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This paper aims to analyse Polish history teachers’ perceptions of the role of historical education in the context of nationalism, class and locality. Drawing on the results of qualitative research conducted in the post-industrial and post-German city of Wa?brzych in Poland, we argue that teachers are not fully aware of the role of nationalist politics in representations of the past. Teachers regard these nationalist representations as natural and taken for granted. They are not only unable to assume responsibility for promoting nationalism among students but also reproduce a dominant nationalist discourse by using history to nurture their students’ attachment to the idea of a homogeneous and solidary nation that transcends class divisions and erases local specificity. They see their role primarily in terms of reinforcing the dominant structures of collective memory in their pupils.  相似文献   

The paper draws on critical discourse analysis to examine and discuss some of the key developments in the governing of education in Scotland since the election of the Scottish National Party (SNP) government in May 2007. It analyses these developments, drawing on a study of key policy texts and suggests that discourse analysis has much to contribute to the understanding of the governing strategy of the minority SNP administration as reflected in its education policy. We suggest that there is a self-conscious strategy of ‘crafting the narrative’ of government that seeks to discursively re-position ‘smarter Scotland’ alongside small, social democratic states within the wider context of transnational pressures for conformity with global policy agendas. Thus the paper connects to current debates on the relationship between an emergent global education policy ‘field’ and the capacity of ‘local’ contexts to develop and sustain particular, embedded assumptions and practices.  相似文献   

How history is learnt and taught must to some extent be shaped by conceptions of what history is. Historians tend to conceptualize what something is by investigating what it has been and what it has meant in different contexts. This article explains how a debate in the philosophy of history between positivism and intentionalism provided the context for history to be defined as a distinct school subject. It traces the epistemological underpinnings of history pedagogy over the past century, illuminating the close relationship between attempts in the philosophy of history to defend history’s disciplinary autonomy and the formulation of a disciplinary model of school history education. Eschewing a one-way account from the philosophy of history to the school history classroom, it attributes the interest of leading history educationalists to use philosophical analyses of history to an educational paradigm eager to distil the disciplinary essence of the school subjects. At the interface of academic history, school history and the philosophy of history, it describes a process whereby these separate threads became part of a common fabric, shaping conceptions of what it means and what it takes to be educated in history.  相似文献   


Key studies in history education (from France and the USA) are discussed and compared in order to explore their methodological issues in terms of the types of knowledge they can generate about teaching and learning. An epistemological framework that relates the history of historians as an inquiry to that of the classroom provides the criteria for this comparative analysis, which is inscribed in Abbott’s epistemologico-institutional social sciences analysis through the identification of two basic debates that structure history education research, namely subject-matter knowledge vs pedagogical practices, and teaching and learning rules of methods vs habits of thinking. This analysis points out the conditions for the development of a formative school history inquiry (to have students work on their own explanations, to put into play their set of beliefs about history), which determine the modalities of a specific action research. These modalities are detailed by the example of an action research on the case of the teaching of the French Revolution in the last grade of primary school: the sharing of pedagogical (by the professor) and academic (by the researchers) decisions, the collective production of data throughout the process.  相似文献   

The reality of Greek education presents a dissension in relation to the global trends regarding the existence and use of a single textbook per school subject. This reality also influences the orientation of education research. Thus, the international trend to study how textbooks affect the uptake of knowledge by the student, which is followed by Greek researchers as well, starts from a different basis, given the free choice between numerous school textbooks. However, what even Greek teachers ignore nowadays is that the one-textbook policy has not been unique in the Greek education reality; since 1969/70 the politics of multiple textbooks was dominant, at least in primary school. This paper attempts to present the particular Greek education policy related to the publication of school history textbooks, and secondly embarks on diachronic, historical research of school history textbooks that have been used in primary and secondary education from 1952 to 2010 and their inherent ideological discourse, both its continuities and discontinuities which form the cornerstones of the modern Greek identity.  相似文献   

The authors, one from China and one from the United States, present a theoretical framework for understanding the discursive fields of citizenship education as composed, in large part, of the discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism. The framework is illustrated by examples from citizenship education in China and the United States. Citizenship education in these examples is largely influenced by the discourse of nationalism. The discursive fields are fractured, context-specific, and dynamic. In conclusion, the authors call for awareness of how these discourses operate, and propose that the discourses of globalization and cosmopolitanism merge and strengthen within citizenship education. The effect could be a new citizenship education that is responsive to the current needs of local and global democratic communities.  相似文献   

高等教育强国视域下提高高等教育质量和水平的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高高等教育质量和水平是建设高等教育强国的核心要义,应从人才培养、科学研究和为社会服务三个方面全面提高高等学校的质量。同时要从宏观、中观、微观三个层面提高水平。高等教育质量是核心,高等教育水平是标志,两者相互促进、相互制约,达到质量与水平的辩证统一。应建立多元质量观、内生性质量观、创新性质量观、人本质量观、精英质量观,同时要建立时代水平观、特色水平观和开放水平观。  相似文献   

This paper examines music education’s legitimation of values as a means of preparing students for entry into the new ‘knowledge society’ of the People’s Republic of China in a global age. It explores the ways in which values education relates to the teaching of both musical and non‐musical meanings in the dual context of nationalism and globalization, and discusses some problems that values education faces in school music classrooms. It examines the ways in which globalization has pressured values education into resolving the apparent contradiction between national identity and national unity in the ever‐changing play of Chinese history and politics. It concludes with a discussion of how music education might juggle three pairs of apparently contradictory relationships in the curriculum: between contemporary cultural and social values on the one hand, and traditional Chinese and Communist ideologies on the other; between collectivism and individualism; and between national and global cultures.  相似文献   

高等教育强国视野下的高校人才培养制度改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
培养人才的大规模、高质量是高等教育强国建设的基本内涵之一。近10年来我国高等教育规模迅速发展,为高等教育强国建设目标的确立奠定了重要的基础。但人才的高水平、高质量是高等教育强国建设对于人才培养的根本要求所在。建设高等教育强国,需进一步重视人才培养理念的不断更新,人才培养结构的不断协调,人才培养制度的不断改革。  相似文献   

社会主义时期的波兰高等教育是波兰高等教育发展历程中的一个重要时期,回顾了社会主义时期波兰高等教育发展史,并分析了社会主义时期波兰高等教育的成就与缺失。  相似文献   

How to improve students' understanding of energy transformation and conservation remains one of the main challenges of energy teaching. To address this challenge, we developed a new teaching strategy suited to high school based on history and philosophy of science (HPS). It involves five key ingredients: study and reproduction of Joule's paddle-wheel experiment, introduction of Rankine's definition, study of a historical text of Joule, use of an “ID card of energy,” and early introduction and multiple application of the principle of energy conservation. This strategy was built and implemented in the frame of a collaborative and iterative work involving researchers and teachers. We examined the effects of this HPS-based teaching strategy on students' understanding of energy. We used a quantitative method based on pre- and post-tests (N = 95/87) completed by a qualitative analysis using both video recordings of classroom activities and videos produced by students during one of the teaching sequences. The outcomes show that the teaching strategy had an overall positive impact on students' learning of energy: in particular, Joule's paddle-wheel experiment seems to favor their understanding of the notion of energy transformation, while the early introduction and multiple application of the conservation principle appears as a relevant option to facilitate its mastering. This study illustrates how HPS might actually be introduced in classrooms and brings to light its usefulness for building new science teaching strategies.  相似文献   

“教育救国思想”是我国近现代一种重要的教育思潮,其核心思想是认为社会的改造和进步应该首先或主要通过教育才能实现,把教育视为国家强弱兴衰的根本。“教育救国思想”是一种爱国主义教育思想,“教育救国思想”突出并强调了教育的独立性和主体性地位。  相似文献   

The current paper reports on a qualitative study examining in-service and pre-service teachers perceptions about changes in the learning process caused by the involvement of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in Estonian schools. Based on five in-service and five pre-service teachers' interviews, findings indicate some positive, some negative and some in-between (considered by teachers as positive from one side and as negative from the other side) changes in the student's and teacher's roles in the learning process and teaching process. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was used as the data analysis method. The paper discusses estimated changes by both groups in the Estonian educational system. A comparison of in-service and pre-service teachers' opinions has been provided.  相似文献   

This paper investigates current research into the role of education in combating social injustice, assembles this research to indicate key features of a teacher education programme that would assist education for social justice, and links these features to one innovative university teacher education programme to ascertain some of the practical difficulties in establishing such a programme. The research indicated key approaches that would enhance the probability that graduates from teacher education programmes will be able to pursue social justice initiatives.  相似文献   

本从邓小平科技教育思想出发,以科学技术是第一生产力为主线,就科教兴国战略的提出,我国科技实力现状与科教兴国的内涵及科教兴国的战略意义进行了较为详细的论述。  相似文献   

In a book published in 1995 providing an overview on the state of the art in European educational historiography in Europe, Marie-Madeleine Compère referring to post-Franco Spain, emphasised the “dynamism” and “the capacity to mobilise” that had arisen among Spanish researchers by “any collective initiative.” Moving on, this article intends to clarify: a) to what extent Compère is right; and b) what caused the changes in the Spanish educational historiography during the last four decades. It also deals with some of the prevailing trends and issues facing this academic and scientific field today.  相似文献   

本文深入探讨了高中历史教学中德育教育处于弱势地位的主客观原因,并提出改变这种地位的措施,以切实提高高中历史教学德育的实效,更好地服务社会。  相似文献   

This paper examines what can be learnt from ‘new rhetoric’ (focusing on the work of the American rhetorician Kenneth Burke [1897–1993]) about (national) identity and discusses how nationalism can be taught from such a rhetorical perspective. Despite the ‘deconstruction’ of nation(alism) as a grand narrative, there is a new tendency towards emphasizing national identity, caused by trends such as globalization and multiculturalism. In the language and literature teaching curriculum, this paradoxical situation often causes frictions for teachers who very often are expected to teach standard language and national literature. The hypothesis is that rhetoric is a tool to deal with these tensions in the curriculum. This paper focuses on Flanders as a case‐study. Together with pre‐service teachers it analysed the rhetorical construction of Flanders from a dramatistic perspective. It is argued that Burke’s concepts are useful tools to make students ‘symbol‐wise’: to understand the way national symbols work, and to develop critical engagement with, as well as on behalf of, those symbols.  相似文献   

教师,是教育活动的参与者,是学生模仿的道德榜样,教师自身的道德修养对中学生会产生重影响。在中学生道德教育中,一方面要靠学校的德育课程,另一方面要发挥与中学生息息相关的教师的德育作用。因此教师要加强自身师德建设,以自己良好的道德品质去感染学生,有利于提升中学德育实效性。  相似文献   

This review considers the periodical literature on the history of education published in 2016. It discusses general long-term trends in the field, but focuses mainly on the key areas of research in 2016 itself. The review is divided into several sections: ancient, medieval and early modern history; schooling and education policy; the history of universities and vocational education; histories of literacy, biography and gender; race, ethnicity and colonialism; youth and youth movements; science, medicine, health and welfare; and textbooks and the history curriculum.  相似文献   

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