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The aim of this article is to present a unique corpus of film-recorded classroom observations of sixth-grade classes (age 12–13) in the Swedish cities of Gothenburg, Partille and Trollhättan in the late 1960s. The material documents how RE could be taught in Swedish schools in line with the curriculum of Lgr 62 which internationally was an early attempt to design an approach to religious education (RE) which responded to demands of pluralism and objectivity and before the name of the subject was changed from Christian Religious Education (CRE) (Kristendomskunskap) into RE (Religionskunskap). The aim is also to scrutinise how the documented teaching and classroom activities relate to the curriculum of the time. 52 film-recorded classes in CRE have been analysed. One result – not surprisingly, as the teachers knew that they were being filmed – is that the content of teaching follows the CRE syllabus. As Christianity occupies the bulk of teaching time, it can be questioned whether the subject meets the objectivity requirement. There were few references to the experience of the pupils and the surrounding society. The heated public debate about the subject is not observable in the classroom.  相似文献   


Based on classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with teachers, parents and students, this comparative study looks at how social cohesion is promoted in Islamic Religious Education (IRE) lessons in Muslim schools in Ireland and non-faith schools in Finland. The study analyses teaching in the following areas: intra-religious cohesion; inter-religious cohesion and commitment to society. The findings reveal that despite differences in the governance of IRE as a subject taught in both types of schools, the IRE classroom emerges as a space, whereby teachers use power as agents for internal governance of religion. The authors conclude with some implications and offer some considerations for future research and practice.  相似文献   

The new National Framework for Religious Education (RE) suggests, for the first time in national advice on agreed syllabuses, that atheism can be included in the curriculum alongside world religions. This article counters objections to the inclusion of atheism in RE and argues that children and young people can learn from atheistic beliefs and values for their spiritual and moral development. It explores the idea of atheism as ‘faith’ and illustrates atheism’s spiritual and moral potential through examples of writing from Bertrand Russell and Jean Paul Sartre. The article concludes that RE (preferably under a new name) can continue to be a valuable curriculum subject, provided it responds to the non‐statutory guidance of the new framework by offering a broader, more inclusive spiritual education which includes positive accounts of atheistic beliefs. Indeed, it is contended that without this change schools can not fulfil their legal obligation to provide opportunities for spiritual and moral development to all pupils.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years, there has been a range of standards-driven educational interventions in England: focused particularly on students’ writing, they have been targeted at particular students, short-term and based on the assumption that identifiable, quantifiable inputs would produce pre-identified, measurable outputs. This article explores one such intervention, aimed at students in Year 13 who were seen as having difficulty with academic writing. It looks closely at the work of one student, and raises questions about the effects of high-stakes testing upon pedagogy in schools and the damaging impact that this has upon student learning.  相似文献   

This article advocates a pedagogy of Religious Education (RE) based upon a narratival framework informed by both narrative theology and narrative philosophy. Drawing on the work of narrative theologians including Stanley Hauerwas, the article outlines the nature of the framework, describes the four phases of learning that comprise the pedagogy, and explains how such an approach can overcome existing difficulties in how biblical texts are handled within RE. Working from the narrative assumption that individuals and communities are formed by reading, sharing and living within stories, it suggests that the pedagogy might encourage pupils to think about how the lives of Christians are shaped by their interpretations of biblical narratives, to offer their own interpretations of biblical and other texts, and to consider the stories – religious, non-religious or both – which shape their own lives. In so doing, the article moves away from a ‘proof-texting’ approach to the Bible towards one in which pupils are enabled to think about the significance of biblical narratives for both Christians and themselves.  相似文献   

This article outlines the ‘Big Ideas’ approach to curriculum reform, as applied in the ‘Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education’ project. A critical analysis follows of the outcomes of the University of Exeter’s ‘Identifying Principles and Big Ideas for Religious Education’ project, which sought to apply the same approach to Religious Education (RE) in English schools. This project made great headway in generating ‘Big Ideas’ to inform and improve the selection and sequencing of RE curriculum content. However, its primary focus on subject content knowledge means that ‘Big Ideas’ about epistemology and methodology are lacking. The article recommends an additional focus on multi-disciplinary, multi-methodological, inquiry-based, reflexive learning, which would ask why, how, where and by whom our ‘knowledge’ of religion(s) and worldview(s) is generated. In this regard, the article posits four ‘Big Ideas about the study of religion(s) and worldview(s)’ to highlight the symbiotic relationship between knowledge and knower, and to reject the false dichotomy between the object of study and method of study. In so doing, it draws upon the theoretical framework underpinning the ‘RE-searchers approach’ to primary school RE, which correspondingly exemplifies how such ideas can be taught in practice.  相似文献   


Both Jarvis and theories of Christian Religious Education (CRE) emphasise that learning develops the whole person, yet they differ in their understandings of how and why this is the case. Jarvis’s experiential learning theory begins ‘from below’ with experience, whereas many approaches of CRE begin with the end result: individuals themselves. By bringing the two into dialogue this paper offers critical insights into Jarvis’s work through an exploration of three conceptualisations of the whole person: biography, ontic self and wisdom. The discussion provokes and engages with questions focusing around the nature of experiential learning, how the whole person might be conceived and what the relationship is between learning and teaching in human becoming. The role of reflection in ‘forming’ people is then considered, together with its spiritual attributes. As a relational process, it also has a spiritual dimension, something which Jarvis, in his role of colleague, supervisor, mentor and friend, has frequently exhibited.  相似文献   


The notion of worldview figures prominently in the recent discourse surrounding Religious Education (RE) in English schools following the publication of the final report of the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) in 2018. This article reflects on the veracity of this initiative. It begins with an autobiographical reflection on the impact of worldview on the author’s development as a scholar. Then, the work of several critics of CoRE is discussed and a more nuanced understanding of worldview is developed as a result. Finally, the pedagogical implications of the shift to worldview are explored by drawing on the personal development approach of Michael Grimmitt and the responsible hermeneutics approach of Anthony Thiselton.  相似文献   

Religious Education (RE) has the potential to identify as gifted many students who might otherwise be missed. The findings discussed here are based on a study of Heads of Department in three very different secondary schools in Cambridgeshire, which investigated how their training and praxis affected the way they identified and challenged students gifted and talented in studying religion. Reasons are given for the gap between RE and gifted education, internationally, nationally and regionally. The lack of student challenge in much RE is identified and ways are suggested to extend and enrich all. Strategies are discussed for doubly exceptional students, with profound insights but poor written skills. Questioning the dominance of pragmatic approaches in the UK, the article suggests how the RE profession could develop a critical and theoretically informed approach to giftedness, with direct implications for classroom practices.  相似文献   

Faith schools are popular with parents and feature towards the top of the annual tables of school performance in England based on the government’s preferred measures of school outcomes. Academic studies suggest that although the observed differentials between the faith and non‐faith sectors at the end of Key Stage 4 are partly explicable in demographic and similar terms, they do nonetheless represent a real phenomenon. There is little research into the causes of this. The simplest hypothesis is that pupils attending faith schools take more examinations, thus boosting their average points scores. The possible additional courses are, by inference, in Religious Education. This study examines the hypothesis and finds it wanting as an adequate explanation. Further areas of research are suggested.  相似文献   

In Sweden and many other countries, the academisation of teacher education goes along with increased emphasis on a student thesis, in Sweden formally entitled the final degree project. This study deals with students’ writing trajectories in Early Childhood Education and Care aimed at work in the preschool or the recreation centre. The study indicates that student writing, shaped by a variety of academic literacies, is primarily based on values of the vocational field, parallel to an emerging critical academic approach. The study suggests that academic writing is largely perceived among the students as a means to underpin the vocational field with theory, and see critical thinking and reflective practice as relevant to their future career.  相似文献   

Growing secularisation of the population and the arrival of new culturally and religiously diverse migrants are posing new challenges to schools in the Republic of Ireland (Ireland). These challenges are particularly acute in Irish primary schools, the majority of which are under Catholic patronage. Recent changes have necessitated an extensive consultation process about how to accommodate religious diversity and have resulted in some important policy changes. This article contributes to an ongoing debate about state-run denominational schools and the place of Religious Education in these. While set in the Irish context, the article is also relevant for educators and academics in other jurisdictions as it describes recent policy developments and steps taken in addressing cultural and religious diversity in schools.  相似文献   

论学科教学论的范式转换   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着教师教育形势的发展和基础教育课程改革的推进,学科教学论必须实现范式转换。从教师专业发展的全程审视,学科教学论具有与以往不同的地位、作用及构成:它为教师职业之旅奠基;培养目标应由教学技能型教师向反思型教育实践专家转换;在课程体系内应强化课程知识、学习知识和实践性知识;在研究方法上应倡导案例分析法、叙事法等;在话语选择上应从课程论、专业学科及教育实践中吸收新鲜的话语,改变陈旧过时的言说方式。  相似文献   

希腊高等教育具有政府举办、学校自治的特征.希腊宪法规定高等教育是公立的,高校实行完全免费政策.希腊绝大多数高等教育机构在行政体制上由国家教育与宗教事务部管理,少数由其它部委监管;法律赋予高等学校完全的自治权和学术自由,在学校内部运行和管理上有完善的学校制度.  相似文献   

2020年是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》以及《教育信息化十年发展规划》的收官之年。《中国教育现代化2035》面向未来又描绘了教育发展的图景,提出“加快信息化时代教育变革”,推进教育信息化2.0行动计划。这为学界提出了新的研究目标和追求。在2019年华东师范大学举办的第五届全国教育实证研究论坛上,31本高水平教育学期刊负责人和学者们出席“与主编面对面”沙龙,共同探讨教育领域的研究问题。基于这次会议记录和教育类核心期刊对教育信息化的关注热点,编辑部甄选和归纳了当前教育信息化研究的十个重点问题:国际前沿发展研究、面向2035年教育信息化研究、人工智能与未来教育、教学中的创新技术、课程建设与优质教育资源供给、信息技术与高等教育深度融合、教育信息化与教育公平、教育质量与智能教育评价、教育决策与教育治理现代化、交叉视域下的跨学科研究。这些研究问题总体上以国内外的政策为导向,以关键性问题为线索,突出理论与实践研究的热点和难点,聚焦未来教育的关注点。  相似文献   


In these last four decades or so, adolescence became understood as the time when young people ask fundamental questions about themselves, each other, the world, and one’s past, present and future life that seek unity of purpose and coherence. For most young people the digital media are popular modalities through which they seek, consciously or unconsciously, meaningful answers to such questions. Multimodal spaces are sites for adolescent identity construction, a reality that prompted media educators to focus more on youth as authors of multimodal productions that provide opportunities to create narratives of self. RE has been increasingly justified by the support it provides students to become subjects of life, and the potential to provide opportunities for meaning-making. This essay explores how these functions of RE become more possible through the creative pedagogy of MLE and the digital technologies it utilizes for storytelling, especially photography and film-making which can engage the processes of interpretation and meaning-making, imagination and critical reflection. The creativity of MLE can be positively utilized in RE for meaning-making and identity formation. This paper draws upon the Maltese context in which RE is more of a confessional nature (CRE). This model could significantly benefit from such an endeavour.  相似文献   

In recent years, in the UK, there has been a significant focus on research in Education for Sustainable Development/Global Citizenship Education (ESD/GCE) in initial teacher education and on projects and initiatives used with pupils in schools. However, there has been less specific focus on the ‘voices’ of teachers who have undertaken such projects: the documentation of their perceptions of effective pedagogy for the development of their pupils’ learning and, importantly, the development of their own concepts and values in relation to sustainability education as a result of implementing ESD/GCE-related topics. This paper aims to provide data from this relatively under-reported area. It examines what the teachers learned about effective pedagogy from undertaking a systematic study of their own practice in ESD/GCE-based topics, and it highlights the development of their own understanding of, and values about the place of ESD/GCE in the curriculum. The paper presents an analysis of the reflective journals kept by 10 teachers during the planning and implementation of ESD/GCE projects within their own classrooms. Findings emerging from the study were that critical reflection on their work gave the teachers the confidence to adopt the more learner-centred pedagogy of ESD/GCE, and that teachers, too, were able to benefit from the participation in ESD/GCE activities.  相似文献   

国家教育部提出要在中小学普及信息技术教育,推动信息技术与课程教学改革的结合。然而对于中小学的信息技术教师而言,对信息技术课在中小学中的地位与作用认识还不明确,况且我国师范院校在计算机教育或信息技术教育等专业中开设中小学信息技术教材教法课还没有得到普及,中小学信息技术课教材匮乏,很多计算机教育或信息技术教育专业的学生在教育实习前没有进行教学设计的训练,写不出好的教案。本文对信息技术课在中小学中的地位与作用进一步明确,并着重探讨信息技术课程的教学设计。  相似文献   

一个多世纪以来,“体育教育”这个富有争议的词语,为什么能够经常出现在日常话语、期刊杂志甚至各类政策文件之中?究其根源,在于缺乏术语规范意识和学术批判精神。文章在对“体育教育”一词使用状况及其受质疑状况进行考评的基础上,从传播学、语言学、术语学和教育学四个维度进行了重新解读和辨析,最后得出结论:“体育教育”之说确实具有明显的不合理性,不符合学术思想表达的一般规范,必须特别谨慎地使用,并自觉区分它在政策话语、实践话语和理论话语中的实际内涵。  相似文献   

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