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Assessment is a major component of education, significant in directing what is identified as valued student learning. This paper is framed within an understanding of imperative and exhortative policy. Two paradigmatically different, and potentially contesting, assessment policy directions in Australian education – educational accountability to monitor school and teacher performance, and teacher assessment practices to improve learning (assessment for learning [AfL] or formative assessment) – are examined for their impact on teacher professionalism. Both approaches have official endorsement in Australian policy. Mandated participation in national tests is indicative of educational accountability assessments under national direction. While also endorsed nationally, AfL implementation is reliant on state and territory direction. Our examination reveals tensions in the alignment of both policies. This is evident in the impact of accountability assessment on AfL implementation, in particular, teachers’ understandings of valued assessment evidence. We conclude that a paradigmatic shift to support student learning in Australian schools is a policy imperative that includes the need for professional development and learning support for teachers.  相似文献   

Educational innovation research has been strongly influenced by research in other disciplines, in particular, rural, industrial and medical sociology. The resulting methodology and generalizations have often been wrongly applied to education with resulting distortions about the nature of innovators, the dissemination and the adoption of innovation in education. Research on the dissemination and adoption of new curriculum projects in British secondary schools specifically refutes a number of commonly accepted generalizations about innovation in education and questions the over-simplification of many others. Innovators are not necessarily younger or more cosmopolitan or with more change agent contact than non-innovators. However, familiarity with new curriculum projects is positively related to cosmopolitanism, contact with change agents and the use of mass media. A number of intervening variables obviously influence the differences found between teachers familiar with and those who adopt new projects. These are discussed in terms of relevance, facilitating and limiting influences, objectives and perceived effects of new projects in education. The combined use of a survey questionnaire and case studies with interviews reveals many of the methodological problems in this type of research.
Zusammenfassung Die Forschung über Innovationen im Bildungswesen ist stark von Forschung auf anderen Fachgebieten, insbesondere der ländlichen, industriellen und medizinischen Soziologie, beeinflusst. Die sich daraus ergebende falsche Anwendung von Methodologie und Verallgemeinerungen auf das Bildungsgebiet hat zu Missverständnisse über die Natur von Innovatoren sowie die Verbreitung und Anwendung von Innovationen im Bildungsbereich geführt. Forschung über die Verbreitung und Einführung neuer Curriculum Projekte in britischen Sekundarschulen widerlegt eine Reihe allgemein akzeptierter Verallgemeinerungen über Bildungsinnovationen und stellt die übermässige Vereinfachung anderer in Frage. Innovatoren sind nicht unbedingt jünger oder kosmopolitischer als Nicht-Innovatoren, noch haben sie mehr Kontakt mit Änderungsfaktoren. Vertrautheit mit neuen Curriculums-Projekten hat jedoch eine positive Beziehung zu kosmopolitischer Einstellung, Kontakt mit Änderungsfaktoren und dem Gebrauch von Massenmedien. Offensichtlich beeinflusst eine Anzahl von Variablen die Unterschiede zwischen Lehrern, die neue Projekte kennen und solchen, die sie anwenden. Diese Variablen werden erörtert im Hinblick auf Relevanz, fördernde und beschränkende Einflüsse, Zielsetzungen und wahrgenommene Wirkungen neuer Bildungsprojekte. Durch die Kombination von Erhebungs-Fragebogen, Fallstudien und Interviews werden viele der methodologischen Probleme in dieser Art Forschung beleuchtet.

Résumé La recherche sur la dissémination et l'adoption de nouveaux projets de curriculum dans les écoles secondaires anglaises réfute spécifiquement un nombre de généralisations ordinairement admises au sujet de l'innovation en éducation et met en question la trop grande simplification de bien d'autres généralisations. Les innovateurs ne sont pas forcément plus jeunes ou plus cosmopolites ou ont plus de contacts avec des agents de changement que les non-innovateurs. Cependant, la familiarité avec de nouveaux projets de curriculum est assurément apparentée au cosmopolitisme, au contact avec des agents de changement et à l'emploi de mass média. Un nombre de variables intervenantes influence manifestement les différences constatées entre les maîtres familiers avec les nouveaux projets et ceux qui les adoptent. Celles-ci sont discutées en ce qui concerne l'importance, les influences concernant le fait de faciliter et de limiter, les objectifs et les effets perçus des nouveaux projets 'en éducation. L'emploi d'un questionnaire pour un rapport et d'études de cas combiné à des interviews décèle bien des problèmes de méthodologie dans ce genre de recherche.

Despite the ubiquity of programmes in educational administration and leadership little is known about the resources used to teach them. This article reviews the sources currently employed in such programmes in Australia by examining the textbooks, book chapters and journal articles specified for 53 separate units (papers) offered at 15 of the key institutions that responded to requests for copies of their reading lists. Surprisingly, few of the units prescribed textbooks (35), relying instead on book chapters (243) and journal articles (362). While there was a very eclectic spread of sources across institutions, 10 major themes emerged. However, there appeared to be little emphasis on Australian research on educational leadership and little reference to major Australian authors of the previous decades. This may be because the field has become global. The second part of the article therefore examines an audit of the contributions made by Australian authors to the global literature represented by leading journals in the field. The audit shows that during the period 1977–2007 an average of 12–13% of papers in key journals were contributed by Australian authors, perhaps more than might be expected given the comparative size of the Australian community.  相似文献   

This article emphasizes the need for a coordinative agency to survey, project, and direct funding for educational research. Studies are recommended on characteristics of children in the learning encounter; educational readiness for the very young child from various social settings; and the exploration of programs to meet children's needs across the total school range. The teacher, his personal qualities and behavior in the teaching act, will be a primary focus in research. Adequate means of evaluating school programs, particularly innovative programs must be devised. Researchers must reveal means whereby the teacher can become more effective on an individual basis with both child and parent.
Résumé Cet article insiste sur le besoin d'une agence coordinative qui étudiera et dirigera les dépenses pour la recherche éducationelle. Les auteurs suggèrent des études concernant le comportement des enfants dans les rencontres éducatives; l'aptitude à apprendre de l'enfant très jeune de différents milieux sociaux; et la recherche des programmes qui réponderaient aux besoins des enfants à tous les niveaux. Les recherches se concentreront sur le professeur, ses qualités personnelles, et sa façon d'agir quand il enseigne. Des moyens appropriés d'évaluer des programmes scolaires, en particulier des programmes innovateurs, devront être recherchés. Les chercheurs devront découvrir les moyens par lesquels l'enseignant pourra devenir plus compétent dans ses contacts avec enfant et parent.

Books read with the total absorption of childhood are hugely influential and affectionately remembered. They are an important element in our emotional histories. Rereading them after many years is not the simple nostalgic exercise it might at first appear. This article considers one particular rereading and its implications in terms of the way memory works to relocate our past in the present.  相似文献   

This papers deals in a polemical fashion with what is arguably one of the most contentious issues in education – the disengagement of increasing numbers of young people from schooling. It makes the argument that what is occurring is that global forces are conspiring to position young people as a form of ‘social waste’ and that allowing them to be unproblematically portrayed as constituting a precariat is an over-simplification if not a misrepresentation. In making the case for a different approach, conceived in terms of a critical ethnography of student disengagement, the paper invokes a political economy approach in which learning is seen as a political act engaged in by young people. The paper concludes with a series of propositions intended to provide a different and more critically ethnographic inflection on what is occurring.  相似文献   

Against the widespread insistence that educational research should be ‘scientific’, I attempt to change the terms of the debate. Instead of asking whether research is robust and rigorous, and whether it ‘works’—all terms derived from the ‘scientific’ view—I argue that we should ask whether we can have confidence in research. This way of putting it enables us to place the idea of interpretation back at the centre of our understanding of education, and to see that when we have confidence in interpretation, it is because good interpretation has quite different qualities from scientific knowledge. At the centre of interpretation lies the idea of text and of responsiveness to text. Good interpretation requires good listening or ‘attentiveness’. It does not pretend to represent the world accurately and conclusively, as ‘scientific’ research does: it opens up space for conversation, and brings a world into being.  相似文献   

This paper argues that whilst equitable educational pathways are integrated into educational policy discourses in Australia, there are significant gendered barriers to educational participation among members of the Sudanese refugee groups. The specific conditions of forced migration reinforce disadvantage and further limit opportunities. Cultural factors play a key role in this, as the data from this study demonstrate. Participants in this study are Sudanese refugees who arrived in Australia as part of the humanitarian programme. The paper draws upon interviews and focus group data that were collected for a larger study on the broader issue of resettlement of Sudanese refugees in Australia. This paper argues that women from refugee backgrounds are particularly at risk and face cultural and linguistic barriers in accessing educational opportunities.  相似文献   

在现代社会发展和教育改革发展的过程中,教师应当而且必须成为研究者,这不仅有利于教育教学质量的提高,更有利于教师的专业成长,教师的教育研究有自身的特性,属行动研究,要求教师通过自主反思意识的确立,采用多种方法研究和解决自身实践中遇到的困难和问题。  相似文献   


This article considers ontological conceptualizations of shame-interest as experienced in educational research. Shame has frequently been reported in research as a property of the autonomous individual: the shame of the participant to share with the researcher, and the shame of the researcher to reflexively eliminate. Shame-interest is re-theorized here as a generative research event, as intra-action, as one simultaneous movement in the ongoing present. We attempt an ethical shift from a reflexive stance to fluxing movements of response-ability and co-consequence in order to encourage socially responsive educational research, informed through the conceptual resources of psychologist Silvan Tomkins, and feminist philosopher and physicist Karen Barad. Theory is threaded through a series of personal research vignettes to illustrate our thinking through ways shame-interest materialized within research events. Shame is re/conceptualized as a contestable composite feeling entangled with interest that allows an alternate non-reductive and ethical approach to educational research. We amplify our researcher responsibility, and our shame, by placing ourselves as entangled with the research ‘problem’ under investigation.  相似文献   

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