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Approximately 5% of people in most countries have deafness or significant hearing loss. This significant minority is underrepresented in mainstream universities across the world. Background information about deafness, relevant technology and its drawbacks, and the use of interpreters are discussed. The barriers to equitable representation of qualified Deaf academics in university settings are reviewed. The experiences of three Deaf academics who teach in mainstream universities are discussed, and suggestions for resolution are offered. Examples are cited for teaching, research and service, the threefold duties of the successful academic. Continuing access difficulties mean that only a few deaf graduates now consider doctoral study; cost and the perception of cost, as well as negative attitudes and lack of knowledge may mean that the few successful graduates have difficulties gaining employment; successful tenure and promotion prospects may also be hindered for the same reasons. We also provide recommendations how barriers for successful Deaf academics can be removed or mitigated.  相似文献   

社区教育是建立学习型社会,满足人们终身学习需求的重要途径之一。尤其在边疆少数民族地区,社区教育资源相对匮乏,社区教育意识不足,依托当地电大开展社区教育,对提高当地全民素质,促进学习型社会建设,推动少数民族地区稳定与和谐发展有着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

Racial and ethnic minority group members are now recognizing the need for relevant counseling services. Many counselor education programs, however, have not addressed this issue. While some counselor educators support the need for innovative counselor training programs for those who expect to work in pluralistic settings, others believe that traditional programs can meet the needs of all populations. This article describes why counselor training incorporating the needs of racial and ethnic minorities is needed and provides four models: (a) the separate course model; (b) the area of concentration model; (c) the interdisciplinary model; and (d) the integration model, which may be used in program development and implementation.  相似文献   

Scotland is a small country with a dominant white majority and relatively small, varied and dispersed minority ethnic groups. This paper draws on a review of educational research relating to minority ethnic groups at all stages of education in Scotland, conducted in 1998. The review aimed to evaluate research conducted in the areas of: access to educational opportunities, learning and teaching, attainment and staff. We found that existing educational research relevant to minority groups in Scotland is scarce, fragmented and on too small a scale to contribute significantly to policy. In this paper, we put forward various arguments to explain the lack of policy and consequent practice likely to enhance the education of minority groups and draw attention to significant developments in Scotland since 1998 that are likely to affect educational research concerning minority ethnic groups. How can small countries where minority groups comprise a tiny proportion of the overall population ensure that the interests, educational needs and aspirations of these groups are addressed?  相似文献   

要保证民族地区新型的远程开放大学的教育教学质量,就必须建立健全完善的学习支持服务体系.在解读学习支持服务和学习支持服务系统概念的基础上,对内蒙古电大学习支持服务体系的现状进行实证调查统计,围绕开放大学的建设目标,梳理民族地区开放大学学习支持服务体系建设原则,提出了民族地区建设开放大学学习支持服务体系的基本建设框架思路.  相似文献   

李佳 《民族教育研究》2020,31(2):129-134
随着全球一体化进程的加速,少数民族地区对多语复合型人才的需求日渐迫切,少数民族大学生的英语教学成为民族院校教学研究的重点关注问题。本研究以中央民族大学维吾尔族"基础班"大学生为例,借助问卷调查和个体访谈的数据收集方法,对维吾尔族大学生英语学习需求进行分析,发现维吾尔族大学生英语学习存在个体水平差异大、缺乏内在动机、教学重点与难点不统一、教学内容与形式过于单一等问题。本研究结合教学反思提出少数民族大学生英语教学必须从学生的实际情况出发,以"尊重差异、激发兴趣、调整结构、丰富内容"为宗旨,积极探索适合少数民族大学生个性化需求的英语教学新模式,以期满足少数民族大学生的英语学习需求,有效提升其英语学习质量。  相似文献   

A recent UK Government commissioned study found concerning levels of unemployment among computing students from disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The study highlighted that work experience was a factor in increased levels of graduate employment. As such, it is vital that students have equal access to such work experience. This study considers the availability of work experience to 140 computing students at two city centre UK universities. Data analysis considered socioeconomic background and ethnicity to determine if these influenced attitudes to work experience. While students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicity had little influence on their interest in work experience, patterns of success in gaining work experience reflected worrying graduate (un)employment patterns, with those from disadvantaged, black or minority ethnic backgrounds less able to secure work experience. These findings have serious implications for university and government policies promoting work experience and highlight the need for national interventions.  相似文献   

合江民族村少数民族文化建设的成功经验可概括为:让少数民族群众充分享受市场经济所带来的物质成果;充分重视语言和教育等精神作用;符合少数民族群众的利益和需求;打破少数民族文化的封闭性等。合江民族村少数民族文化建设开创了建设"多元一体"的"和谐文化"的新模式。  相似文献   

云南省少数民族共操26种语言,不通汉语的人口比例较高,操双语或转用其他民族语的人口比例较小。从学前开始实施双语教学,是少数民族教育发展的成功之路,要从民语入手,进行民汉双语教学,帮助学生达到“民汉兼通”,这对于学生个人的发展、少数民族地区经济发展与社全进步、少数民族化的传承与弘扬,必然产生深远的积极影响。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国民族教育取得了巨大成就。在看到这些巨大成就的同时还应注意民族教育中存在的问题:民族教育缺乏民族特色文化;民族教育师资力量薄弱;民族教育内容脱离生产生活实际;民族地区汉语水平较低,语言转换存在一定的问题。要从这几方面解决这些问题:一是加大对民族地区教育投入;二是加强民族地区特色文化教育,促进主流文化成员对少数民族文化的学习,加强了解,互相学习;三是注重师资素质的提升,建立多样化人才培养模式;四是改革教育内容,加强教育内容与生产生活的联系,增加民族地区本土性的素材在教材中的比重和实行双语教学。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国民族教育取得了巨大成就。在看到这些巨大成就的同时还应注意民族教育中存在的问题:民族教育缺乏民族特色文化;民族教育师资力量薄弱;民族教育内容脱离生产生活实际;民族地区汉语水平较低,语言转换存在一定的问题。要从这几方面解决这些问题:一是加大对民族地区教育投入;二是加强民族地区特色文化教育,促进主流文化成员对少数民族文化的学习,加强了解,互相学习;三是注重师资素质的提升,建立多样化人才培养模式;四是改革教育内容,加强教育内容与生产生活的联系,增加民族地区本土性的素材在教材中的比重和实行双语教学。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略是党在十九大会议中做出的重要战略决策,是党在新时代对“三农”问题提出的新的决策部署,其内容涵盖了农业发展的各个领域。实施乡村振兴战略,少数民族地区任重道远。海南少数民族地区覆盖范围广。受到历史条件的影响,在海南少数民族地区,人们思想观念较为落后,对乡村振兴战略了解不深入,认同感有待提高。以海南省为例,分析少数民族地区乡村振兴的现实意义、思想政治教育在少数民族地区乡村振兴中的重要作用,探索以思想政治教育推动少数民族地区乡村振兴的现实途径。  相似文献   

多民族是我国基本国情,利用信息技术发展民族教育是实现教育公平的重要措施,更是国家教育信息化战略的重要部署。民族教育现代化的发展关键在于提升少数民族教师队伍,特别是少数民族师范生整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)水平。研究以1050名南方少数民族师范生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法,辅之以访谈法,展开了针对少数民族师范生TPACK水平的调查与研究。通过描述统计分析,阐明了少数民族师范生TPACK水平的差异;通过多元回归分析,探讨了TPACK水平发展的影响因素以及相互关系。结果表明:(1)少数民族师范生TPACK知识总体水平偏低,专业学科知识有待加强;(2)少数民族师范生倾向于重视学科知识,对教学法的重要性认识不足,对信息素养缺乏信心;(3)少数民族师范生TPACK水平受到民族地区教育境脉、生源基础、课程体系等因素的影响。最后,从构建合理的少数民族师范生TPACK课程体系、改革少数民族师范生TPACK教学模式以及完善少数民族师范生TPACK发展辅助支撑系统等方面,发掘提升少数民族师范生TPACK水平的途径与策略。  相似文献   

任何社会都无法逃脱现代性所带来的社会变革,因此,如何适应变革与建构现代性是所有社会都面临的重要问题。现代性具有特定的指涉范围,主要包括物质、制度以及观念三个维度,而任一维度的现代性建构都离不开现代化的人。目前,新疆正处在现代性建构的关键时期,而所面临困境的根本亦在于现代化人才的严重缺乏,尤其是少数民族现代化人才的缺乏,而究其根本在于目前少数民族面临着汉语言障碍,这一障碍严重影响了他们获取知识、信息的数量及质量,减少了他们在国内与外界交流、合作的机会。从而限制了其现代素质的养成。因此,如何解决汉语言这一制约因素是突破新疆现代性建构所处困境的前提所在。  相似文献   

Very little has been done to assist Native Americans in the procurement of mental health services. Cultural barriers and lack of understanding have limited the contact between Native Americans and the predominantly White mental health delivery system. The project described herein attempted to decrease and neutralize some of the impediments to Native Americans receiving services by training them to provide minimal mental health care for their own people and by training them to gain access to various state service agencies.  相似文献   

不少的文学作品中使用的习语、典故、谚语、比喻等都是作为语言修辞的一种手段,而且在特定的语境下是最有力的手段,不断地推动着语言的发展。通过对英傣两种语言在修辞中惯用的喻体对比,提出语言修辞方法,尤其是比喻的修辞手段和量词的使用,不仅蕴含着民族历史文化背景信息,而且还能反映出民族不同的思维方式以及一个的民族精神和民族文化特征,同时还反映出不同的民族文化传承模式。  相似文献   

The paper uses data from a 15-country study to discuss the factors which affect the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and learning technologies by disabled people and consequently their access to education. Significant differences were found both between and within countries: income and language were the main factors affecting availability. Thus, the greatest availability was in the higher income English-speaking countries and the richer European countries. The main barriers to technology use included cost, lack of funding and lack of information. A particular disparity in technology access was found between the English-speaking European population and Aboriginal speakers of indigenous languages in Australia, with considerably greater access by the former than the latter group. A number of recommendations are presented to increase access to learning and assistive technologies by disabled people. They include encouragement for developers to produce free of charge (minority language) technologies, research on more effective provision of technologies and personal assistance, assistive technology centres in all learning institutions, simple funding mechanisms and a fund to support technology provision in poorer countries.  相似文献   

在移动环境下,移动信息服务实现了人们不受时空限制、自由获取信息共享资源的理想.针对移动信息服务的特点和用户信息需求,图书馆需要运用先进技术,加强信息资源的整合,使馆藏结构多元化,服务资源数字化;服务需求公平化、个性化;增强移动网站搜索功能,获取更有价值的信息;开展虚拟智能馆员服务,提高图书馆资源利用率:更新服务理念,实现读者实时服务.  相似文献   

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