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The purpose of this study was to provide new understanding concerning the theory-practice gap in teacher education. Participants, who were 96 Norwegian student teachers, were found to believe more in practically-derived than in theory-based sources of knowledge about instruction and student learning and to be more motivated for learning from practice than from theory in teacher education. Moreover, stronger beliefs in theory-based sources of knowledge were related to higher motivation to learn from theoretically-oriented coursework and stronger beliefs in practically-derived sources were related to higher motivation to learn from teaching practice. Theoretical and educational implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe science teachers' knowledge of specific biology and physics topics and trace the effects of this knowledge on their planning for instruction and on simulated teaching. Six experienced secondary-school teachers — three specializing in physics and three in biology — participated in the study. Each teacher's knowledge of a biology topic and a physics topic was assessed using summary free recall, concept-map line labeling, and sorting tasks. A small number of schemata described each teacher's subject-matter knowledge. The teachers planned instruction in the biology and physics topics based on content in textbook chapters provided by the investigator. The planning took place in thinking-aloud sessions. The influence of the teachers' prior subject-matter knowledge was evident in their modifications of textbook subject-matter content and through their use of explanatory representations. Simulated teaching consisted of a critical-incidents technique. The effects of subject-matter knowledge were apparent here through the teachers' use of evaluative structures and responses to critical incidents.  相似文献   

散文题材的写实美具有多重属性:内容的求真意识与质地的表现性质是散文文体的本体特性,是散文于题材因素上对自身的审美要求;视野的广角摄取与构成的精严选择是散文文体的创作特性,是散文于题材因素上对作者的审美要求。  相似文献   

This study explored how 333 undergraduate and graduate students attending a large university in the southeastern USA learned about sex, their satisfaction with how they learned about sex, and their self-perceived knowledge before and after taking a human sexuality course. An anonymous, voluntary survey was administered to students in the first and last sessions of human sexuality classes each semester from fall 2004 until spring 2006. Standardized measures included how students learned about sex, satisfaction with ways they learned about sex, barriers to parent–child discussions, and self-perceived knowledge about sex. Although 67% of students indicated parents should be instrumental in sex education, only 15% indicated parents as a primary source. Thirty-seven percent reported some level of dissatisfaction with how they learned about sex. Self-perceived knowledge increased significantly following the course. College courses addressing sexuality as integral to human development should complement college programming that focuses on risk reduction for sexually transmitted diseases/infections, sexual assault, and unintended pregnancy.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the perceptions of knowledge and learning by indigenous students in an intercultural bilingual teacher education programme in Amazonian Ecuador. The study framed within postcolonial and critical theory attempts to create a space for the indigenous students to speak about their own views through the use of photography and researcher-respondent discussions. We found that the students conceptualised knowledge and learning primarily through their everyday domestic life rather than through their experiences of schooling which appears to play a secondary role.  相似文献   

While it is recognised that prior knowledge is a key factor in determining future learning, its influence on learning to teach is less well known. This study investigates two cohorts of teacher candidates studying for a one-year, graduate qualification for primary teaching, who completed two tasks at entry to their initial teacher education programme: a task in writing and a task in mathematics. The tasks focused on teacher candidates' ability to recognise the key features of a piece of student work. The teacher candidates' responses to the tasks highlighted the diverse nature of the prior knowledge that underpinned their responses. The study raises questions about the pedagogy of initial teacher education, particularly in relation to the assumptions teachers educators make about the candidates they teach. The findings suggest that the prior knowledge that students bring to initial teacher education is both a resource and a challenge for teacher educators.  相似文献   

学习者的自主学习是大学英语教学的目的,而教师的指导和帮助则是提高学习自主性必要且重要的前提条件。本文主要介绍了自主学习的理论依据,认为大学英语教学实质就是教师帮助学生不断强化自主学习意识、养成自主学习的行为习惯并提高自主学习能力的师生互动过程;并且从笔者的教学实践和学生的实际需求,探讨了教师在培养学习者自主学习能力过程中应承担的角色。  相似文献   

Two inservice courses designed to strengthen teachers' subject-matter competencies while introducing them to mathematics curricula for Grades 7 and 8 were investigated. In a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, participants were given a confidence measure and knowledge test. After the inservice training, teachers manifested greater self-confidence in knowledge of curricular material, a corresponding increase in mathematics skills, and high levels of confidence in ability to teach the curriculum. Results suggest that when knowledge tests are not feasible, measurement of confidence in solving problems may be sufficient to evaluate the cognitive impact of an inservice program.  相似文献   

Developing a high level of efficacy can be challenging to teachers who work with low-achieving students. The authors adopted a pragmatic qualitative research design to investigate the sources of efficacy information reported by five high-efficacy teachers and four low-efficacy teachers of secondary low-achieving students in Singapore. The results show that the psychological sources of information postulated by Albert Bandura (i.e., mastery experiences, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, and physiological and emotional arousal), are valid but insufficient to explain high teacher efficacy. Three additional nonpsychological sources of information, including teachers' knowledge about students, rapport with students, and previous working experiences, also played significant roles in the creation of high teacher efficacy.  相似文献   

International comparative studies in education provide a fresh perspective on K-12 education policy by enabling countries to learn from each other’s approaches. The recently conducted Teacher Education and Development Study—Mathematics provides a worldwide lens by which to examine the role of subject-matter in the preparation of US teachers of mathematics for primary and lower secondary students. More specifically, a previous study looking at the international top-performing teacher preparation programmes identified a common set of learning experiences (topics/content) related to mathematics. This empirically derived international benchmark is used in this paper to examine the quality of the mathematics preparation of future US teachers in various university and college programmes.  相似文献   

There has been renewed debate in recent years about the relatively poor science discipline background knowledge of primary and preschool teachers, and their lack of confidence to teach science stemming from this. A reaction from teacher educators, such as recommended by theDiscipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science Report, has been to provide more explicit science discipline units in pre-service teacher education courses. However, a few studies have cast some doubt on the notion that more science discipline studies (Skamp, 1989; Stepans & McCormack, 1985). This paper reports on pre-service students' perceptions of their cofidence to teach science before and after a science education unit adapted from the PECSTEP work (Kirkwood, Bearlin & Hardy, 1989), which included only a small amount of physical science, and took an explicit gender approach emphasising the students as learners. Specializations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science.  相似文献   

A sample of 34 deaf undergraduate college students at Gallaudet University and 46 hearing undergraduate college students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County completed a questionnaire that asked about their knowledge and sources of information concerning the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). The deaf students had significantly lower scores on an "HIV/AIDS Knowledge Index" than the hearing students. This difference could not be explained by the deaf students' gender, class standing, family structure, or father's or mother's education level. The deaf students obtained more of their information about HIV/AIDS from family and friends than the hearing students, who relied to a greater extent on teachers, television, and reading material. The interpersonal sources used by the deaf students are more prone to factual errors than formal sources. Deaf students need methods of educating themselves about HIV/AIDS that are more accurate and that recognize the importance of sources as well as the content of information.  相似文献   

Attributions toward HIV+ adolescents made by teacher education students who graduated from rural or urban high schools were examined. Participants read vignettes in which level of promiscuity and sexual orientation were varied, then completed a rating scale that reflected various attitudes toward HIV+ students. The vignette student labeled promiscuous was blamed and judged more personally responsible for contracting the disease than the non‐promiscuous student. Participants who reported graduating from urban high schools indicated more positive affect and positive attitude toward integration, but also higher levels of fearfulness, than did those from rural high schools. Sexual orientation and the participant's high school location interacted on the need for reporting/precautions variable. Those from urban high schools indicated a higher need for reporting and safety precautions than did those from rural high schools when the HIV+ student was labeled heterosexual. School Psychologists should be aware of the varied factors that are involved in teacher judgments concerning HIV+ students. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 173–182, 2003.  相似文献   

Many universities, recognizing the student as the main consumer of college instruction, have begun to seek his views regarding the quality of teaching. In this study the Israeli student's concept of a good teacher has been investigated. A sample of second year university students were asked to select the three most important characteristics of a good teacher from a list of fifteen.It was shown that students attached primary importance to method of instruction. Of secondary importance was the teacher's ability to spark intellectual growth. Research talents, personality, and academic status were of relatively little concern. Social science, life science, law and medical students all concurred in emphasizing the importance of the teacher's ability to communicate ideas, whereas humanities students stressed his ability to stimulate thinking.It appears that undergraduate students rate teachers by their ability to transmit knowledge rather than according to the university's criteria of research and publication.The concepts good teacher and effective instruction are used interchangeably in this article, although they are not identical.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess postsecondary students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning, or epistemological beliefs. Comparisons were made between junior college students and university students and between technological science majors and social science majors on their degree of belief in simple knowledge, certain knowledge, innate ability, and quick learning. Junior college students were more likely to believe in simple, certain knowledge, and quick learning. University students were more likely to believe in innate ability. Technological science majors were more likely to believe in quick learning. Background variables, such as age, gender, and parental education, also contributed to differences between groups. Two-year institutions, as well as four-year institutions, might want to consider students' epistemological beliefs as possible factors affecting academic performance, attrition rate, and transfer difficulties.  相似文献   

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