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Flora got to the edge of the village.* Mitt came with the geese. The gander(雄鹅) waddled (蹒跚而行) along. Behind him, the other* geese waddled in a row.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the evolution of four different classes of students' mathematical knowledge, namely, intuitive, concrete, computational, and conceptual. The method for studying these classes of knowledge involved research in the classrooms of two expert elementary mathematics teachers. In one classroom, a second-grade teacher and 8 of her students were observed and interviewed before, during, and after a series of lessons on subtraction with regrouping. In the other classroom, a fourth-grade teacher and 11 of her students were similarly studied throughout a series of lessons on fractions. A detailed portrait of how the different types of knowledge interacted and evolved over time in these children is provided, and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”,是邓小平理论首要的、基本的理论问题,学习邓小平理论,认识社会主义,就是要坚持马克思主义认识论“实践第一”的观点,用生产力的标准认识社会主义,用人民利益的标准衡量社会主义,用发展的标准评判社会主义。  相似文献   

自由是当代社会生活的主旋律,大学生作为当代青年,肩负着历史使命和时代重任,同时对自由的理解和把握需要一个新的指引。据调查发现,有些大学生认为自由与法律无关、与道德无关、与责任无关,只有掌握了权利才是真正的自由。面对这样的回答不免令人深思与担忧,在大力弘扬中华优秀传统文化与践行社会主义核心价值观,实现中华民族伟大复兴的道路上,当代大学生们应该在自由中正确认识人与法、人与道德、人与环境、人与权利、人与责任的问题,并在这些问题中不断深化和自我发展,才能实现人的真正自由与发展。  相似文献   

在她横空出世的畅销书《等待梦醒时分》(1992)里,特丽·麦克米兰赞美了女性同盟。小说讲述了二十世纪八十年代四个住在菲尼克斯的黑人女人,  相似文献   

田梦园 《音乐世界》2010,(15):66-69
很久没有在舞台上看到允浩的歌迷对他充满了想念,好在允浩参演音乐剧《宫》的消息给了大家稍许的安慰。大家总希望能缩短与允浩之间的距离,无论是物理意义上的还是心与心的距离。允浩的内在是什么样的?允浩生活中最真实的状态又是怎么样的,大家总希望近点,再近一点。  相似文献   

作为一名小学班主任,在孩子们6年的学习生活中我们应该给他们些什么呢?我想,应当让孩子们从小就有追求、有向往、有勇气,沿着正确的人生旅途坚定地迈出第一步。也就是说,班主任应该给他们情感、给道理、给信心、给方法、给欢乐。一句话,就是要在班主任的引导下,让学生学会自己走路。一、给情感———赢得学生的心原来我以为当老师就得严,严以立威,以威取信。但在这几年与学生的交往中,我发现占据他们心灵的,不是老师的严而是爱。他们往往把接受老师爱抚的一件件小事说个没完没了。于是我才懂得爱的力量和价值。老师要给予学生真…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to uncover any differences in the early reading and spelling processes of children learning to read in a first language (L1) and children learning to read in a second language (L2). The reading and spelling development of native Dutch-speaking children and minority children in the first two grades of elementary school were compared. The children were given a number of tasks to test their vocabulary knowledge and the efficiency of their word decoding (including grapheme knowledge and word blending), word spelling (including cipher knowledge and phonemic segmentation), and reading comprehension processes. Analyses of variance were used to test for differences between the L1 and L2 learners. LISREL analyses were used to explore the components underlying the reading and spelling processes in the 2 groups of children. The results showed that the minority children kept up with the native Dutch-speaking children on word blending and word decoding tasks. On word spelling and reading comprehension, however, the minority children were found to be less efficient than their monolingual Dutch peers. The structural models for word decoding and word spelling were highly comparable for the 2 groups. For reading comprehension, vocabulary knowledge was found to have more of an impact on the L2 learners than on the L1 learners. This finding suggests that children learning to read in an L2 should be helped to build their lexical knowledge and that reading instruction should be matched to this knowledge.  相似文献   

Weekly group sessions in social and life skills were offered to a class of physically handicapped school leavers. Helle Mittler, senior social worker, Manchester Child Guidance Service, and Anne Buckingham, home school liaison teacher, Telford School, Manchester, describe the group members and the sessions and offer some suggestions.  相似文献   

<正>Finding fun games, learning cool new things, and talking to your friends is what’s the Internet for. But just like in real life, you have to be smart and safe. It might seem silly to think about safety when you’re on the web alone in your room, but it’s important to make sure you’re trusting the right sites and people.寻找有趣的游戏,学习很酷的新事物,以及与朋友交谈是互联网的用途。但就像在现实生活中一样,你必须聪明点,注意安全。当你在房间里单独上网时考虑安全性似乎很愚蠢,但重要的是,要确保你信任的是正确的网站和人。  相似文献   

When chronic problem behaviors occur in schools, the tendency is to react with stringent and restrictive consequences. Recently, emphasis has shifted toward proactive prevention strategies. In this article, we focus on what we know and need to know about school-wide applications of effective practices and systems for preventing problem behaviors. We describe why this emphasis is important, what defines one prevention approach called school-wide positive behavior support, what current research results indicate about this approach, and what future research is needed to prevent development and occurrences of problem behavior in schools.  相似文献   

请大家带着幽默的心态阅读下文,切勿对号入座!①You look like you are 18.②You like to eat chicken feet.③You suck on fish heads andfish fins.④You have a Chineseknick-knack hanging on yourrear view mirror.⑤You sing karaoke.⑥Your stove is covered with a(22)You keep a Thermos of hotwater available at all times.(23)You eat all meals in thekitchen.(24)You save grocery bags, tinfoil, and tin containers.(25)You have a piano in your livingroom.(26)You pick your teeth at the  相似文献   

自芭芭拉·狄·安杰利斯创作了《纽约时报》上的畅销书《你不能不了解他》后,她的读者们就一直请求她创作该书的姊妹篇——一本为两性创作、揭示女人需要在生活中被男人了解、宠爱的书籍。芭芭拉·狄·安杰利斯在她的新书里保持了她一贯坦率、泼辣、切实的文风,同时该书也是一本见地深刻的指南,女人们通过阅读可以更加了解自己并会很乐意将此书推荐给她们的爱人。  相似文献   

The role of the headteacher in the special school is likely to become more complex. Pamela Young, lecturer in educational administration, Institute of Education, London University, suggests four types of skills that the head requires  相似文献   

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