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Research Findings. A growing number of young children encounter group learning environment for the first time when entering preschool at age 3, yet their parents and teachers have no means to discern whether they are ready for this challenge. To address this uncertainty, this study developed and validated the Chinese Preschool Readiness Scale (CPRS), which assesses children’s readiness for successful adjustment to preschool. The scale was validated through EFA in Study 1, with 29 teachers who rated 288 children. The scale was further validated by ESEM and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in Study 2, with 46 teachers who rated 765 children. A five-factor CPRS was determined: self-care abilities and emotional maturity, cognitive and communications skills, social competence, learning dispositions, and classroom rules. The construct validity and internal reliability were satisfactory. Its concurrent validity was also established: (1) the CPRS scores were positively correlated with parent-rated self-regulation and (2) the social competence domain of CPRS was positively correlated with sensitive-cooperative behaviors and negatively correlated with anxious-withdrawn behaviors.Practice or Policy. The results supported further development and use of the CPRS to monitor children’s development upon entry at preschool. The findings also highlighted the need for more research on preschool readiness.  相似文献   

Researchers suggest that certain supportive behaviors of mentors could increase the benefits of school-based mentoring for youth. However, the literature contains few validated instruments to measure these behaviors. In our present study, we aimed to construct and validate a tool to measure the supportive behaviors of mentors participating in school-based mentoring programs. The mentor behavior scale (MBS) was developed drawing on the premises of the mentoring sociomotivational model. Two hundred and fifty-three (253) college students participating in an eight-month school-based mentoring program completed an experimental version of the MBS and different measures of the quality of the mentoring relationship at two times during the program. The questionnaire has good internal consistency coefficients and adequate factorial structure, with the exception of the factor autonomy support. Moreover, three dimensions of the MBS predict mentoring relationship quality and the perceived usefulness of the intervention. Recommendations for the use and improvement of the MSB are proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a new instrument to measure the multidimensional nature of motivations to engage in healthy behavior practices among older adults. The Healthy Aging Incentives Scale (HAIS) was developed empirically from data collected from 158 older adults participating in a health and wellness clinic located within a multipurpose senior center in the United States. A factor analysis of the HAIS revealed five themes prompting older adults to participate in health aging practices: health and fitness, psychological well-being, locus of control, social functions, and socialization attributes. Additional data are provided that support reliability and validity of the HAIS including convergent validity of the 20-item scale by its correlation with healthy behavior habits. Conclusions are drawn showing literature support for the multidimensional scale and the important determinants for promoting healthy outcomes for this population.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a preliminary validation of the Feelings Experienced in Supervision Scale (FESS), with findings supporting a single-factor instrument. Relationships between the FESS and attachment patterns, cognitive distortions, and difficulty with corrective feedback are reported. Implications include emotion-focused supervision to identify thoughts and feelings interfering with supervisees' ability to synthesize corrective feedback.  相似文献   

Academic competence beliefs have been widely studied. However, conceptual and measurement efforts have not yet been directed toward understanding perceived underachievement (feeling that one's accomplishments fall below perceived capability). We conducted two studies in order to develop and examine validity evidence for the Perceived Academic Underachievement Scale (PAUS). Participants were individuals enrolled for credit in at least one post-secondary course. In Study 1, we evaluated content validity and conducted an exploratory factor analysis. In Study 2, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis and investigated external validity. For both samples, PAUS demonstrated good internal consistency reliability, and items loaded strongly onto a single factor. PAUS was empirically distinct from a range of related constructs. Findings represent preliminary validation evidence.  相似文献   

The authors developed and initially validated the Supervisee Disclosure in Supervision Scale (SDSS). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses with 2 independent samples revealed that the SDSS is a 17-item instrument with 2 subscales showing promising psychometric properties. The authors discuss the findings with implications for supervision training, practices, and research.  相似文献   

Democratic beliefs in education are important in a pluralistic society, where teachers must be prepared to make professional decisions about how best to meet the educational needs of all students. The purpose of this study was to validate the Democratic Teacher Belief Scale (DTBS). The scale is composed of 34 items relating to the three central principles in democracy--equality, freedom, and justice--as they are manifested in classroom life. Results indicated high internal consistency, significant contrasted group validity, and significant criterion validity (correlation with the Classroom Coping Strategies Scale and with principal evaluation of teaching success). These results have important implications for the measurement of teacher beliefs, as well as for practice in teacher training.  相似文献   

为了编制非理性认知方式量表并检验其信度效度,通过文献查阅法、访谈法、问卷调查法、专家咨询法形成40个项目的预测问卷。抽取300名高中生大学生初测,采用主成分分析法形成正式施测问卷,再使用正式问卷对6354名高中生大学生进行信效度检验,使用中国中学生心理健康量表进行效标检验,另对40名心理门诊求助者与正常样本进行区分度检验。该量表由3个因子30个项目组成。总量表Cronbachα系数为0.96,分半信度系数为0.91,重测信度0.85。心理门诊组量表总分及各维度均高于正常样本组(p<0.01)。探索性因素分析,3个因子能够解释方差总变异的60.33%,各条目在相关因子的载荷0.46~0.82之间。验证性因素分析结果显示χ2/df、GFI、CFI、RMSEA分别为4.9、0.85、0.89、0.07。因此,认为该量表具有较好的信度和效度,可以测量认知理性程度。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the usefulness of the Korean version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A; Blazina et al. 2005) in Korea. Korean high school students (N = 374) completed the K-GRCS-A. Results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the original 4-factor structures. Reliability was acceptable to satisfactory limits. Further evidence of construct validity was found in modest correlations with psychological well-being variables. Taken together, this study sustained the utility of the K-GRCS-A.  相似文献   

To address gaps in the availability of validated measures that assess early childhood teachers' workplace experiences, the current study examined the validity of the Early Childhood Teacher Experiences Scale (ECTES) for use in a diverse Head Start program. Mean differences in the ECTES dimensions of self-efficacy, job stress, and school support were examined across teachers' demographic characteristics and observed teacher–child interaction quality. Multilevel models examined associations between ECTES dimension scores and children's social-emotional and academic skills (N = 161 preschool teachers and N = 3,152 children). Findings support the reliability and validity of the three-factor structure of the ECTES in the diverse Head Start teacher sample. Higher teacher-reported self-efficacy and school support were associated with higher observed classroom emotional support, instructional support, and classroom organization. Higher teacher-reported self-efficacy was associated with fewer years of teaching experience. With respect to child outcomes, higher teacher self-efficacy and school support were associated with lower behavior problems and higher social-emotional skills but were not associated with academic skills. Implications of the findings, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文尝试为中国英语能力等级量表的效度研究构建一个完整的理论框架。第一,界定量表效度研究的基本内容,并对比量表效度与考试效度研究的异同。第二,从时间维度区分即时效度研究和延时效度研究;从科学与道德的视角论述构念效度研究与公平效度研究的内涵和相互联系。第三,从英语教育与社会生活层面论述教学反拨效度研究与社会影响效度研究的重要性。对于决策效度,因为其对一个测量工具具有根本性、实用性和整体性等特征,被作为量表的最高一级效度指标。此外,本文还论述了量表效度研究的证据类型和相应的研究方法。  相似文献   

Dogmatism represents an individual difference in cognitive style characterized by closed-mindedness. The concept of dogmatism has received a great deal of research attention in such topics as information selection, information processing, message selection, and source-message distinction. Previous dogmatism scales, however, have psychometric problems, and item wordings have become outdated. The present study updates the scale items based on a simplified conceptualization of dogmatism and assesses the validity of the new scale. Factor analyses and item analyses were employed to assess the unidimensionality of the scale. Two validation studies (N = 165 for study 1; N = 175 for study 2) were conducted. Both studies provided evidence consistent with construct validity. The updated dogmatism correlated positively with dominance and submission and negatively with perspective-taking and empathic concern. The predictive validity of the scale was only partially consistent with the data.  相似文献   

Rand, P. 1978. Some Validation Data for the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 22, 155‐171. The AM Swas administered to 588 sixth grade Oslo children, 301 boys and 287 girls. Among other tests given were 6 verbal and 2 numerical tests, TASC, and a Lie/Defensiveness Scale. On the basis of achievement theory, scores on the AMS subscale for motive to seek success (M5) were predicted to be positively related to performance on the verbal and numerical tests, and scores on the subscale for motive to avoid failure (Mf) to be negatively related to those scores. The theory also leads to the assumption that the difference in performance between individuals high and low in motive scores would be clearest on tasks experienced as being of medium difficulty. The results show predicted and mostly significant relationships. Even when related to the tests of personality characteristics, the AMS shows promising qualities. TASC scores are related positively to Mf scores and negatively to Ms scores. The fact that AMS scores show negligible correlations with lie/defensiveness scores indicates that the risk of faked AMS scores may be small.  相似文献   

Physical self-concept plays a central role in older adults’ physical health, mental health and psychological well-being; however, little attention has been paid to the underlying dimensions of physical self-concept in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new measurement for older adults. First, a qualitative study (Study 1) was conducted that included semistructured interviews and a focus group discussion. The second study established an initial instrument. Through item pool generation, content validation assessment, factor analysis, and item analysis (n = 187), the Physical Self-Concept Scale for Older Adults (PSCS-O) was produced containing 18 items and six dimensions. Finally, in the third study (n = 233), the PSCS-O showed adequate factorial stability and the initial certerion validity. The PSCS-O were able to explain 49.2% of the variance in older adults’ well-being. In addition, Ability to Live Independently, which was introduced as a new factor by the PSCS-O, was the strongest predictor of the older adults’ overall subjective well-being. In conclusion, the preliminary results from this study demonstrated that this new instrument, the PSCS-O, has sound psychometric properties. The PSCS-O may be a suitable and useful instrument in the study of physical self-concept in older adults in the future.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review and synthesize two interrelated topics in the adult metacomprehension literature: the bases of metacomprehension judgment and the constraints on metacomprehension accuracy. Our review shows that adult readers base their metacomprehension judgments on different types of information, including experiences with current tasks and pre-formed expectations of performance affected by factors such as self-perception of ability. We propose a model that shows the anchoring and adjustment mechanism (Tversky and Kahneman, Science 185:1124–1130, 1974) underlies metacomprehension judgments. Specifically, due to test uncertainty, people may judge future comprehension performance by starting with an anchor such as pre-formed performance expectations and then (insufficiently) adjust away from it based on experiences with current tasks. This anchoring and adjustment model of metacomprehension judgment sheds light on what constrains metacomprehension accuracy. We conclude that two main accuracy constraints are the anchoring effect and the poor diagnostic validity of experiential cues. Based on the review, we discuss avenues for future research that will further our understanding of the mechanisms underlying metacomprehension.  相似文献   

This study described the process of developing and validating the College Chemistry Self-Efficacy Scale (CCSS) that can be used to assess college students’ beliefs in their ability to perform essential tasks in chemistry. In the first phase, data collected from 363 college students provided evidence for the validity and reliability of the new scale. Three dimensions emerged: self-efficacy for cognitive skills, self-efficacy for psychomotor skills, and self-efficacy for everyday applications. In the second phase, data collected from an independent sample of 353 college students confirmed the factorial structure of the 21-item CCSS. The Cronbach alpha coefficients ranged from 0.82 to 0.92. In addition, each dimension of the CCSS had moderate and significant correlations with student chemistry achievement and differentiated between major and non-major students. Followed by the additional validation studies, the CCSS will serve as a valuable tool for both instructors and researchers in science education to assess college students’ chemistry self-efficacy beliefs.  相似文献   

This study explored the cross-cultural applicability of the Sense of Self (SOS) Scale in the Hong Kong Chinese cultural context. The SOS Scale is a 26-item questionnaire designed to measure students?? sense of purpose, self-reliance, and self-concept in school. Six hundred ninety-seven Hong Kong Chinese high school students participated in the study. Both within-network and between-network approaches to construct validation were adopted. Responses to this questionnaire are shown to have good internal consistency reliability, and support is provided for its construct validity in terms of its factorial structure and correlations with other educational outcomes such as learning strategies. In addition, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis also indicated invariance of the instrument across males and females, across students of different year levels, and across students from different types of school. Implications for cross-cultural research are discussed.  相似文献   

<幼儿园教育环境质量评价量表>是在借鉴ECERS-R和ECERS-E的结构形式的基础上,依据指导我国幼儿园教育实践的重要文件<幼儿园工作规程>和<幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)>编制的一份5级评定量表,包含物质环境创设、人际互动、生活活动和课程4个领域,共25个项目.研究表明,该量表具有较强的实践性和可操作性,内容适合中国幼儿园教育实践,能够反映并区分幼儿园教育环境质量的高低,具有较高的观察者内部一致性、内容效度和结构效度.  相似文献   

School Experience and Teaching Practice are both integral components of the teacher education programmes conducted at the Institute of Education, Singapore (IE). This component stretches over a period of 13 weeks for the Diploma-in-Education programme and it is made up of two parts, namely, an introductory 3-week period of School Experience and a 10-week period of Teaching Practice. The introductory period of school experience is intended to induct student teachers gradually into the process of classroom instruction. It provides the students with the opportunity to observe, work with and learn from experienced teachers. The students will also gain a better understanding of the responsibilities and tasks that make up the total experience of the school teacher. They will be helped to established a linkage between educational principles and instructional practices. Teaching Practice is the period of more intensive and systematic teaching that brings the student teachers into contact with the teaching-learning stituation in the classroom. It gives them the opportunity to put into practice and to develop their teaching skills by translating theory into practice. Their teaching experience will be guided by co-operating teachers in the schools and IE supervisors.  相似文献   

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