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刘柳  刘曦阳  向天曼 《海外英语》2011,(8):335-336,338
Robert Frost is one of the famous poets of the 20th century American literature who won the Pulitzer Prize for four times. The reason for his popularity is partially because he employs traditional verse form and iambic pentameter pattern in poem writing, but the most important reason for the reputation of his poems lies in the thematic concern of something universal, such as death and life, love and hate, war and peace, the good and the evil, the wisdom of human life and etc. . A brief analysis will be given in the following text about the wisdoms of human life embodied in Robert Frost’s poems from three aspects: 1. Relaxation and responsibility of man. 2. The decisions in life.  相似文献   

陈向俊 《海外英语》2011,(5):195-196,199
Robert Frost is generally considered as a lyrical poet,whose poetry often gives the reader pleasant feeling.Yet,his poems have frightening quality,which can be perceived through the appaling world and seen in the great number of abnormal people described in his poems.This paper aims at offering a detailed analysis of 3 typical instances of such poems to illustrate that the frightening quality,in fact,reflects a kind of modern experience.  相似文献   

张娟利 《海外英语》2012,(3):225+237
This paper tries to analyze E.A.Robinson’s famous poem Richard Cory from a new perspective. In the poem, Richard Cory pos sesses abundant wealth as well as good manners, which are highly admired by his town people. However, he chooses to end his life by com mitting suicide. Through analyzing this figure, the paper aims to affirm Richard’s challenge of traditional values which emphasize material abundance.  相似文献   

罗军  刘芹 《海外英语》2013,(15):204-205
The musicality of poetry is a project that has been in great need of scholars’attentions and studies due to its charming typicality,which has been a rarely-visited for a long time.To get away with this intellectual sterility and poverty,and highlight the aesthetic universality of the musicality in poetic texts,this paper aims to give a preliminary exploration of the metrical musicality in A Red,Red Rose.  相似文献   

杜玉文 《海外英语》2014,(15):172-173
This paper explored the three dramatic features intrinsic in Robert Browning’s poems of dramatic monologue, namely, the employment of first-person point of view, the use of irony, and the intricate psychological exploration and vivid characterization. Such features are crucial in the successful presentation of various human nature and experience with profundity, making his poems an enduring classic in the English literature.  相似文献   

杨宝珍  杨巳炜 《海外英语》2013,(19):218-219
O’Neill’s tragedy deeply rooted in his own life experience and his family heredity.He is an offspring of Irish immi grants,his homelessness as a child,his early education in the catholic school and his later break with religion,his foreign expedi tion,life on the sea and his three marriages all influenced his life and his career and his theme decisively.  相似文献   

反讽作为现代文学的重要概念,越来越受到学者的重视并且受到广泛应用。本文从反讽角度出发,试探寻作为德国浪漫派最有影响力的作家之一——E.T.A·霍夫曼的代表作《雄猫穆尔的生活观,附音乐指挥克莱斯勒的传记片断》中的修辞反讽和本质反讽。  相似文献   

王维博 《海外英语》2012,(24):209-211,218
Zhuangzi is the masterpiece of Zhuangzi, and Walden is the masterpiece of Henry David Thoreau. This paper intends to study the similarities of Zhuangzi’s and Thoreau’s outlooks on life by analyzing Thoreau’s origin with Taoism and the absorption from Taoism in Walden. By making a large amount of analysis and comparison of the texts in these two works, the paper comes to such a conclusion: both Thoreau and Zhuangzi advocate to simplify people’s material life and to seek voluntary poverty; they are willing to enjoy the solitude and pursue the spiritual independence and freedom; they prefer to return to nature, live harmoniously with nature and therefore reach the realm of"unity of heaven and humanity". They pay more attention to human existence and their spiritual state. In the complicated modern society, people devote themselves to seeking a materially rich life. However, they do not attach enough importance to spiritual richness. As a result, the whole human society is facing a serious spiritual crisis in modern times. Thoreau’s and Zhuangzi’s outlooks on life can lead people to go through various difficulties of life and guard the pure land of the heart.  相似文献   

鄢克非 《海外英语》2012,(1):295-296
Analyzing the difference between Confucius and Plato’s ideal society that includes ideal social structure,ideal ruler and ideal administration,we can find their common desire to build the harmonious society.We hope to promote English teaching through the comparative study of Chinese and western culture.  相似文献   

张雪 《海外英语》2015,(6):141+143
Shakespeare is one of the most brilliant playwrights and poets in the Middle Ages. Shakespeare’s sonnets created during 1592 to 1598 is not only one of the greatest achievements of his, but also a great leap forward to sonnet itself. With the development of sonnets, Chinese poets begin to learn from western traditional sonnets. Among these poets, Bai Ma is a typical representative. This thesis aims to make a comparison between western traditional sonnets and Chinese sonnets to find out their similarities and dissimilarities through studying Shakespeare’s and Bai Ma’s respective magnum opuses, and to further promote the literary communication of the East-West.  相似文献   

Translation is an art.The translation of Tang poetry,the cultural treasure of our country,is even more"an art of arts",in the sense that Tang poetry not only pays heed to the content,artistic conception,and emotion expressed by the poet,but also to the refinement of language,the rhyme of antithesis,with its creation background behind even more obscure.At all times and all over the world,translation theories emerge one after another,but the highest standard of poetry evaluation should be the"Three Beauties Theory",that is,the beauty of image,the beauty of sound,and the beauty of form,which was put forward by Xu Yuanchong,the great master in Chinese translation circle.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the three different English versions of Spring Perspective by Du Fu.  相似文献   

彭红霞 《海外英语》2012,(7):203-204
Through ecocritical study of Odour of Chrysanthemums,this paper reflects that the industrial civilization leads to damaged nature,distorted humanity and conjugal relation.  相似文献   

车春柳 《海外英语》2013,(16):161-163
This paper analyzes a novel Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini, published in 2003. It is the first novel of Hosseini which had been one of the bestselling in New York Times ranking list. It studies Hassan’s tragedy from three aspects, including the social environment in Afghanistan, the loyalty of Hassan, and the selfishness of Amir. Besides, it also discusses the friendship and betrayal between two boys-Hassan and Amir. Finally, the terrible life of Hassan in Afghanistan is under investigated.  相似文献   

GUO Hui-shan 《海外英语》2014,(17):198+202
Besides World War II,there are other times when history of Britain has witness heroes contributing to the country,saving it from imminent harm,and guaranteeing long-lasting prosperity. This essay will compare the two men’s achievement by reviewing their deeds and historical backgrounds through established criteria.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of economy and improvement position of English as an international language in our country,English teaching draw a lot of attention nowadays.In traditional English teaching,it's the teachers who manipulate everything in class,where students are seen as receivers of knowledge.Therefore,it lacks cooperation between teachers and students.Students have no opportunity to apply what they have learnt in class to practical communications.In this teachers-centered class,students are not able to bring themselves into full play,which explains the low quality of English teaching in some schools and students fail to communicate with others after many years' learning.Based on the theory of Communicative Approach,the paper analyses its advantages and existing problems in application and proposes some strategy of improving students'Communicative Competence.  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(6):204-206
T.S.Eliot,a great American poet in the twentieth century,is a spokesman of the Imagist Movement.He emphasizes describing the rotten Western civilization and the decayed morals after the First World War.Prufrock that T.S.Eliot described in his early poems is timid,hesitant,sensitive,anxious,lack of will and confidence;This paper will analyze the detailed behaviors of the characters in Eliot’s early poems and reveal the major image of modern men more clearly.  相似文献   

严琦  冷小利 《海外英语》2014,(19):191-192
Rice is regarded as a grey film because of its theme of human’s evil nature. The dark, secret, and evil sides of human are vividly displayed, which arouse deep thoughts. How is the protagonist, Wulong, ruined? What to blame for his downfall? In this essay, the writer would try to analyze the phases of his spiritual downfall and discuss the elements which influence the change of his character through a psychological analysis.  相似文献   

李永秀 《海外英语》2011,(7):176-178
Equivalence can be said to be the central issue in translation although its different approaches have caused heated controversy.However,as early as the 1970s,the Skopostheorie emerged in Germany,and it seemed to challenge the equivalence theories.Although Nida and some linguistics raised some negative problems of this theory,it still rapidly became famous around the world,This article will mainly compare and analyse Skopostheorie and Baker’s translation equivalence approach.First,it will give a simple overview of these two approaches.Second,it will discuss the relevant strengths and weaknesses of these two approaches in relation to their usage.Finally,it will discuss combining these two approaches in the same translation.  相似文献   

朱蕾 《海外英语》2011,(13):276-277
As a stream-of-consciousness novelist,Woolf is usually seen as being far away from social and political reality.This thesis attempts to apply Ethical Literary Criticism to analyze by rereading the text in detail in order to explore the ethical thinking embodied in Woolf’s Mrs.Dalloway,exploring those ethical connotations usually ignored by former critics and scholars.  相似文献   

谭莉 《海外英语》2015,(4):116+119
This paper first illustrates S.D. Krashen’s language acquisition theory, especially two of his five hypotheses as well as the guidance of these theories towards the teaching of business English reading for students majored in business English.  相似文献   

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