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Hangu District is located at the lower streams of nine rivers which stretch through the city of Tianjin,an industrial city neighboring Beijing.It faces Bohai Bay in the south,salt marshes in the east,vineyards in the west and vegetable fields in the north.Hangu is a beautiful town,with an ancient canal winding through it.Endowed with gorgeous sceneries and rich cultural traditions, Hangu has enjoyed a vibrant and unique art form of print painting.In the 1980s,a group of young print painters stood out in Hangu,enjoying nationwide reputation.In 1986,more than 300 pieces of Hangu print painting were on display at the  相似文献   

<正>Master painter Qi Baishi began to paint grass and insect in the late 19th century. In 1899, he obtained an album on grass-and-insect paintings by an old painter surnamed Shen and started creating  相似文献   

<正>Tangka is a form of painting art depicting Tibetan Lamaism and reflecting traditional Tibetan culture. Tangka paintings reveal strong religious subjects, portray solemn and noble images,  相似文献   

Zhang Daqian is a master painter of Chinese traditional painting who enjoys worldwide reputation. He is also an artist with strong individuality and legendary experience. His artistic career can be divided into three different stages: following ancient masters before age 40, following the law of nature between age 40 and 60 and following mind after age 60. In his early years, Zhang  相似文献   

Hanging painting frames originatedfrom the Renaissance Period in the West.Most of early painting frames were madeof wood and gilded with gold. Paintingframes embedded with glass appearedin the mid-18th century to protectpainting works from damage andpollution.Old painting frames in Lingnan weremostly made of hardwood. Guangdongis the earliest place in China in whichtrading with foreign countries wasallowed and western influence came. Bythe late Qing Dynasty, glass was appliedto home furnit…  相似文献   

Apiece of Tangka painting is usually created with ten procedures, including cloth grinding, point positioning, outlining the contour with char pen, rough line drawing,color application, line drawing with fine brushworks, fine line drawing, gold line drawing, face drawing and consecration.  相似文献   

Embroidery is an art re-created on the basis of painting. With the import of Western culture and painting since the 1930s, Chinese people have gradually changed their aesthetic tendencies and as a result the art of embroidery has been remarkably transformed. Chinese embroiders have drawn upon from Western aesthetic concepts and painting techniques and developed a new type of stitching approach which is called "random stitching".  相似文献   

二○○六年九月十八日,我到揚州博物館看了幾幅“揚州八怪”的書畫作品,今按照我一貫提倡的書畫印章證史的方法,寫了幾條筆記,供海內外對“八怪”有興趣者參考。李鱓、李觶二名清汪望《揚州畫苑錄》說:“怪以八名”。自注:“如李復堂、嘯村之類”。大家都知道李復堂名鱓。從他流傳下來的作品看,有署名李鱓者,也有署名李解者。以我在揚州博物館所見的五幅有年代的李復堂作品為例:  相似文献   

孙浩 《寻根》2003,(2):65-71
山东省章丘市圣井镇政府驻地南面有一座坡度平缓的孤山,因处于二十八星宿中的危星之下,故名危山。2002年11月23日,圣井镇寨子村的两位村民在危山上挖树坑。突然镢头“叮当”一声,像是砸到了块石头。他们弯下腰捡“石头”,一下子惊呆了——不是石头,是个马头!“石头”做的马头!出于好奇,他们继续挖了几下,又是一个“石马头”!两人赶紧跑下山去向有关部门汇报。省里市里的考古专家们闻讯赶来,一番探测勘查之后,断定这是一处全国罕见的汉代彩绘陶俑群!一经过两天的初步勘测,考古工作者在危山半山腰上划出一个长约九米半、宽约两…  相似文献   

Painting on blue-and-white porcelain dates back to more than 700 years. Chinese elite painting is known for freehand brushwork,simplistic design and open-minded spirit, which are also characteristics of porcelain painting. In traditional Chinese painting, every brushwork is a design unit forming an integral whole while featuring independent aesthetic values. For porcelain painting, the painter uses the Chinese calligraphic brush to draw on the water-absorptive body before the porcelain is glazed.  相似文献   

<正>Thangka, a Tibetan expression of religious painting, had yet to get known to the rest of the world until two or three decades ago. However, its history can d...  相似文献   

Farmer printing first appeared in Qijiang County, Chongqing Municipality in the 1960s and 70s when the first print works, "The Party Branch's Secretary", was created by artists from Sichuan Artists Association, based on their experience in the county and characterized by the mix of revolutionary realism and romanticism. During the Cultural Revolution ( 1966 - 1976), while traditional culture and classical Western culture were both labeled as "poisoned and collapsed", only print painting was encouraged by the communist government as it depicted realistic subjects of the time. Print exhibitions and workshops were launched in Qijiang's villages, which helped to give rise to indigenous print in the decades to come. Farmer printing of Qijiang County embraced heydays in the 1980s when the reform and opening policies were exercised nationwide, as a result of the influence by the print style of Jinshan.  相似文献   

Tibetan fine arts have embraced a whole new era sincethe 1980s. Diverse subjects and innovative techniquesfeature the styles of contemporary Tibetan painting.Murals of NorbulingkaThe epic mural series”Origins of Tibetans: Politics andReligions” in the new palace of Norbulingka mix differentstyles of Tibetan painting and feature plain colors and grandscenes. The murals illustrate the political and religious historyof Tibet: from pre-historic Tibetans said to be decedents of amale monkey a…  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese are the first people to use fans.The history of fans can date back more than 4000 years in China.Artists and elite scholars of past dynasties cre...  相似文献   

Painting requires skills. A painting without basic skills in design and layout will not be a good painting. But for a painter,the equally important or the more important is his life experience. Without true feelings, a painting is just a sentimental twaddle. Zhang Lucheng, a professional painter serving in Xinjiang Military Area in northwest China has lived in the vast prairie at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain since he graduated from fine arts academy.  相似文献   

New Year painting is an independent genre of Chinese folk painting. It is so named, because it is usually hanged during celebrations of Chinese New Year, This paintinggenre dates back to the Han Dynasty [221 BC - 220 AD). Woodblock printing began to be employed for the creation of New Year painting in Kaifeng, capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty [960-1127]. The use of woodblock printing marked a breakthrough in creation of New Year painting and Kaifeng has thus been known as the birthplace of woodblock New Year print painting of China.  相似文献   

<正>The Six Principles of Chinese Painting was established by Xie He, an art historian and critic in 6th-century China. The six points to consider when judging a...  相似文献   

美术综述 2012年是毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈上的讲话》发表70周年。上海美术界于5月1日起相继举办了一系列的纪念性美术展览,如由中共上海市委宣传部、上海市文化广播影视管理局、上海市文学艺术界联合会主办的“生活·华章纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈上的讲话》发表70周年上海美术作品邀请展”、  相似文献   

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