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1.IntroductionFluency is an important focus in EFL classroom teach-ing,and also a standard of spoken English tests.Richards,Platt,and Weber(1985)define fluency as follows:"thefeatures which give speech the qualities of being natural andnormal,including na…  相似文献   

Inclusion of deaf children in regular classrooms is often described as unsuccessful. The present article shows how communicative and metacommunicative strategies used in teacher(s)-deaf students(s) interactions may facilitate inclusion. A fourth-grade classroom was investigated where a coteaching approach--a master teacher working with a teacher trained in Brazilian Sign Language (BSL)--was used. The class, 7 deaf and 19 hearing students, was selected because of the teacher dyad's effectiveness with these students. The teachers' interactive styles and strategies are highlighted, along with communicative and metacommunicative processes that occurred between them and the deaf students. The authors show that meanings are co-constructed not only through words or BSL but through nonverbal actions. Relational metacommunicative strategies make integration more effective and learning easier and more pleasant; therefore, dialogue with deaf children entails more than the mere use of words, either vocally or with signs.  相似文献   

Research in Mexican and British schools provides an empirical basis for arguing that, by the use of certain kinds of interactional strategies, teachers can enable children to become more able in managing individual and joint reasoning and learning activities in the classroom.The research described is based on a sociocultural conception and analysis of education, which focuses on the ways that children can be inducted into the communicative and intellectual activities of the classroom as a ‘community of enquiry’. The research has provided (a) an account of strategies teachers use, and for relating teacher’s scaffolding to the interactive process of knowledge construction; (b) an analysis of ways that children talk when working together on joint activities; and (c) a practical method for promoting children’s effective collaboration, communication, reasoning and learning, successfully tested with British and Mexican primary school children. The results of the research are discussed in relation to a Vygotskian conception of the relationship between ‘intermental’ (social) and ‘intramental’ (psychological) development.  相似文献   

Social Pretend Play in Korean- and Anglo-American Preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-two preschoolers (46 Anglo- and 46 Korean-American) were observed during free play activities and videotaped in an experimental toy play setting. Cultural differences were examined in the frequency of social pretend play, communicative strategies, and pretend play themes. Anglo-American children engaged in more pretend play during free play activities than Korean-American children. In the experimental setting, there were no cultural differences in the frequency of pretend play; however, there were significant differences in children's communicative strategies and in their play themes. Korean-American children's play included everyday activity and family role themes, whereas Anglo-American children enacted danger in the environment and fantastic themes. Anglo-American children described their own actions, rejected their partners' suggestions, and used directives, whereas Korean-American children described their partners' actions and used tag questions, semantic ties, statements of agreement, and polite requests. The findings suggest that play is a common activity for most children. However, the thematic content and the communicative strategies used to structure and maintain pretend play are influenced by culture.  相似文献   

The two goals of the study were to examine factors affecting parents' teaching strategies with their children and to identify the effectiveness of different teaching strategies for engaging children in tasks. It was hypothesized that teaching strategies would vary as a function of parent status (mother/father), children's communicative status (nonhandicapped-NCH/handicapped-CH) and different tasks (origami/book reading). Each of the 120 families included a target child (M = 4.5 years old), a mother, and a father; 60 families had a CH child and 60 matched families had an NCH child. Each parent engaged in book-reading and origami tasks with their target child. Parents' teaching strategies were recorded and categorized according to levels of cognitive demand. In addition, children's level of task engagement was rated. Results indicated that parents varied their teaching strategies according to both task and children's communicative status. Generally, they were more demanding and less directive of the more competent, NCH, children than of the CH children. Further, parents used different strategies with their NCH and CH children in both tasks to keep them engaged. Results are discussed in terms of Vygotsky's theory of the zone of proximal development.  相似文献   

The use of semantography, or Bliss Symbols, is considered as an alternative communication mode for children whose handicap is such that standard strategies of communication are not possible. Although there has been some evidence in the literature of empirical research conducted on alternative modes of communication in general, there is, specifically, scant evidence about semantography. What has been documented, however, shows promise but longitudinal studies need to be undertaken and collaborative research established so that the feasibility of semantography, as an alternative communicative system, is clearly differentiated.  相似文献   

In the context of citizenship education, many UK primary schools have recently set up school councils. Previous research has overlooked the importance of exploring communicative practices specific to school councils and the implications for children's participation. This paper draws on an action‐orientated research project with teachers in three Norfolk primary schools, which began with ethnographic observation of school and class council meetings. By developing alternative visual strategies for facilitating communication in meetings (based on a methodology known as PRA), teachers were able to encourage involvement by more children and enable them to have a greater voice in decision‐making. We argue that the common focus on adult procedures in school councils puts the emphasis on teaching children about their future role as citizens and can limit children's ownership of decision‐making processes. The alternative is to create contexts in which children have a sense of the democratic purposes of their school council in the here and now, by providing children with means (such as the visual strategies) that are consistent with those purposes and prioritizing action as an end.  相似文献   

在频繁的跨文化商务交际中,由于忽略文化因素及跨文化交际环境,交际过程中往往产生母语文化的负迁移,导致交际中断、误解甚至冲突。必须培养"文化移情"的意识,克服文化负迁移,加强文化沟通与合作,以应对中国—东盟各国日益密切的合作往来。  相似文献   

交际策略的运用对口语教学具有重要作用,将交际策略应用到大学英语口语教学中,不仅能帮助学习者提高交际能力,而且能同时提高语言学习能力。调查和分析大学英语口语课堂交际策略,对丰富和完善交际策略研究、提高外语口语教学和学习效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文化的发展和传承离不开传播,尤其是在当代大众传播媒介成了文化的建构者或消解者。在如何传承大同地方文化这一背景之下,研究大众传播媒介的地方文化传播策略成为时代的需求。为了实现良好的传播效果,大众传播媒介可以使用传播媒介联动化、传播时间持续化、传播形式多元化、传播数量规模化、传受双方互动化等传播策略。  相似文献   

教科研工作是提高教师队伍素质、促进幼儿健康成长、提升整体办园质量的关键。有效的园本教科研工作应当以建立园际、组间教科研对话交流制度,扎实有效的课题研究制度,人性化的评价激励制度,来激发教师积极性,通过构建积极向上的教师团队文化和"层级研训、同伴互助研究、邀请专家专业引领"等多项策略保证教科研工作达到预期效果。  相似文献   

This paper describes research that explored the question of whether or not it is possible to characterise and teach a single type of educationally productive talk. We analysed and compared the quality of children's interactional strategies when jointly working on a reasoning task and a psycholinguistic task. The latter involved writing an integrated summary of three related texts. Sixth grade primary school children (11–12 years old) solved these two tasks as pre- and post-tests before and after training in the use of ‘Exploratory Talk’ (ET) to think together and argue as well as in strategies for producing summaries. After training, children improved substantially in the use of ET when solving the reasoning but not the psycholinguistic task. However, using ethnography of communication methods to analyse the talk further around the latter task revealed that both the number and quality of communicative events and acts increased importantly. These changes were accompanied by a significant improvement in the quality of the summaries produced. These findings suggest that the requirement for explicit reasoning in the definition and analysis of ET may be task dependent. To account for the common features of the educationally productive talk in the two settings, we propose the more inclusive concept of co-constructive talk to characterise the inter-subjective orientation, social ground rules and communicative actions that support effective collaboration, co-ordination and creativity.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to shed light on the issue of how children learn to identify what is meant by what is said in communicative practices. The study replicates and extends the well-known work on what is referred to as children's 'theories of other minds'. The focus in the present study is on the interplay between the adult and the child, the nature of the task and the child's position in the communicative encounter. Rather than assuming that children have or do not have 'theories of other minds', we explore the communicative conditions under which children can be made sensitive to the nature of other people's (mistaken) beliefs. The empirical work was carried out amongst children aged three to five, since this is the critical age at which it is claimed that children become sensitive to the fact that other people's perspectives of a situation may differ from their own. The results show that whether or not children 'are able' to adopt other people's perspectives is very much a situated affair and reflects the manner in which they are brought into a position where they can share the framing of the adult. The questions posed are interpreted differently by the children in ways that go beyond the intended difference that concerns perspectivity. The test situation is polysemous in many respects and the variation in responses cannot be reduced to such a simple distinction as the one implied in the theory of mind research paradigm, which represents a monological conception of communication.  相似文献   

This ESRC‐funded study explores how 3‐year‐old children use a range of ‘voices’ during their first year in pre‐school, investigating how they make and express meaning ‘multimodally’ through combinations of talk, body movement, facial expression and gaze in the two different settings of home and playgroup. Using longitudinal ethnographic video case studies of four children, two boys and two girls, the study identifies patterns in the children's uses of different communicative strategies that relate to the dynamics of the institutional and immediate contexts in which they are situated. The findings imply that the current focus on talk in the early years may be detracting from the diversity of ways children make and express meaning.  相似文献   

异龄互动是在一段时间内,一个或多个幼儿与其他异龄幼儿之间的相互接触,它对幼儿的认知、情感和社会性发展具有重要的作用,因此,对异龄互动的研究就显得相当必要了。本文首先从认知学派、社会学习理论以及人类发展生态学等几个理论流派中为异龄同伴关系寻找到了存在的依据。其次,探讨了异龄同伴关系的影响因素,它包括:幼儿的外貌、年龄差异、熟悉程度、发展水平差异以及共同的爱好兴趣;幼儿不同的行为特点和交往目的;物质环境的创设、材料的特征以及教育者。最后,从家长和教师两个方面就怎样促进异龄互动的发生,发展稳定的异龄同伴关系给出了建议。  相似文献   

交际能力理论,交际途径原则是现代语言学尤其是社会语言学发展的产物。交际能力理论,交际途径原则促使外语教学研究从以教学方法为中心转向以学习过程为中心,促使外语教学的重点从句子水平的形式准确上升到语篇水平的意义流利,从而引起了外语教学理论的革命和外语教学实践的飞跃。交际途径是外语教学的一种大纲设计法,是以培养交际能力为最终目的的外语教学原则。交际能力的内涵决定了交际途径可以成为不同外语教学流派的汇合点,可以成为语法词汇大纲与功能意念大纲之间的一种拆衷。探索交际途径教学的策略和方法的突破点在于,如何在外语教学实践中妥善处理语言能力和交际能力的关系。将来形成的占主导地位的教学策略和方法应该是以培养交际能力为最终目的的,个性化的,铃铛样化的,折衷化的。  相似文献   

This research is concerned with clarifying whether teacher’s communicative strategies affect children’s conversational relevance in classroom discourse. 34 conversations between teacher and children in a nursery school in a Rome suburb of low social class, collected with a «quasi-experimental» methodology, have been audiotaped and analysed. 5961 turns at talk have been categorised in order to identify different levels of relevance of the teacher’s and children’s conversational contributions. Categories describe the links between the present turn and the focus or the topic of the preceding turn. Frequencies of turn categorization were elaborated by computing transitional probabilities. Results of sequential analysis show that the children most often extend or elaborate on the information introduced by the teacher when the teacher has just extended the topic of a child speaker. In the group observed in this research peer interaction can however take on a function similar to that of teacher-children interaction: high relevance to a preceding utterance somehow «activates» a subsequent highly relevant contribution by another child.  相似文献   

自我控制能力是幼儿社会性发展的一个重要方面,幼儿期是自我控制能力形成和发展的关键时期。宁波市江北区中心幼儿园在分析幼儿自我控制能力的基础上,充分利用幼儿在园的一日生活及活动,运用三方面策略:学习交往技能,抑制情感冲动;树立行为目标,抵制外来诱惑;联合家庭教育,延迟物质满足,来激发幼儿参与活动的积极性,增强对规则的内化,帮助他们主动地调节自我,自我控制能力得到明显提高,较好地促进了幼儿良好的社会性发展。  相似文献   

交际策略指的是外语学习者为达到交际目的而用来克服外语口语交际中遇到的表达困难的一系列方法,其研究是学习者策略研究的一个重要分支,是了解学习者语言使用过程的途径之一,本文以对原化中理工大学98级77名博士生进行的问卷调查结果为依据,分析了该学习者群体在英语口语交际中使用交际策略的基本现状,并探讨了该现状所反映的问题及其对英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

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