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Wang Anshi, born in Wuxi, southeast Jiangsu Province in February 1940, currently serves as deputv president of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, president of Hengyun Calligraphy and Painting Academy of Wuxi City, honorary chairman of China Society of Calligraphy and Painting, trustee of China Association for Painters of Traditional Chinese Painting,  相似文献   

Wen Guichang, born in Neijiang, Sichuan Province in 1962, learned traditional Chinese painting from famous painter Qiu Xiaoqiu. He is currently a professional painter, member of the Stage Artists' Association of Sichuan Province, fellowship of Shangri-La Colored Ink Painting Academy of Sichuan Province, executive council member of the Artists' Association of Neijiang, executive council member of Daqian Painting and Calligraphy Academy of Neijiang and member of the Dramatists' Association of Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

Art Information     
National Museum of China Obtains New Collection
On February 11, a handover ceremony was held in the new building of the National Museum of China, during which the State Administration of Cultural Heritage handed over 390,000 items of antique objects it had kept to the National Museum.These valuable objects include 20,000 items of Buddhist statues, 80,000 items of jade wares, 200,000 items of porcelain and 100,000 pieces of painting and calligraphy With these new objects, the National Museum now boasts a collection of 1.05 million objects,  相似文献   

Rao Yongtang, born in 1929 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, is a listed artist of national first grade, member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province and the Artists Association of Chengdu City, council member and fellowship of Sichuan Province Painting Society for Senior Artists, honorary president of the international Xizhi Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and tenor professor of the China Art Creation Center for Calligraphers and Artists.  相似文献   

On September 10, 2014 a grand opening ceremony of"China in the Eyes of Arab Painters", an exhibition on works of residence program tor Arab painters, took place at the National Art Museum of China. This event was co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture of China and Secretariat of the League of Arab States and co-organized by China Arts and Entertainment Group and the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

The China Dream mobile animation and comics creation theme activity was launched last year, hosted by the Department of Cultural Industry of the Ministry of Culture and spon- sored by Talkweb Co., Ltd., School of Animation and Digital Arts at Communication University of China, Animation School of Beijing Film Academy, the Animation and Conaics Base of China Mobile, the Anima- tion and Comics Operation Center of China Telecom, Tencent Animation and Comics, and iQIYI. Alter more than four months of collection and selection,  相似文献   

My Chinese dream is to see the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is the common aspiration of generations of Chinese suffering from the humiliation of imperialism for centuries. What does rejuvenation mean? It means to rejuvenate the glorious times when the Chinese nation made major contribution to the progress of human civilizations. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation begins with cultural rejuvenation, the core of which is the rejuvenation of China's original culture and philosophy, the great spirit of perseverance and tenacity,  相似文献   

On 15 July 2014 National Museum of Classic Books has opened (trial operation), hsfirst exhibition Classics Collections of National Library of China is going to be on display for visitors. Han Yongjin, who is the curator and party secretary of National Library and curator of National Museum of Classic Books, and 1A Honglin, who is vice curator of National Library and standing vice curator of National Museum of Classic Books attended the press conference for the opening.  相似文献   

Opening Ceremony of Nationa Base for International Culture Trade Held in Beijing On the morning of Aug. 25th, the opening activities of National Base for International Culture Trade (Beijing) and Beijing Yianzhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone were held in Beijing. Cai Wu, Minister of Culture, Wang Anshun, Deputy Party Secretary and mayor of Beijing Municipal Government, Sun Yibiao, deputy director of General Administration of Customs, Shen Baochang, vice chairman of Beijing Municipal CPPCC and Xu Deming, the president of Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China attended the ceremony.  相似文献   

<正>During the Spring Festival of 2010, or Chinese New Year, the Ministry of Culture of China launched a variety of events in celebration of this traditional festival of Chinese people.——From the editor  相似文献   

The exhibition “Splendor of the Han, Rise of the Celestial Empire” opened at Guimet Museum on October 21, 2014 as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China- France diplomatic relations. This is the largest exhibition on Chinese antiquities ever held in France since the Year of Chinese Culture in 2004. With many exquisite exhibits on view, inchtdingjade, bronze and pottery, the exhibition aims to present a panoramic view of the Han Dynasty, a united and open empire of cultural confidence and ethnic diversity existing 2,000 years ago. The staff reporter recently interviewed Mr: Wang Jun, president of Art Exhibitions China and Chinese organizer of the exhibition.  相似文献   

On August 15, 2010, a symphony concert, entitled “Holy Snow Mountain: Dedicated to the Greatest Mountain of East”, was held at the foot of Peak Yuzhu of the Kunlun Mountain Range in Ge'ermu, Qinghai Province. The concert was organized by the Publicity Department of the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, the Department of Culture, Press and Publication of Qinghai Province, the Bureau of Radio and TV of Qinghai Province, the Tourism Bureau of Qinghai Province, the Information Office of Qinghai Provincial Government, the People's Government of Ge'ermu Municipality, Qinghai TV and Qinghai Radio.The concert was presented by Beijing Symphony Orchestra and Kunlun Chorus and conducted by famous conductorTan Lihua.  相似文献   

Foundation of the Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbeldstan today is well known not only in Uzbekistan, but also abroad. Initially created for promotion of national arts and culture on international arena, the Foundation has developed a wide scope of activities in various directions of culture,  相似文献   

According to the statistics of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH), China private museums totaled 811 as of the end of 2013. The rapidly increasing number of private museums reflects the soaring development of China's cultural sector. However, many private museums are not as in smooth water as imagined. According to Ma Shaohua, president of Zhongchuan Institute of Cultural Research, private museums should not wait for government support: instead, they should find a solution of crossover integration in order to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

June 28th, 2013, the ceremony of donation of bronze rat and rabbit heads by the French Pinault family was held at White Jade Hall of China National Museum. Ms. Liu Yandong, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council attended and unveiled the heads together with Francois-Henri Pinault. Mr. Cai Wu,  相似文献   

Over hundreds of years of evolution,Shaanxi cuisine has developed a distinctive style of its own,featuring flavors mixing various major gourmet and local ethnic food and continuing traditions of court cuisine of past dynasties.  相似文献   

Tian’anmen Square is a landmark symbolizing the spirit of Chinese people and witnessing their pursuit of self-reliance and national independence. It carries the collective memory of Chinese people and records the history of the People’s Republic of China. In celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, the Capital Museum has recently launched the exhibition "100 Years of Tian’anmen Square: a  相似文献   

The development of the internet of things, cloud computing, big data and other mobile telecommunications technology led to the emergence of the concept of smart museum, the core of which lies in a two-way and multi-party information transfer mode.  相似文献   

On 16 July Festival OFF of Avignon Festival--China Night was held successtully. It is an important part of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relationship. Attendees included Chinese cultural counselor to France Li Shaoping, Vice Director of Western European Division of Ministry of Culture Zhao Xinshu, drama director Meng Jinghui, actor Liu Ye, coordinator of the celebrations Catherine Ruggeri, vice mayor responsible tot cultural affairs in Avignon Catherine Bugeon, president of Festival OFF Greg Germain, audience and drama artists.  相似文献   

On January 15, the United States and China signed a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archeological Material from the Paleolithic Period through the Tang Dynasty and Monumental Sculpture and Wall Art at Least 250 Year Old,  相似文献   

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