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一、及时主动地向读者提供图书馆信息,使读者全面了解和应用这些文献信息 图书馆的一个基本职能就是传递文献信息,该职能以读者为对象,其目的是满足读者的求知欲。然而,目前有的中学图书馆尚未充分发挥这一职能,从而导致了读者对图书馆的作用认识不够,对馆藏文献所知甚少,大大影响了书刊借阅量。这一状况主要通过提  相似文献   

通过对高校图书馆教育职能与情报职能等的剖析,阐明了研究读者的必要性及其主要手段:即:调研读者的需求;做好文献采集和宣传工作;做好特定读者服务工作。  相似文献   

网络环境下的高校图书馆职能与读者工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文献保障、信息资源整合、用户教育和文献导读等方面论述了网络环境下高校图书馆职能的新拓展,分析了网络环境下读者工作的新方法、新模式:传统服务项目逐步实现网络化、开展开放式主动服务和互动服务、个性化服务。提出图书馆要转变观念、强化增值服务、储备信息人才,以更好地服务读者。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的蓬勃发展,给高职院校图书馆带来了机遇和挑战。与此同时,信息技术的高速发展及计算机网络技术在图书馆工作中的应用,使其在职能、读者需求、文献类型等方面都发生了变化。如何更好地方便读者、满足读者需求,最大限度的发挥图书馆文献资源的使用价值,开展新形势下的读者服务工作,是本文所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

读者教育,即图书馆和其它文献信息机构开展的培养、提高读者(包括潜在读者)利用文献信息能力的教育。读者教育是现代社会文献激增和文献信息需求日益增强且呈多样化趋势的产物,是图书馆开发利用文献资源和实现其教育职能而开展的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

高校图书馆教育职能新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校图书馆以书育人,本文从图书馆的学习环境,对读者进行利用文献信息教育方面论述如何发挥高校图书馆的教育职能。  相似文献   

高等学校图书馆主要有两项职能,一是情报职能,二是教育职能,二者既有联系又有区别。所谓情报职能,主要是开展各学科研究动态情报资料的收集,为教学和科研提供最新信息的情报服务。所谓教育职能,主要体现在配合学校对学生进行思想品德教育、专业教育、综合教育的同时,开展利用文献的教育。对读者进行利用图书馆的教育,培养读者具有充分利用文献的能力,是高校图书馆教育职能的一个重要组成部分。在高等学校最广泛的读者是大学生,而目前各大学图书馆重点服务的对象往往是教  相似文献   

分类是图书馆的一项基础工作。文献分类质量的高低,直接影响到图书排架的秩序,影响到读者对图书的检索,影响藏书的统计、分析和剔除,影响到新书的补充,影响到文献的宣传、阅读指导等工作。中学图书馆的读者是教师和学生,为教学服务是中学图书馆的主要职能,怎样类分文献才能做到充分揭示和便于检索?笔者选择了中小学语文教学文献作为试点。  相似文献   

图书馆电子阅览室管理中管理人员与读者的沟通,可以有效提高网络资源的利用率和馆藏电子资源的质量,同时有助于发挥电子阅览室教育职能,促进图书馆新形象的树立及降低管理成本。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展.履行和强化情报职能已成为图书馆的一项重要任务。而加强期刊工作是强化情报职能的重要一环。迅速将期刊所载文献传递到读者手中,是目前摆在期刊工作面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

为读者服务工作是公共图书馆全部工作的出发点和归宿,我们应努力提高图书利用率,研究读者需求的特点,贯彻读者工作原则,多渠道多形式为读者提供信息,积极推荐图书,做好采购和读者的中介,严格图书供期管理,以达到为读者优质服务之目的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether 11-year-old children in Singapore, from English Dominant or English Non-Dominant backgrounds, read better orally when words were presented in list or text. The children read words in passage and in list form presented in counterbalanced order. In a study of good, average and poor readers, Nicholson (1991) found that context was of more benefit to poorer readers and to younger readers. With the English Non-Dominant readers in the present study regarded as less proficient readers of English, these children should be expected to show the greatest gains from passage presentations. Error analyses showed that English Non-Dominant readers performed less well in list readings relative to text readings, while the English Dominant readers produced no difference in performance for these conditions. This indicates that readers with less exposure to English relied more on contextual information than the more experienced readers. Thus, Goodman's (1965) idea of enlightened guessing was again questioned in this study for the case of bilingual readers. Additionally, reading miscues were found to vary in type according to whether the same words were being read in list or in context.  相似文献   

时代呼唤图书天使的出现,图书天使以其快乐性感染读者、以其美丽性愉悦读者、以其人文情怀庇护读者、以其无功利性心系读者、以其智慧性服务读者,使读者在图书馆享受到周到的服务,感受到被人尊重的礼遇。  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of the attitudes of elderly active and inactive readers that relate to preferences in reading. It was hypothesized that no differences would be found between the readers’ attitudes toward reading. Findings indicated that there are differences between elderly active and inactive readers and that elderly active readers seem to have a more positive attitude toward reading than elderly inactive readers.  相似文献   

现代读者大多只想通过导读的方式获得他们所需要的图书资料。因此,作为读者阅读主要指导者的流通服务馆员,如何做好读者阅读心理的研究工作、观察读者在借阅活动过程中所表现出的心理现象及心理特征就显得尤为重要,它有助于提高高校图书馆的服务质量和图书利用率,有助于对不同层次读者进行个性化服务,它是实现高校图书馆流通服务工作创新的必要条件。从了解读者阅读需求出发,通过对读者阅读心理的分析,联系广西职业技术学院图书馆的实际情况,提出了要实现高校图书馆服务创新的一些观点和建议。  相似文献   

Children who are poor readers have difficulty naming pictured objects. Previous research has shown that while poor readers have the same amount of tacit phonological knowledge about words they cannot retrieve as good readers, they cannot use this initial phoneme and rhyme information to produce these words. In this study, thirdgrade good and poor readers participated in a training session to explicitly teach them how to manipulate the phonological structure of words as a means of facilitating naming ability. Both groups benefited from training, even though the good readers performed consistently better than poor readers. It is suggested that with more extensive training, poor readers may learn to use their tacit phonological knowledge of words they have difficulty retrieving spontaneously, by generating and using their own phonemic and rhyme cues independently.  相似文献   

图书馆与读者在法律上具有平等的民事主体地位。自助检索是维护读者的主体地位,保守读者秘密是法律赋予的职责。保守读者秘密对图书馆服务提出了的新要求。  相似文献   

We examined the instability of reading errors, that is whether a child reads the same word sometimes correctly and sometimes incorrectly, as a function of the complexity of context-sensitive spelling rules (vowel degemination and consonant gemination). Dutch bisyllabic words were read twice by typical readers in Grades 2 and 3, and reading-level matched poor readers. Grade 3 readers produced more unstable errors than Grade 2 readers. The poor readers did not differ from the typical readers in overall error instability. For typical readers, vowel degemination complicates word identification. For poor readers this effect was even stronger. Of the lexical and sublexical word characteristics, word frequency was the strongest predictor: The higher word frequency, the higher error instability. Word frequency, moreover, interacted with context-sensitive spelling rules in its effect on error instability. Error instability can be considered as an indicator of the transition from incompetence to reading competence.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate whether Arabic orthography differs from the Latin orthography of English texts regarding context effects among poor and normal readers. Usually, Arabic texts are presented without vowels for normal readers, and with vowels for younger and beginning readers. The Arabic vowels are mostly not alphabetic letters, but strokes above and/or below the letters. The subjects were 60 native Arab eighth graders, 20 poor readers and 40 normal readers of Arabic. Subjects were required to read vowelled and unvowelled words with and without context in Arabic. The results showed that normal as well as poor readers significantly improved their reading accuracy when they read vowelled and unvowelled words in context. Further, normal readers significantly improved their reading of vowelled and unvowelled words in context more than did the poor readers. The findings of this study illustrated the significance of cross-cultural linguistic considerations for the development of comprehensive reading theory.  相似文献   

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