers in other statutory agencies. A central theme is whether a tightening of the welfare network in this way is unambiguously in the interests of young people.  相似文献   

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