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Warm,sunny days     
Each change in the seasons brings a certain sense of excitement. Perhaps, after a long, cold winter, the most pleasant change of all is when the signs of Spring begin to appear: warm, windy weather; tiny shoots of green peeking through the melting snow; budding trees and bushes; the first robin; rainstorms and puddles; and a chance to go outside to fly a kite or throw a paper glider into the air.... Then, finally,warm, sunny days to let us know that Spring is really here!  相似文献   

大学生心理问题的逐年增多,已经引起社会各界特别是专家学者的广泛关注。本文在他人研究的基础上,就构建大学生阳光心理的途径进行了探索。  相似文献   

当代大学生的思维方式、行为模式及社会心态受多元化的微媒体影响,部分大学生出现了偏激的思想和过激的行为,影响了正常的学业发展和个体成长.在阐述大学生情绪管理重要性的基础上,分析微媒体时代大学生情绪心理的现状及情绪管理问题,提出了大学生阳光心态塑造的相关途径.  相似文献   

姜文导演的《阳光灿烂的日子》与朱塞佩.多纳托雷导演的《西西里的美丽传说》都是以一个少年的视角展开的,两个片子均以少年眼中的美丽女人为焦点叙述故事。都充满幻觉与真实交织的历史记忆,都以某个特殊时代作为背景,都表现了十多岁男孩青春期的萌动、焦躁,真实和忧伤,本文试图通过对两部同一主题类似展现方式的电影进行对比,浅析它们存在的差异和共同点。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、访谈、因素分析等方法,对影响高校阳光体育运动和校园体育文化构建的因素进行调查分析.对调查结果进行因子分析,计算了各因子的影响系数,找出了影响高校阳光体育运动和校园体育文化构建的共同因子,并建立因子模型,在此基础上提出高校阳光体育运动和校园体育文化构建相互驱动的策略.  相似文献   

An empirical investigation was made of a model for predicting commitment to teaching, as measured by the extent to which teachers expressed an unwillingness to change careers. Predictor variables included personal variables as well as job-related factors. Data are reported from 175 teachers who had completed their preservice training at an Israeli teachers college over a ten-year period. Results indicated that only job satisfaction could directly predict commitment. Other factors, such as professional self-image, abilities, gender, job advancement, and pupil grade level were indirectly related, generally through their relationship with satisfaction. Teaching experience was unrelated to other variables in the model.  相似文献   

以心理语言学为理论,说明阅读是一种积极的思维活动。在这个过程中,读者有选择地捕捉具有意义的语言符号,对文章所表达的信息进行一系列的预测(predicting),体验(sampling),验证(confirming)和修改(correcting),以达到对文章全面,深刻的理解。  相似文献   

The selection of a mode of communication by members of a family with a deaf child is a critical decision in the life of that family since it will condition how the family will be able to function in the future. However, while some writers have considered the outcomes of this decision, there is little information on factors that influence the decision. The purpose of this study was to examine why families developed one pattern of communication rather than another. The data came from the parents of 192 deaf adolescents who responded to a nationally distributed questionnaire. Results suggest that the mother takes the lead in determining the family's choice of a mode of communication. The single largest influence on the mother's mode of communication was the child's degree of hearing loss, followed by the child's mode of preschool education and the mother's level of education. The implications of this study for those who wish to promote the use of manual communication in families with a deaf child is to target mothers, particularly those who are less well educated, for intervention and training programs.  相似文献   

This study was motivated by the desire to help potential electronics students answer the questions, 1) which program of study should I consider?; 2) how do I know if I'll be successful in that program? This study focused on: 1) identifying the best variables for predicting academic success in electronics, 2) determining if abstract learning preference is an effective discriminator between the three main types of electronics programs, and 3) finding a model for predicting success in each electronic program. The results give validity to the commonly held opinion that a student's success in math and science in high school is a good predictor of their success in the three programs of electronics. The results also show that abstract learning preference is a valid discriminator between students in each of the three programs of electronics. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

This article draws on an ethnographic research study of children's text making in the home, as well as interviews with visual artists in South Yorkshire, to explore the idea of affordance as cultural (Kress 1997; Kress and van Leeuwen 2001). The article draws on Kress and van Leeuwen's concept of the affordance of a mode, and argues that in the case of children's meaning making, affordance has to be seen as being shaped by culture. This means attending to children's cultural and physical spaces, their worlds, in order to trace back and understand meanings inside their texts. The article takes particular instances of practice and then traces back their meaning, in order to show how cultural meanings sediment into texts. The article argues that English teachers can use this lens of texts as traces of practice to make sense of the multimodal texts children produce in classrooms.  相似文献   

Longitudinal observations of maternal and infant characteristics were used to investigate the consequences of early day-care intervention for infants at high risk for intellectual retardation due to sociocultural factors. High-risk infants and their mothers were compared on social and intellectual characteristics with a control group not enrolled in an intervention program and with a random sample of mother-child dyads from the general population. Results from group comparisons indicated that mothers of high-risk infants in a day-care intervention group interacted with their infants in ways quite similar to mother of high-risk infants who were not enrolled in the intervention program. Both high-risk groups differed from the general population of mothers on interaction and attitudinal measures. Changes across time on the measures taken were roughly parallel from all three groups. Multiple regression analyses using maternal variables and mother-infant interactional variables to predict 36-month Stanford-Binet scores for the high-risk samples indicated that children's intelligence was predictable from previous maternal behaviors and attitudes, particularly for the control group, and that early day-care intervention apparently had altered the predictiveness of some maternal factors.  相似文献   

This exploratory study isolated factors useful for predicting faculty attitude toward collective bargaining (CB) in higher education. Research sought, first, to measure the strength of bivariate relationships between a CB attitude measure and other attitudinal and demographic variables and to investigate the nature of multivariate relationships between the former criterion and the latter predictors. Second, the underlying structure of the most useful predictor was examined. Results showed that measures of faculty perceptions of potential bargaining issues — including monetary issues, working conditions, participation in institutional decision-making and promotion and tenure policies — as well as individual faculty compensation were the most useful predictors of CB attitudes. Conclusions related these findings to alternatives for higher education faculty and administrators as well as for potential faculty organizers and bargaining agents.  相似文献   

学生英语听力水平难以提高这一现状促使笔者提出了几点英语听力中的预测技巧,并提请学生们要善于总结并善于捕捉有着预测功用的标示语.  相似文献   

Conclusions It is concluded that, for subject matter of the nature tested and with the kind of film treatment given to “Flight Capabilities of the F86A,” a preproduction filmstrip based on the story-board for the film was capable of predicting the relative effectiveness of the final motion picture. Although on the average the motion-picture group showed higher scores for the test items used after the film showing than did the filmstrip group, the important result is that the itemby-item results were well enough correlated to yield a useful prediction of the differential effectiveness of the film in conveying different specific points of information. However, it should be emphasized that the film used in the study cannot be demonstrated to be representative of a defined universe of films, either in content or technique of presentation; thus the generality of the findings remains as a problem, for further investigation. In order to permit useful generalization, the experiment should be replicated with a number of other, different kinds of films, and other kinds of film audiences. For the educational film producer, the prediction (prior to its production) of how well a film will fulfill its teaching objectives is an important consideration. John V. Zuckerman presents, one solution to the problem—the pre-testing of the film by means of an inexpensive filmstrip of the story-board treatment. Dr. Zuckerman is Executive Assistant, Office of the Director, Human Resources Research Office. The George Washington University. He handles research administration and performs research on training methods, motivation, morale and leadership, and psychological and unconventional warfare. This study was completed while the author was a member of the Audio-Visual Research Division, Human Resources Research Laboratories, Department of the Air Force, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D. C. Clearance for publication has been granted by the Department of the Air Force; however, conelusions are the author’s own and do not represent, views of the Air Force. Acknowledgment is made for the helpful advice and criticism of Dr. A: A. Lumsdaine, Chief, Audio-Visual Research Division, HRRI, at the time the study was carried out.  相似文献   

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