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清华大学新闻与传播学院新闻研究中心(Center for Journalism Studies)成立于2010年4月,是学院教学研究改革的最新成果之一。该中心承载着新闻学学科方向的科研和教学组织功能,中心密切与新闻传播学界、业界和管理决策机构的联系,打造有全球视野的、适合中国特色的新闻与传播教育和研究。在教学方面,该中心突出国际化与本土化的结合,并通过实务课组、工作坊等形式,强化实践性教学。  相似文献   

清华大学新闻与传播学院5月13日举行庆祝建院10周年庆典。以该院已故首任院长名字命名的范敬宜新闻教育基金同时成立。国务院新闻办公室主任王晨在庆典上致辞时说,实现增强中国国际影响力的战略目标,关键是要培养一批  相似文献   

陈娜 《今传媒》2011,(9):5-7
约访郭镇之教授是一直以来的心愿,这位默默耕耘于清华园的知名学者有着一连串值得称道的求学履历:1979年,她是新中国第一位专治中国广播史的研究生;1985年,她成为新中国最初的新闻学博士生之一,1988年,完成了首部研究中国电视史的博士论文——《中国电视史稿》,从而成为新中国历史上第一位新闻学的女博士……而在诸多"第一"光环的笼罩下,已是蔚然大家的郭镇之却有着令人印象深刻的温煦与亲和。在一下午的畅谈中,女先生始终坦诚相待,真应了明代李贽的那句,"有问乃答,不问即默,安闲自在,从容应答"。  相似文献   

本刊讯5月12日,由清华大学新闻与传播学院、社会科学文献出版社联合主办的"2012年《传媒蓝皮书》发布会"在清华大学举行。会议探讨了全媒体时代国际新闻传播的热点事件和面临的挑战,展望了全媒体时代下的国际新闻传播的最新动向,  相似文献   

清华大学新闻与传播学院新闻研究中心(Center for Journalism Studies)成立于2010年4月,是学院教学研究改革的最新成果之一。该中心承载着新闻学学科方向的科研和教学组织功能,中心密切与新闻传播学界、业界  相似文献   

陈尚忠 《军事记者》2006,(10):56-56
今年初,原人民日报总编辑、现清华大学新闻与传播学院院长范敬宜.送给人民日报记王慧敏一条幅.上书“求阙”二字,并附嘱言:“阙。空也,缺也。希望你在工作和生活中.能经常查找自己的不足。只有时时刻刻看到自己的‘缺’,才有不断进取的愿望和动力。”  相似文献   

编者按:人民日报社原总编辑、清华大学新闻与传播学院院长、新闻界老前辈范敬宜于2010年11月13日因病抢救无效,在北京医院去世。享年79  相似文献   

"有时候是时势选择了你,人是时代的产物,时代给你创造了舞台,你需要演好大时代舞台上属于自己的角色"。聪颖好学的他,16岁考入四川大学中文系,成为1977年恢复高考后的首批大学生。长期以来,坚持并不断地完善自我,向年轻人学习,在面对挑战中改变自己;也敢于发表独立意见,曾经因为各种媒介文化的评论引起争鸣批评。作为教师,能融入学生,和学生打成一片;担任评委,严谨、公正、一丝不苟;出任中国电影家协会理事及理论评论委员会会长、北京电影家协会副主席,以经世致用的态度积极介入传媒业的发展;深入学术研究,探寻学术精髓,时刻走在理论研究的前沿。学术成果源于独立思考,学术造诣源于专业积淀。他以极大的热情和敏锐的眼光关注着中国影视文化的发展,他就是清华大学新闻与传播学院常务副院长、影视传播研究中心主任、博士生导师尹鸿教授。  相似文献   

在今天的社会里,新闻已经成为人民群众日常生活的永恒背景,新闻更是公共生活和政治辩论的中心,是公共舆论的原材料,是公共领域话语的基础。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):345-361
The challenges and uncertainties that journalism education has historically faced have led to reconsiderations of its approaches, definitions, and functions in society over time. Yet, little attention has been paid to assess how Journalism and Mass Communications (JMC) educators see their roles, as well as individual and contextual factors that influence their orientations. Based on a survey of educators and data collected from JMC schools in Chile, JMC educators' roles can be grouped into four distinctive categories: the scholarly-oriented, the didactic-oriented, the practice-oriented, and the journalistic-oriented roles. Overall, the orientation that received the greatest support was the practice-oriented, followed by the didactic and the scholarly-oriented. The findings also reveal that education level, job commitment, gender, current professional journalism experience, organization type, school accreditation and the existence of graduate programs are factors that best predict educators' orientations.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):224-233
Confessional journalism has become a staple of contemporary journalism, either in the form of first-person real-life experiences (often ghosted by journalists) or regular columns by journalists detailing intimate details of their lives. The form is now recognised as a distinct genre but what has not received attention, except as an internal debate within journalism itself, are the consequences of this form of writing for journalism and journalists. There is mounting evidence that editors are exerting pressure towards this form of writing, favouring particular types of writers. This review investigates the compelling ethical implications for writers and their subjects within the genre and argues that these implications are producing distinctive journalistic responses and strategies.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):64-81
Adopting a systems framework from the sociology of occupations, this study proposes a model to explain the vulnerabilities of journalism in the face of challenges from blogging, and the conditions under which journalists are likely to change their practices to address these vulnerabilities. A test of this model shows that editors’ awareness of local blogging activity corresponds to increased use of blogs as sources, discussion of blogs in planning meetings and adoption of the blogging form on news websites.  相似文献   

介绍清华大学图书馆从2000年开始利用校园网收集研究生学位论文电子版全文的思路、措施以及技术手段,对收集电子版全文中出现的问题进行了归纳分析,并对这项工作的进一步完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):51-67
The extent to which information sources, that stand behind virtually all the news, are perceived by journalists as credible is a key determinant of the likelihood of their obtaining news access and public voice. The nature of source credibility judgment in journalism, however, is disputed between two major schools: while the “visceral” camp contends that it is highly subjective, intuitive and biased, the “discretional” camp perceives it as a far more reasonable and legitimate journalistic tool. The present study attempts to uncover evidence of both “visceral” and “discretional” judgment by studying the conceptual credibility (trustworthiness ratings) and practical credibility (practices indicating trust or skepticism, such as cross-checking and attribution) and the congruence between the two in a sample of 840 news items based on 1870 news sources. Findings were gleaned in face-to-face reconstruction interviews with reporters from nine leading Israeli news organizations, who reconstructed, source by source, the processes behind their items, shortly after their publication. Pro-discretional evidence shows that while journalists perceive their own experience as more credible than that of any other human agent, they do tend to stick with sources they perceive as more credible, the majority of which were relied on in the past, granting them more ready acceptance. Pro-visceral evidence, in turn, demonstrates that even the least credible sources receive substantial news space, some without any cross-checking. Furthermore, reporters ranked their sources' credibility even when they had no former record of trustworthiness. The paper suggests interpreting the composite of these findings as discretional logic with islands of visceral judgment.  相似文献   

清华大学图书馆业务统计工作模式的创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
业务统计历来是图书馆管理规范化的一项重要基础工作,统计信息是掌握图书馆各项工作情况的重要依据。统计工作中最重要的因素是统计制度、统计系统、统计指标和统计方法。该文以国外及港台图书馆的统计工作为参照,详细介绍了清华大学图书馆2005年起由主管馆长负责尝试在全馆范围组织开展的业务统计工作的过程、进展情况和发展方向。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):46-63
This paper examines structural changes to Chinese news organisations in the new millennium and their impact on journalism practice, with a particular focus on the Xinhua News Agency. The paper attempts to understand the complexity of these changes and their implications for journalism, media and communications studies.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):392-403
This comparative study of journalism practices in Australia and Denmark explores the interplay between two concepts relevant for journalism's meaning-making activity: a curiosity seen as an action meant to close an information gap, and a story-telling frame seen as a form of structuring information which helps to define what is known of a topic. Using the newspaper coverage of events following the discovery of a “mysterious sickness” in the previous home of a group of Tasmanian devils sent to Copenhagen Zoo as a christening gift for the baby of the Danish royal, the article examines how the epistemological and organisational dimension of frames relates to the process of meaning making. We suggest refining the concept of frame in journalism studies by making a distinction between a frame (an epistemological category) and an angle (a textual organisation category). Our investigation shows that this distinction better serves the analysis and understanding of the mechanisms behind journalism in comparative contexts.  相似文献   

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