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“九叶派”的出现有其必然性,由社会现实的外部环境所决定。从现代主义诗歌发展的规律来看,现代主义诗歌要向前发展,就必须加以改造和整合,而“九叶派”诗歌正是经过改造和整合的现代主义诗歌。“九叶派”在中国现代主义诗歌流派史上是达到高峰、趋于完美阶段的一个流派。“九叶派”将西方现代主义诗歌的艺术手法融于当时中国时代背景下的现实主义精神之中。“九叶派”在中国新诗史上的最大功绩是,打破了“诗必须表现情感”的传统信条,提出了“新诗现代化”的主张,更新了固有的诗歌观念。  相似文献   

台湾现代派学的产生与发展伴随着不断的诠释、论争和批评过程,概括而言,台湾的台湾现代派学研究有四种话语:批判与否定现代主义,为现代派辩护;搁置意识形态与美学观念争执的形式批评;现代主义在台湾的历史寻踪与学史定位。在有关台湾现代派学长久争议的背后,隐藏着一些重要的理论难题:现代主义与现实主义的美学冲突;后发性现代主义的合法性问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines how politics have shaped Turkish Cypriot educational institutions and school buildings in Cyprus, focusing on the British colonial period (1878–1960). Unlike other British colonies, Cyprus enjoyed considerable autonomy on educational matters in the early decades of British occupation. During this period education, which was segregated, played a pivotal role in cultivating national aspirations of the two major ethnic populations on the island. The two decades following the 1931 revolt against the colonial regime was a period in which the British took serious measures in matters relating not only to education but also to school architecture. Atatürk’s reforms in creating a new modern Turkish society, on the other hand, evoked Turkish Cypriot ethnic nationalism. Without having the tension of the ideals of nationalism and modernism Turkey had to pacify, Turkish Cypriots embraced the modern as necessarily national and built their schools during and after the 1950s in a modern style.  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突.为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强...  相似文献   

试论现代主义与后现代主义的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为本世纪重要的文学思潮之一,现代主义在西方现当代文学史上无疑占有相当重要的地位,但是关于现代主义的内涵、上下限、流派等问题,理论界的观点颇多差异。尤其是20世纪60年代以来,随着后现代主义思潮的声名鹊起,人们对于现代主义的反思有了新的视点。本文从二者的关系入手,对现代主义理论的多元性作了简略的探讨。  相似文献   


Within the context of fierce global economic competition, school diversification and specialist schools have been seen by governments as cornerstones of education policy to engineer school improvement in both England and Singapore for more than a decade. In both systems, the policy has manifested in different school types, school names and sometimes buildings – in England, specialist status schools, academies and most recently free schools; and in Singapore, specialist schools and niche schools. Diversification is promoted by each school emphasising distinctiveness in its curriculum – often with implications for its funding and degree of autonomy – which differentiate it from others. There is normally the intention to scale-up curricular innovations school-wide. The paper addresses three aims in respect to both countries: first, it profiles the evolution of specialist schools' policies in both states in relation to school improvement and secondly, social justice; thirdly, it undertakes a comparative policy analysis in order to draw conclusions as to how the relationship between central government and schools has re-configured in both countries – arguing that the policy in England is radical, that in Singapore, conservative.  相似文献   

In France the sociology of pupils has for a long time been reduced to the study of social inequalities in connection with proximity or distance from teacher expectations. Recent transformations of the educational system, and especially the fact that working-class pupils now attend secondary schools and even higher education in considerable proportions, have brought about a change in researchers' perspectives. Pupils are less defined by their role as élève than by the way in which, as individuals, they construct and make sense of their school experience. This subjective mechanism must, however, be understood by taking into account that in France school institutions and society in general distribute social and cultural resources unequally and thus create what may be called ‘ordeals’ for pupils to overcome.  相似文献   

In the wake of the recent demolition of the 1965 Chelsea School of Art building on Manresa Road in London, this article seeks to explore the relationship between art school architecture and art school pedagogy. Research on art school buildings, both national and international, and British art school education of the 1960s, is brought to bear, on the former ‘New School of Art in Chelsea’ building. In addition to an account of how this building came about, drawn from archival records and interviews with architects and former Chelsea students and staff, the correlation of utopianist values in post‐war British society, modernist architecture and higher education in art is examined. The reports of the National Advisory Council on Art Education (NACAE), which, in the 1960s, ushered in fundamental changes to British art education, are touched upon, and an account of the building design developed between art educationalists (including Chelsea Principal Lawrence Gowing and Chairman of the NACAE William Coldstream) and architects of the London County Council, is given. Photographs of the building, in the 1960s and during its demolition in 2010, are included. In addition to a historical account and case‐study, and despite the difficulties inherent, art school building is approached as an imaginative and socio‐political gesture, as a utopian act; ‘art school building’ in both senses (‘building’ as a verb and as a noun).  相似文献   


Policy makers in the UK are trying to improve school meals, by focusing on eating well. This article explores the way policies are framed by academic performance and health as a reason for providing school lunches. Using Nussbaum’s capability approach we argue that the purpose of schooling should be to provide young people with the ability to lead a life of choice. We argue that school meals are an important social good, which allow young people to develop critical skills around food which they can then use throughout their lives. We draw on evidence from two ethnographic research projects on food in schools, conducted in England. We question whether the collocation between healthy eating and learning should be the focus of school food reform and contemplate the role of society and government to provide children with healthy meals, irrespective of learning outcomes. School meals are more than good exam results.  相似文献   


In England, the presence of an established church places its adherents within the social mainstream. Other religious groups have been tolerated though suffering social and educational disadvantages. With the passage of time through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, minority religious groups such as Irish Catholics have been assimilated into the host culture, and allowed to have their own schools.

However, it would appear that contemporary movements of people to the United Kingdom have retained loyalties not only to their own religion, but, in some instances to their own language, which they perceive as a vital element of their own culture and identity. Demands for schools, within the state-funded system, for minority religious groups have not lessened. As faith schools in England increase in number, their role in a multicultural society becomes increasingly problematic. Lessons about changing models of assimilation and identity can be learnt from a brief review of the historic Irish Catholic experience that, in turn, can illuminate the current experience of a Greek Orthodox school in south London.  相似文献   

In England, the presence of an established church places its adherents within the social mainstream. Other religious groups have been tolerated though suffering social and educational disadvantages. With the passage of time through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, minority religious groups such as Irish Catholics have been assimilated into the host culture, and allowed to have their own schools.
However, it would appear that contemporary movements of people to the United Kingdom have retained loyalties not only to their own religion, but, in some instances to their own language, which they perceive as a vital element of their own culture and identity. Demands for schools, within the state-funded system, for minority religious groups have not lessened. As faith schools in England increase in number, their role in a multicultural society becomes increasingly problematic. Lessons about changing models of assimilation and identity can be learnt from a brief review of the historic Irish Catholic experience that, in turn, can illuminate the current experience of a Greek Orthodox school in south London.  相似文献   

E·E·卡明斯是20世纪美国实验主义诗歌的开拓者和革新者,以他标新立异的诗歌模式,成为当时先锋派的主将。本文从卡明斯的创作背景出发,结合他的诗歌风格和特点,通过具体而细微的诗歌例证,旨在说明卡明斯是传统艺术与现代风格的集大成者,是最现代的传统主义者,也是最传统的现代主义者。  相似文献   

具有典型的外来文化特征的西方现代主义 ,在中国本土化、民族化的进程十分艰难和缓慢。形成阻滞的原因主要包括社会基础、时代环境、民族传统和读者欣赏习惯。在其民族化进程中 ,变异和改造是根本途径 ,其中包括现代主义和现实主义的合流。中国现代主义作家普遍存在由现代主义尝试向民族传统复归的现象  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突。为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强角色学习,提高角色能力,进行角色整合,创造自我角色。  相似文献   

现代教育管理已逐渐进入以人为本的管理新时代.教育管理的核心是人,形成良好的人际关系,才能最大限度地调动教师的积极性,实现组织管理功能最大化.人际关系理论在西方教育管理的发展进程中产生了重大的作用,我国的教育管理可借鉴人际关系理论,采用弹性化管理,视教师为“社会人”,重视教师群体的作用,重视学校中非正式组织的作用,创建和谐的学校人际关系.  相似文献   

华侨华人捐资办学的社会效应——以闽南为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华侨华人捐资办学,有其良好的社会效应。华侨华人通过新式教育实践,充当了教育现代化的先导,对社会变迁产生了积极作用。华侨华人捐资办学,可以形成一种特有的侨乡文化,促进向心力和认同感的产生。捐资办学促进了华侨华人之间的团结互助,为闽南社会的良性发展营造了积极的外部氛围。  相似文献   

感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。在写实派、浪漫派和现代派的创作中,感伤有着各不相同的风格表征和审美特质。“五四”新文学中感伤情感涵蕴的精神向度是现代意识觉醒的表征,其情感主题的生成是多种合力作用的结果,由此形成“五四”新文学感伤情感的独特现代品格。  相似文献   

在1950年代戒严体制下,台湾的经济、教育、文学和艺术的发展,都受到“反共复国”方针的钳制。在诗歌创作上,出现了许多反共的“战斗诗”。1950年代中期,台湾诗坛的一些诗人想打破现状,提出“新诗再革命”的口号,试图朝现代主义迈进。1960年代的台湾新诗属西方现代派狂飚突进时期。当“创世纪”为代表的激进现代主义与以余光中为楷模的温和现代主义汇成一股巨流,并生成新的典律的时候,诗坛的另一角,出现了一股反现代主义的力量,这主要以标榜乡土的“笠”诗社为代表。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,人们对学校愈加推崇。学校似乎在促进个体培养、推动社会进步方面起着无以复加的重要作用。伊里奇却从另一个极端重新审视学校,对现代学校进行了猛烈的抨击,提出“废除学校”的主张。他尝试以“教育网络”为载体构建“非学校化社会”。尽管非学校化社会因无法满足人们快速、系统地继承人类文化遗产的需求而显得过于浪漫而今缺乏现实的可能性,但伊里奇对学校化社会的批判对我们实施素质教育、进行终身教育、完善学校功能无疑具有一定的启迪意义。  相似文献   

The use of radio for educational purposes in high schools expanded considerably between 1920 and 1970. Education scholars generally qualify radio for schools as a failure. This conclusion is based on the accessibility of radio sets in schools, the interest of teachers in radio for schools, and the budgets allocated for the purchase of radio sets. A wider investigation shows that educational radio resulted from collaboration among school personnel, radio broadcasters and the political authorities. We agree with communication scholars that using a means of communication for educational purposes involves many spheres of society. An examination of the origins, development and decline of radio broadcasting for schools also reveals that this was a technical substitution phenomenon; one means of communication was replaced by another. The use of radio in schools gradually declined, following the introduction of television in schools during the 1960s. Taking all these aspects into account, our study identifies the social mechanisms whereby radio was used for teaching in high schools. This clearly illustrates on a more general level the change in use of audiovisual tools in schools. The Montreal Catholic School Board (CECM) — the largest French‐language school board in Canada — is an institution of particular interest for the study of radio broadcasting for schools. Because of it size, the CECM had sufficient resources and personnel to be a pioneer in education. From 1931, CECM personnel went on the air on CKAC radio to popularize instruction in music, literature and language. Members of Montreal's educational community, parents and students alike, and listeners interested in learning, began to view radio as a means of conveying knowledge. In 1936, Société Radio‐Canada (SRC), the French‐language section of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, appeared on the Quebec radio scene, and educational radio gradually became more clearly defined. The programs that were aired, of which the best known was Radio‐Collège, gave the green light to educational radio in francophone Quebec. Before emulating SRC initiatives, the CECM used radio as a tool for social communication. In the early 1950s, the school board used radio mainly as a forum for explaining educational issues to the public; for example, teachers' salary negotiations. From autumn 1950, the CECM School and Family Committee aired a series of ten programs about the role of the school in society. Post‐war Montreal society was in a state of flux. Urbanisation and the emergence of mass communication and consumption were transforming the entire social structure. The francophone elite was starting to question traditional values taught by the Church, and religious practice was declining. Reacting to these new realities, the CECM appealed to parents for their help to ensure that together, family and school would succeed in the task of educating children. The board also used CKAC to discuss the shortage of schools. When parents demanded schools for their children, speakers from the School and Family Committee explained how the problem would be solved. As these examples show, Montreal schools initially made use of radio for social communication.

In 1954, following the third congress on the French language in Canada (Troisième congrès de la langue française au Canada), the CECM devised a wide‐ranging campaign to improve the spoken language of students. This was the beginning of educational radio. With the help of executives at CKAC radio, the board created school broadcasting designed to improve everyday language in students from grades 1 to 12. After the first series of programs proved a success, the board repeated the project the following year, broadcasting twice as many lessons. The glory years of Améliorons notre langue parlée would follow, with the series airing continuously from 1954 to 1963. As a result of this enduring venture, the government extended teaching by radio to other school boards across the province of Quebec. This marked the institutionalization of school radio broadcasting. Transistor radios, the democratisation of high school teaching and active pedagogy were all elements that boosted the use of radio in schools. Radio was now present in every classroom, but television was also being introduced. Radio had earned pride of place but was gradually superseded by television. The range of academic subjects widened, and the numbers of hours set aside for television broadcasting increased. Meanwhile, the use of school radio broadcasts gradually diminished. We therefore attribute the decline in radio broadcasting for schools to the emergence of television for schools, in other words, a phenomenon of technical substitution.

Finally, our research shows that the contribution by social agents incidental to schools and the influence of various factors external to schools are of major importance in explaining the mechanisms whereby educational radio became part of school life. It shows that radio changed in status from a public communication tool in the 1930s, to a pedagogic tool supporting the teaching of French twenty years later. Our study also shows that radio for schools was created not only by school‐related actors and institutions but also by the mass media and government. Far from being a failure, as education scholars maintain, educational radio was a success, but was replaced by television in the late 1960s.  相似文献   

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