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李金德  石静 《考试周刊》2009,(50):227-228
非智力因素包括动机、兴趣、情感、意志、性格等心理因素。我国研究非智力因素包括两个阶段,主要围绕学习成绩作研究。中等、适度水平的非智力对学习成绩有积极影响。  相似文献   

民族地区小学生的数学成绩与其数学焦虑、学习兴趣、班级环境、学习习惯、学习信念和学习动机显著相关.汉族和少数民族的小学生数学成绩差异不显著;民族地区不同性别的小学生数学成绩差异不显著.  相似文献   

对北京市1884名初中生非智力因素发展状况及其影响因素的问卷调查表明,初中生的学习兴趣处于较好水平,学习自信心和学习意志力未达到较好水平。总体来看,初中女生的非智力因素发展状况好于男生,城市学校和城乡结合部学校初中生的非智力因素发展状况好于农村学校学生。对学校环境的影响因素的分析发现,教师的教学方式、师生关系、教师对学生的支持、同伴关系、学习负担、班级学习氛围、班级竞争以及学校归属感对初中生非智力因素的发展具有预测作用。男生和女生非智力因素发展的影响因素存在一定差异。  相似文献   

非智力因素对大学生学习成绩的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生的学习与成长过程,是一个智力与非智力因素交互作用的过程,在这一过程中,非智力因素起着重要的作用.培养大学生非智力因素的途径是:加强对入学新生的始业教育;大力加强校园文化建设,发挥校园文化在非智力建设中的载体作用;为大学生非智力因素的培养构筑一个全体教育者共同参与的平台.  相似文献   

陈娇 《考试周刊》2010,(12):134-135
初中生的学习心理受到越来越多的关注,本文作者基于教学实践,分析了初中生在英语课堂上的表现,进而提出课堂上所呈现出来的心理问题,分析其产生的原因,并提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

现代教育进行教育改革,大力地提倡素质教育,培养学生非智力因素显得比较重要.下面就这方面谈几点做法.  相似文献   

初中生心理健康、人际关系与学习成绩的相关分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近些年来,心理健康、人际关系与学业成绩之间的关系问题引起许多学者的关注。人际关系就是人们在社会生活中由人际交往产生的人与人之间的心理关系,它作为衡量人们心理健康与否的一个重要指标,越来越引起人们的关注和重视。学业成绩在学生心目中占据着无可比拟的地位,这使得它与学生心理健康的关系尤为密切。  相似文献   

学习不良与优良初中生非智力因素特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴斌荣 《教育探索》2007,(5):103-105
调查发现:学习不良与优良初中生在认识兴趣方面存在着极其显著的差异,在成就动机等方面存在着显著的差异,而在学习焦虑等方面并无显著性差异.要使这种情况向有利方面转化,必须对其非智力因素的诸多方面进行全面系统的培养.  相似文献   

英语作为初中学习中唯一以非母语为媒介的科目,是许多初中学生面临的一大难题。许多农村初中生智力处于相似水平而其英语学习成绩却呈现出分层式的差别,这种两极分化的现象与学习者的兴趣、动机、学习目标、意志力等非智力因素息息相关。分析非智力因素各组成部分对英语学习的影响,可以帮助农村初中师生有根据地解决英语学习问题。  相似文献   

彝族、苗族及汉族杂居区初中生心理健康状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机抽取杂居区初中生彝族、苗族260名,汉族被试800名,用症状自评量表(SCI—90)调查。结果为:1.杂居区彝、苗和汉族初中生的平均分低于常模,呈差异异常显著的总趋势。苗族部分结果与总趋势不符合,可能是苗族的民族文化、传统习俗等因素差异造成的。也可能与样本较小有关。2.彝、苗族初中生的平均分与同一地区汉族初中生基本无显著差异。3.在贫困的杂居区开展心理健康教育不能盲目地按照发达地区的心理健康教育模式进行,针对杂居区学生的具体情况选择恰当的内容和形式,建立适应于各民族初中生的心理健康教育模式是可能的。  相似文献   

大学生情绪智力、成就动机及学业成绩量化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用情绪智力量表(EIS)、成就动机量表(AMS)等随机调查的方式探究是否担任过学生干部、是否独生子女对大学生情绪智力、成就动机、学业成绩方面的影响及情绪智力与成就动机、学业成绩之间的关系.其结果表明:担任过学生干部的同学情绪智力水平显著高于未担任过学生干部的同学;是否独生子女对情绪智力没有显著影响;大学生情绪智力和成就动机显著正相关,和学业成绩不存在显著相关.  相似文献   

University students experience stress, and how they cope with this stress affects their academic achievement. This study examined stress in teacher education students and had three objectives: to describe different degrees of stress and coping styles; to study the relationship between stress, coping strategies and academic achievement; and to examine whether increased age can moderate the effects of stress on academic achievement in 334 university-students. There were three main findings: many students experienced stress and used avoidance coping strategies; the students who were under less stress and engaged less in cognitive avoidance and more in problem-focused coping were also the students who made more academic achievement; and students under more stress performed worse, but with age stress affected performance less. In teacher education students, it is important to recognize and address the harmful effects of stress on well-being and academic achievement, to avoid long-term problems in professional and personal life.  相似文献   


Past research into the relationship between English proficiency test (EPT) scores and score profiles, such as the IELTS and the TOEFL, has shown that there is not always a clear relationship between those scores and students’ subsequent academic achievement. Information about students’ academic self-concept (ASC) may provide additional information that helps predict future academic success. Research has consistently shown a positive relationship between students’ ASC and subsequent academic achievement and educational attainment in both school and higher education settings. The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between the academic performance of international students and their language proficiency and academic self-concept as well as other characteristics related to academic success. The study focused on first year international students in undergraduate business programs at an English-medium university in Canada. The following information was collected about the student participants: grades in degree program courses, annual GPA, and EPT scores (including subscores). In addition, students completed an academic self-concept scale. To obtain additional information about success in first-year business courses, instructors in two required courses were interviewed about the academic and language requirements in their courses and the profile of successful students. Correlations between the students’ course grades, GPA, EPT scores, and ASC score were calculated. The instructor interviews were analyzed using a content analysis procedure. The findings from all data sources were triangulated and show that language ability, ASC, and other factors impact academic success during the first year in a business program. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Grading and the Ethos of Effort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using quantitative and qualitative data from a project to improve middle-school girls' engagement with science, mathematics and technology, this study examined the ways in which grading practices worked to augment the messages about achievement and compliance conveyed in more and less troubled schools. In particular, the study revealed differences in the extent to which different kinds of schools embedded achievement and non-achievement factors in the grades awarded to middle school girls. The study linked these differences to school-level differences in teachers' overall orientation toward grading. Grading in the more troubled schools - those with a more custodial orientation toward control - appeared to reflect teachers' tendency to subscribe to an 'ethos of effort'. Acting on the basis of this 'ethos', teachers in the troubled schools tended to confound achievement and non-achievement factors in the determination of report-card grades. In the less troubled school, by contrast, teachers did not rely as heavily on non-achievement factors when they determined students' grades. Given limitations associated with sampling, however, findings from the study were viewed cautiously. Nevertheless, the research appeared to support the claim that there could be systematic associations between school-level climate characteristics and particular instructional practices. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Research has indicated significant disparities in the academic achievement of minority and majority groups in most Western countries. In light of the role of academic achievement as the main component of social mobility, it is important to understand the source of these differences between the majority and minority groups. The present research focused on learning goals as a possible basis for the disparity in academic achievement. It examined the learning goals of matched groups of students of Jewish and Arab Israelis who were enrolled in the same academic institution, and followed their academic achievement for two years. The findings indicate a gap between the groups in terms of achievement in favour of the students from the Jewish majority group. No difference was found between the groups in learning goals, but the level of intrinsic goal orientation was associated with achievement differently in the two groups. Possible explanations and implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解中学生的元认知学习策略,以帮助他们提高成绩,本研究以303名中学生为研究对象,以元认知学习策略量表为工具,探讨了不同年级、性别、文理科类学生元认知学习策略水平的特点及元认知学习策略与学业成绩之间的相关关系。研究发现性别纬度及文理科纬度在元认知学习策略上没有显著差异,而不同年级在元认知学习策略上存在差异;不同科目与元认知策略的不同纬度具有不等水平的相关关系。  相似文献   


Although the number of engineering students is increasing, dropout rates remain high. This problem is also present in the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET) at KU Leuven, Belgium, which resulted in the need for an in-depth analysis of the academic achievement of the bridging students there. This study examines the contribution of a range of predictors, both cognitive and non-cognitive. The examined predictors are: general characteristics, academic background variables and variables tested in a diagnostic test. A multiple linear regression model for the 2015–2016 chohort accounted for an explained variance of 36% of the students’ academic achievement. After combining three cohorts, we managed to explain 43% of the variance in students’ academic achievement. As expected, the academic background variables are the most important predictors. The diagnostic tests are less predictive but their role is important, since they encourage students to participate in associated interventions.  相似文献   


An association between attachment and academic performance appears to be consistently found in children; however, reports on such an association in adolescents are contradictory. This study aimed to determine whether the attachment dimensions of anxiety or avoidance significantly correlate with a student’s academic performance at university. Moreover, since individual differences in attachment index distinct self-regulatory capacities, this study aimed to determine whether any correlation exists between a student’s attachment dimensions and measures of self-regulated learning. Attachment dimensions were determined by the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised questionnaire, while self-regulated learning was determined by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, in a sample of university students (n = 185). Neither attachment dimensions correlated significantly with measures of academic performance. However, attachment dimensions did significantly correlate with measures of self-regulated learning in this study.  相似文献   

Many college students consider statistical courses as frightening and demanding, yielding high anxiety and low competence, and correlating with maladaptive academic behaviors and low achievement. With undergraduate students, the present pre-post study compared a supportive online teaching program utilizing mandatory statistical exercises (n = 37) with a no intervention, optional exercise statistics class (n = 32). We evaluated whether our statistics teaching intervention decreased test anxiety and academic procrastination and increased academic self-efficacy and academic achievements. Results indicated a decrease in academic procrastination and test anxiety at course end for intervention group and an increase in test anxiety for control group. At the end of the course intervention group reported higher academic self-efficacy and achievements. Teaching statistics using mandatory supportive activities might contribute to more positive psychological outcomes (eg, higher academic self-efficacy and lower academic procrastination) and higher academic achievements.  相似文献   

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