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在广泛调查的基础上,对县级电大与职教中心联合共建的原因及合并后的事业发展情况进行分析,进而指出:同样是联合共建,但各县电大事业发展很不平衡,这主要是由于学校一把手对电大的重视程度和管理方法上的差异造成的。对省市级电大发展提出3点建议:加强对县级电大校长的培训,加深他们对电大事业的认识;要保持电大管理队伍、教师队伍的相对稳定;上级电大要主动创造一些有利条件,帮助基层电大发展。  相似文献   

Extant academic literature, the media and views expressed by staff and students report that both local and international students are experiencing dissatisfaction with the lack of inter‐cultural student interaction occurring in classrooms, group discussions and teamwork in post‐graduate studies in the Australian higher education sector. It has been argued that increased interaction between local and international students may improve the overall student experience. This interpretive empirical study explores the potential of global study tours to increase inter‐cultural student interaction through the provision of opportunities for greater cultural understandings.  相似文献   

在电大开放教育环境下,学员很难在较短时间内取得良好学习效果。探讨电大开放教育环境下适合各专业学员学习的有效方法,提高英语面授辅导课教学效果,切实增强开放教育各专业学员英语应用能力和综合素质具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

电大课程考核改革不仅仅是考核形式的改革,而应作为一个指挥棒,引起整个教学过程的改革,充分体现开放教育“学生自主学习”的特点,发挥学生学习的主动性,充分利用现代化教育手段和资源,强调学习过程的控制,加强应用能力的提高,落实实践性环节,最终达到从应试教育到素质教育的真正转变。为此,要对课程改革方案进行周密设计,并对相关部门和人员提出具体要求。  相似文献   

《荣星文集·第1卷》——《电大群英》,歌颂古朴崇高的传统精神,彰扬当代改革的激昂情怀,揭示电大教育的鲜明特色,饱含坚实厚重的文化情结。顽强攻读的精神、无私奉献的精神、科学管理的精神、发奋写作的精神,链接起电大的学生、教师、领导与文集作者崇高的生命体验,汇聚为振兴民族大业无比坚定的信念。这便是电大精神的社会意义。  相似文献   

经过多年发展积累,电大已具备了发展社区教育的优势条件,但在社区教育还没有全面铺开、政府还没有完全将电大作为发展社区教育重要依托的情况下,基层电大要想在社区教育中有所作为,必须要做到未雨绸缪,扎实做好相关工作。具体来说,基层电大应积极开展各种形式的调查活动,了解居民的社区教育需求;加强与政府部门的沟通,了解政府发展社区教育的政策与规划;要密切与省电大的联系,以得到来自电大系统开展社区教育的指引;注重自身教育资源的调整与建设,切实满足社区教育的需要。  相似文献   

Junhong Xiao 《Open Learning》2013,28(3):171-183
English language teaching (ELT) has played an important role in the Chinese Radio and Television Universities (RTVU) network since its establishment in the late 1970s. Based on a literature review and reflection from an insider’s perspective, this paper gives a full account of the RTVU distance ELT model, examining how it supports autonomous language learning, how autonomy features in its English courses/programmes and how well the students respond to the model. It also discusses issues related to the improvement of the model, including student support, course production, curriculum design, course assessment, and staff development. It is argued that ELT in RTVUs should not be ignored in the international academic community although not much is known about it outside China, and that the RTVU model may be of practical relevance to other open and distance learning contexts.  相似文献   

电大教育面临着来自教育体制改革、教育市场竞争以及系统生存发展环境等诸多因素的严峻挑战,面临着如何更好地适应社会需求、如何适应日益激烈的生源竞争的挑战。仅就招生环节来考察,具体的招生措施、宣传媒介的合理运用是电大系统招生成败的重要一环,是决定招生投入产出比的重要核算指标。  相似文献   

浅谈远程教育中网络教学的障碍   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
远程教育理论普遍认为,教学支持服务作为网络教学的一个关键因素是必不可少的,通过网络的实时动态交互功能应能解决远程教育中师生分隔的问题。但事实并非如此。云南电大的学生并不热衷于网络学习,而且网络教学也没有达到提高学生学习效果的目的。这是一个现象。如何从多角度解释这一现象?如何深入了解学生的所思所想?是我们电大工作者需要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

远程教育学习支持服务的区域性对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究采用调查法考察了不同级电大、不同经济发展地区远程教育学习支持服务的现实状况,并进行了区域性对比分析。结果表明,省、市、县三级不同行政区域电大和苏南、苏北、苏中不同经济区域电大的学习支持服务既有许多相同之处,又存在着一定的差异。作提出,构建完善、高效的学习支持服务系统,需要进一步关注不同地区的经济社会、化教育特征和学习的特殊要求,使学习支持服务更有针对性,更具有效性,以确保远程教育健康发展。  相似文献   

School improvement initiatives are needed to better meet the needs of underprivileged students, to reduce underachievement and to break a continuing cycle of disadvantage. This article describes part of a school improvement initiative in New Zealand that provided additional funding for school nurse and social worker services in nine secondary schools with the most disadvantaged students in New Zealand. It describes the nature and delivery of services provided by the social workers in these schools. In addition, the article reports changes over time in staff and student views about school climate including a comparison with non-participating schools of similar socioeconomic status. The findings indicated that school climate is a useful intermediate measure of the effectiveness of school improvement initiatives. There were significant improvements in staff views about school climate over time, with staff views about school climate becoming more favourable on scales measuring Improvements in the Last 12 Months and Support for Ethnic Diversity compared to eight non-participating schools. Student views were more favourable on scales measuring Satisfaction with School, Support for Achievement and Support for Ethnic Diversity, compared to the non-participating schools.  相似文献   

本文以开放英语教学改革项目多媒体学习系统的推广应用为切入点,结合陕西电大该项目试点实际,提出"以学生为中心"的导学结合、多元互动、运行规范、科学高效的课程教学模式框架并介绍了具体做法,通过调查分析,认为该课程的试点符合并深化了开放教育的理念。最后,提出试点工作的几点建议,以利于课程改革试点和英语人才培养模式的推进。  相似文献   

生员是明清时期地方府学、州学、县学学生的普通称谓,是参加科举考试最主要的群体。明清两朝贵州都匀府都建立了府学以培养士子,本文利用有关文献资料记载,从都匀府学生员额定数、生师比以及生源范围等视角进行比较研究,认为明清两代都匀府学生员额定数相当但生师比较为悬殊;明代都匀府学生源来自全府所辖地区,而清代生源则被新建的独山州学、麻哈州学、都匀县学和荔波县学所分流,说明清代地方儒学教育较之明代更为普及。  相似文献   

基层电大师资队伍建设是基层电大发展的关键。基层电大的开放性、服务性特点,决定了建设一支优秀的"双师型"教师队伍是基层电大面临的刻不容缓的课题。然而,基层电大教师在向"双师型"转化过程中也面临着许多困难,对于如何克服这些困难,作者提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

广播电视大学“试点“远程开放教育办学形式在社会上产生了积极而广泛的影响,同时也带来了许多新问题.这些问题集中反映在“宽进严出“的电大远程开放教育能否保证培养人才的质量,并适应经济和社会发展的需要.为此,我们就基层电大远程开放教育质量保障体系进行了调研,并在此基础上提出了建立基层电大教育质量保障体系ISO9000的探索.  相似文献   

随着计算机多媒体技术的成熟,在电大远程教育中引入计算机多媒体教育手段,已成为历史的必然,它是电大实施远程教育的重要保证。通过分析信息技术和远程教育技术模式发展过程,可以明了信息时代的这场教育技术模式变革的发生,给电大教育带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

校园文化是直接影响大学生成长的环境因素,是高校教育机制中的一个重要环节。侨乡广播电视大学需有自身特色、健康向上的校园文化,有了良好的校园文化,学校才有凝聚力,才能进发出无限生机。侨乡电大校园文化建设需从校园文化的内涵与功能入手,针对当前校园文化建设中存在的不足,吸收五邑侨乡的优秀文化,并将其纳入校园文化建设之中。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a four-year case study of an urban college preparatory charter high school. Through analyses of teacher and staff interviews, the author highlights how the school approached the idea of “college for all” under the archetypal influence of “college preparatory.” The interview data show how the charter school staff engaged in important educational questions about what defines college preparation even though those questions became more complex as the school matured. These findings are presented in three themes: (1) building a school, which reflects staff members’ views on the school’s start-up period of building renovation and growth, (2) building a curriculum, which reflects staff members’ views on teachers’ instructional practices, and (3) building a college culture, which reflects staff members’ efforts to provide students with supplemental academic and social supports for college planning and preparation.  相似文献   

The author is currently developing computer based simulations of practical laboratory experiments in engineering. He takes the view that the aim of computer based simulations is to provide a learning experience as close to that of the lab as possible. This requires that the learning outcomes and methodology of practical work be established.
The paper starts with a review of published opinions on the intended learning outcomes of practical work. The views of staff and students of the School were established by conducting an internal survey. The paper then outlines the types of simulations possible on the computer before concentrating on the development of the operational simulations being used in the present context. The approach to obtaining fidelity in operation forms the main part of the paper.
The author is currently engaged in evaluating the effectiveness of one of the packages. He discusses the approach being taken and his views on the advantages and disadvantages of simulation. It is hoped that a subsequent paper will publish the results of the evaluation.  相似文献   

Reform recommendations around the world call for an understanding about the nature of science and the work of scientists. However, related research findings provide evidence that students hold stereotypical views of scientists and the nature of their work.


The aim of this case study was to examine the impact of an intervention on 15 elementary school students’ views of scientists.


An urban, fifth-grade, European elementary school classroom defined the context of this study.

Design and method

The intervention was an 11-week-long investigation of a local problem concerning water quality. In carrying out this investigation the students collaborated with a young metrology scientist to collect and analyse authentic data that would help them to construct a claim about the quality of the water. The students’ initial views of scientists were investigated through a drawing activity, classroom discussions and interviews.


Analysis of these data indicated that all students but one girl held very stereotypical views on scientists and the nature of their work. Analysis of interviews with each student and classroom discussions after the intervention illustrated that they reconstructed their stereotypical views of scientists and the nature of their work owing to their personal engagement in the investigation and their collaboration with the scientist.


The findings of this study suggest that more in-depth study into project-based approaches, out-of-school learning and school–scientist partnerships is warranted, for the purpose of determining appropriate pedagogies that support students in developing up-to-date understanding about scientists and the nature of their work.  相似文献   

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