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The purpose of this study is to use a comparative approach to scrutinize the common assumption that certain school science activities are theoretical and therefore particularly suited for engaging students with scientific ideas, whereas others are practical and, thus, not equally conducive to engagement with scientific ideas. We compared two school science activities, one (laboratory work) that is commonly regarded as focusing attention on artefacts that may distract students from central science concepts and the other (concept mapping) that is thought to make students focus directly on these concepts. We observed students in either a laboratory activity about real galvanic cells or a concept-mapping activity about idealized galvanic cells. We used a practical epistemology analysis to compare the two activities regarding students' actions towards scientific ideas and artefacts. The comparison revealed that the two activities, despite their alleged differences along the theory–practice scale, primarily resulted in similar student actions. For instance, in both activities, students interacted extensively with artefacts and, to a lesser extent, with scientific ideas. However, only occasionally did students establish any explicit continuity between artefacts and scientific ideas. The findings indicate that some of the problems commonly considered to be unique for school science practical work may indeed be a feature of school science activities more generally.  相似文献   


The central concern of this article is to compare the constructions of differences in inclusive school settings between countries with different school systems. The focus is to find out how constructions of differences generate participation and (dis)advantages and, thereafter, how the constructions are related to the structure of the school system and its formal rules. The aim is to contrast constructions produced by teachers who work in a multi-tracked school system with those from single-track ones. Grounded in Karl Mannheim’s [1980. Strukturen des Denkens. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp] theory on the sociology of knowledge, the analysis targets the practical expressions of constructing and addressing differences. The investigation is based on group discussions with teachers. The comparative results suggest that teachers construct differences between students in different ways, linked to the formal school-based context in which they work. While German teachers construct ‘total identities’ based on achievement and limit students’ participation in teaching settings, their colleagues from Norway and the US conceive of accomplishments built on trust with teachers and the need to feel participation in class. The outcomes indicate that the construction of differences and teaching are related to the structure of school which go along with expectations towards the students.  相似文献   

Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environments (CSILE) is a database system in which learners collaboratively construct the knowledge represented in the database. This study examined how students in a grade 5–6 classroom built their classroom database on a science topic, electricity, and differences in activities between high-and low-conceptual-progress students. This categorization of students was based on the amount of progress in understanding exhibited over the course of work on the electricity unit, and was not significantly related to standardized achievement test performance. As an analytic tool, Activity Theory, as explicated by Leontiev (1981) was used to describe students' activities mediated by the computer system. Two different levels of student activities were examined: (1) cognitive actions, in which students intentionally pursued cognitive goals; and (2) computer operations, used to attain these goals. In addition, two different psychological planes of collaborative work were considered: the solo pane, in which students mainly focus on their own inquiries, and the joint plane, in which they focus on improvement of the classroom knowledge as a whole. Comparisons of activities between high-and low-conceptual-progress students showed: (1) that high-conceptual-progress students were more concerned with constructing their knowledge centered around problems, whereas low-conceptual-progress students were more involved in accumulating referent-based knowledge; (2) that high-conceptual-progress students were significantly more likely to construct their knowledge by involving in interactive information flow between problem-based and referent-based knowledge; and (3) that high-conceptual-progress students more frequently used the graphics medium in the database to represent problem-based knowledge.  相似文献   

Processes involved in learning from text were analysed as the result of social interactions in cultural settings, in which text remembering is defined in terms of mediated actions. Teacher–student dyads from two levels in adult education were presented with four expository texts and asked to study and remember them jointly. The analyses show different kind of actions both in study and recall of the texts. Results showed differences in the study and recall of the texts related to the educational level and phase. The general pattern of study and recall observed in more experienced students and in latter phases was characterised by a selective attention to the structural aspects of the texts. Teacher–student interaction could be promoting this form of study and recall of the texts. Teachers might have facilitated the acquisition and internalisation of new forms of remembering texts that are characteristic of school activities. These forms or remembering are social in a double sense: because of their origins, and because they are performed in interaction.  相似文献   

Based on data collected from middle school students in a U.S. school (N = 159) and a Chinese school (N = 183), this study compared Internet use in school and at home between American students and Chinese students, explored what affected students’ use of the Internet, and examined how students’ Internet use related to their learning. Results reveal that (a) significant differences in online activities between American students and Chinese students were found in school, but not at home. Further analysis suggests that different pedagogical practices in these two cultural contexts led to the different uses of the Internet in school between American students and Chinese students. (b) There were significant school/home differences in Internet use for American students, but not much school/home difference was found for Chinese students. (c) There were salient similarities between American students and Chinese students in terms of the most popular activities they engaged in online. (d) Internet use in teaching and learning in school had some influence on students’ interest in learning specific subjects.  相似文献   

The author compares his former position as an assistant professor in a program preparing future teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students with his present position as an administrator of a public school program serving these students. He maintains that in some ways, teacher training programs in deafness and the public school settings hiring these graduates are separate worlds. The emphasis in teacher training programs appears to be on preparing graduates to work with deaf students in self-contained or residential school settings even though most teaching positions are with hard of hearing students mainstreamed in public schools. Other important areas, such as collaboration with general education teachers, litigation, parental relationships, and individualized education programs, seem to be overlooked by teacher training programs. The author employs the mockingbird metaphor from the novel To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee, 1960) to highlight differences between teacher training programs and public school settings, while making recommendations for strengthening connections between the two.  相似文献   

WebQuests are activities in which students use Web resources to learn about school topics. WebQuests are advocated as constructivist activities and ones generally well regarded by students. Two experiments were conducted in school settings to compare learning using WebQuests versus conventional instruction. Students and teachers both enjoyed WebQuest instruction and spoke highly of it. In one experiment, however, conventional instruction led to significantly greater student learning. In the other, there were no significant differences in the learning outcomes between conventional versus WebQuest-based instruction.  相似文献   

Instructors in multi-major professional communication courses are asked to teach students a variety of workplace genres. However, teaching genres apart from their contexts may not result in transfer of knowledge from school to workplace settings. We propose teaching students to research genre use via activity theory as a way of encouraging transfer. We outline theory and research relevant to teaching genre and provide results from a study using activity theory to teach genre in two different professional communication courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore middle school in-service mathematics teachers’ ability (1) to identify and explain students’ actions in pattern generalization and (2) to account for the variation in teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in terms of task and teachers’ factors. Two questionnaires were developed: (1) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and (2) a questionnaire to measure teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions in different tasks. The two questionnaires were given to a sample of 83 middle school in-service mathematics teachers from 22 schools in Lebanon. Analysis of data shows that teachers seemed to have the ability to identify students’ actions while finding the nth term in the pattern generalization and that teachers’ explanations of students’ actions in different tasks are lacking in terms of identifying variable-related counting elements. The results of stepwise multiple regression show that teachers’ ability to explain students’ actions to find the general term depends on their ability to explain students’ step-by-step counting or drawing.  相似文献   

Low-performing schools in rural settings can face challenges common to all struggling schools, such as low student motivation and maintaining a qualified teaching staff. However, aspects of rural schools’ settings, such as the distance from urban areas and the commute between the schools and the students’ and teachers’ homes, can exacerbate the challenges that rural schools face. This article focuses on the experiences of nine rural schools that were part of a study for the U.S. Department of Education on the school improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. In particular, it examines how respondents in the rural schools perceived that the schools’ rural setting influenced the schools’ challenges and improvement actions and presents findings on the recruitment and retention of teaching staff, an activity integral to school improvement efforts under SIG.  相似文献   

我国各具特色的学校管理学教材在一定的时期和范围内产生了不同程度的影响。但存在理论深度挖掘不够,教材内容滞后于学校管理改革步伐,不能满足学习者要求等缺陷。要素主义课程论、百科全书主义课程论、综合技术主义课程论和实用主义课程理论为我们提供了构建学校管理学教材体系的理论基础,引导我们从两个维度来思考构建学校管理学教材体系问题:一是学校管理学教材所描述的整体应该构成学校管理活动的完备的框架和典型的知识脉络,二是学校管理学的教材内容不仅要凝练学校管理活动中的显性知识,还要映射学校管理活动中的隐性知识,帮助读者实现隐性知识和显性知识之间的转换。学校管理原理论、组织论、人论和工作论的四板块教材结构将学校管理活动较为完整地勾勒出来;教材中的案例是沟通学校管理显性知识和隐性知识的桥梁,因此正确地解构学校管理事件并重新结构化,是写好学校管理案例的关键。  相似文献   

Instructors in multi-major professional communication courses are asked to teach students a variety of workplace genres. However, teaching genres apart from their contexts may not result in transfer of knowledge from school to workplace settings. We propose teaching students to research genre use via activity theory as a way of encouraging transfer. We outline theory and research relevant to teaching genre and provide results from a study using activity theory to teach genre in two different professional communication courses.  相似文献   

南京市中学生社团在运行过程中存在学生自主和学校主导之间、社团活动本身和学校教学之间的矛盾。只有通过完善社团的管理机制建设,提升学生社团的活动层次,强化社团活动的教育引导和优化学生社团的发展环境,才能促使学生社团管理自主化、活动社会化、组织规范化、管理常态化、布局合理化、运行高质化,更好地实现和发挥中学生社团应有的价值与功能。  相似文献   

高考新政在全国范围内逐步推广,新政前后高中生的科学教育发生哪些变化?这些变化导致高中生科学素养的培养被强化还是被弱化?这些问题亟须探讨。研究建构科学素养理论框架,编制高信度效度的高中生科学素养测试卷,结合访谈,采用纵向调查设计,分别从科学知识、科学思维、科学探究三个维度调查北京市和山东省一流、较好、一般三层次高中参加老高考的2016级和参加新高考的2017级学生。研究发现:与新政前相比,高考新政后两省市高中生科学素养整体水平下降,科学知识与科学思维下降最为明显,此系两省市新老高考方案对科学科目要求差别较大造成;不同层次高中科学素养变化程度不同,一流层次学校高中生变化较小,一般层次学校下降幅度较大,此系不同层次学校教学管理水平及学生学习主动性差异造成;新政带来的积极变化是男女生选考文理科的界限被打破,科学素养差距显著缩小,但所付出的代价是男生比女生科学素养降低幅度更大,其原因并非女生科学素养的提高所致;随着两省市首批考生新高考的结束,“选科博弈”或将加剧,上海市和浙江省遇到的困境或许会重现,高中生科学素养的培养有可能被进一步弱化。据此,研究提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper reveals the nature of the actions, discussions and relationships which characterised teachers’ and associated school personnel’s efforts to engage poor and refugee students through a community garden located in a school in a low socio-economic urban area in south-east Queensland, Australia. These actions, discussions and relationships are described as both revealing and producing particular ‘practice architectures’ which help constitute conditions for practice—in this case, conditions for beneficial student learning. The paper draws upon interview data with teachers, other school staff and community members working in the school to reveal the interrelating actions, discussions and relationships involved in developing and using the garden for academic and non-academic purposes. By better understanding such interrelationships as practice architectures, the paper reveals how teachers and those in schooling settings learn to facilitate student learning practices that likely to assist some of the most marginalised students in schooling settings.  相似文献   


The pluralisation of European societies has produced national and cultural diversification, increasing the need for communication and understanding to support recognition, equality, justice, self-determination and identification with others. This paper responds to the social and political challenges accompanying immigration by focusing on gender differences in intercultural competence among a selection of Danish and Norwegian secondary school students. Data came from questionnaires given to 895 students from four schools—two Danish and two Norwegian. One major finding was gender differences in intercultural competence, which is discussed using inclusive citizenship theory, gender socialization theory and feminist standpoint theory. For the control variables, cultural capital theory and intergroup contact theory were used to analyse students’ experiences of school diversity and their intercultural competence. School diversity contributed moderately to greater intercultural competence while moderate differences arose between national samples. Finally, teaching implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The satisfaction of high school students was studied using an adaptation of reinforcement theory. An instrument entitled Students and Their Schools was developed to assess the perceived availability and value of 35 different academic and interpersonal dimensions of the high school environment and student satisfaction with these areas. This was distributed to 411 students in two city and three suburban public high schools. Availability of resources alone is more highly related to satisfaction than their value. Small but consistent differences were found between male and female students, with suburban females reporting lower levels of availability and satisfaction but higher value ratings than other students. City students have higher levels of satisfaction, but lower levels of value, than suburban students. Most of the differences concerned academic aspects of school and interactions with administrators and faculty. If students perceive a high availability of rewarding aspects of their school environment, they report higher levels of satisfaction with school. Thus, an adaptation of reinforcement theory can be used as an empirical measure of student satisfaction with school.  相似文献   

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