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Conclusion Despite their persistent economic ills, the Spanish-speaking areas of the world have managed to successfully cross the threshold into the Information Age. As programs and technology such as those described in this article continue to proliferate, perhaps Spanish-speaking countries will eventually surpass those countries that today are better equipped and trained in computer technology. It is not unfeasible to predict that, should the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) finally establish an open market with México, and eventually with other countries of Latin America, the Hispanic world would quickly emerge as one of the prime leaders of the Information Age.  相似文献   

The article describes the endeavours of three further education tutors to improve their ability to work effectively with students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties. The tutors sought the assistance of researchers at Oxford Brookes University who were developing a Communication Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) as a means of helping teachers to direct their own professional development. The CSQ gives tutors valid and reliable feedback about how they tend routinely to interact with learners. This may be used in a process of reflection, preferably with colleagues, leading to action to improve teaching and learning.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,信息技术应用于教育中可采用的方式更加多样化,相信信息技术的发展将为未来教育带来一个崭新的时代。教师采用信息技术结合来进行教育,可以让学生更容易、更形象地去理解问题、剖析问题,对规律的掌握更深入、更透彻。  相似文献   

The article explores the communication of data to schools by researchers and evaluators. The stance is taken that the research process is one in which the participants are involved in a mutually supportive enterprise in which the relationship should be viewed as co-operation between professional colleagues, i.e., a relationship in which perceived status is minimised but one in which different knowledge and expertise exists on both sides. It is argued that the obtaining of data at school sites requires the researcher to provide data to their sources. Careful consideration needs to be given by researchers to the process and methods of communication of data to school communities. Issues addressed include audience, terminology, prose and other forms of presentation. A case is made for the researcher to become involved in dialogue to enhance the “meaning-making” of practitioners and themselves. The article concludes with a set of guidelines for researchers.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a baseline for future studies on the provision and support for the use of digital or electronic information services (EIS) in further education. The analysis presented is based on a multi‐level model of access, which encompasses access to and availability of information and communication technology (ICT) resources, access to and availability of EIS resources, and the third leg of staff skills and their development. The research was conducted within the third cycle of the JISC (Joint Information Services Committee) User Behaviour Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, in 2001/2002. Evidence was gathered from library and information service web sites and various stakeholders, including library and information service staff, academic staff and students to generate insights into the provision of access to EIS in further education. Sector‐wide funding initiatives have had a significant impact on ICT infrastructures, and these attract a positive response from students. EIS are represented on some library web sites but both web site development and EIS availability is very much less advanced than in higher education. Staff, however, lack sufficient dedicated access to ICT to be able to develop their own skills and use. There remains a low level of access to electronic information resources, with only limited access to these resources through library web sites. LIS managers face a number of challenges in enhancing this provision, including licensing arrangements, tight budgets that need to be spread across many discipline areas, and the absence of EIS designed specifically for the further education student. The other key challenge lies in the provision of time and opportunity for academic and LIS staff to develop their ICT and EIS skills, and, more generally in the further development of the role of Information and Learning Technology (ILT) Champions.  相似文献   

在建筑学教育中对计算机使用产生忧虑是不必要的。计算机信息技术作为新事物正改变着我们生活的方方面面,自然也包括建筑设计领域。一个新技术、一个新时代,也许建筑学教育也将进入一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

基于Blackboard平台的在线信息素质教育探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blackboard平台是一个以互联网为介质的课程管理系统,有着强大的功能,基于这个平台进行在线信息素质教育有着明显优势.目前国内在这方面的应用还处在探索阶段,尚存在种种问题,应当优先处理好统筹规划和管理、制定评价标准、营造好的环境、平衡版权保护与资源共享的关系、制定激励政策等问题.  相似文献   

2010年6月,本刊记者陈莎专程采访了湖南省常宁市宜阳小学谭楚荣校长。谭楚荣先后被评为湖南省特级教师、全国异步教学改革优秀教师、小学数学国家级骨干教师、全国科研兴校先进个人、湖南省优秀教师、湖南省关心下一代工作先进个人、湖南省关心少先队工作先进个人、常宁市首届“十佳教师”、常宁市首届“十佳校长”、常宁市首届“教师导师”。  相似文献   

Communication privacy management theory informed this study of nine mothers and their 18- or 19-year-old daughters who were interviewed to understand privacy rule foundations that influence their decisions to reveal or conceal sexual information. Findings reveal the salience of motivation and the risk–benefit ratio when making decisions about revealing or concealing private information. Namely, mothers may have many motivations to talk to their daughters, whereas daughters are motivated to discuss sex with a trusted source. Mothers’ perceived risks of talking about sex included judgement from other parents, and daughters were concerned about disappointing their parents. Additionally, a privacy rule emerged during joint mother–daughter interviews that stipulated ‘we talk about everything but the details’, and mothers volunteered their privacy rule acquisition of talking about sex with daughters differently from the ways their mothers talked to them. The findings augment sex education research by showing how mothers and daughters who talk about sex assess their decisions to do so.  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实《湖南省信息化条例》,根据教育强省的相关精神,长沙市委、市政府确立了“科教兴市、教育先行,以信息化推进教育现代化”的战略思想。“十一五”期间我市中小学教育信息化工作坚持以现代教育技术实验学校创建为抓手,以现代教育技术实验县区建设为突破口,不断加大教育投入,提高教育信息化建设与应用水平,有效地推动了全市的教育现代化进程。目前,长沙市创建了国家级现代教育技术实验校6所、省级现代教育技术实验校105所、市级现代教育技术实验校298所。  相似文献   

现代信息技术是信息时代科技发展的代表,其在教育领域的应用也一直是世界各国关注的焦点。它利用信息化技术带动了教育的现代化发展,不仅是信息时代发展的必然趋势,也是高校教育创新的必然要求。本文深入研究了信息技术的应用为大学教育创新带来的影响。  相似文献   

试论大学生的信息素质教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了信息素质及信息素质教育的内涵,分析了大学生信息素质的现状及实施信息素质教育的必要性,探讨了对大学生进行信息素质教育的途径。  相似文献   

试论现代信息技术与体育教育的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代信息技术对体育教育的教学环境、教学过程、教学质量等方面都起着十分巨大的作用,信息技术影响着体育教育的各个方面.  相似文献   

美国高等信息素质教育及其对我国的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
由美国大学和研究图书馆协会(ACRL)制定的“高等教育信息素质能力标准”强调了大学生在信息素质方面应该具备的五项能力,表明信息素质教育是一个完整的教育体系,其核心则是信息能力的教育。我国高校应充分认识信息素质教育对大学生素质教育的重要性,改革现有的教育教学方式,突出大学生信息能力的培养,并在此过程中充分发挥图书馆和图书馆员的重要作用。  相似文献   

当代科学技术,特别是信息技术的迅速发展,正在迅速地改变着世界的一切,使几百年、几千年来逐渐形成的教育制度受到严重的挑战。面对史无前例的信息技术革命,传统教育制度的深刻变革已成为历史的必然。21世纪是人类全面进入信息化时代的世纪,信息时代给中小学教育注入了新的生机和活力,对基础教育产生了深刻的影响,也提出了更高的要求。开展信息教育、培养中小学生信息意识和信息能力已成为当前基础教育改革的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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