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About love,Scarlett is a romanticist full of beautiful fantasy.As time goes by,she realizes Ashley is only a man embellished and adorned by her imagination and Rhett is her true love.Though Jean has a low social status,she pursues for an equal true love.With her charming and independent personality,she finally gains Mr.Rochester’s love.The way to true love is full of difficulties,after so many sufferings,she finally gets her own happiness.  相似文献   

赵冰冰 《海外英语》2011,(12):273-274
Kensuke’s Kingdom is a highly readable British survival novel written by Michael Morourgo. It is not only a survival novel, but also a realistic novel for the children. By the two disparate characters, the writer wants to discuss the effects of the war, which is the deeper meaning of this novel. Writing war and the effects of the war is a heavy but necessary topic for children’s literature. Books like Kensuke’s Kingdom can be woven into young readers’ developing senses of themselves, extending their imaginations and helping them to understand the world from unaccustomed points of view.  相似文献   

何文婷 《海外英语》2011,(7):228-229
Emma is the heroine of one of the novels written by Jane Austen(1775-1817) who is among the most widely read writers in English literature.In the novel,also named Emma,Austen portrayed Emma as a young,pretty and smart gentlewoman,yet she was not a perfect or flawless character.She dose not seem to have any sense of her own limitations.Her self-conceit and meddling nature are two of her most fatal character flaws.In this article,we will give a detailed analysis of Emma’s flaws supported by various incidents as the novel progresses.We will also find out the two major factors that contribute to develop these character flaws,which are the negative effects caused on her by people very close to her and also the society of her time.  相似文献   

I .Scarlett is a girl who has the spirit of rebellious
Searlett is born in plantation family of Civil War period. Although her father is not a really aristocrat, hut through he hard-working, he becomes rich. When Scarlett was born, the family is first-grade class in Georgia. In her family, her mother is mild, industry and capable. Her father seems serious. But under him serious, he is a really good-tempered father. Her Mammy who is stern, also love Scarlett deeply. Her two sisters, who have a complete different characters.  相似文献   

Babylon Revisited is F.Scott Fitzgerald’s most renowned and most considered work of short fiction.In the short story "Babylon Revisited,"F.Scott Fitzgerald generally centers on a theme of defining American character.The central figure in Babylon Revisited,Charlie Wales,serves as the lens through which readers observe the events of the story and the life that once thrived in Paris.The controversial questions are also explained in this paper.  相似文献   

李若楠 《海外英语》2012,(9):217-218,226
Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte,who was a famous British woman novelist.In Jane Eyre,the author describes a heroine Jane Eyre who shows her rebelliousness to the indifferent and unequal society in her time and revealed the tragic life of common people,especially of women and children,under Capitalism.Meanwhile,this novel also provides such an important theme that women should enjoy an equal position with men both in family and social life.The heroine Jane is neither beautiful,nor rich,but her rebellion,independence and her pursuit of love strike us deeply.Jane Eyre sets a good example for women.Therefore,Jane Eyre becomes the typical figure with female consciousness.This paper is to analyze the typical character in Jane Eyre from the different periods of her life and conclude that Jane comes to self consciousness in this process.From the analysis of Jane’s splendid character,we can see the awakening of female consciousness in that period of time.  相似文献   

文婷 《海外英语》2013,(6X):206-207
Tess is endowed with many shining virtues. She is innocent, honest, kindhearted, etc. She has great consciousness of self-esteem and pride. Among all, Tess is pure and has noble spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion. Suffering successive setbacks, Tess still dreams of happiness and keeps loyal to her love. In her pure heart, the longing for goodness never stops or dies.  相似文献   

谭幸 《海外英语》2013,(5X):205-207
The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s greatest work; four narrators tell the story of the deterioration of the Compson family from different perspective, exploring the cause of deterioration indirectly. The novel centers on Caddy’s moral decay from different perspective. The thesis analyzes the processing fall of the Compson family through the analysis of three characters, Caddy, Quentin, and Jason. Caddy’s deterioration is closely related to her loss of virginity, and her impending wedding causes Quentin to commit suicide who loves her deeply and possessively. However, Jason is heartless who he does not care his family. His tragedy lies in the decay of human nature. The thesis gives the general cause of the downfall of the family and readers will have a general concept of the family’s deterioration.  相似文献   

田鹏 《海外英语》2011,(13):234-235
Tragedy is an everlasting theme of Hai Mingwei’s literary works,every character can not save themselves from defeat and death.The article will probe the reasons of Catherine’s tragic fate to make people rethink life and reveal the aesthetic significance of tragedy.  相似文献   

石晓静 《海外英语》2013,(19):188-189
Araby by James Joyce is much more than a story of first love;it is a portrait of a world that defies the ideal and the dream.The writer concentrates on character rather than on plot to reveal the ironies by using the Setting and atmosphere,and furthermore reinforces the theme and characters in Araby.  相似文献   

周广玉 《海外英语》2013,(2X):207-210
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most outstanding comedies of Shakespeare. The story happened in Venice in 16th century. Shylock is a typical character in this play. Shylock was looked down upon and humiliated by Christians as a Jew. Shylock, who found everyone in that society was against him, felt him isolated by Christians in Venice. But it is true that as a usurer, shylock was greedy and miserly, he lost kindness and reason; Shylock was oppressed and humiliated as a Jew. This paper focuses on the dual sides of Shylock’s character. On one hand he is miserly, unfeeling, vicious and sly; on the other hand, he is oppressed and humiliated.  相似文献   

崔波 《海外英语》2011,(11):282-283,285
To make a speech more appealing,expressive and persuasive,speaker has to do much work on its syntax,lexis and tropes,and arrange these elements in a more stylistically appropriate way.As for Frederick Douglass’s The Hypocrisy of American Slavery,it is syntactically,lexically,and rhetorically perfect and eloquent.This paper aims to analyze the stylistic features of this speech from the lexical,syntactic and rhetorical perspectives,so as to argue that the deliberately employed stylistic layout of this speech helps Douglass convey his ideas and messages to the audience,and furthermore,enhances the angry tone of him to make the listener understand how adverse and unequal the situation was to the African American people in the 1850’s America.  相似文献   

吴学进  符章琼 《海外英语》2012,(3):214-215,222
Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece Jane Eyre creates a bright figure in the world’s literature, attracting readers of generations all through the globe with her character of both unconvention and convention, which is a unity of contradictions. In this paper, the author presents the analysis in two parts: Jane Eyre’s childhood in Gateshead, and Jane Eyre’s schooldays in Lowood, drawing a conclusion finally that the two aspects of Jane Eyre’s nature-unconvention and convention are indispensable for portraying the heroine.  相似文献   

张改焕 《海外英语》2016,(4):156-157
Babylon Revisited is one of Fitzgerald’s greatest stories. In this story, the protagonist Charlie comes to Paris to get custody of her daughter Honoria from his wife’s sister Marion, to whom the child is entrusted after Charlie fell apart several years ago. However, he is prevented by his late wife’s sister Marion for her selfishness and jealousy. Perhaps, Fitzgerald wants us to question whether Charlie is really prepared for parenting. The story hints that he isn’t, because it provides many hints that he has not separated himself enough from his past bad habits.  相似文献   

贾宁宁 《海外英语》2013,(22):219-222
This paper sets out to analyze the menace of Harold Pinter’s play,The Dumb Waiter,from the following aspects,the ar rangement of the plot,the language,and the portrayal of characters.Further,through the contrast between the closed room and outside intrusion,between the language of violence and the language of silence,between Ben and Gus’s shared threat and Ben’s menace to Gus,it’s expected to reveal the omnipresent threat to readers through and through.  相似文献   

一、in表示的时间 1.“in+一段时间”意为“将来一段时间之内/后”。例如: I will return the book in four days.我会在四天之内归还这本书的。 I’ll come and see you again in fivedays.过五天我再来看你,  相似文献   

王韬 《大学时代》2006,(11):154-155
“I was somehow very small and very lost and lonely like a child astray in the snow and anything that happened me afterwards,Inever felt the same about again.”——This is the ending of“Guestof the Nation”,written by Frank O”Conner.The recitation of th  相似文献   

丁朝霞 《海外英语》2014,(10):193-194
Most feminist analyses of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind are concerned with how feminism is reflected in Scarlett's personality,while this research pays attention to how her feminist consciousness grow through three stages.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the reading and interpreting of the voice of gender in Emily Dickinson’s poems.The gender,the 1yric poem and the reading constitute the performance.Dickinson succeeded in constructing alternatives to a traditional,fixed binary gender system(woman/man) and opens opportunities for the reader to perform alternative gendering.Analysis of voices of gender in and of Dickinson’s poems shows that her variant performances of gender are crucial to the general construction of her poetry.Through the analysis of the voice of gender in Dickinson’s poetry,the paper discloses the crucial function of poets construct in women’s rebellion and self-salvation and subverting patriarchy,which also demonstrates her uniqueness in her life and literary creativity.  相似文献   

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