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与其它建筑一样,遗址博物馆的建筑除了满足美观实用之外,也与周围的环境有着密不可分的关系。由于遗址博物馆在功能和文化背景方面与其它类型的博物馆有着明显不同,因此遗址博物馆的建筑与环境是离不开它们的特性的。众所周知,遗址博物馆的提法之所以能够成立,就在于它建于遗址之上,具有遗址这一不可移动的特殊藏品。这一特殊藏品给遗址博物馆带来了区别于其它类型博物馆的显著特点:一、遗址博物馆不脱离原来的环境。“该进博物馆了”,这是我们在生活中常常听到的一句话,它很形象地道出了博物馆的属性,在一般情况下,有了博物馆才…  相似文献   

中国报业的内外环境与扩张战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国报业扩张的战略环境,是指存在于报业外部和内部,从战略角度看直接或间接制约或推进报业扩张的各种环境因素。其中外部环境因素一般是不以业内人士的意志为转移的,只能巧妙地规避或在运作中利用:而内部环境因素,则可以通过努力化解、改变,并使之成为外部不利环境因素的弥补剂和有利环境因素的助推器。 那么,处在世纪之交的中国报业,究竟面临哪些  相似文献   


In the fall of 2000, the State University of New York College at Geneseo implemented an electronic reserve system. After a successful pilot of this system in the spring of 2000 with four academic departments, it was fully implemented for all departments on campus. This paper describes the program selected, the procedures used, and how students, faculty and staff reacted to the new system.

SUNY Geneseo is a primarily residential campus located in the village of Geneseo, 30 miles south of Rochester, New York. There are over 5,600 students, most of whom are full-time undergraduates, and 350 faculty, 260 of whom are full time. The curriculum consists of 47 undergraduate majors, 6 master's degree programs, and 24 interdisciplinary minors programs.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper explores the theory of “communities of practice” and how the ideas contained in it could be applied to museums, by demonstrating how a key stakeholder group, Indigenous people, have been involved with and engaged in the work of the Australian Museum, Sydney, over the past 30 years. It is suggested that the processes museums have developed in building relationships with Indigenous people, particularly at the practitioner level, could form a template for how museums make themselves relevant to broader communities through active engagement with multiple communities of practice.  相似文献   

<正>京剧是我国的国粹,它的魅力除了舞台上的行云流水和婉转动听,还在于它有着一大批热爱京剧的观众。京剧票友是一个庞大的群体,他们挚爱京剧艺术,具有较高的艺术鉴赏能力,勇于进行艺术实践,是一个充满生机、充满活力的群体。由他们自发组织的票房,或聚会,或研讨,集学唱与表演功能于一身,共同撑起京剧的一片天。半路出家的票友上海是各种戏曲五方杂处的城市,作为国粹的京剧在上海除了有成千上万的热心观众,更有对京剧  相似文献   

论新时期高校图书馆馆舍的内外环境设计   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
王金波 《河北科技图苑》2006,19(5):16-18,79
从高校图书馆的内外环境设计角度,阐述了人与环境的关系、图书馆规划设计要领、馆外环境设计的美学要求以及馆内环境设计应遵循的原则,同时提出了新时期高校图书馆内外环境设计应充分考虑的有关问题.  相似文献   

网上博物馆与传统博物馆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆琼 《中国博物馆》2000,(2):69-73,68
一、网络和博物馆一些媒体开始了新世纪倒计时,21世纪离我们越来越近,“网络”成为报纸、杂志和电视台使用频率最高的词汇之一。据说在中国,“上网”一词在近年所有流行词汇中名列前茅。今年1月CNNIC(中国互联网络信息中心)公布的统计数,中国互联网用户截止到1999年底有890万,4月5日中央电视台晚间新闻播报的数字已经超过900万。根据IDC预测,到2004年,中国互联网用户将发展到3989万。另外,2000年3月30日,我国第一个互联网交换中心———北京中国互联网交换中心正式开通,中国主要互联网间互联带宽由原来不足10兆比特每秒提高到100兆…  相似文献   

营造良好的内外环境推动会计内控制度的全面实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部控制是指在一个单位内部,为了保证业务活动的有效进行,保护资产的安全和完整,防止、发现、纠正错误与舞弊而制定实施的一系列政策与程序。它是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,也是科学管理的重要内容。而内部会计控制,则通过对会计系统及相关经济活动程序的管理和控制,来实现内部控制的目标,是整个内部控制的核心环节。加强内部会计控制,既是新《会计法》中会计监督的重要内容,又是《会计法》在木单位得以贯彻实施的重要  相似文献   

This article discusses the theory I have come to rely on most consistently to collect and analyze data, interpret interactions at exhibits, and understand power dynamics within museums at many levels of analysis. Activity Theory has, for me, demonstrated the greatest versatility in informing, supporting, and reciprocally intertwining practice and theory. I describe my own evolutionary process here in the context of Activity Theory in order to demonstrate how I have come to see the theory reflected in my research design and analysis.  相似文献   

博物馆与标准化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标准化是经济、技术、科学及管理等社会实践中,对重复性事物和概念,通过制定、发布和实施标准达到统一,以获取最佳秩序与效益的重要管理方法,是科学化、现代化管理的重要组成部分。标准化是一门古老而且实用性很强的学科,它的足迹与人类社会的发展历史紧密地同步前进。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, governments throughout the western industrialized world have required greater emphasis on fiscal and public accountability within the public sector. As a result, museum value has been constructed in response to economic rationalism and government policies without sufficient input from the museum sector itself. This paper asserts that any discussion of the role of museums, the contribution they make to societies and appropriate ways of evaluating their impact requires the perspectives and contributions of all stakeholders. It examines preliminary findings from a study that asked about the impact of museums from the perspective of museum professionals and end‐users. It reports significant areas of agreement between public and professional cohorts regarding the role museums play and the contribution they make both to individuals and to the social and economic development.  相似文献   

We can offer unique value to humanity by building on the importance of animals in our cultural history, the primordial affection people have for landscapes, and the imminence of the biodiversity crisis. Our mission requires that we find a concept of nature in which the sharp divisions between humans and nature are removed.—Steven E. Sanderson, president and CEO, Wildlife Conservation Society.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和科技的进步,媒体在各个层面,各个领域内的作用正在不断加强。而博物馆在发挥固有的陈列、研究、保藏的职能外,也越来越重视与媒体的交流与合作。在互动式的发展中,二已建立了某些不容忽视的联系。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper investigates issues of museums and virtuality. In considering the diverse ways that museums are approaching virtuality, the focus here is on the common ground and shared objectives, rather than the differences between museums and their virtual re‐creations. Put simply, on‐site museums and their online counterparts are merely two ways of exhibiting cultures. In this sense, “virtuality” is a fundamental exhibition practice. The World Wide Web has become increasingly relevant to such core museum tasks as collecting, preserving, and exhibiting. Digitization of objects in digital heritage programs has led to new forms of collection management and unparalleled access to virtual replicas of museum artifacts. This transformation is inspiring new forms of preserving and displaying cultures both on‐ and off‐line. A successful digital expansion will largely influence whether museums can sustain their cultural authority and position in the 21st century.  相似文献   

In response to changing user needs, the library sought ways to meet new challenges and engage users outside of the building. Librarians were removed from the service desk in order to offer support at locations around campus. The service desk in the library was staffed primarily by paraprofessionals with librarians providing support as needed. Targeted staff training was offered, and different scheduling models were used over a period of time. Restructuring the service desk was a complicated endeavor but provided a number of benefits including expansion of services. Along the way, challenges were met and recognized as learning opportunities.  相似文献   

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