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The Kansas Regional Medical Program Office for Library Services was developed to link the medical library resources and to make them available to health-related personnel throughout Kansas. Library offices have been established at the Central Kansas Medical Center, Great Bend, Stormont Medical Library, Topeka, and at the Wichita State University, Wichita. The main office, located at the Clendening Medical Library, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, provides medical library services to those three offices, the other medical libraries in Kansas, and to the health professionals in the state who do not have medical library resources available. Reference requests are accepted via a twenty-four-hour telephone service from medical librarians and from individual health professionals.  相似文献   

Previous research into sports-talk radio focused on the relationship between hosts and callers or examinations of audience effects and behaviors. This study looks at the mutually dependent, uneasy and sometimes contentious relationship between the hosts and the newsmakers who appear on their shows. While many of the hosts have journalism degrees and say they practice good journalism, the sources don't see it that way. For this study the author interviewed sports-talk radio personnel and the newsmakers they cover. Most of the subjects work in the area of Lawrence, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri.  相似文献   


Academic branch libraries located at a distance from the parent institution often face unique challenges in meeting users' needs for scholarly information. This is especially true for distant branch libraries that do not have a specialized function or collection, but who often face the challenge of meeting users' needs for scholarly materials across a wide array of academic disciplines. This paper discusses the definition of academic branch libraries and the information access plan developed for the Regents Center Library at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus, located some 40 miles from the main parent institution, the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. In addition, a discussion of the mission, academic programs, and special user characteristics of the Edwards Campus that impacted the development of the information access plan is included. Finally, the factors that affected and will continue to affect the plan, along with methods for managing the implementation of the plan, are provided.  相似文献   

In 1985, the Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center began implementation of the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP). An integrated library system, a subset of that program, was started by the medical library for acquisitions and an outline catalog. To test the system, staff of the Neurology Service were trained to use the outline catalog and electronic mail to request interlibrary loans and literature searches. In implementing the project with the Neurology Service, the library is paving the way for many types of electronic access and interaction with the library.  相似文献   

San Antonio will be the site of the 1974 MLA Annual Meeting, and the program will emphasize expanding the role of health science libraries. Tours, as well as activities available in San Antonio, are described. The Convention Center itself, and the convention hotel, the Hilton Palacio del Rio, are mentioned, and other accommodations are listed. Social events are discussed, and the city's many interesting restaurants are noted.  相似文献   

Flash mobs are new, emerging, and evolving social phenomena that have recently been associated with youth violence in the US cities. The current study explores how youth understand flash mobs through focus groups conducted in Kansas City, Missouri (a site of violent youth flash mobs). Results indicate that youth have varying familiarity with flash mobs and define them in different ways; that youth perceive youth boredom to be the most frequent cause of problems with flash mobs; that youth connect ongoing social disorder with the violence associated with flash mobs; and that while social media are facilitators of flash mobs, flash mobs have their roots in youth activities that have been going on for generations (e.g., hanging out in groups and cruising). Results illustrate the importance of conducting formative research with youth, particularly about emergent phenomena, when developing interventions and communication campaigns aimed at reducing youth violence.  相似文献   

Cooperative storage involves two or more libraries sharing space within a facility. Kansas State University leases space at the Library Annex, a remote storage facility owned and operated by the University of Kansas. Various challenges are involved in maintaining access to remotely stored materials for resource sharing and document delivery purposes. The authors, staff members of the Interlibrary Services Unit at Kansas State University, discuss variables affecting access to remote materials and share their experience working within a cooperative storage model.  相似文献   

《中国古籍总目》史部目录类存在著录不够全面与著录存在舛误两类问题,所漏收书目多达近300种,而著录中也有种种疏误。文章就后者举出九例。  相似文献   

In an interview at Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, Arly Allen discusses his company, trends in scientific journal publishing, the state of printing technology, and other issues.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study conducted for an exhibition team at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History (NMAH). As part of the planning process for a major exhibition, we studied visitors at a small preview exhibition, The Social Roots of Rock and Soul. Personal interviews, including a tape-recorded portion in front of the Rock and Soul display about the images and the themes, were conducted at four venues of the Smithsonian's 150th Anniversary traveling exhibition, America's Smithsonian (Los Angeles, Kansas City, St. Paul, and Houston). The most significant finding from visitor responses is strong regional differences. The study also showed that visitors responded to the images and storyline differently, depending on whether the material was presented through video or panels.  相似文献   


The full economic benefit of EDI can only be realized with the use of EDI for the complete cycle of business transactions. Kansas State University Library, Endeavor Information Systems, and Harrassowitz are working in partnership to implement the full cycle of UN/EDIFACT transactions. In this workshop, speakers representing the partners in this project discussed the implementation process, including interface problems, workflow changes, critical elements, and other lessons learned in the process.  相似文献   

As a result of continual resource inflation and a decreasing budget, Kansas State University Libraries were required to conduct a large-scale electronic journal cancellation project. The current organizational model does not require librarian subject specialists to perform comprehensive collection development duties; therefore, content development librarians developed a methodology of collecting quantitative and qualitative statistics to collaboratively evaluate journals. This article will demonstrate the methodology of assessment, and serve as a working model for libraries operating under circumstances of labor shortages, budget cuts, and leadership restructuring.  相似文献   

Public Libraries developed and grew along with the United States. In southwest Kansas, money, materials, staffing, and distance have been factors in the growth of the public libraries, and they remain current factors as well. Library consortia have aided in this development and have helped solve small library problems. This article reports a 2008 survey of public libraries that are served by the Southwest Kansas Library System (SWKLS). The survey lays out the operating conditions of some of America's small libraries and shows the extent of their interrelationship with their consortium.  相似文献   

2003年深圳建设“图书馆之城”的设想在“文化立市”战略的指导下应运而生。文章梳理“图书馆之城”4个阶段的发展历程与主要成就,勾勒出政府、业界共同筚路蓝缕、锐意创新、建设“图书馆之城”的奋斗历程。实践表明,“图书馆之城”的深圳模式具有普惠均等的价值追求、重视行业法制化建设、图书馆界通力协作、广泛引入社会力量等重要特征;展望未来,应以打造先行示范的“图书馆之城升级版”为目标,全面建设以区馆为总馆的垂直型总分馆体系,高标准修订《深圳经济特区公共图书馆条例》,打造具有示范性的基层公共图书馆一体化服务体系,全方位推进跨区域、跨系统的资源共知共建共享,构建高质量“图书馆之城”标准化体系和技术平台。  相似文献   


The literature indicates most academic libraries do not have formal reference collection policies, or that if they do, such documents are not up-to-date. Kansas provides an optimum setting to examine college and undergraduate libraries as most institutions of higher learning in the state are small to medium in size. Kansas is consistent with the trends indicated in the literature. All academic libraries in the state were asked to submit a copy of their policy. Each document was examined in light of: rationale for having a policy, defining the nature of the collection, criteria on inclusion and exclusion, input from stakeholders, managing budget costs, electronic resources, and weeding. Selection criteria and sample polices provide a practical guide for the development of a policy. All formats are considered.  相似文献   

During the fall of 2012 and spring of 2013, two librarians from the University of Kansas Libraries conducted a citation analysis of faculty publications in three broad disciplinary areas: humanities, social sciences, and science. The main purpose of research was to find out if the library provides adequate support to faculty researchers. The authors confirmed that KU Libraries provide access to the majority of items used by campus researchers. In addition, the findings will be used in collection management decisions, such as demand driven acquisition. Finally, the authors analyzed additional citation analysis studies in order to establish external benchmarks for their results.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):433-451
In a nascent attempt at providing citizen-produced news content, volunteers produce quality telecasts of local high school sports via a state-of-the-art multimedia production facility that opened in 2011 in Greensburg, Kansas. This study reports the results of structured interviews with Kiowa County (KS) Media Center volunteers that reveal high levels of civic engagement, strong community-oriented motivations, and enthusiastic support for producing other community-journalism projects. The need for strong leadership emerged as a central theme.  相似文献   

清代"伊犁九城"主要包括惠远老城(后废弃,迁新址,名惠远新城)、惠宁城、塔勒奇城、绥定城、广仁城、瞻德城、拱宸城、宁远城、熙春城等城址.本文通过区域性的系统调查和考古勘探,结合CORONA卫星影像,基本复原了伊犁九城的建制,补充文献所述及前人研究之不足.伊犁九城总体保存情况较差,但部分遗迹尚存,其中北墙保存情况相对较好...  相似文献   

深圳地区图书馆事业高度发展,图书馆精神与志愿精神高度契合,志愿服务发达,深圳"图书馆之城"建设有规划地整体引入志愿服务项目将对图书馆公益服务的进一步发展具有助推作用。文章提出开展全市志愿服务项目发展整体规划,建立志愿者招募与培训共享平台,健全志愿者激励与风险管理机制,建设基于知识管理的统一信息平台,以充分发挥志愿服务作为深圳地区图书馆开展公益服务的重要补充。  相似文献   

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