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微博用户的影响力指数模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新浪微博为研究对象,提出微博用户的用户影响力指数模型。首先将得到的用户被关注度取代当前存在虚假的用户粉丝数,通过较为合理的用户被关注度计算得到微博用户的用户活跃度与微博影响力,最后将用户活跃度与微博影响力作为用户影响力的影响因子合成微博用户的用户影响力。模型考察用户与用户微博两个角度的多个活动因子。实验结果表明,用户影响力指数模型在降低微博僵尸粉影响的同时,能够较合理地体现微博用户的实际影响力。  相似文献   

刘扬 《中国广播》2014,(9):102-102
1.精心培养、积极引导微博意见领袖。新媒体大量普及、微博用户急速发展,催生了大批微博意见领袖。这些人或是专家学者、媒体人士、娱乐明星、社会名人;或是热点事件的当事人,其特殊身份和话语权使他们的影响大、关注度高、粉丝多,网络传播引导力强,如果这些用户不能辨别虚假信息,传播谣言,产生的社会危害极广。  相似文献   

靖鸣  王瑞 《新闻爱好者》2012,(19):24-26
微博"粉丝"已经成为网络这一虚拟公共领域里一支数量非常庞大的舆论新军。微博"粉丝"的出现和兴起,基于微博媒介技术的发展。微博"粉丝"可以被视作传统"粉丝"的延伸与升级。相较于传统"粉丝",微博"粉丝"拥有较为鲜明的三个特征:非专一性、非崇拜性、攻击性。微博"粉丝"的关注可以分为三种类型,即公众人物之间的关注、公众人物与普通用户之间的关注以及普通用户之间的关注,同时,微博"粉丝"存在一定的问题,主要是"粉丝"买卖和伪VIP认证。本文认为,根除微博"粉丝"买卖现象,需要用户的自觉抵制,微博平台服务机构应反思微博的等级问题,并采取相应措施予以消解。  相似文献   

微博的传播特性及其在图书馆的应用现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先从传媒学的角度对微博的传播特性进行分析,然后从图书馆微博的特征、地域分布、发布数量、关注度、粉丝以及微博的内容对图书馆官方微博应用现状进行研究,最后对图书馆应用微博给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

谁是微时代舆论领袖名人更易成为舆论领袖。名人本身的信息活动比普通网友活跃,他们在自己所在领域往往具有权威性。名人在社会中具有相当的关注度,在微博中受关注度的高低体现在"粉丝"的数量,受关注度越高,"粉丝"数量越多。在刚接触微博之际,一切处于一片空白,用户关注的对象首选"熟人",无非是亲朋好友和已熟知的名人。此时名人们将自己的人气"搬"到了微博中,使得自己的微博短时间获得大量注意力。由于先天优势,名人很容易成为独立的信息意见传播平台,成为微博中最先壮大起来的意见领袖。他们在  相似文献   

对新浪平台上通过了新浪实名认证的四川省高等院校图书馆的微博进行了调查和分析。分别从各高校图书馆微博的开启时间、粉丝数、微博数、更新频率、微博的转发数、评论数以及微博内容等方面来分析研究本地区高校图书馆微博的特点和存在的问题;针对目前存在的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议,以期为四川省高校图书馆开展微博服务、提升微博服务的水平提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

费蓉 《今传媒》2012,(12):24-27
无"微"不至,无"博"不欢。这句话形象地概述了近几年微博在国内的风生水起。随着微博这一新兴网络媒体的流行,微博版权问题也被公众提上了议事日程。在我国著作权法即将进行第三次修订的背景下,本文首先对"微作品"进行界定,然后从个人之间、平台之间、新旧媒体之间的盗用和"僵尸粉"的克隆四种行为来诠释"微侵权"的形式,最后从政府、平台和受众三个维度浅析"微保护"的策略。  相似文献   

英国一家公司近日对美国名人的“推特”粉丝进行了调查,结果显示,总统奥巴马是无可争议的“僵尸粉之王”,其3690万粉丝中有1950万是“僵尸粉”,比例高达53%。据英国媒体报道,根据取样调查,拥有“僵尸粉”数目最多的推特账户分别属于总统奥巴马、副总统拜登、白宫通讯处和第一夫人米歇尔。其中奥巴马的“僵尸粉”数量排名第一位,比例高达53%。为了制造“人气兴旺”的假象,许多著名的政治人物购买大量的“僵尸粉”。据报道,有一家英国公司专门做这种假粉丝生意,公司名字就叫做“买更多粉丝”。  相似文献   

互联网时代,微博作为依托信息网络的平台,在新媒体发展中发挥着其自身优势。"ElopingKarRoy"是一个粉丝数量大、活跃度高、互动性强的粉丝微博,其微博内容的设置及传播策略具有一定的代表性。本文运用数据分析的方法,对微博"ElopingKarRoy"的内容进行定量统计,分析粉丝微博传播的内容特点,进而探讨粉丝微博的传播力。本文认为粉丝微博的内容传播受到频率、内容、形式、特色等综合作用影响,粉丝微博通过内容的传播达到了粉丝用户的内容需求和心理满足,从而产生了一定的传播效力。  相似文献   

网络经历2010年的异军突起、2011年的遍地开花,如今,我们已经进入了“全民微博”时代。有人称,一个微博的粉丝数如果超过1000万,其影响力相当于一家省级电视台;如果超过100万,则相当于市级电视台;如果有几十万,则相当于一家发行量很不错的报纸……虽然粉丝数不能代表一切,且“僵尸粉”无法回避,但微博的影响力毋庸置疑。...  相似文献   

本文通过质化研究的方法,分析了中国美剧网上迷群是如何通过角色扮演来进行自我认同建构的。  相似文献   

This article explores communication at University of Nebraska Cornhusker football “watch parties”—public gatherings where fans watch the football team's game on television—at seven locations across the United States. This study concludes that the decoration of the watch-party site, the attire worn by fans attending the watch parties, and collective activities of relating and connecting that occur during the watch parties constitute a unique type of performance ritual. Specifically, this article analyzes how the watch-party rituals spin a web of communal connections in which fans at each site connect with one another, with fans at other sites, and with the state of Nebraska to form what is called an “intermediate place”—a place that is symbolically rooted in a specific geographic location and simultaneously manifest in other physical locations.  相似文献   

AMC's popular, post-apocalyptic show The Walking Dead follows a clan of survivors as they endure the zombie apocalypse while struggling to maintain their humanity. The characters pursue temporal salvation through four social institutions: family, government, religion, and science/medicine, identified by a preliminary soak. Through content analysis of dialogueic, visual, and nonverbal references to these institutions across seasons 1–3 (N = 35), we find that each respective season proposed, and then rejected to some extent, the redemptive roles of science, religion, and the state—mirroring actual contemporary distrust. Simultaneously, through persistent, underlying storylines, the show reveals a traditional understanding of the centrality of familial relationships to maintaining a liberal society's survival—which we argue redefines the zombie genre away from its leftist roots.  相似文献   

为了更好地维护科技期刊的合法权益,在分析虚假网站对期刊产生的影响基础上,给出了科技期刊防范虚假网站的方法及打击虚假网站的措施,通过真实案例介绍了打击虚假网站的过程和效果,对保证科技期刊良性发展、净化学术环境具有重要作用。  相似文献   

王艳军 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):331-334
近年来我国假冒学术期刊网站泛滥,严重损害了学术期刊和作者的权益,扰乱了我国的出版秩序,其不良影响受到了社会的广泛关注.调查发现,2009-2016年我国共发表假冒学术期刊网站侵权类研究20篇,其中仅2016年就发表15篇.本文调查与整理打击假冒学术期刊网站取得的初步成效,综述有关我国假冒学术期刊网站侵权的研究成果,总结并分析假冒学术期刊网站的形式和特征以及防范对策.  相似文献   


The music business is facing hard times with declining CD sales and increasing piracy. Whereas the economic downturn is one reason for lower sales, the industry has decided to target the second factor, the fast diffusion of technologies such as CD burners and peer‐to‐peer networks like KaZaA allowing massive illegal distribution of music. Some labels focused on an offensive strategy to promote their artists. New services are being added to so called Enhanced CDs that create a new user experience. These CDs offer bonus content (i.e. videos, additional songs, pictures, or lyrics) stored directly on the CD that can be accessed on the PC. Other CDs offer (additionally) online access to actual bonus content or services (i.e. tour dates or news) if the CD is entered in the FC. The impact of these services on consumer experience has not yet been researched in depth and it remains unclear if consumers actually use the offered services on Enhanced CDs. The music label Arista has introduced several new albums on Enhanced CDs to the market providing more value to the user instead of reducing the utility by focusing only on copy protection. This article analyzes the usage of such services provided by Arista and focuses on Santana's new album “Shaman”;. Using a unique data set provided byfavakitty Media (Bandlirik) and Arista, we show for the first time what services are actually used by Santana fans and compare the results to albums of other artists such as TIC or Toni Braxton. Our results indicate that Enhanced CDs are used frequently by a relatively small group of fans, providing more value to the customer and creating a stronger relation between fans and artists.  相似文献   

基于用户满意度的中小型高校图书馆电子资源调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文从江苏教育学院图书馆电子资源建设与服务的现状出发,对电子资源用户满意度进行问卷调查和分析,并从加强电子资源建设、拓展信息服务方式、加大宣传力度、重视用户习惯的养成、重视图书馆主页的建设与维护、普及培训等方面,就中小型高校图书馆电子资源建设与服务提出改进措施。  相似文献   

Fakery is a protean concept, taking different forms according to circumstances. A work judged to be genuine in one era might be considered a fake, or a partial fake, in another. In some contexts, modified works or copies might be acceptable or even preferred to the original or to its unretouched version. Different criteria—for example, aesthetic effect versus value on the art market—may lead to different judgments. Fakery is not a black-and-white issue. Art lovers should realize that many paintings are not entirely what they are said to be. This essay discusses some of these issues, as well as techniques that can now be used to analyze artworks.  相似文献   

眼见不为实——数字影像的真伪鉴辨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字影像的真伪鉴辨是近几年出现的新课题.随着伪造数字影像的不断出现,如何有效地、科学地鉴辨数字影像已是全社会关注的问题。本文通过典型案例.分析了数字影像造假的可能性和实施的措施.介绍了数字影像鉴辨的依据和常用方法.探讨了数字影像鉴辨中可资利用的工具.以期应用于实际工作,解决数字影像真伪鉴辨的问题。  相似文献   

Built on a pilot study, this study examined how librarians understand fake news and the specific methods or strategies they suggest for detecting fake news by analyzing their guides from academic libraries. A content analysis regarding a total of 21 institutional guides was conducted. The major findings include the following: 1) in the librarians' guides stating their definition of fake news, the two elements of falsity and the intention to mislead were explicitly stated. The other element of bias, however, was presented in only some guides. 2) The sub-elements of clickbait, a decontextualized content and omitted information were inconsistently or barely presented across these guides. 3) Only two institutional libraries put forth the notion of fact in relation to fake news in their guides. 4) All of the guides suggested checklist approaches to detecting fake news or evaluating news sources. Finally, 5) librarians acknowledge the influence of human biases on consuming news. However, psychological factors are minimally presented in most of the guides. This study provides a few suggestions. First, librarians must further clarify the term fake news so that it reflects its multiple layers. Second, librarians must incorporate new strategies, such as lateral reading and click restraints, in combination with a few prioritized elements of a checklist into their guides regarding detecting fake news. Finally, librarians must pay attention to psychological factors more when interpreting facts in their strategies about news sources and fake news.  相似文献   

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