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企业文化管理思想作为组织传播学的一个流派,一直受业界与学界的广泛关注.但对二者之间的关系国内尚无明确定论.作者从主题词与关键词排序的方法对1996年以来国内外研究组织传播、企业文化文献进行了详细的梳理,并从中提出下一步的研究假设.其中,对“鞍钢宪法”与企业文化建设的结合研究以及企业文化的溢出效应的关注是文章的重点内容.  相似文献   

以团队化发展为方向提高实验室组织绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从组织管理的视角出发,寻找在"软件"建设上限制"临时工场"式的科研实验室发展的问题并加以分析,对提高实验室整体工作绩效的方法作了初步探索,指出重视并做好实验室团队建设是有效途径之一.  相似文献   

The frameworks or models used to conceptualize workplace performance are as diverse as the organisations they attempt to mirror. The purpose of this review was to examine a sample of the frameworks used to model human performance in organizations with respect to: 1) change orientation, 2) theoretical basis, 3) organizational results level, 4) unit of analysis, and 5) performance analysis. Organizational system and performance system frameworks were contrasted with systematic process models of performance improvement. Frameworks are defined as system‐orientod representations of the flow or linkages of resources, inputs, processes, goals, and results within and external to an organization. Performance improvement process models are defined as representations of systematic processes that define steps to be taken to implement a particular solution or identify a problem. It is recommended that solution designers blend frameworks of organizational system and performance system architectures into systematic, participatory design processes.  相似文献   

The current research examined the structural relationship between organizational investments in employee development and career development interventions, organizational human capital, and organizational long‐term performance in the Korean business context. Four research questions were examined using the survey data with 469 sample corporations from the Human Capital Corporate Panel (HCCP) 2009 data set (the data set collected and shared for research purposes in Korea). The statistical strategies included measurement testing and examination of the predictive and mediating relationships between the variables, followed by the effect size comparison. The results of the statistical analyses indicated that the positive impacts of employee and career development interventions on organizational process and customer competencies are fully mediated by improved organizational human capital. That is, no statistically significant relationship between the learning interventions and organizational long‐term performance was established without the critical mediating role of human capital. Based on the empirical findings, this research suggested implications for practice and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

探讨了外语教学和文化的关系,并通过实例分析形成跨文化交流障碍的文化因素,说明语言教学中文化教学的引入对学生跨文化交际能力提高的积极作用。  相似文献   

通过实践案例,阐释了如何用多样化的能够考查学生的学习过程、思维过程的测评题来引导和改进教学,让考试评价发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

The present study examines the generalizability of a previously‐validated model concerning how visible aspects of organizational culture can affect performance within an educational environment. Data were collected from 156 upper and lower secondary‐school teachers selected at random from 26 secondary schools in Singapore. The results indicate that school performance can be determined from knowledge of a school's cultural environment. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从《跨文化交际》中存在的文化差异现象出发,从中西方文化起源不同、思维模式不同、行为规范不同和价值取向不同四个方面分析比较中西文化差异现象的本质原因,并对电大系统成人英语专业的学员提高跨文化交际能力提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

介绍了如何合理组织磁盘分区,打破常规,定制软件安装,充分发挥磁盘效能,提升计算机性能设计方案。  相似文献   

Strategic leadership has a primary focus on adding measurable value for all internal and external clients and stakeholders. It differs from most other approaches by including societal impact as part of guiding an organization to sustainable and systemic success. Six questions are provided for all to ask and answer, building on the work of Peter Drucker and Frances Hesselbein. Exercises are provided for obtaining agreement on direction and purpose.  相似文献   

论加强和改进国有大中型企业的组织控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国有企业改革过程中,存在重企业内部控制轻企业组织控制的倾向。其实,企业组织控制涵盖了企业内部控制,企业内部控制不能替代企业组织控制。要纠正在国有企业管理问题上企业组织控制意识淡薄、产权约束软化、组织机构设置不合理、监督约束手段失灵等现象,就必须强化企业组织控制。  相似文献   

我国农村文化消费低迷,扩大农村文化消费,必须充分认识文化消费的意义与价值,更新农民消费观念;优化农村经济结构和教育结构,提高农民消费能力;切实履行地方政府文化职能,优化农村文化消费环境;研究把握农村文化消费特点,加强农村文化产品的有效供给。  相似文献   

加强英语文化学习,提高英语文化意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言与文化密切相关,不可分割。英语学习中,尤其要加强英语文化学习,培养文化意识,以提高跨文化的交际能力。影响英语学习的文化因素是多方面的,学生可以通过多种有效途径提高英语文化意识。  相似文献   

以战略、人力资源管理的理论研究为基础,证实公司的战略、人力资源和绩效之间的重要关系。  相似文献   

人人网是国内最大的SNS网站之一,它在传播和互动方面有着不可媲美的巨大优势,对网络课程建设有着一定的启示作用。该文分析了人人网在传播与互动上的成功之处,揭示了网络课程的不足,提出了加强网络课程传播与互动的策略和将商业化的成功模式与提高教育绩效有机整合的方法。  相似文献   

文章以战略、人力资源管理的理论研究为基础,证实公司的战略、人力资源和绩效之间的重要关系。首先,回顾了战略、人力资源管理的相关研究,承认它们对组织绩效的贡献以及在创造竞争优势的作用。然后用多层次的模型阐述人力资源实践怎样有效地把组织、团队和个人因素同组织战略联系起来。通过它们的联合,有助于创造人力资本和社会资本,而人力资本社会资本又可以提高公司绩效。最后展望对未来的研究启示。  相似文献   

中央文件精神的传播效果,关键不在于宣传声势的大小,而在于能否真正被广大人民群众内化为自己的认识,并转化为自己的行动。运用苏俄心理学家维果茨基的社会文化历史理论中的活动说、中介说、内化说来阐释组织传播和人际传播在连接大众传播与内向传播的中介作用,旨在说明在大众传播越来越发达的情况下,千万不可忽视人类最基本、最核心的传播方式:组织传播和人际传播。各级政府和基层党组织的领导者(即组织传播的控制者)和共产党员(贯彻党的方针政策的骨干力量)应着力联系本地实际去宣传、贯彻党的方针政策,而因之所建构的组织传播和人际传播氛围(或曰现实环境),对于民众自觉认同并实践党的方针政策有着不可估量的意义。  相似文献   

Many organizations have adopted a wide variety of approaches in introducing selected practices for achieving control of the quality of their products and services. Some of these piecemeal applications of the Quality Sciences have been successful–to varying degrees and for a time. However, the only approach that achieves long-term success is that requiring a complete cultural change in most organizations– involving a refocusing of all activities performed by everyone toward mutually intersupportive efforts to reach a common objective. In a word, a Quality System is required. In this paper, I have attempted to portray the basic considerations involved in developing and installing such a system. This is accomplished by describing some of the background of the system concept, certain of the internal and external features of a Quality System, and, to complete the picture, a semi-fictitious recital of the experiences of a company that has decided to embark on the Quality System journey.  相似文献   

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