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课堂教学是由教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法、教学评价等要素构成的有机整体。教学内容是达成教学目标的载体,教学过程、教学方法要服务教学目标的达成,教学评价应依据教学目标进行。因此,有效的学习始于明了希望达到的目标是什么,教学目标是一切教学活动的起点。  相似文献   

“概论”课教学要以教学目标体系为标杆。这个体系包括知识、智慧和觉悟提高目标,基础理论、基本理论和具体理论教学目标,根本目标、基本目标、核心目标,近期目标与远期目标.实现目标与期望目标、群体目标与个体目标、直接目标和间接目标以及适应性目标、教师的课程把握目标等。影响目标体系确定的主要因素是思想政治教育内在规律性要求、国家设置课程的目的任务要求、学生实际和社会环境因素等。  相似文献   

在新课程的教育目标体系中,过程与方法目标是一个备受关注的目标维度。在教学实践中,这一目标也是最让教师们感到困惑的。正确理解过程与方法目标的地位、内涵以及三维目标的关系是目标达成的前提,新知探究、练习巩固、思维拓展等教学环节的有效落实是目标达成的关键。  相似文献   

新课程理念下,作业除了传统的落实和巩固知识目标外,更需要考虑的是多元化的目标,即能力目标、情感态度目标、心理健康目标、科学素养目标等。这些目标的落实和实现,光凭借课堂教学的精心设计是不够的,还需要课外进一步落实。  相似文献   

在新课程的教育目标体系中,过程与方法目标是一个备受关注的目标维度。在教学实践中,这一目标也是最让教师们感到困惑的。正确理解过程与方法目标的地位、内涵以及三维目标的关系是目标达成的前提,新知探究、练习巩固、思维拓展等教学环节的有效落实是目标达成的关键。  相似文献   

目标成功率是大学生职业规划和大学生生活质量的决定性因素,调研发现,影响大学生目标成功率的主要因素为目标的认知度、内部环境、外部环境、目标价值、个人努力程度、过程管理等方面,针对这些影响因素,归纳了量化目标驱动力、理性量化目标实现环境、综合分析目标可行性、强化过程管理、强优补缺加大专注力度等干预策略。  相似文献   

闫艳 《教师》2012,(15)
所谓语文课堂教学目标实践主要是指教师在语文教学中围绕课堂教学目标所进行的活动,主要包括课堂教学目标设计、课堂教学目标实施、课堂教学目标评价和课堂教学目标完善等。  相似文献   

课例研究就是研究考察教学实践,是以实际教学为研究对象的。课例研究是一种目标驱动的教研方式,目标对于课例研究有导向、激励、评价等作用。课例研究中的目标不同于教学之中的目标,他们有对象、范畴几方面的差异。课例研究目标制定时要考虑学生、学科、学校等几方面的因素,在制定课例研究目标时要注意目标的持久性、实践性。  相似文献   

幼儿园课程大目标与小目标是幼儿园课程目标体系中相互联系的部分,两者在所指内容的具体性、表述的特征等多方面均存在差异。幼儿园课程大目标有人文主义、后现代主义等理论渊源,具有调节作用,是对小目标的统整与超越。幼儿园教师应具备大目标意识,以更好地引导幼儿发展。  相似文献   

阅读教学要强化目标意识一、把握实际,确定教学目标。这里所谓的教学目标是指通过师生的教学活动,学生最终在认知、技能、情意等方面要达到的标准。我把教学目标分为两类:一类是重点目标,即课文的教学在语文知识、技能等方面最主要的目标,一般是一至两个:另一类是常...  相似文献   

Recent scholarship and the news media have identified a lack of critical thinking and ethical behavior in the business world. These deficiencies have led to faulty decision-making, ineffective planning, and frequent organizational dysfunction. This situation has focused attention on both practitioners in the field of business and on the university programs that educate them. A number of upper-tier universities have begun to address these important issues by exploring ways of revising their Master of Business Administration programs to place greater emphasis on their graduates' ability to think critically and consider ethical implications before and after taking action. The authors propose a potential means of addressing these issues in both the business and academic environments through a synthesis of two well-established models based on the constructs of critical thinking and action learning. This synthesis has the potential to produce symbiotic and synergistic effects that may provide educators and practitioners with a new tool for encouraging critical thinking and ethical behavior. The implications for future research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty is believed to have predictive ability for subsequent behaviours in the workplace. This study adds to the literature by investigating Malaysian business students' attitudes to academic dishonesty and their attitudes to ethics issues in business. This study also explores the association between these two constructs. The form of academic dishonesty being investigated here is related to assignments, quizzes, and examinations. Employing data collected from 153 business students from different academic years, this exploratory study concludes that business students may have found that some level of dishonesty is acceptable in some academic settings as well as in business settings. The study's outcomes highlight the possibility of using students' attitudes to academic dishonesty to explain their attitudes to ethics in business contexts. The findings of this study, to a certain extent, indicate that years spent in business education might contribute to such unfavourable attitudes. This exploratory study also draws attention to several issues related to the teaching of ethics within business education.  相似文献   

只有深入分析并全面掌握电子商务发展中的安全问题,才能够更好地促进电子商务在未来的发展中逐渐完善起来。该文主要论述了电子商务对商务活动的影响、电子商务的信息安全问题、网络支付安全问题及解决安全问题的对策。  相似文献   

随着中国加入WTO,证券业的市场化和国际化进程将会进一步加快。我国证券交易营业部模式的现状存在着弊端。推行证券经纪人制度对我国证券市场和券商发展是非常必要的。我们应依据国际惯例加强有中国特色的证券经纪人制度建设。  相似文献   

Childcare centers are business organizations and are subject to some of the same issues and problems as any small business. Many childcare administrators have little or no business training, and are unable to embrace change in order to help their programs survive economic problems. This article describes how one community saved their childcare center through collaboration.  相似文献   

任何一个企业都必须在竞争中求得不断的发展壮大,而企业发展壮大的过程实际上也是企业再造的过程。企业再造往往与企业合作相连,为此必须研究企业合作,特别要研究企业如何选择合作项目、合作伙伴等问题。该文从优势互补、现代企业制度、分工协作三个方面对此问题进行了初步分析,为企业发展提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the labour market effects of the introduction of the polytechnic education system in Finland. The polytechnic reform gradually transformed former vocational colleges into polytechnics. Since the timing of the reform differed across schools, we can compare the performance of polytechnic graduates to the performance of vocational college graduates controlling for both the year and the school effects. The results are somewhat sensitive to how the selectivity issues are treated but generally suggest that both the earnings and the employment levels of post-reform graduates are higher in the field of business and administration. The effects are much smaller and usually insignificant in other fields.  相似文献   

电子商务课程的实践教学改革探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实践教学在电子商务课程教学中占有重要地位,但高校当前的电子商务实践教学的现状存在诸多问题,该文就电子商务实践教学的相关问题进行了探讨,并提出几点改革建议.  相似文献   

以新制度学派为代表的新自由主义企业理论方法论存在三方面的根本缺陷:以个人主义方法论作为企业理论研究的基础;把"新经济人"假设作为研究出发点;采用静态比较的方法,把企业问题仅仅置于交换领域中研究.因此,新自由主义企业理论方法论从根本上看是不科学的.  相似文献   

经过4年多时间的发展,融资与融券的规模持续增长,我国融资融券业务已进入常态,但在发展的过程中仍存在如证券标的池范围有限、两融业务发展失衡、转融通发展缓慢、融资融券配套制度不完善等问题亟需解决,该文针对这些问题指明了未来融资融券发展的方向并提出了相应的对策及建议,以促进融资融券业务在中国的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

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