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During decades of change in the Western higher education sector, new ways of understanding academic work have reinforced notions of the impact of social capital. The present study investigates researchers’ experiences of their own career making within two areas of Education Sciences in Swedish higher education: Childhood Studies (CS) and Science Education (SE). The structure at the CS departments is collaborative and integrated; teaching and research are seen as an entity. This structure creates a coherent career path where members of the collective group jointly produce and accumulate social capital; it also appears to be related to discourses of femininity. In the SE departments, the career structure is strategic and differentiated; the two career paths work in parallel through a differentiation between teaching and research. This appears to be related to discourses of masculinity. In conclusion, our analysis shows how social capital and gender mutually create different ways of doing an academic career.  相似文献   

Levels of career support for sessional academics vary widely. This paper surveyed 109 sessional academics and demonstrates that a lack of career development for them is a widespread issue. The study finds that some sessional academics receive career support opportunities, while others receive nothing. As the number of sessional academics continues to grow and they become an ever larger part of the higher education workforce, while at the same time tenured positions are still the objective of many in academia, this paper contributes to current scholarship by identifying a clear stratification in the sessional workforce that has implications for the academics who hope to secure tenured positions.  相似文献   

Academic misconduct is a problem encountered by many academic programmes, including programmes in the health sciences. The primary purpose of the present study was to assess doctoral student and graduate faculty perceptions of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism. We used a cross-sectional survey design, and separate surveys were developed for students and faculty. The student survey measured student perceptions of the prevalence of plagiarism among students in general and assessed the occurrence of each student’s plagiaristic behaviours. The faculty survey measured faculty perceptions of the prevalence of plagiarism among students in general and among students in their courses specifically. Two hundred and thirty-eight students and 92 faculty completed the surveys. Students were doctoral health sciences students enrolled in a campus-based, online or hybrid programme. Compared with the self-reported behaviour of students, faculty believed more students were involved with plagiarism. Self-rated knowledge about plagiarism was significantly higher among online students and faculty than among campus-based students and faculty (p<0.001). Both students and faculty believed the most common plagiaristic activity was citing and referencing a full-text source when only the abstract was read, but only a few students reported personally doing this. Additionally, more campus-based students than online students reported working closely with another classmate on an assignment when they were not authorised to do so (p<0.001). In the present study, surveyed students and faculty believed plagiarism was prevalent among the general student population; however, few students self-reported this behaviour.  相似文献   

应用技术大学创业教育要立足于区域经济社会发展需要,并应针对当前存在的认知偏差等问题,积极探寻解决路径,既要紧密结合学科专业特点,又要把握工程、生产实践需求,开展对外交流,走出一条以深化理念认知为先导,优化人才培养方案,强化师资培养,完善创业实践平台,为区域经济建设和社会发展培养应用型、复合型、创新型人才的有别于研究型大学的创业教育之路。  相似文献   

基于Z省N市15所普通高中学校的调查,归结出普通高中职业规划教育处于体系空白、校际差异明显、专业和职业体验活动活跃、专业师资缺乏的现状。根据概念界定以及现状调查,依据谁来教育、教育谁、教育什么和怎么教育四大要素,对普通高中职业规划教育体系进行构建。并从合理设计教育目标、准确明晰主体作用、深刻把握服务对象、正确兼顾教育内容、综合采用教育方法完善该体系。  相似文献   

根据人才市场的需求及其变化,以提高学生适应就业需要的素质和能力为目标,开展全程性、全方位的就业教育,体现了大众化背景下高等教育市场化的特征。地方高等学校要以强化就业教育为契机,积极应对高等教育大众化的挑战,开展自身教育理念、教育机制和内涵的变革与创新。  相似文献   

加强学业职业规划教育是地方性高校提高研究生教育质量和就业水平的必要环节。激发研究生能动性和提高职业规划地位是职业规划教育实施的前提,阶段划分、主客体确认、支撑资源建设和预期效果评估是职业规划教育体系的基本构成,实施则需要从理论与实践相互结合、校内与校外相互衔接、本科教育与研究生教育相互借鉴以及教育功能与地方经济社会发展相互促进四个维度确定模式与途径。  相似文献   

Construction education is context-laden, navigating and reflecting the byzantine influences of period, place and person. Despite considerable rhetoric, in UK higher education and construction studies in particular the importance of contextualized teaching is being devalued. Over the past decade a growing number of new teaching staff to university lecturing has limited or no industrial experience of the construction sector. This paper explores the rise of the career academic in construction education and implications for teaching standards and student learning. Whilst career academics exhibit research skills and afford funding possibilities that universities find appealing, pedagogical studies suggest that experience-led, contextualized teaching offer students enhanced educational value. Policy-making and pedagogical strategies that continue to value research at the expense of teaching excellence coupled with recruitment of career academics as opposed to industry professionals present new challenges for construction education, teaching and student learning.  相似文献   


There have been widespread changes to working arrangements and employment relationships, including significant decreases in continuing/full-time employment contracts. This trend is particularly notable in academia, with more universities relying on the expertise of sessional, teaching-focused academics. This qualitative study extends understanding of this important group of professionals, identifying sessional work as a ‘double-edged sword’ and suggesting a typology of sessional academic careers to be tested in future research. It reports on the diversity among sessional academics, some enjoying the autonomy and flexibility of this working arrangement, others seeking more job security and greater alignment with continuing employment. It also identifies synergies and contradictions between sessional academic careers and key themes in the contemporary careers literature.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育迅速发展并进入大众化阶段,并且随着人们对学历及自我提高越来越重视,大学生的数量日渐升高,考生数目居高不下。数以万计的考生在大学求学阶段完善和丰富自身,在高等教育中成就自我。但全球经济危机的爆发和蔓延,使得我国很多大学生的就业形势愈发严峻,社会各方都已充分认识到这一问题若得不到妥善处理将引发的严重后果,这不仅会给我国社会和教育事业发展带来巨大冲击,并且严重影响大学生个人今后的发展道路及人生规划。高等教育既是高校专业知识体系教育的延伸和发展,也是连接高等教育与市场化就业的纽带,因此,大学生职业生涯规划与指导体系需要被社会各界关注并加以重视。根据从各知名高校的学生就业指导服务中心统计到的信息,并且对部分高校的大学生就业指导与服务工作的现状作了较为翔实的归纳与分析,一方面,各高校在学生就业指导方面有不少可取之处,比如将学生的生涯发展观念与高等教育资源的利用加以结合;另一方面也发现了高等教育在学生就业方面未涉及到的不足之处,比如,在高校开展职业规划与指导工作的过程中,院校专业化程度不高和资源供给不足给学生带来了不利的影响,需要积极改进和完善。因此,在归纳总结了多元化构建大学生职业规划与指导体系的经验内容时,并结合统计分析本科生对大学生职业规划与就业指导的现状与期望的数据,在本科生职业生涯规划与指导方面,以大众化高等教育需确立质量与效率的基础上,从大学生职业生涯规划的可行性、必要性、创新性入手,旨在探讨出更加符合当今高等教育中学生普遍存在的职业规划问题的有效解决方案。在高等教育迅速发展和变革并被普遍接受的时代,大学生职业规划与指导工作的意义显得更加复杂而深刻,并彰显着新时代的价值和特征以及对学生未来的美好期望,最大可能地满足大学生职业规划与发展个性化多元化的需求,以及提高高等教育的质量是目前高等教育院校最为关注的问题。本文从本科生职业生涯规划创新教育方面加以分析探讨。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, the severe shortage of special education teachers has continued to pose a significant challenge for schools in several countries. This study investigated factors that influence an individual’s decision to choose a career in special education. Understanding more about the experiences of those entering the field of special education provides insight to assist in recruiting individuals to meet this demand. Nineteen graduate students enrolled in a university’s special education program in the United States completed a survey and participated in semi-structured interviews to examine factors that contributed towards their decision to choose a career in special education. Seven factors were identified: experiences with individuals with disabilities, degree program/career goals, a preference for special education, a desire to be an advocate, influence from others, other educational experiences, and personal reasons. In addition, the participants provided recommendations for teacher preparation programs to effectively recruit special education teachers. The recommendations included providing more information to others about what special education teachers do and the impact they make, and providing more exposure to individuals with disabilities.  相似文献   

Internationalisation, competition and performance orientation are nowadays essential in the managing and financing of universities. This pattern has intensified with the austerity measures and fiscal consolidation that followed the financial crisis in 2008. This article examines the academic labour process and career making of academics from a gender perspective. Based on findings deriving from an Icelandic University, we argue that the austerity measures and increased focus on becoming one of the top universities in the world has changed the official responsibilities of academics. We show how ‘academic housework’ affects academic capital and how the amount of academic housework is unequally distributed between senior academics and newcomers. While the majority of academics conform to this contemporary academic system, marginalised groups put up some resistance but with limited success.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether tertiary education of different types, i.e., academic or vocational tertiary education, leads to more or less favourable labour market outcomes. We study the problem for Switzerland, where more than two thirds of the workforce gain vocational secondary degrees and a substantial number go on to a vocational tertiary degree but only a small share gain an academic tertiary degree. As outcome variables, we examine the risk of being unemployed, monthly earnings, and variation in earnings (reflecting financial risk). We study these outcomes at career entry and later stages. Our empirical results reveal that the type of tertiary education has various effects on these outcomes. At career entry, we observe equal unemployment risk but higher average wages and lower financial risk for vocational graduates. At later career stages, we find that these higher average wages disappear and risk of unemployment becomes lower for vocational graduates. Thus, by differentiating the tertiary system into vocational and academic institutions graduates face a variety of valuable options allowing them to self-select into an educational type that best matches their individual preferences.  相似文献   

Changes in the higher education system have resulted in increased demands on effectiveness and marketisation. These demands have changed what it means to do academic work. In this study, 19 female academic lecturers have been interviewed in order to get them to reflect upon their opportunities and conditions in career. The aim is to analyse how this specific group manoeuvres; that is their 'becoming subjectivity' in academic career. This means an interest in analysing their locations, positions as well as their material and discursive conditions. The results show how many see teaching as important in career, but also as a trap that restrains them in their chances of research advancement. Several express that a lot of teaching drain the time and energy needed for other opportunities in career. There are also a few who experience teaching as a place where people actually collaborate more than compete and find alternative career strategies. Even so, these women appear caught in their careers, which can relate to gender, and to the experience of ‘incapacity’ to find directions in a more competitive structure.  相似文献   

Academic capitalism is an outcome of the interplay between neoliberalism, globalisation, markets and universities. Universities have embraced the commercialisation of knowledge, technology transfer and research funding as well as introducing performance and audit practices. Academic capitalism has become internalised as a regulatory mechanism by academics who attempt to accumulate academic capital. Universities are traditionally gendered organisations, reflecting the societal gender order. Despite fears regarding the feminisation of the academy, the embrace of academic capitalism is contributing to its re-masculinisation and exercises an incidental gender effect. Practicing is the means by which the gender order is constituted at work. Three practices in which academics engage are examined as exemplars of the way academics increase their academic capital stock in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) faculties in four European universities, in Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland and Turkey. These practices tend to be more achievable and likely to be engaged in by men, thus, career practices are the mechanism through which the gender effect of academic capitalism is achieved, academic capitalism perpetuated and the gender order maintained in STEM in academia.  相似文献   

我国高校开展创业教育刚刚起步,很多理论与实践问题例如创业教育的内涵、创业教育的意义、创业教育的内容及创业的政策扶持等,亟待探索和研究。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the life history of a university academic, and the ways in which he learned in different communities of practice during his career. This account raises questions about the applicability of situated learning theory to a knowledge-based organisation, and argues that both the external context and the individuals within the community impinge on learning. It suggests that the role of academic staff developers may vary depending on the CoP and should include developing networks, facilitation, providing relevant expertise, improving harmony within CoPs and harnessing the benefits of internationally dispersed CoPs.  相似文献   

BackgroundTeaching 21st-century skills is widely recognized as an important task of higher education. However, an overview of which skills students need to obtain a sustainable career is missing. Using the Framework for 21st Century Learning (P21, 2019a) and the model of sustainable careers (de Vos et al., 2020), we aimed to take stock of current knowledge on which 21st-century skills are considered important for social sciences students’ sustainable career development and how these skills contribute to their career sustainability.MethodsFor this systematic review, we searched EconLit, ERIC, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), PsycINFO, Scopus, Sociological Abstracts, and Web of Science on May 28, 2021. We selected peer-reviewed empirical articles that were published between 2003 and 2019 and addressed graduates' and employers' perspectives on the skills needed for social sciences graduates’ career sustainability. Twelve articles met all our selection criteria and were included for a thematic analysis after quality appraisal.ResultsThe included articles operationalized the career sustainability of social sciences graduates mostly in terms of finding a job and maintaining employment, to a lesser extent as high job performance, job satisfaction, and work engagement. Communication and problem solving skills were most frequently reported by both social sciences graduates and employers as crucial for a sustainable career. In addition, critical thinking, initiative and self-direction, and social and cross-cultural skills were also reported as important skills. None of the studies investigated mechanisms that would explain how these skills would exactly contribute to social science graduates’ career sustainability.DiscussionThe results of this review showed that studies to date have addressed only a limited number of career sustainability indicators. Moreover, explanatory mechanisms have largely been ignored. This is an important gap in the literature that future studies would need to address by building on the existing sustainable career development models.  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校不断扩招,当前大学生的就业形势日益严峻.基于职业生涯规划下的高校大学生思想政治教育则是当前高校思想政治教育的一大突破.本文首先简述职业生涯规划与思想政治教育的相关内容;其次探究基于职业生涯规划下的高校大学生思想政治教育的重要作用;最后论述建立科学合理的思想政治教育理论课实效性长效机制的理性思考,以期更好的推动高校思想政治教育的实效性  相似文献   

本文在对“教育科学”称谓诘难后,用信息论审视传统的教育哲学、教育原理、教育技术和工具,提出用信息科技在三个支点上构建教育科学,最后提出21世纪的教育科学建构的基本思想。  相似文献   

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