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The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language??often written (as in science texts) or oral (as in the form of teacher and student talk)??is unavoidable in effective teaching and learning of science. Generally however, the role of (instructional) language in quality of learning of school science has remained out of focus in science education research. This has been in spite of findings in empirical research on difficulties science students encounter with words of the instructional language used in science. The findings have suggested that use of (instructional) language in science texts and classrooms can be a major influence on the level of students?? understandings and retention of science concepts. This article reports and discusses findings in an investigation of physics teachers?? approaches to use of and their beliefs about classroom instructional language. Direct classroom observations of, interviews with, as well as content analyses of the participant teachers?? verbatim classroom talk, were used as the methods of data collection. Evidence is presented of participant physics teachers?? lack of explicit awareness of the difficulty, nature, and functional value of different categories of words in the instructional language. In conclusion, the implications of this lack of explicit awareness on the general education (initial and in-service) of school physics teachers are considered.  相似文献   

高中教师对高考科目设置的态度很大程度上受其任教科目的影响。数学教师与外语教师,物化生教师与政史地教师对"统考科目设置"的态度差异显著,更多的数学与物化生等理科教师不赞同把外语作为统考科目。对"高考各科目权重"的态度,大多数教师选择所任教科目权重大的科目设置模式。对"非统考科目如何设考",仅有"主科"教师与"副科"教师维度呈现显著差异,虽然更多的"副科"教师希望分科设考以体现各科的学科地位,但是,更多的"副科"教师同时希望以综合科目的方式维持其作为高考科目的地位,而更多的"主科"教师认为在保持"主科"统考科目地位前提下可以实行"副科"选考。  相似文献   

文章从少数民族教师双语培训的意义及乌鲁木齐地区少数民族初中物理教师双语培训的模式两方面进行了一些浅显的探究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between physics achievement and language of instruction in a situation where instruction was in the second language of both students and teachers. One hundred and seventy-six grade ten physics students (first language was Chinese) were selected from four classes of two secondary schools in Hong Kong. For three months (with four lessons per week), two classes of students learned the content material (light and sound) in Chinese and two classes learned the material in English. Group differences were controlled by using individual aptitude scores as covariates in the analysis. There were no differences in achievement, students' motivation, and effort spent in physics in that controlled teaching period. This was probably because the Anglo-Chinese group was sufficiently proficient in English so they did not encounter additional difficulty in learning physics when compared with the Chinese group.  相似文献   

We explore the initial characterization of the pedagogical content knowledge of four, in-service, Colombian pre-university secondary education physics teachers on the concept of electric field. Two of them teach the content in English as a second language. The aim of the study was to obtain an image of the participants’ teaching of electric field and the inherent complexities that go with that. The results revealed that factors which involved their personal educational models, such as, how they interpret their school’s curriculum, the relationship they see between physics and mathematics, the most effective strategies for teaching physics, and the time they have available to develop the topic played a significant role. The teachers considered it essential to establish new strategies that would motivate the pupils by helping them visualize the electric field.  相似文献   

This study examines physics teachers’ views on factors that contribute to the declining interest in physics among school students. A total of 190 physics teachers from 91 secondary schools and nine junior colleges in Singapore participated in this study, which used a survey instrument to seek their views. Rasch analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings showed that teachers are uncertain about the career prospects of physics graduates and are not very optimistic about the market demand for physics graduates. They feel that physics seems to be difficult and abstract to students. The perception that physics is for boys seems to be rooted in society. The teachers emphasized the importance of co‐curricular activities and laboratory work to enhance interest of students in learning physics. We provide several recommendations to arrest the declining interest in physics at the school level.  相似文献   

This study utilized multiple data sources to examine the beliefs about learning and teaching physics and the instructional practices of five beginning teachers and seven experienced teachers from Singapore. Our study was implemented in the unique context of teachers teaching the topic of electricity to students grouped according to academic abilities. The topic of electricity is one of the most difficult physics topics for students to understand and for teachers to teach. It was found that the experienced teachers, compared to the beginning teachers, tended to have beliefs about teaching and learning physics that are closer to constructivist views. The majority of the teachers, particularly the beginning teachers, espoused beliefs about learning physics that were incongruent with their beliefs about teaching physics. Although transmission-oriented and teacher-directed practices dominated the classroom lessons of both groups of teachers, more elements of constructivist instruction were found in the classroom lessons of the experienced teachers. It was also found that the classroom practices of the teachers, especially those in their inductive years of teaching, were more aligned with their beliefs about learning physics than their beliefs about teaching physics.  相似文献   

体育教学中的美育,能够培养学生正确的审美意识、审美能力,促使学生爱美、创美。通过发挥教师自身的感召力和表率作用,对学生方行的规范,对场地、器材、设施的布置等多种教学方法和手段的合理搭配,实现体育教学的美育作用。  相似文献   

物理教师专业发展是目前我国物理教育理论界关注的热点。诸多学者对物理教师专业发展进行了深入的理论研究,并取得了一定成绩。物理教师专业发展研究的不足之处在于:理论研究水平有待提高;实践研究急需加强;忽视了物理教师的主体地位;物理教师教育与基础教育课程改革脱节。  相似文献   

职业倦怠现象已经成为社会各行业普遍出现的心理问题,高校物理实验教师作为高校物理实验教学的实施者,其职业倦怠现象越来越受到人们的关注.高校物理实验教师的职业倦怠现象不仅对本人,也对大学生和高校物理实验教学会产生不良影响.本文主要运用调查问卷法及数量统计法,对山东省高校物理实验教师的职业倦怠现状进行了研究。并根据存在的问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

In this study, undertaken in an attempt to expand our understanding of science learning by deaf students, five teachers are interviewed about their views, based on their own experiences as Deaf students. They are all my former students and were among the first to successfully complete the upper secondary school with a university entrance certificate from a Norwegian school for deaf students. Physics was their major subject. These teachers see the systematic work in class discussions, especially on the concepts of physics, as a major contributor to their success, and they try to use similar methods in their own teaching. They believe that a thorough discussion of a topic using sign language prior to the reading of the textbook is crucial.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of the double-slit thought experiment as a diagnostic tool for probing physics teachers’ understanding. A total of 9 pre-service teachers and 18 in-service teachers with a variety of different experience in modern physics teaching at the upper secondary level responded in a paper-and-pencil test and three of these teachers were interviewed. The results showed that the physics teachers’ thought experiments with classical particles, light, and electrons were often partial. Many teachers also suffered a lack of the basic ideas and principles of physics, which probably hindered thought experimenting. In particular, understanding the ontological nature of classical particles, light and electrons seemed to be essential in performing the double-slit experiment in an appropriate way. However, the in-service physics teachers who had teaching experience in modern physics were more prepared for the double-slit thought experiment than the pre-service teachers. The results suggest that both thought experiments and the double-slit experiment should be given more weight in physics teacher education, even if experience in modern physics teaching at upper secondary school seems to some extent to develop teachers’ abilities.  相似文献   

高中物理教师是物理课程改革的实施者、执行者和主导者。提升高中物理教师的专业素质,促进其专业发展并使之成长为专家型教师,是新的物理课程改革的一项重要课题。高中物理教师的专业发展策略主要有:自我学习,课堂教学实践,校本研修,师傅指导和专业引领。  相似文献   

This article reports the development and application of two instruments for assessing science teachers’ pedagogical knowledge in the context of teaching higher‐order thinking: a Likert‐type research instrument, and an instrument that analyzes classroom observations. The rationale for developing these instruments and their main categories is described. One hundred and fifty Israeli science teachers replied to the Likert‐type questionnaire. Results show that biology teachers gained a significantly higher score than either physics or chemistry teachers, that junior high school teachers scored significantly higher than high school teachers, and that a significant negative correlation was found between final scores and teaching experience. Participants in the classroom observation study were 14 teachers who attended a one‐year professional development course for teaching higher‐order thinking. The instrument was sensitive in detecting progress in teachers’ pedagogical knowledge in several categories, such as: Frequency of tasks that required higher‐order thinking; The variety of thinking strategies that teachers addressed during their lessons; Engagement of students in metacognitive thinking; and Using the “language of thinking” in class. The implications of the findings for research and practice are described.  相似文献   

物理练习作为巩固、深化和活化物理知识,发展能力。培养情感态度,以及进行教学评价的重要教学形式,贯穿于整个的教学过程。因此,教师应根据课程目标及学生的学习需求,合理规划、精心设计和灵活实施物理练习教学。正是因为物理练习是物理教学的重要组成部分,故学生同样处于主体地位,教师在学生建构知识、发展能力的过程中始终起主导作用。因此可以通过教师“激疑”、学生“质疑”最后“释疑”这一完整过程去实施。  相似文献   

There has been a disturbing decline in the take-up of physics within second-level education in Ireland since the early nineties. Here, an analysis is presented of the main factors influencing the take-up of physics from the perspective of secondary school teachers. The database underpinning the analysis is based on a comprehensive survey of teacher opinion in Irish schools conducted in December 2004. The sample included all such schools in Ireland and was directed at school principals, senior cycle physics teachers, and junior cycle science teachers. The data reveal that most senior cycle physics teachers in Ireland do not possess a ‘physics-dominated’ primary degree, are dissatisfied with the technical back-up available to them and their students, consider that many of their students lack the basic mathematical skills needed for physics, believe their students are not adequately informed about career opportunities in physics, and feel students are disadvantaged in regard to grade points in the leaving certificate examination compared with most other subjects. These findings echo those of a previous report by the Government Task Force on the Physical Sciences and lend renewed urgency to the necessity of implementing a comprehensive action programme to reverse the decline in physics take-up before it impacts negatively on the Irish economy.  相似文献   

激发学生的学习兴趣是物理教学的一条基本教学原则,物理教师在教学中不仅要采取各种手段激发学生的直接兴趣,而且更要重视间接兴趣的培养,这就需要教师在物理教学中善于寻找和总结激发学习物理兴趣的基本途径与做法。  相似文献   

We investigated how prospective teachers used physics content knowledge when analyzing the talk of elementary children during special activities in an undergraduate physics content course designed for prospective teachers. We found that prospective teachers used content knowledge to reflect on their own learning and to identify students’ science ideas and restate these ideas in scientific terms. Based on this research, we inferred that analyzing children’s ideas through videos provides a meaningful context for applying conceptual physics knowledge in physics courses. Activities that are embedded within a disciplinary curriculum, such as those studied here, may help prospective teachers learn to use disciplinary knowledge in exactly the type of activity in which their content knowledge will be most useful: listening to and interpreting children’s science ideas.  相似文献   

Teachers’ views are worth hearing in order to get ideas on how to address the trend of declining enrolment in physics at the university level, which is regarded as a global problem. This study explores physics teachers’ views on how to encourage more students to study physics at the university level. A sample of 166 physics teachers in Singapore schools was surveyed through an open‐ended question survey. Their responses were analyzed qualitatively. Findings indicate that 11 categories emerged from the data. In particular, the categories on review of the physics curriculum and publicizing of the diversity of career opportunities available for physics graduates ranked highly. Some insights into possible ways to address the declining enrolment in physics at the university level are presented.  相似文献   

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