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任务构想可以弥补信息加工的不足,提高学习者的语言输出质量。相关理论及前人研究显示,任务前构想对语言复杂性和流利性有积极影响,在线构想对语言的准确性有积极影响。这一结论对于英语教学尤其是口语教学有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

While fluent reading is recognized as a primary goal of educational instruction, the methods that best promote the development of fluency remain unclear. Two experiments are reported that examined increases in reading fluency of a novel passage following two types of training. In the context training condition, children learned to read a set of target words in a story context, while in the isolated word training condition, fluency with a target word set was gained from a computerized word naming game. Transfer of fluency to reading these words in a new context was then measured by gains in reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension of a novel story. Results indicated that young readers showed speed benefits on transfer stories following both context and isolated word training, but the increases were larger following context training.  相似文献   

高校学生英语口语水平的高低程度主要取决于其语言表达的流利性与正确性。教师在培养学生的语言表达能力时,应充分考虑各种影响学生口语流利性与正确性的因素,并针对性地采用相应的策略消除障碍,以提高其口语表达水平。  相似文献   

在外语教学中,教师既要注重学生话语的准确性也要注意话语的流利性。究竟侧重于前者还是后者,历来都是有争议的。本文主要通过话语分析手段来阐述师生之间外语课堂话语的准确性与流利性问题。  相似文献   

The present study examines whether reading fluency benefits more from repeated reading of a limited set of words or from practicing reading with many different words. A group of 37 reading delayed Dutch children repeatedly read the same 20 words with limited exposure duration, whereas another group of 37 poor readers received the same reading exercises with 400 different words. Results demonstrated that improvements in accuracy and speed of trained words were larger for the repeated reading group than for the children who had only practiced with these words once. No difference in generalisation of effects to untrained neighbour and control words was found between the two conditions. Furthermore, rapid naming skill was unrelated to improvements in reading fluency and transfer effects in both training conditions. Results demonstrate that the practical value of repeated reading lies in its word specific training effects.  相似文献   

该文分析研究了英语口语教学中流利性和准确性的问题,讨论了影响高职学生英语流利性及准确性的因素,并提出相关对策.最后指出英语教学应根据需要偏重流利性或准确性,对于高职学生来说,应该更偏重流利性,兼顾准确性.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate one of the features of text display in books printed for young readers. The feature chosen as the focus for this study was the position of the line-break with respect to the phrase structure of the sentence. When reading aloud, children tend to equate line length with a complete sentence, thus disrupting their fluency and, possibly, comprehension. This research was specifically designed to investigate the effect of a line-break after each word in the sentence pattern: subject-verb-object-adverbial. In an associated experiment, positioning effects of the word were investigated in coordinating positions between clauses, phrases and words occurring at the end of one line or at the beginning of the next. These experimental line-breaks were embedded in a story which had an identical parallel form in which none of the sentences was violated by line-breaks. In total, 254 five- to eight-year-old children were tape-recorded reading pairs of texts aloud, with a three-week break between recordings. These tapes were analysed for disruptions of fluency and comprehension. A hierarchy of difficulty in relation to the occurrence of the line-breaks for these sentence patterns has been identified.  相似文献   

研究比较跳远训练中跳跃训练与杠铃力量训练的效果,结果显示采用跳跃的训练方法能明显地提高跳远成绩,大量跳跃的训练方法能提高跳远运动员的水平,能快速有效地提高跳远成绩。因此建议跳远运动员的训练应以跳跃练习为主,力量练习为辅。  相似文献   

本文从朗读能帮助学生实现对语言的感悟、积累和运用三个方面阐述了朗读的意义以及如何激发学生朗读的兴趣,使他们掌握正确的朗读方法,形成朗读的习惯,从而提高听、说、读、写的能力。  相似文献   

“结构导向”与“交际驱使”任务型语言学习分别代表任务型语言学习理论因为对“形式”与“意义”在语言学习中的不同定位而相互对立的两个极端,前者以损害意义为代价强调形式,以形式准确为主要的目标追求,而后者则以损害形式为代价强调意义,以意义流利为主要的目标追求,结果“结构导向”任务型语言学习因为没有“避免特定的结构”丧失了任务型语言学习本质属性的语言学习过程自然性,有不成其为任务型语言学习之虞,“交际驱使”任务型语言学习则因为没有“专注形式”而不具有语言学习发生的必然性,没有理由声称具有相当的应用语言学价值。斯基汉采取居于结构导向和交际驱使之间的“区别于专注形式的专注形式”中间立场,以通过注意力操控来最大化专注形式的机会为手段实现任务型语言学习均衡发展即形式准确与意义流利之间的“复杂”。斯基汉任务型指导原则在理论上解决了保持学习过程的“自然性”和最大化学习发生的“必然性”这一对矛盾,使其核心的应用语言学价值——促使中间语系统逐渐朝向愈来愈复杂愈来愈接近目的语系统发展。  相似文献   

本文通过实验研究对“反复操练”进行量化分析,以个案研究探索性地考查复述练习频率对基础阶段汉语学习者口语表达流利度和正确率的影响。研究结果认为,练习频率对学习者口语表达流利度和正确率的影响是不平衡的,而不同的输入方式也影响练习频率对学习者口语提高的效用。  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Online homework systems have been shown to help student achievement in chemistry courses. This study sought to compare the levels of knowledge...  相似文献   

Despite advances in the science of teaching reading, there still exists a small percentage of students who fail to make the expected progress in reading‐related skills, notwithstanding attempts at intervention. Even if these struggling readers learn to decode adequately, fluency remains a problem for many, and little is known about the effectiveness of fluency interventions for older students with severe reading deficits. This study used a randomized experimental design to test the efficacy of a fluency intervention program on the word‐identification and reading‐comprehension outcomes of 60 middle‐school students with severe reading delays. Results showed that students in the experimental group made more progress on standardized tests of reading fluency than students in the control group. No gains were seen in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a morphological awareness (MA) intervention program on reading fluency and accuracy performance was examined in 40 students with reading disabilities in fourth to sixth grade, ranging in age from nine to 12 years old (M = 10.51, SD = 0.89). The study used an experimental pre–post design consisting of a morphological intervention group and a comparison group. Students participating in the 15‐week intervention program showed an advantage over comparison group students in all measures. Their improvement in MA resulted in a better reading fluency and accuracy performance as well as a significant change in reading level according to national norms. The results suggest that disabled readers can benefit from morphological intervention and use morphological cues in reading.  相似文献   

Danesi提出的概念流利理论为人们了解、解释英汉两种语言差异提供了一个全新的视角。引入中国后,这一理论被广泛运用于二语习得、外语教学、翻译等领域,并取得了一定的成果,为各方面研究提供了借鉴。但通过对相关研究的梳理和综合分析,可以发现关于此方面的研究仍存在很多不足和缺陷:研究缺乏全视角性分析,重实践轻理论,质量亟待提高。因此,未来应加强理论的宏观性研究,注重理论自身研究,完善理论基础,扩大应用领域,将理论与母语迁移、中介语等热点话题结合起来拓展研究空间。  相似文献   

口语水平较高的受试在语块个数、频度及长度这三项语块使用能力指标上明显高于低水平受试。语块运用能力中的语块个数这一指标与口语流利性呈现高度正相关。  相似文献   

A 12-week programme was designed for five children in a primary class (9-10 years of age) who were failing to keep pace with their peers in the maths curriculum. The programme drew on principles of precision teaching and emphasised fluency training in the component skills required for the performance of a composite maths skill. The class teacher identified a target composite skill, and the five children's scores were compared before and after the programme, and compared with the rest of the class. On post-programme measures, the precision teaching children out-performed all but one of their peers on the target skill. This paper adds to a growing database demonstrating the importance of fluency training and frequent monitoring of children's progress (fundamentals of precision teaching). It also shows that expensive and time-consuming additional resources are not required to successfully implement such programmes.  相似文献   


The effect of prior knowledge and strategy training on monitoring accuracy among college students was investigated. The authors compared the debilitative, no-impact, and facultative hypotheses. The authors predicted that prior knowledge and strategy training would facilitate monitoring accuracy because both variables help students assess their performance. Experiment 1 revealed that mathematics knowledge was related positively to performance and monitoring accuracy. In Experiment 2, the trainable and no-trainable hypotheses were tested; the authors found that strategy training increased performance and monitoring accuracy immediately, but not after a 1-week delay. Measures of general ability and mathematics self-efficacy were not related to monitoring accuracy in either experiment.  相似文献   

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