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In this report, responses to a questionnaire to the directors of the sixteen past and present medical library education programs are presented. The questionnaires indicate a rather wide variety of training programs with emphases that vary from preparation of management personnel to preparation of subject specialists and those skilled in the techniques of information storage and retrieval. The content of the degree programs is fairly evenly divided among general retrieval and outside courses. The internship programs place more emphasis on the work experience than do the degree programs, supplementing this experience with appropriate courses in science, health sciences, management, and information storage and retrieval. Program directors indicated that new or expanded programs are needed in medical library education, although caution is reflected in comments concerning the limited job market. Most of the internship directors stated that they could not accommodate more individuals in their programs without expansion of staff and facilities.  相似文献   

This report describes the personal characteristics of the former trainees and their opinions about their training program experiences.More of the degree program trainees were under thirty (71%) than was the case with the internship program trainees (45%). The male-female ratio for each of the two groups is approximately 1:4. Approximately 60% of the degree program trainees entered their training with majors in the natural or health sciences, while less than 50% of the total group hold degrees in the natural or health sciences.Slightly less than 60% of the total group of trainees were employed in medical libraries in 1971. However, 68.5% of the internship program trainees as compared to 46.0% of the degree program trainees held positions in medical libraries. The reasons cited most often for leaving medical librarianship were the lack of available positions and student status.The major reasons indicated by the former trainees for entering the medical library education programs were an interest in the biomedical subject fields, the availability of funds, and the desire to gain experience. The reactions of the former trainees to their training program experiences were favorable.  相似文献   

A new free-standing library building, designed to integrate the collections serving interdisciplinary study in science and medicine, is described.  相似文献   

This final report compares career characteristics of former trainees employed in medical libraries in 1971 with those of another group of professional medical librarians who did not enter medical librarianship from special training programs. Career characteristics include career advancement (position level, number of people supervised, salary level), professional utilization (tasks performed), and professional activity (association memberships and offices, number of journals read, continuing education activity). The comparison of characteristics for the two groups showed many similarities. A major difference appeared in the career advancement comparison. For the former trainees, economic advancement seems less dependent on upward movement in line positions. This suggests the possibility of two career tracks available to them.  相似文献   

The present study empirically operationalizes the health-related talk of married individuals (N?=?349) and reports on the factor structure of these health-related talk expectations and the reliability and convergent validity of the two-factor solution. Both factors were significantly correlated with participants’ self reports of marital satisfaction. Implications for the relationships between health-related talk and marriage are discussed.  相似文献   

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