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INTRODUCTION Citizen participation in urban planning is crucial for satisfying the increasing demand to improve the overall city planning process (Sherry, 1969). The information exchange, opinion feedback, establish-ment of expert system and the development of effi-cient and effective participation methods has brought huge benefits and high potential for the improvement of the whole city planning (Arima, 2001). The public participation system to evaluate the planning system for the speci…  相似文献   

语义研究在信息检索、机器翻译等计算语义学诸多领域有着广阔的应用空间和发展前景,而且对自然语言处理中词语、短语和句子的理解、生成研究具有强大的解释力。通过对维吾尔语词语的语义属性及配价特征、语义场、语义角色等方面进行描述,为建立一套面向信息处理的维吾尔语语义属性描述体系奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

This account of practice explores the benefits and challenges of using Action Learning (AL) with junior researchers. Findings are grounded in an AL set of six doctoral students, organised and convened by the author. The case study reveals the range of emotional and structural hurdles that Ph.D. candidates typically face in completing their programme of study. AL’s streamlined process made space for set members to present themselves as whole persons and to thereby grapple with, and better manage, a wide range of real-life issues that were having direct impact on their academic performance. Set members expressed how participation reduced feelings of isolation and offered a valued space to reflect on their situation. They explored root causes of stress, anxiety, or dips in productivity; strategised plausible actions for overcoming problems; and identified opportunities. The evidence presented in this account strongly supports the proposal that AL be made a core component of research-training programmes. In the conclusion, the author reasons that institutional investment would pay back with dividends: AL cultivates peer-support groups that consequently reduce dependence on academic supervisors, student counselling, and other costly and overburdened support services. Perhaps most crucially, AL incites individuals to take responsibility for their own development and learning: a ‘transferrable skill’ for achieving success in any endeavour.  相似文献   

高等教育研究领域研究人员科研绩效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用Hirsch指数(简称h指数)方法,通过对中国知网(CNKI)中国引文数据库收录的中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域的15个学术期刊在1998-2007年所刊发论文的被引用情况进行统计分析,对高等教育研究领域1998-2007年研究人员的科研绩效进行了评价,评选得出"1998-2007年高等教育研究领域最具影响力的47位学者",从一个侧面反映了中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域近10年来的研究现状。  相似文献   

A diverse sample of doctoral students completed an on-line questionnaire assessing their supervisors' academic, personal and autonomy support and their research self-efficacy. The more task-related help and personal support students received, the more positively they evaluated their supervision. The degree to which supervisors encouraged students to think and act autonomously (autonomy support) was not uniquely associated with students' supervision satisfaction but predicted greater research self-efficacy. A combination of high levels of autonomy and academic support was associated with the highest levels of research self-efficacy, whereas when greater levels of personal support were accompanied by low levels of autonomy support, students reported lower research self-efficacy. These results indicate that effective doctoral supervision involves supporting students to voice and act on their own ideas while simultaneously providing guidance on how to complete research tasks.  相似文献   

Several arguments have been put forward about the benefits of young people carrying out their own social science research in terms of empowering their voices and their participation. Much less attention has been paid to investigating the understandings young people develop about the research process itself. Seven twelve-year olds carried out self-directed social science research into a topic of their choice. Towards the end of their six months experience, we used a questionnaire and follow-up semi-structured interviews to investigate, from a sociocultural perspective, what the young people thought about being a researcher. Thematic analysis of the interviews identified three themes and eight subthemes suggesting that they were aware of: the need to demonstrate researcher/research integrity (be thorough, truthful, orderly, and have a good understanding of research process); the need for good interpersonal skills and standards, and good self-management skills (be resilient, agentic, committed and good at time management). We discuss how first-hand social science research experience might: be relevant to several areas of schooling; give young people experience of the personal characteristics important for success; help young people to realise that they can be social science researchers, and offer advanced and novel learning experiences outside the constraints of the school curriculum.  相似文献   


With studies on the physical environment of preschools concentrating mostly on settings in the Western world, before establishing minimum standards of quality, developing contextually appropriate physical environment factors become pertinent in Malaysia as a universal and possibly unaffordable high-quality standard may lead to ill-informed policy decision and allocation of funds (UNESCO 2006. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2007. Strong Foundations?: Early Childhood Care and Education). As a preliminary study, this conceptual paper sets out to uncover factors for consideration to achieve a contextually appropriate physical environment. In this article, ‘preschool’ denotes establishments for children aged four to six years in diverse educational settings. This article draws from two major fields: preschool education and physical environment of preschools. After secondary analysis of data, preliminary findings critically analysed from reviews of literature through a cross-disciplinary approach indicated that factors for consideration to achieve contextual appropriate physical environment include understanding the curriculum content; learning belief and culture of learning; physical environment factors (including allowable premise for establishing preschools, spatial planning, environmental condition and interior fit out) and statutory requirements (including health and safety factors and existing guidelines). Recommendations for future direction are discussed.  相似文献   

基于语料库的语义韵研究为语言学研究开辟了一个新的领域,为词汇研究提供了新的思路,并且对学习者中间语、二语习得等也有重要的指导意义。本文介绍了语义韵的含义、发展、分类、研究方法及其重要意义。  相似文献   

汉语修辞研究渐入低谷,定位语言学的修辞研究逐渐被边缘化。深入展开语义修辞的研究,是继承发展隶属语言学的修辞学的可行路径。研究中,要坚定"语言学为本"的学科定位;要坚持"语义分析为主导"的研究方法;更需明确语义修辞观下的研究内容及要点。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing workloads for supervisors and the challenges in research proposals for postgraduates, the study focused on engaging 15 postgraduates in a Malaysian public university in a peer research group. The data was collected from observations of the group meetings, video-recorded peer feedback and follow-up interviews. The qualitative analysis of the data indicates that the research group supported the postgraduates through peer feedback practices, learning how to present proposals and defend themselves and finding directions in research proposals. Although their engagement was challenged by initial reservations of some postgraduates to present their proposals and provide feedback and issues related to provision, reception and reliability of peer feedback, these challenges were minimized through mentoring and instructional strategies. While peer research groups represent a valuable pedagogical support that complement supervisors’ support to postgraduates in developing their research proposals, the value should be maximized by integrating supervisors in research groups.  相似文献   

There is still much to learn about the support required by postgraduate research students, across academic disciplines, to facilitate successful completion of a research degree. The primary aim of this study was to explore postgraduate medical science research students’ perceptions of academic and mentoring support at different stages during their degree programme. A second aim was to explore the feasibility and acceptability of peer mentoring as a strategy to enhance student support in this population. A mixed method study design was used. Students first completed an online questionnaire, which was then supplemented with focus group discussion to explore emergent findings in greater depth. The main results indicated that the nature and quality of academic supervision support have a significant influence on research student training and development. ‘Functional’ and ‘relationship development’ concepts of supervisory styles were highlighted as important aspects to perceived support in this research population. The main facilitators to enhance academic support were effective communication, project planning and timely feedback. There was a high degree of acceptability for a peer mentoring programme as a complementary approach to enhance student support. Peer mentoring psychosocial functions such as friendship, counselling and career guidance were considered potentially beneficial to enhancing student support. Students also discussed peer coaching as central to their learning and research skill development. This work is a useful starting point to explore perceptions of research student support in the target population. Further work is required to develop strategies to enhance student support in academic practice.  相似文献   

Universities must adapt to the challenges of social competitiveness and its new demands but there is still little evidence of how these changes are perceived by the academics. This paper provides insight on this matter and analyses the research culture of five Spanish universities from the perspective of the different academic bodies. A qualitative methodology was employed in the study based on 43 in-depth interviews with institutional leaders (vice-rectors and managers), responsible for research activity, (directors of research centres) and individual researchers (doctoral and postdoctoral researchers). The results point to a clear change in the institutional mission that moves from an institutional model where teaching and research cohabitate together towards another where research activity intensifies. The manifestations of the new research culture is characterised by the quest for efficiency and competitiveness at all levels and bodies. Despite the changes in the university model, participants perceive that the traditional and new models coexist and affect the university structure, the functioning of the centres and departments and the dynamics of the research teams which causes dissatisfaction of the researchers that in this context have to deal with the increasing pressure to publish and obtain external funding to assure ‘survival’. The research culture is also characterised as one that moves towards the scarcity of support measures for training, the confusion perceived between the political discourse and academic practice and the attempt to reposition the university in a social context, through redefining its role and fostering transfer activities.  相似文献   

运用专家访谈法和问卷调查法对河南省新农村体育文化建设的发展环境及动力支持进行研究.结果表明:河南省新农村体育文化建设通过省政府和体育主管部门的领导,在乡镇文化工作站和农村社会体育指导员的指导下,向着常态化、科学化和可持续性的方向发展,并呈现出不同的地域特征.同时,中央关于农村建设的政策法规、农民的个人需求、和谐社会建设的本质需要为河南省新农村体育文化建设提供了动力支持.  相似文献   

形式和意义相结合是现代汉语语法研究的趋势,三个平面理论的提出极大地推动了语法研究中对语义的分析和考察,开始注重形式和意义的相互应证.在这种潮流下孕育产生的语义指向分析法,对于揭示句子的深层含义具有独特的优势.  相似文献   

Web语义搜索结果排序一直是搜索引擎的主要研究课题之一。但是目前通用的算法例如OntoKhoj排序算法和AKTiveRank排序算法的排序结果并不理想,主要原因是排序思路比较片面,公式中的系数很难确定。针对这一问题,我们结合了OntoKhoj算法和AKTiveRank的优势,提出了O&A算法,并使用遗传算法对O&A中的系数进行了优化。实验表明,O&A算法的排序结果要明显优于OntoKhoj排序算法和AKTiveRank排序算法。  相似文献   

This article examines one major research journal from China and one from the United States. The study compares the two journals with regard to three questions: 1) Who is doing research published in the journals? 2) What are the major issues and concerns represented in the journals? 3) What research methodologies are favoured in the journals? The authors believe that understanding another country's educational research practices, through addressing these questions, can better enable domestic researchers, educators and policymakers to acknowledge the major educational concerns and issues that exist across countries. As boundaries between national borders continue to blur, this understanding can help educational researchers better interpret and present their findings with greater international relevance.  相似文献   

The reflective and interrogative processes required for developing effective qualitative research questions can give shape and direction to a study in ways that are often underestimated. Good research questions do not necessarily produce good research, but poorly conceived or constructed questions will likely create problems that affect all subsequent stages of a study. In qualitative studies, the ongoing process of questioning is an integral part of understanding the unfolding lives and perspectives of others. This article addresses both the development of initial research questions and how the processes of generating and refining questions are critical to the shaping of a qualitative study.  相似文献   

以山寨一词为对象,考察了其词义演化的历史脉络。并从语义符号的历史角度提出,这些争议并非非此即彼的对与错,而是意义的解码策略差异导致的结果。进而通过这一现象的评析,指出语义的自我演化与新意义的涌现折射出新的媒介带来的生活方式的变化必然包含表述方式的变化,而表述方式作为表意的主导力量不可逆转的全面侵入我们的生活。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the experience acquired in teaching materials science/engineering to first year university students. It has been observed that students struggle with some of the fundamental materials concepts addressed in the module/course. This applies to delivered lectures but extends to the incorporation of tutorial sessions provided after lectures. Moreover, when students miss a lecture or seminar the acquisition and application of knowledge and concepts becomes problematic. Consequently, or perhaps inevitably, these students perform poorly in their assessments and their motivation for the subject suffers. A careful analysis of this situation and of the nature of interaction and engagement was performed to gain an insight into the reasons for this lack of performance. A common factor is that students do not dedicate sufficient time for reading and consolidation using the chapters/sections prescribed after each topic. They also do not attempt solving tutorial problems outside the formal contact hours. This reflection and personal evaluation is difficult to administer, resource intensive and yet potentially enables each student to monitor and evaluate their own learning and understanding. A multimedia learning technology‐based environment was created in which students could engage. This was located within the University of Wolverhampton Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called WOLF. The students were able to progress independently but with access to tutor and peer support, help and advice. The use of non‐text animations and structures was used and seen as fundamental by the students in enhancing the taught course and in developing a deeper understanding of complex atomic and crystal structures.  相似文献   

Peer researchers (PRs) are research team members who share traits (e.g. gender, age, sexual orientation, diagnosis, income, housing situation, etc.) with study participants. Participatory methods and some fields (e.g. HIV/AIDS) expect PRs to be equitably involved in a project. Moreover, in Canada, there is a current impetus to include ‘the patient’ in health research. PRs often join a project without any formal research training, yet they are frequently tasked with suggesting appropriate language, recruiting participants, conducting interviews, administering surveys, analyzing data, and presenting findings. While there is literature on PR hiring, ethical considerations of PR engagement, and PR experiences, the methods of training PRs remain underreported. A blended learning curriculum (i.e. combination of webinars, didactic in-person presentation, filmed simulation, etc.), informed by the principles of action learning and the concept of reciprocity, has shown preliminary effectiveness in training PRs across two studies. This paper will present the curriculum, alongside exploratory evaluation results (n?=?7), with details on how the curriculum changed from one study to the next and how reciprocity between academic and peer researchers led to stronger collaborations.  相似文献   

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