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培养和提高学生的写作能力,是语文教学重要的任务之一。怎样才能较好地完成这个任务,我认为首要的问题是培养学生的写作兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。下面谈谈如何培养写作兴趣.提高写作能力。 一、培养练笔的好习惯 使学生养成天天练笔的好习惯,是培养写作兴趣,提高写作能力的有效途径,而坚持指导学生写日记是培养练笔习惯的最好的形式。 日记这个体裁,可写的内容很广泛,形式也多种多样,但对初中学生来讲主要应写观察日记。 写观察日记有利于培养和提高学生的观察能力,养成观察事物的习惯;有利于培养学生丰富的想像力和敏捷的思…  相似文献   

作文教学是语文教学中的重要组成部分。培养学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力,又是作文教学的重要目标。因此,教师要从培养兴趣开始,从培养阅读习惯入手,在练笔中提高,不断克服畏难心理,逐步树立写作自信,最终成为一个爱写作、善写作的学生。  相似文献   

在语文教学中,学生写作能力的提高是一大难题。究其原因,不外乎三个方面:对写作的认识不足;写作的兴趣不高;写作的技巧掌握不够。我在教学中,根据自己的教学实践,从以下几个方面入手来解决这一难题,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

温莉莉 《现代语文》2010,(10):143-143
在作文教学中,我们语文老师往往缺乏整体的思路指引,缺乏学生作文要有阶段性训练意识。每次作文总是老师出题,学生作文,然后教师精批细改,再去讲评,老师觉得很辛苦,学生也很乏味,作文水平提高不快。  相似文献   

语文有两怕,一怕文言文,二怕作文。小学生们有一个共同的感受,那就是作文难写。教师们也有一个共同的感受.那就是作文难教。但是作文是语文学习的压轴戏,搞好写作训练,毫无退路可言。毕竟写作是一个学生的语文素养的综合体现。很多学生提到写作就头痛,不是言之无物.就是无话可说.或者是说出来语无伦次,言之无序,千言万语无从下笔,写作成了学生们的折磨,就更谈不上什么兴趣了。为了激发学生们的写作兴趣.我从以下几方面加以尝试。  相似文献   

写作能力是语文教学中的重要内容,它是学生学习语文知识的一个系统的综合发挥。培养学生的写作兴趣,可以促进学生写作能力的提高,使写作真正成为学生的一种乐趣,进而提高作文教学的效率。  相似文献   

兴趣是人们力求认识某种事物和从事某项活动的意识倾向。兴趣是求知的前提,是学习的巨大源动力,培养学生的兴趣是关键。巧设导语,开启学生的写作兴趣;以情启美,激发学生的写作兴趣;设疑激趣,诱发学生的写作兴趣;体验生活,引发学生写作兴趣;作品展示,巩固学生的写作兴趣。  相似文献   

长期以来,我们的学生都怕写作文,一布置作文,学生就叫苦连天,似乎写作文是一件极为痛苦的事。原因何在?其实很简单,他们感觉作文无话可说,无事可写,写不出新意,得不到高分,得不到老师的欣赏与表扬,久而久之,写作文成了一道最怕完不成的作业,但又不得不完成,怎么办?于是就胡编乱造,乱写一气,作文中充满了假话、大话、[第一段]  相似文献   

兴趣如同一位向导,能带领学生走进知识的殿堂。学生写作文也是如此。培养学生写作兴趣,提高写作能力,要先从课文入于,把课堂让给学生,使学生从文中掌握写法,学会观察、思考、锤炼语言,丰富词汇。然后通过指导学生以现实生活为源泉,从生活实践中挖掘写作素材,多读多记,体验生活,积累知识,写好日记,让学生体会成功的喜悦,视写作为乐趣,以达到作文教学的最佳境界。  相似文献   

正兴趣是最好的老师,在作文教学中,写作的动力,来自于写作的乐趣。孔子曰:"知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐知者。"对于学写作文的藏区学生而言,要教他们如何写好作文,首先应该  相似文献   

素质教育正成为中国当代教育最强音。在语教学工作中,教师要把审美教育和发展智力紧密结合起来,培养学生的审美意识和审美情趣,激发其求知的强烈愿望和学习语的浓厚兴趣,切实提高学生的写作能力,让他们在求真、崇善、爱美的道路上昂首前进。  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Learning to write involves the acquisition of several skills, not the least of which is handwriting. Indeed, studies in cognitive psychology have...  相似文献   

在外语学习中,学习者需要掌握听、说、读、写四种能力才能够较为灵活的运用外语来进行交流。这四种能力中,写作能力较之其他能力更能反映出外语者对语言运用的综合素质。本文就从综合英语课堂中的词汇教学、语言篇章教学和各种形式的写作练习等几个方面来探讨如何提高英语专业学生的写作能力,以供英语教育者参考。  相似文献   

在物理教学中,要通过联系实际,多做实验,以“疑”引趣,以史激情,语言生动,多媒体教学等各种可能的方式或途径,去培养学生兴趣,活跃物理教学,以达到良好的学习效果.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of balanced and interactive writing instruction used with 16 deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Although the instruction has been used previously, this was the first time it had been modified to suit the specific needs of deaf children and the first time it had been implemented with this subpopulation of students. The intervention took place in two elementary classrooms (N = 8) and one middle school classroom (N = 8) for a total of 21 days. A comparison of pre- and posttest scores on both writing and reading measures evidenced that students made significant gains with use of genre-specific traits, use of contextual language, editing/revising skills, and word identification. Students showed neither gains nor losses with conventions and total word count. In addition, a one-way multiple analysis of variance was used to detect any school-level effects. Elementary students made significantly greater gains with respect to conventions and word identification, and middle school students made significantly greater gains with editing and revising tasks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of email modeling and scaffolding on the social writing quality of students with cognitive disabilities. Ten students from a university-affiliated lab school (mean age = 19.3; SD = 1.2) with an average of IQ of 55.30 (SD = 5.98) and 10 teacher candidates in a university teacher education programme participated in the study. The results suggest that all students with intellectual disabilities were able to holistically improve their social writing quality after exchanging emails with mature writers over a period of 15 weeks. Specifically, the students progressively showed various degrees of improvement in the areas of writing mechanics, lexical and syntactic complexity, writing cohesion, pragmatic propriety and writing motivation. However, the figurative use of language remained unaffected by the email modeling and scaffolding. Taken together, this study suggests that Internet-mediated formats, such as email, can reduce the anxiety of students with intellectual disabilities. Students feel more motivated to engage in writing and do so more actively in social media exchanges, thus improving their virtual social communication skills through writing. Teaching implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of teaching a metacognitive text structure strategy upon the paragraph writing skills of eighth-grade students with learning disabilities. The technique, called Statement-Pie (Hanau, 1974), teaches students to understand the relationship of supporting details to a main idea. Four students were taught to use an outline as a paragraph planning guide, which they then used to convert information into written expository paragraphs. All subjects reached instructional outcome criterion on the writing of comparison/contrast and sequence paragraphs. One week after reaching mastery in the special education classroom, students generalized their paragraph writing skills to other teachers and to different classrooms. The results of this investigation indicate that when provided with direct, intensive instruction in a text structure strategy, adolescents with learning disabilities can improve their skills in paragraph writing.  相似文献   

培养教师的科研素质,提高教师的科研能力要“以人为本”。人是万物之灵长,是世界上最宝贵、最有价值的生命体。应把人的因素作为教师科研素质培养和科研能力提高之本,强化人的本性特征,实施人本化管理,充分信任人、尊重人、理解人、善待人。从人性关爱的角度去开掘教师内在的潜力,点燃教师激情的火花,激发教师的动力机制,使教师在互相尊重、相互理解、平等和谐的人际关系和氛围中,自觉参研、自发入研、自主钻研。这是培养教师科研素质,提高教师科研能力的人本化特征。这一特征具体表现在以下两个方面。  相似文献   

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